99-199�� �R1GiNAL - -RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Commitfee:Date: BE IT RESOLVED, that the 5aint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota National Guard Armory which includes a save and hold harmless clause. The armory will provide a training facility to accommodate inservice training for Saint Paul Police Officers. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by D�artment of: Adopted by Council: Date: �{`(�_a� 3��� Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary: $ y' ��-� � . � Approved by May�_pate: /�ivtG�LC �/'l�/'% : armory-99 a� By: Forw A�n-av�j by By: Council File # qg — lq� Green Sheet # 63219 Approv y Mayo�fo Submission to Council: By: '' ` 9q -►9q DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITIA7ED PoliceDepartment u�sr9s GREEN SHEET �to. 63219 CO TACT PERS N& PHONE INITIAUD INffIAIJDATE C}liefFinney 292-3588 7 eraxirnEr+roiae 4 couxa� MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) Please process ASAP ❑2 cmnrma�+���� � ❑a,vc�wc �wvq,w�SFRVICESURt_ ❑FINANCU1LSFfN1ACCTG 4 � ImwYOR(ORASSISTFM���� �HUMpNRIGMS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resolution to allow the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota National Guazd Armory. REGOMMENDATION AppfOYE (A) Of Rejecf (R) PERSONAI SERNCE CONTRAC75lAUST ANSWERTHE FOII�WING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfim� everworked under a contrect forthis deparimen[� PIANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YeS NO 3. Does ihis perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally posseued by any current ciTy employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a[argeted vendoY� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH`� The Saint Paul Police Department will rent space from the Minnesota National Guard Armory to provide inservice training for all of its officers. Police officers aze mandated to stay current with use of force issues. Police officers need high quality training to prepaze them for these physical and legal challenges. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � Provide facilities and training for the entire police department. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED y/ v @s-u{.43i� �Ga��"L{c.Y' s��;�Y.iI Difficulry in locating altemate facilities in �vluch to hold training. _, _� � ��� � � E��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S see the attached contract COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ,O,NE) YES NO FUNDMG SOORCE PO�1C0 Ci0II0T31 FllTld ACTIV{TY NUMBER 001-04303-0282-40060 FINANCIAL INFORMAT(ON (EXPLAIN) azmory-99 �� MINNESOTA NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY LEASE THIS AGREEbfENT, made thi� day of F2b lq J9 of the City otSt Pdul , State of Minnesota, heminafter called the LFSSOR, andSt whosewmpleteaddcessis 100 E 11th St. St and whose telephone number i , hereinafter called the LESSEE. and between the Mnory Board of the Min au1 Police De�t Tne Div °19 -�°lq National Guazd Artnory T Gavle Porte� WIINESSETH: TheLES$ORand[heLESSEE,inconsideraROnofrents,wvenants,andageementsheminmservedandcontained,dohe(ebyagreewi[htheoNerasfollows: 1. The LFSSOR gants and the LESSEE accepu a lease of tf�e following described portions of if�e Minuesota Nazional Guazd Armory in tf�e CiTy oESt P8u1 County o$amsev , M;nnesora, ro wic (specify pomou ro be leasea):Drill floor ; T'' ' T'� /-^-' "�' .�a for a rem, of See Para 3 for �m for times & date�. �o be usea for <spec;ry p�,�ose>: Police er iraining sessions. andfornootherpu�pose. $ ��� . � 2 As ren[ for said portions of the Minnesota Nafional Guard Atmory the LESSEE ag�ees to pay to LESSOR, the sum of $ for said [ecm. payable N /A . (LESSEE'S initials) - - ( ) LESSEE also acknowledges [ha[ LESSEE must make sepaza[e aaangements for a custodian [o be on duty during the lease period upon teims agmed upon with the custodian. %.�6 � 3. i.ESSOR shall fumish and pmvide for the use of LESSEE NOrmal heat & lights. MaT 2, 3, 9,10,�'. 24, 31 �6886-1700hTS) . Mar (-i�HB-2200hrs). ('�dd ([nser[ items a reed u n such as li ht, heat, fumishin s, g po g g equipmenQ 4. LESSEE agmzs ro make no change in [he suge, curtains, elutrical wirtng, fix[wes or fumishings of those portions of the Mnory covered by [he ]ease, ezcep[� Expense of any agmxd upon changes shatt be azsumed by LESSEE and sha(I include [he cost of �estontion of premises to former condi[ion without damage. 5. (Insert any other speciat provisions): LeSSee agrees to 9ay for custodian presence for non-dut hours at a rate of $13.00 an hour on the followin dates Mar 5,12,16,23,30 (1730-2230 hrs) and Mar 15 (1800- 2230hrs). The '� hr is added at the end of event for clean-up & lock up purposes.Tota 9 rs= 6. LFSSEE agcees not ro assign this lease, or any portion thereof, without firs[ obiaining the written consent of LESSOR. In event LESSEE must cancel �dr p�acf 6fthe term of this ageement, he/she will advise the LESSOR, in writing, at least 48 hours prior to beginning of referenced [erm, otherwise [he full amount specified in Clause 2 shall be paid by LESSEE. 7. LESSEE agwes to and shaLl abide by, confoxm to and compty with all of [he laws of the United States and the State of Minnesota and all of the ocdinances of the City of Ct P�U1 , and the rules and regulations of the LESSOR for the government and management of said Armory [oge[her with all Iules of the Police and Fi�e Department, City of A r Pa n l . 8. The LESSOR and the Sta[e of Minnesota shal] not be responsible for any daim whatsoever regardless of kind, occurring during [he tenancy of the LESSEE and LESSEE shall indemnify LFSSOR and the State of Minnesota and save [hem harmless from any and all c(aims, damages, expenses and liabilities whatscever arising ou[ of and or during LESSEE'S use of the Ieased premisu. Funhermore, the LESSEE shai] obtain all permits or licenses required by any provision of law, municipal chaRer or ordinance for Ihe conduct of activity on the leased premises and [he Lessor and the Sta[e of Minnesota shaR not be responsible for [he LESSEE'S failure [o ob[ain such pertni[s and licenses or to comply with any other requirements imposed upon Lessee for the conduct of such activity. 9. LESSEE agrees to vaca[e the leased premises, cemove debris, and iesrore same to ordinary cleanliness within }_ hours after tersnination of the period covered by this lease. 10. LESSEE agrees to assume full responsibiliry for the characier and ac[5 of conduc[ of all persons admi[ted to said premises, and to have on hand at all times sufficient policing focce to maintain order and pmtec[ persons a�d propeRy. 11. LFSSOR reserves the right to cance] [his agreement at any [ime in the even[ that any emergency azises which shal] make necessary the use of this Armory by the Military Forces of ihe State of Minnesota, and that no claim for any darnage [ha[ may msul[ [o LESSEE fromany suchcanceilztion shaLLbe asserted or maintained against the LESSOR. 12. Whenever or wherever in adver[ising the Armory is to be identified, it shall be identified as The Na[ional Guard Armory. In testimony wheieof, bo[h partiu have hereunW set their hands and seals tf�e day and year first written above. Signed in tll�pi�`nce of: Datc/Amount-Paztia! Payment Date/Amoun[-Final Payment Date of Fina] Deposit Dec 1993 /$ B � Title Finance City Attorney By(LESSEE) �r si nafWL� ra�,ea7 c�ndu�' r�c� n�,S�i+aN �by9�; 05593 �� �R1GiNAL - -RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Commitfee:Date: BE IT RESOLVED, that the 5aint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota National Guard Armory which includes a save and hold harmless clause. The armory will provide a training facility to accommodate inservice training for Saint Paul Police Officers. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by D�artment of: Adopted by Council: Date: �{`(�_a� 3\� qo� Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary: $ y' ��-� � . � Approved by May�_pate: /�ivtG�LC �/'l�/'% : armory-99 a� By: Forw A�n-av�j by By: Council File # qg — lq� Green Sheet # 63219 Approv y Mayo�fo Submission to Council: By: '' ` 9q -►9q DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITIA7ED PoliceDepartment u�sr9s GREEN SHEET �to. 63219 CO TACT PERS N& PHONE INITIAUD INffIAIJDATE C}liefFinney 292-3588 7 eraxirnEr+roiae 4 couxa� MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) Please process ASAP ❑2 cmnrma�+���� � ❑a,vc�wc �wvq,w�SFRVICESURt_ ❑FINANCU1LSFfN1ACCTG 4 � ImwYOR(ORASSISTFM���� �HUMpNRIGMS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resolution to allow the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota National Guazd Armory. REGOMMENDATION AppfOYE (A) Of Rejecf (R) PERSONAI SERNCE CONTRAC75lAUST ANSWERTHE FOII�WING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfim� everworked under a contrect forthis deparimen[� PIANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YeS NO 3. Does ihis perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally posseued by any current ciTy employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a[argeted vendoY� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH`� The Saint Paul Police Department will rent space from the Minnesota National Guard Armory to provide inservice training for all of its officers. Police officers aze mandated to stay current with use of force issues. Police officers need high quality training to prepaze them for these physical and legal challenges. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � Provide facilities and training for the entire police department. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED y/ v @s-u{.43i� �Ga��"L{c.Y' s��;�Y.iI Difficulry in locating altemate facilities in �vluch to hold training. _, _� � ��� � � E��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S see the attached contract COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ,O,NE) YES NO FUNDMG SOORCE PO�1C0 Ci0II0T31 FllTld ACTIV{TY NUMBER 001-04303-0282-40060 FINANCIAL INFORMAT(ON (EXPLAIN) azmory-99 �� MINNESOTA NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY LEASE THIS AGREEbfENT, made thi� day of F2b lq J9 of the City otSt Pdul , State of Minnesota, heminafter called the LFSSOR, andSt whosewmpleteaddcessis 100 E 11th St. St and whose telephone number i , hereinafter called the LESSEE. and between the Mnory Board of the Min au1 Police De�t Tne Div °19 -�°lq National Guazd Artnory T Gavle Porte� WIINESSETH: TheLES$ORand[heLESSEE,inconsideraROnofrents,wvenants,andageementsheminmservedandcontained,dohe(ebyagreewi[htheoNerasfollows: 1. The LFSSOR gants and the LESSEE accepu a lease of tf�e following described portions of if�e Minuesota Nazional Guazd Armory in tf�e CiTy oESt P8u1 County o$amsev , M;nnesora, ro wic (specify pomou ro be leasea):Drill floor ; T'' ' T'� /-^-' "�' .�a for a rem, of See Para 3 for �m for times & date�. �o be usea for <spec;ry p�,�ose>: Police er iraining sessions. andfornootherpu�pose. $ ��� . � 2 As ren[ for said portions of the Minnesota Nafional Guard Atmory the LESSEE ag�ees to pay to LESSOR, the sum of $ for said [ecm. payable N /A . (LESSEE'S initials) - - ( ) LESSEE also acknowledges [ha[ LESSEE must make sepaza[e aaangements for a custodian [o be on duty during the lease period upon teims agmed upon with the custodian. %.�6 � 3. i.ESSOR shall fumish and pmvide for the use of LESSEE NOrmal heat & lights. MaT 2, 3, 9,10,�'. 24, 31 �6886-1700hTS) . Mar (-i�HB-2200hrs). ('�dd ([nser[ items a reed u n such as li ht, heat, fumishin s, g po g g equipmenQ 4. LESSEE agmzs ro make no change in [he suge, curtains, elutrical wirtng, fix[wes or fumishings of those portions of the Mnory covered by [he ]ease, ezcep[� Expense of any agmxd upon changes shatt be azsumed by LESSEE and sha(I include [he cost of �estontion of premises to former condi[ion without damage. 5. (Insert any other speciat provisions): LeSSee agrees to 9ay for custodian presence for non-dut hours at a rate of $13.00 an hour on the followin dates Mar 5,12,16,23,30 (1730-2230 hrs) and Mar 15 (1800- 2230hrs). The '� hr is added at the end of event for clean-up & lock up purposes.Tota 9 rs= 6. LFSSEE agcees not ro assign this lease, or any portion thereof, without firs[ obiaining the written consent of LESSOR. In event LESSEE must cancel �dr p�acf 6fthe term of this ageement, he/she will advise the LESSOR, in writing, at least 48 hours prior to beginning of referenced [erm, otherwise [he full amount specified in Clause 2 shall be paid by LESSEE. 7. LESSEE agwes to and shaLl abide by, confoxm to and compty with all of [he laws of the United States and the State of Minnesota and all of the ocdinances of the City of Ct P�U1 , and the rules and regulations of the LESSOR for the government and management of said Armory [oge[her with all Iules of the Police and Fi�e Department, City of A r Pa n l . 8. The LESSOR and the Sta[e of Minnesota shal] not be responsible for any daim whatsoever regardless of kind, occurring during [he tenancy of the LESSEE and LESSEE shall indemnify LFSSOR and the State of Minnesota and save [hem harmless from any and all c(aims, damages, expenses and liabilities whatscever arising ou[ of and or during LESSEE'S use of the Ieased premisu. Funhermore, the LESSEE shai] obtain all permits or licenses required by any provision of law, municipal chaRer or ordinance for Ihe conduct of activity on the leased premises and [he Lessor and the Sta[e of Minnesota shaR not be responsible for [he LESSEE'S failure [o ob[ain such pertni[s and licenses or to comply with any other requirements imposed upon Lessee for the conduct of such activity. 9. LESSEE agrees to vaca[e the leased premises, cemove debris, and iesrore same to ordinary cleanliness within }_ hours after tersnination of the period covered by this lease. 10. LESSEE agrees to assume full responsibiliry for the characier and ac[5 of conduc[ of all persons admi[ted to said premises, and to have on hand at all times sufficient policing focce to maintain order and pmtec[ persons a�d propeRy. 11. LFSSOR reserves the right to cance] [his agreement at any [ime in the even[ that any emergency azises which shal] make necessary the use of this Armory by the Military Forces of ihe State of Minnesota, and that no claim for any darnage [ha[ may msul[ [o LESSEE fromany suchcanceilztion shaLLbe asserted or maintained against the LESSOR. 12. Whenever or wherever in adver[ising the Armory is to be identified, it shall be identified as The Na[ional Guard Armory. In testimony wheieof, bo[h partiu have hereunW set their hands and seals tf�e day and year first written above. Signed in tll�pi�`nce of: Datc/Amount-Paztia! Payment Date/Amoun[-Final Payment Date of Fina] Deposit Dec 1993 /$ B � Title Finance City Attorney By(LESSEE) �r si nafWL� ra�,ea7 c�ndu�' r�c� n�,S�i+aN �by9�; 05593 �� �R1GiNAL - -RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Commitfee:Date: BE IT RESOLVED, that the 5aint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota National Guard Armory which includes a save and hold harmless clause. The armory will provide a training facility to accommodate inservice training for Saint Paul Police Officers. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by D�artment of: Adopted by Council: Date: �{`(�_a� 3\� qo� Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary: $ y' ��-� � . � Approved by May�_pate: /�ivtG�LC �/'l�/'% : armory-99 a� By: Forw A�n-av�j by By: Council File # qg — lq� Green Sheet # 63219 Approv y Mayo�fo Submission to Council: By: '' ` 9q -►9q DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITIA7ED PoliceDepartment u�sr9s GREEN SHEET �to. 63219 CO TACT PERS N& PHONE INITIAUD INffIAIJDATE C}liefFinney 292-3588 7 eraxirnEr+roiae 4 couxa� MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) Please process ASAP ❑2 cmnrma�+���� � ❑a,vc�wc �wvq,w�SFRVICESURt_ ❑FINANCU1LSFfN1ACCTG 4 � ImwYOR(ORASSISTFM���� �HUMpNRIGMS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resolution to allow the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota National Guazd Armory. REGOMMENDATION AppfOYE (A) Of Rejecf (R) PERSONAI SERNCE CONTRAC75lAUST ANSWERTHE FOII�WING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfim� everworked under a contrect forthis deparimen[� PIANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YeS NO 3. Does ihis perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally posseued by any current ciTy employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a[argeted vendoY� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH`� The Saint Paul Police Department will rent space from the Minnesota National Guard Armory to provide inservice training for all of its officers. Police officers aze mandated to stay current with use of force issues. Police officers need high quality training to prepaze them for these physical and legal challenges. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � Provide facilities and training for the entire police department. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED y/ v @s-u{.43i� �Ga��"L{c.Y' s��;�Y.iI Difficulry in locating altemate facilities in �vluch to hold training. _, _� � ��� � � E��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S see the attached contract COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ,O,NE) YES NO FUNDMG SOORCE PO�1C0 Ci0II0T31 FllTld ACTIV{TY NUMBER 001-04303-0282-40060 FINANCIAL INFORMAT(ON (EXPLAIN) azmory-99 �� MINNESOTA NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY LEASE THIS AGREEbfENT, made thi� day of F2b lq J9 of the City otSt Pdul , State of Minnesota, heminafter called the LFSSOR, andSt whosewmpleteaddcessis 100 E 11th St. St and whose telephone number i , hereinafter called the LESSEE. and between the Mnory Board of the Min au1 Police De�t Tne Div °19 -�°lq National Guazd Artnory T Gavle Porte� WIINESSETH: TheLES$ORand[heLESSEE,inconsideraROnofrents,wvenants,andageementsheminmservedandcontained,dohe(ebyagreewi[htheoNerasfollows: 1. The LFSSOR gants and the LESSEE accepu a lease of tf�e following described portions of if�e Minuesota Nazional Guazd Armory in tf�e CiTy oESt P8u1 County o$amsev , M;nnesora, ro wic (specify pomou ro be leasea):Drill floor ; T'' ' T'� /-^-' "�' .�a for a rem, of See Para 3 for �m for times & date�. �o be usea for <spec;ry p�,�ose>: Police er iraining sessions. andfornootherpu�pose. $ ��� . � 2 As ren[ for said portions of the Minnesota Nafional Guard Atmory the LESSEE ag�ees to pay to LESSOR, the sum of $ for said [ecm. payable N /A . (LESSEE'S initials) - - ( ) LESSEE also acknowledges [ha[ LESSEE must make sepaza[e aaangements for a custodian [o be on duty during the lease period upon teims agmed upon with the custodian. %.�6 � 3. i.ESSOR shall fumish and pmvide for the use of LESSEE NOrmal heat & lights. MaT 2, 3, 9,10,�'. 24, 31 �6886-1700hTS) . Mar (-i�HB-2200hrs). ('�dd ([nser[ items a reed u n such as li ht, heat, fumishin s, g po g g equipmenQ 4. LESSEE agmzs ro make no change in [he suge, curtains, elutrical wirtng, fix[wes or fumishings of those portions of the Mnory covered by [he ]ease, ezcep[� Expense of any agmxd upon changes shatt be azsumed by LESSEE and sha(I include [he cost of �estontion of premises to former condi[ion without damage. 5. (Insert any other speciat provisions): LeSSee agrees to 9ay for custodian presence for non-dut hours at a rate of $13.00 an hour on the followin dates Mar 5,12,16,23,30 (1730-2230 hrs) and Mar 15 (1800- 2230hrs). The '� hr is added at the end of event for clean-up & lock up purposes.Tota 9 rs= 6. LFSSEE agcees not ro assign this lease, or any portion thereof, without firs[ obiaining the written consent of LESSOR. In event LESSEE must cancel �dr p�acf 6fthe term of this ageement, he/she will advise the LESSOR, in writing, at least 48 hours prior to beginning of referenced [erm, otherwise [he full amount specified in Clause 2 shall be paid by LESSEE. 7. LESSEE agwes to and shaLl abide by, confoxm to and compty with all of [he laws of the United States and the State of Minnesota and all of the ocdinances of the City of Ct P�U1 , and the rules and regulations of the LESSOR for the government and management of said Armory [oge[her with all Iules of the Police and Fi�e Department, City of A r Pa n l . 8. The LESSOR and the Sta[e of Minnesota shal] not be responsible for any daim whatsoever regardless of kind, occurring during [he tenancy of the LESSEE and LESSEE shall indemnify LFSSOR and the State of Minnesota and save [hem harmless from any and all c(aims, damages, expenses and liabilities whatscever arising ou[ of and or during LESSEE'S use of the Ieased premisu. Funhermore, the LESSEE shai] obtain all permits or licenses required by any provision of law, municipal chaRer or ordinance for Ihe conduct of activity on the leased premises and [he Lessor and the Sta[e of Minnesota shaR not be responsible for [he LESSEE'S failure [o ob[ain such pertni[s and licenses or to comply with any other requirements imposed upon Lessee for the conduct of such activity. 9. LESSEE agrees to vaca[e the leased premises, cemove debris, and iesrore same to ordinary cleanliness within }_ hours after tersnination of the period covered by this lease. 10. LESSEE agrees to assume full responsibiliry for the characier and ac[5 of conduc[ of all persons admi[ted to said premises, and to have on hand at all times sufficient policing focce to maintain order and pmtec[ persons a�d propeRy. 11. LFSSOR reserves the right to cance] [his agreement at any [ime in the even[ that any emergency azises which shal] make necessary the use of this Armory by the Military Forces of ihe State of Minnesota, and that no claim for any darnage [ha[ may msul[ [o LESSEE fromany suchcanceilztion shaLLbe asserted or maintained against the LESSOR. 12. Whenever or wherever in adver[ising the Armory is to be identified, it shall be identified as The Na[ional Guard Armory. In testimony wheieof, bo[h partiu have hereunW set their hands and seals tf�e day and year first written above. Signed in tll�pi�`nce of: Datc/Amount-Paztia! Payment Date/Amoun[-Final Payment Date of Fina] Deposit Dec 1993 /$ B � Title Finance City Attorney By(LESSEE) �r si nafWL� ra�,ea7 c�ndu�' r�c� n�,S�i+aN �by9�; 05593