88-731 WHITE - CiTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �����/ ou�n i Resolution ;� (� �.. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City fficers are authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul , an Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis whereby the City of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis a�ree to cooperate in the participation with the Twin City Area Urban Corps program, nd whereby the four page Agreement is made a part hereof by reference and is on file in the office of the City Clerk. Funding - General Government Account 09090 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: . � Eugene Sch ller i �(i Director, inance and Management Ser ices y_y L-�� COUNCILMEN Yeas D].1fCtOrid Nays Requested by Department of: Goswitz Long � �n Favor Rettman Scheibel -�-- Against BY Sonnen Wi180ri �}AY � 2 'I�vs Form A by C' A 'rney Adopted by C ouncil: Date — c Certified P� •ed by C uncil Secretary BY B}, ���. � Appr by .Vlayor: at ` ��3 5 �' Appr ed by Mayor for Su � sio to Council By PUBLIS�H D�� , . ��-�� - . N° 012328 -�lavor-P�rsonnel DEPARTl�1�lT � . - - - � — � Linda Giesen corrrecT tu�e 298-6861 PxoNE � AQrt 1 18, 1988 DATE . ��;� x� ASSIGN NUMBER F4R R013TING ORDER: (See re erse side.) ��,�;41 � Departmeat Director 5, Mayor (or Assistant) � � �Finance and Management Services Direc or City Clerk t�".� yR' Budget Director Tra1 ni n and Devel o nt Ma�er � Citq Attorney xOTAL NU�BER OF SIGNATIIRE PA�ES: 3 (C ip all locations for signature.) W AK G G D P. (Purpose/Rationale) , The City of Saint Paul will enter int an Agreement with the City of Minneapolis for partic.ipation in the Twin City Ar a Urban Corps program. See atta€�jp��r purpose and rationale. .�. K ��iv� .,,. AP�21 19�8 OFFICE OF TNE DIRECTOF� 0 UDG AND PERS C D: DEPARTMENT OF FiNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES City pays Minneapolis $24,000.00 per he adopted ].988 Urban Corps budget. ��ufl�i� �e�earch Center, N�AY 0 31� AC V B G C D ,'c��•CQ (Mayor's s ignature not required if under $ 0,000.) APjQ�3 Total Amount of Trans�ction: $24,000.0 Activity Num�� 45 1988 Fun ����C di�g Source: 09090 LC_ ��TTACHI�SENTS: (List and number all attachm nts.) �C�C�1'�� G G Y ;. 1. Cquncil Resolution 2. Purpose and Rationale APR N 0 �g$g 3. Two original 1988 Agreements betwe n St. Paul and Minneapolis ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES , _Yes �No Rules, Regulations, Proc dures, or Budgat Amendment required? _Yes No If yes, are they or time able attached? . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CI� ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council resolution require ? Resolution required? Yes `No iYas �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes �No Yes No Insurance attachedY � ' . ' � i �` O ����� \ �- T . . �: PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS A TION: This Agreement would continue th City of Saint Paul 's participation in the Urban Corps program with he City of Minneapolis. The �oint participation between the two ci ies in the Urban Corps program began in 1970. The Agreement allows t e City to: 1. Provide students enrolled in post-secondary educational institutions with an opportunity to parti ipate firsthand in all aspects of City government. 2. Provide the City with the sk lls, enthusiasm, motivation, and creativity of the college population. 3. Provide students with the op ortunity to earn money to continue their academic careers. 4. Attract into city government the young talent government requires. 5. Utiliie Federal and State fu ds which provide up to 80� of the student-interns' salary. 6. Provide a central administra ive office to screen in excess of 2,000 students each year fro over 50 colleges. 7. Keep administrative costs to a minimum through the contractual arrangements with Ramsey Cou ty and the City of Minneapolis. 8. Display how local_units of g vernment can work together in providing services to the comnunities hey serve. � • . . � : �- ��-�3� ., ♦ AGRIDNENT FCR PARTICIPAT CN IN TAE URBAN CCEZPS pRp(�AM BETWE�T THE CITY (F MI CLIS AND TAE CITY C� SAINT PAUL TAIS AGRE�II�1T, entered into this + dap of � �,q by and beta�sen tl�e GYty of l�inneapoli (berein called "Urban Uorps") and The GYtq af Saint Pewl (berein called "A�ency") ��, �e abo�re named A ncy, a public organizatian, desi=es to participate in th�e Z�vin City Aiea Urb�an Corps a.nd in c.oasideratian for the assi�ment of IIrban Corps student- terns to the Agency, we do hereby 8gre� � tbe follawing texms and canditia�ns: 1. The Urba.n Corps shall have he rlght to approve or reject requests for student-interns submi,tted by tbis Agency upon foYms provided for that Pu�o�e b9 the Urban Corps. � 2. The Agency will acoept a stu nt as an int�ern by oompleting and signing the Asssignment Sectian of a s dent's Urban Corps application fosm. 3. The Agency sball utilize cb students as m�p be assigned to it in 8ccordanoe with tbe specifi tia�ns set forth in its written request to the Urba.n Corps, and shall immediately noti.fy tt� Urba.n Corps of any change in na.tuxe of assignment duties, supervisor or work location. 4. Tbe Agency shall pravide su students as may be assigned to it �vith a safe plaoe to work and with a uate responsibl,� superv�si�. 5. The IIrban (;crps shall have ttye right to inspect the Work being perfcrmed by sucb students as may be sig�d to the Agency, a.nd sba12 have tt�e right to intiervieov sucb studen and their supervisors. 6. Tl�e IIrban Corps shall have right:to require such students as may be assigned to the A�ency to atte d such general or special meetings, or to appear at the Urba.n Corps of ioe, individually or as a group, as shall be neoessa.ry for tbe prop�r fua tions of the progra,m. ?. In accordanae with tbe req rements of �ederal and State laa, work performed by such students as y be assigned to the Agency• a. Will be in the public inte st; b. Will not result in tbe spla.oement of emplayed workers or impair eaisting contracts for se aes; c. Does not involve the tructian, c�pexa,tion or me►intenanc�e of so much of any facility a •is used, or is to be used, for sectarian instructia�n or as a plaoe r religi�s Worship; and . . . . . ���-��/ , . d. Daes not involve any partisan or nm�artisa.n political activitq associated with a ca.n idate, or oontending factioa or group in an electi� for public or rty offiae. 8. T2�e Agency shall require ch students as nay be assign�ed to it to submit time reports and ollav such otber prooedures as may be established by the Urban Co . 9. The IIrban Corps shall have he right to iemove anp students assigned to the A�ency from sa.id assi nt and from the A�ency at any time for any =eason aithout prlor notioe and tt�e Urba.n Corps shall not be obligated to i+epla.oe said student. 10. The Agency shall t�ave the gbt to remove any student assigned to said Agency at any time With pri r notioe giv�en to the student and the Urben Corps. 11. The Agency parrants that it s ia oomplianoe vrith th� provi,sions of tbe GYvil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L 88-352, 78 Sta.t. 252), blinnesota Statutes Sectian 181.59 and lldinaeapolis Code of Ordinanoe, Cbapte r 139 and 141. 12. The Agency shall inde�ify, pr�tiect and hold barmless the Urban Cprps from all claims, causes or a tions Which may result fx+om the assignment of students to the Agency. 13. The A�ency sball obtain at its a�vn egpense Worker's C�ensation insuranoe (or shall be self insured under State Iaw) for sucb students as me�y be assigned to it under this Agxeement. 14. The Agency shall pay to tbe rban Corps 20;b, or other peroentage fi as agreed upan by identif n the � g peroentage figure � the student s Urban Cbrps applicatia� fo , of tbe gross c.om�ensation earned by such students assigned and acaep d by the Agency uader a Federal or State progam. The Urban Corps ill bill the A�ency, in accorda.noe with bi-�eekly payroll periods, r its proper sbare of the compeasation of such students as may have bee assigned to the Agencp and performed work during said period. Student urly rates a� aet forth in Seetion 14(a) and 14(b) of this Agieement. a. Aourly campensation for tudents will be set at $5.75 per hour for entering fiesbmen throu�h Yeoeipt of a Bachelor's Deg�e, and $6.75 per hour for graciva.te students or other agreed upan t�ourly c�ompensatian rates, or o r rates for Urban Cbrps student interns as established by the 'ty of Minaeapolis= thraugh a sa.lary ordinanoe �plac3ng curYen minimum rates. b. A gra.dna�e student is def ned for purf�oses of this Agree�ent as o�e Abo ba.s i+eaeived a B.A., B.S., ar equivalent c�gree or fs enrolled in the fifth year of a fi qear program. . . . • ���-�ai .• 15. At the election of the Age cy, the Drban Corps shall place students to : intern under a Stipend p ram. This vption will be specified in the Assignment Form which the intern's Agencp supervisor must sign before oonmenoement of the interns p. The Stipend rate �vtiich t.be Agency shall pay the Urban Cbrps is $20.00 per week for each �aeek the stucient Worlss. 16. At the e�ection of tbe Age cy, tbe Urban Corps shall plaoe interns for whom the Ageney �vill pay intern's total compensatian. Tbi.s cpti� will be specified in the Assig�nment Form which tbe intern's A�ency supervisor must sign befo ecmmenoement � tbe internship. Agency rates for said optiaai are set forth in Sectia� 16(a) of this Agreement. a. Agency rates for stu nts will be set at $5.?5 per hour Yor enbering fresbmen thrau h ieaeipt of a Bachelor's Degree, 8nd $6.75 per hour for gradua, students or oth�er agYeed upon bourly oompensation rates. • b. A graduate student is fined for puzpo.qes of this Agreement as c�e who has reoeived a B.A , B.S., or equivalent degree or is enrolled in the fifth y�ar of a f ve y�ear program. 17. To c�mply with P.L. 99 272, Agency shall pay to the Orbaa Oorps, for students reoeiving an hourl sa.lary accorciing to the rabes specified in Secticm 14(a) and 14(b), and Section 16(a) and 16(b), an additional 1.5� or other peroentage figuie s agreed upon bp ideatifying the percenta�e figure on the student's U Corps applicatia� foim of tbe gross cc�a�pensa.tion earned by � suc students assigned to and acoepted by the Agency after April l, 1986. 18. Sa.�nt Paul will prwide $94,373.00 (Ni�ty-faur Tbousand, Three Aundred and Seventy-three D�llars) tc�varrls tbe personnel and administrative eapense of the Urban Corps p ram. 19. Saint Pat�l will pay to the rban Cbips $24,000.00 (Z�enty four Tbc�usand Dollars) for adadnistrativ�e eapenses. Saint Paul will pay said amaunt in quarberly installments to Urban Corps beginning April 1, 1988. 20. Sa.int Paul will ietain $70, 73.00 (Sev�enty Tho�sand, Thzee Hundred and Seventy-three Dollars) •fo personnel and administrative expeases incurred by the Saint Paul y Countp Urban Carps offioe. 21. �rforn�noe under this cont ct shall c�ommenae on January 1, 1988 and termina.te � i�oember 31, 988, unless amended in Writing as aa�tuallp agreed upon by both the ncy and the Urban Corps; bowever, either party may terminate upon ni ty (90) da.ys written notioe. Should such right of term�natian be e rcised, tben arily the pro-rata portion of such installment �oming d herein shall be paid or shall the �eYmi.nating party be liable fo . . , . . • �-�_ ��� . . � Based upon the statements and affi tions m�ade by tl�e Agencp through tbe above document, the Urban Corps hereby a rees to the assignment of students to said Agency, in ac�cor�lanae �vith sgid documen and the applicable laws and regulations. TAE CITY C� SAINT PAUL TAE CITY C� MINNEAPCLIS � � �aYor � � � Mayor Attest: � Assistant C�ity Clerk � � Diiector, of Persannel ' Countersig�ned: � Director, pa,rtmen of Finanoe and Camptmller Treasurer Management . Approved as to Form: Approved as to Legalitp: c sistant Ci A torney Assistant City Attorn�ey � _ �.._. . _ . . . --� .>;; ,_ � . _ , , w_. . _ _ _.� t._ _, � =�. u._._ _. -._ ,. - ����� � z ,.L..,