88-730 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COVIICII CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY .OF SAINT PAITL 1 73� BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. � - - � Council Resolution �,` I'7 � Presented By Referred Tn Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the prop r City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agree ent granting $2,000 to the MIDWAY COALITION - DISTRICT 11 for the purpose f staging the Horton Park Festival ; to be held June 25, 1988 and conducted n accordance with Council approved guidelines � dated August 12, 1987; a cop of said Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of inance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: ' Yeas DimOrid Nays ,� Goswitz � in Fav r �MM �l ��G� Long /� Rettman Scheibel Against Sonnen Wi1SOri MAY � � � Form Ap ve y Cit Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date �c� C Certified Pa: ed by Counc'1 Secre ry BY � By� A►ppr by Mavor: D � 3'��"z�� � �' � Appro ed by Mayor for S ni sio`n to Council , B BY ���rcuF� ���`''�' � 1 98� . L+��-��o �� � t .N� 014577 COl�IUNITY SERVICES DEPa�t�ta'r . , _ � �ic Wittaenstein � sopT�cT . 74(?9 PHONE � �� 4-1$-8$ DATE . ASSIGN NUM�EB F4R ROIJTING ORDER: (See r erse sids.) .k' Department Director T l�taqor (or As$istant)� 3 Finance and �tanagantent Sezvices �Direc or 1� City Clerk 1.�(2�� �� Budget Director � 1''k--- �� " 2 City Attorney , _ TOTAL NUKBER OF SIGNATURE PAGFS: 5 - (C ip all locatioas for signature.) � � G C H ?, (Purgose/lt�tio�ale) The City will grant $2,000 from the Neighborhood Festival Fund to the MIDWAY COALITION - DISTRICT ll for the purpose f stagin the Horton Park Festival ; to be . het:d June 25, 1988. COUnCiI Researc Center, �����D ' MAY 031� 8 APR 2 01988 � RECENED 0 B BUDGET ND P RSONN � - AC ,ic� APR 2 019�8 COIMMN�� $2�000 from the ,Nei ghborhood Festi val F nd. � RECEIIIE� �'" � _ APR 2 21988 C D ACTIV B CHARG C O�CE OF THE DIREC��R DEPARTMENT OF F1iv�"�'`'E (Mayor's signature not required if under 10,000.) �p Mp�pGEMENT SE�ti�'�� - Total Amouat of Transgction: $2,000 Activity Number: 23143 � RECEIVED Funding Source: 325 - Special Service APR N 01988 ATTACHI`�iENTS: (List and number all attac ents.> CITY pT1��+RI��Y Council Resolution . 4 copies of Agreement be�ween the City nd the Midway Coalition-District 11 1 copy of grant request with appropriat attachments AD?tINISTRATIVE YROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Pro edures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or tim table attaehed? DEPAR�MENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes _No Council resolution rsquir d? Resolutio� required? Yes _No �Yes No Insurance require�Y ` Insurance sufficient? ,_Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance attached? Due une 17, 1988. � . 1 � � ��`-�3O A.G EEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and enter d into this �_ day of lggg � by and between the CITY OF SAINT PA L, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to s "City"), and MIDWAY COALITION - DISTRICT 11, (hereinafter referred to as "Co lition"}. WHEREAS, on January 6, 1987 th St. Paul City Council established a Community Festival Lo n Fund and Grant Program, administered try the Division of Parks and Recreation, for the purpose of assisting neighborhoo festivals with expenses, startup costs and insurance coverage; a d WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Cou cil has approved rules and regulations to ensure the fair and e uitable distribution of the funds; and WHEREAS, the Council has appli d for a grant in accordance with �hese rules and regulations NOW T�iEREFORE, the parties agr e as follows: 1. That the City shall grant to the Coalition the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for t e purpose of helping to fund the Horton Park Festival to be celeb ated on ��,f�,�Q � , 1988 as more particularly outlined in he Coalition's application attached hereto . as Exhibit A and made a p rt of this Agreement. 2. That the Coalition will p epare and submit to the City a report ou`lining all expenses an revenues derived from the Festi�al and specifically detailing ho the grant money was spent within 90 days after the completion of t e festival noted above. Coalition further will permit the Division f Parks and Recreation staff full access to 1 � its books and records c ncerning the festival . 3. That the Coalition shal submit to the City a copy of the Coalition's liability insurance pol cy naming the City as an additional insured, said policy shall be fo warded to City by �une 17 , lggg, Approv d as to form: MIDWAY COAlITION - DISTRICT 11: XIts ` ' � ' Paul McClos ey, Assistant ity �- Attorney / � � Its I f 1f�t een Stack, Director Department of Community Services, City of St. Paul .. BY ,�. Eugene S hi 11 er, ,i'rector ,��.L Departme t of Finance and ;�,�,�-T� Management Services, City of St. Paul 2 - � � . � . .��- �� . .. , - ,. .. . DIV_ ISION F PARKS AND RECREATION CO�i ITY FESTIVAL FUND ' APPL CATION Date 2 i 15/88 Check ne: Loan Grant � organization� Name _ Description ot Orqanization, b ief history The htidwav Coalition ic a nnnnrnfjt community based organization working o benefit the residents bu i ions in St. Paul 's Hamline-Midwa nei hbor � are I)to develoo proqrams for the improvement and protection of he total Midway communtiy; 2) to increase citizen participation and influence the decisi n makin processes that affect the n i 3) to act as a communications system a d forum for neignoor�-�ood yiews and issues; and 4)_ to do short and long term planning to 'dentify and address needs. Non-Profit Status 503c Ye X No Don't Know Proj�ct Coordinator Name Susan arschal k communi t Address Midwav Coaliti n- i k�PCt Minnahaha a„pn��o Phone 646-1986 R71_4Aa4 day evening Project Description (purpose a d impact on area) : Attach additional information if needed) Th H is a - be the 7th communit event at the Hor on. Park �!ini-�:rbc�re�tum. G:ler �500 eo le attend the festival and approx,imately 50 to 100 olurrteers particirate in th� ,.�?Id�l�1f1C� G1�U on the SJ�y of th lebrat'on. The th? f ival is cel brat life in this_ _ neighborhood, and share in the uni ue ess of District 11. . It is a time for residents and businesses to come toget er. Total Amount Requested From Com unity Festival Fund: $2000.00 _ If this appli.cation is a reques for a c�rant, how do you plan to match it? Please be specific. (Atta h additional. sheets if necessary) . The volunteers will raise approximate y $1200.00 in cash contributions f rom local businesses, and will sell or sponsor pecific concessions that snould raise i50Q.Q0. Raffle ticket sales are estimated at 1200.00, and vendors at �335.00. _� _ .. -,-.; _. _ _. --� - .. � , � y � � . � . � � . � � - � � If this application is a reque �t for a loan, how do xou plan_ to repay it? Please be specific. (Att ch additional sheets if necessary) . Please attach the followinct information to our application. 1. Verification of nonprofit tatus and copy of organizational by-Iaws 2 . List of Officers or Direc ors 3 . Letter verifying organiza ion's approval of the proposal 4 . Previous year's budget an financial statement, if appZicable 5. Current balance sheet and income statement, if applicable 6. • Proposed budget (expenses and income) for the activity (Estimated line item budget includin revenue and expenses that wi].1 be macle from loan or grant funds. 7. Evidence that insurance c n be obtained by th� organization 8 . Plan for staging the fest 'val event. � � District Council Midwa Coali ion-District 11 ______ _ District Council Review - Sig ature- ,dr�__ �-���-e-�•�,� ���� _____ Date of District Council Revi w Tuesdav, Febrarv 2, 1988 �__ COMM�r1T5 : � Please send application to: Community Festival Fund Division of Parks and Re r.eation 200 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, MN 1���WSy 1558 W.M�nneh�a Ave. CO$iltlOTl St.Paut,Minnesota 55104 District 11 s4s-,sse Serving the Hamline Midway area y�;r• � - � . Attachments enclosed Attachment A Verification of nonpr fit status Attachment B List of officers and irectors Attachment C Letter verifying organization's approval Attachment D Previous year' s festiv 1 6udget Attachment E Proposed budget for 19 8 festival Attachment F Evidence that insuranc can be obtained Attachment G Plan for staging the f stival Attachment H Bylaws i Inte�nal Revenue Service u��'�"""�•`�• �••� •.�M�M.' District Director , ���- 7�(J attachment A r. .� �,;;-: a�-;;:�k�o ��r'�r �:� ._ ,_f,r r�!�,,t�, r� h!?65'0 �m �,_���ei� I�IF.�•i1:if ic:ai-i��n �`��tmb�r; ;::�r,-,: SEP 1 1 198T � ' . � r ,�,7� 41-1u9_��,�_ ",_�ntact f't:��•_an: M5. �1. MI, K IN!_EY ult:�i•i<;Y ::O�L[ i��lN C�I�TF;ICT iI �-,ntar_t T'-tFnhanF �ium�.�r.ar: ,. (:1:'� ;;^r,-7731 �r:;^ �+�'tt?��![:Hi't19A A�.CN�1E ;j �•;1�1; , n1i�! F!:+I4�3 " ,�::.. �rti:�°r C�,,�!:r_�d: t'�,l t .''•U� �•��i� :a'•iE•ctt; ���Fil jyr,ra; . r�ct ►.i�,. �'��i'! ic:ir,f; _�_• _ ; ' t.�1;:�? 1 fi t.fl l!={1 i•!^. ':�::;+'t•!j %t1tt� :/�i�! iR"i' :i (1ifi�t) i !-'xj �.�1�f'' ��'•.�;.:.�• i�; i.rt�' �� ,�.�!-• , • - i.• I �.��!I'ri !l�• f'.Y'��T�"�'I{ �l':s :l%1 �:ri'(7?ill::�?.t�;��{ �.�t ICiI 15 I1�:•r r.l (11'I'y�..}�-. ��;��jtl�is•.1�=�1 t2i1�,1 ��_s�: . , : r:7t�ii�i! ��'; V�tq,: �c��':�1?Ci; r-i�f ;�r,] ����-i���J, .1- •,ir�� ':i (i. j f�.��l.�y 11�'. ltii':t� f�r_.f._Y'Oi111Ni� t.Fld1. '.�:.t) di"•: �,., .:.�� :.�� �:h�• iiif�:�•rm:. ..i�:n , . .t . r I�e. . . i' I l�'.�:'' {t': fil�i� rl I• `lll? t� 1�1. ?I I'1� i•", o�.f ��IQ�I '•'lrr'{:t.° �;!'f �;f1�_ Tqt.--f'[id � :,. t 1;i ti: !''r s" - � ! ' �_�� .ln •�"� dll 3�:In�1 r�i �,�1!'. �:V�)F' t{ ,.:_t-�h.•rj te5 r• �-a��t: �;.,,. s,.�.:. i;�:�,:1�, �i�i:i,��;. .,- � ,�r•-_ � a . ' •���I! '��1l1 !t' 'F.:]�:1�.5 !lh����i� �.,p,�i� .�1�?i; t�F Jl ��.:� �- • � . ��f�','���i t f ! �3?)!� �.��ti�f!) f.).1 :.{�1 (,ti l ) , 1' � .. ' , . ;t.i 1 � in `�ffe��•- i: >i�i:.,r:: <�ntS r�:�r.��,t-i1���i;rtiT•; ,:t��•; r•;. .� ,�,,� t:hi=, �i:,�.�:rmi•+�t:i��►� un►..i I �:E��= �' r�? ►uFi l i:,I� r.�:�.i t�, t;�� !:i�=: r�,�p+,•►-.�;-y. �tUs��.i:=r• i + �''� �r� :��, t I��s••t,�t�ii�� :,�arv i . ( =�=: - l r,,11� , t`ti,,n `�!',r.•.a; �3.1s ;';,,s,-,r-, � �3r.,�t;�;;- ,-�.- t:��ntrih,,ri;,-,r- n�,�., ;�,-.� _ .. �- , _ . . �.c= � , � - �� -� t-!1� 1 !! )'�r"4� Y'eor��l�eil•�1�.1�1' 'e'..f• i��- �!:) �. . - .;•� ,�n �:�11 i f��'+*`YRl1P-1�:I�.�(1 �1 h•' �: Y � � , � _ . �. �� �-�:;r.� rr� ��jr-�i .� .1�. l: �� � . I 1 w '�.'•_ �t �; i.� 'If r'�•ajll,� i � f� I II V'' < < . . . : ..r,, t;��e'� :�� „r tai lu•r - , ��� .,;:.n,�� �:r-��ic�• had r1i•�•_-c: n t �._� ±:1�=` r. �; ci , � '�:rrf 1�:pr�ti{,,,r� .��� hh.al; h,ll,? . rf !=t'�i3 � + ' i;:�f.l�7T1 1 i <l ';��f �l�.�n G('�:J(�., (t�x :�/ ^:l(t I Z.i_ Fhil� ('_� h'� ri�•M�,�'lr?!� � r.�..ill) /' �r,9?i� 1 f 1 . . . . ;.;,.n, . ��` .i; _� 1 ti l�-3t '�;i�.- . :T'::_.. � :;, - ,I . I �t:��� ' i� dir:�i:�.�., Ia+.� :; r�< . 1 ' EF� I t;t�:, 11:• '� lS1�� �,� t- �i•• .. � t..�-•-., 1 ��a�°t� �:,j' 1;���� I�:•t���r . �).R'��'�1.� , ti1� �.:�'li'� �'•Rf_ �ii'ii��l'..l-• 1 i •� 1 1�1 . � �� s i ri�, :t;1��i�5 db���l{, -:r�il!^ ��r i.�:��..�% i� '1'r_ �:��t�(1 ���..� �i� !f? } 1 / 14.'- . � � . �..��-.an=� tlii^ i�'•t r �: P `' • � , V��1 !`:�Y�P�,�Inishf' t-�3[;��"fj�:. � �' jIl ':�i:;l{'.Il:"•�Y OIi'7=•o �:����1 f. 1�l - l +. � inri:, :1� _.,._..._,_ , _ . ,. �._,'� - r." - � _ ,__._.. � .... . �-� __"s � :. _ ,. Mlu�By : 1558 W.Mi�nehaha Ave. COS�ltl�ll St.Paul,Minnesota 55t04. District 11 sas.,ses Serving the Hamline Midway area , '"�•'attachment 6 T N- TRI 11 1981-88 OAR F DI CT R *Expiration of term of office SUBDISTRICT A HOME WORK EXP Delegates: Marilyn Lambrecht, 1772 Lafond Ave 644-2106 *4/$g Alternate: Bonnie Anderson, 1666 He itt 644-4580 *4/88 SUBDISTRICT 6 . Oeleg�ates: Harvey Nestaval , ]552 Ch rles 645-6577 *4/89 Loretta Thompson, 1472 S erburne 647-0641 *4/$� Valerie Hix, 1521 Thomas 644-5103 *4/88 Alternates: Annette Sorenson, 598 Si pson 644-9293 291-3359 *4/88 Robert Fish�r, 1470 Sher urne 644-4455 *4/88 SU6DISTRICT C Oe]egate: David Williams, 1313 Hew tt Ave. 645-8049 *4/89 SUBDISTRICT D Delegate: Bi11 Wald, 1217 Lafond 646-3602 *4/88 Alternate: Jerry Baldwin, 1190 Thom s 644-8554 291-4532 *4l88 HAMLINE MIDWAY COMMUNITY COUNCIL (HMCC) Delegate: • Merrill Robinson, 787 Fa'rview 646-3024 *4/89 HAMLINE University Delegate: Bob Englund,Old Main Building, Hamline U. 641-2475 *4/88 � MINISTERS ASSOCIATION Delegate: Ernie Carlson, Zion Lut eran Church 1697 Laf nd 645-7388 645-0851 *4/88 MIDWAY CIVIC AND COMMERCE Delegate: Bernie Bomberg, DDS. ,18 1 University 645-4759 645-5400 *4/88 Darryl Meyers, Nelson, elson, Kufus & Peterson 665 N. S elling 647-T474 b46-5004 *4/89 Len Carlson, Iver Carls n, 749 N. Snelling (715)386-5611 �646-7161 *4/89 Alternate: Ann Copeland, 475 N. C1 veland, #211 � 646-2636 *4/89 Bob Wicker, Wicker & Co 1538 Englewood ' 644-1477 *4/88 OF�ICERS President, Valerie Hix lst Vice-President, Mar lynLambrecht 3rd Vice-President, Mer ill Robinson Treasurer, Ernie Carlso M f 1�udW8y 1558 W.Minnehaha Ave. DlStl'1Ct 1 l St.Paul,Minnesota 55104 : Coalitian s4s.,sas Serving the Hamline Midway area February 16, 1988 Community Festival Fund Division of Parks and Recreation 200 City Hall Annex 25 West 4th Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 To whom this may concern: On Tuesday, February 2 the Exe utive Committee of the Midway Coalition- District ll approved the application to the City of St. Paul for a grant in order to continue the Horton Park F stival . The Horton Park Festival has be ome a tradition for the past six years in District 11 . It is a celebration of the community and an important event to continue. Over 2500 people attend a d several residents, businesses and organ- izations from the neighborhood parti ipate. We are requesting a one time gr nt for this event. The purpose of this grant is to have enough seed money t begin the festival so the same amount will be generated by the event for the fo lowing year. Staff has traditiona7ly c�oordinated this festival , but we be ieve it would be a greater success and more representative of the neighborhood i a resident or business person from District 11 was hired to coordinate the Horto Park Festival . The Midway Coalitian will cover those costs, however we need a sistance with entertainment, publicity, Insurance coverage. We believe we c n raise that same amount of money then, for the following year. Thank you for your consideratio . Sincerely, � • , , �j '-�\ � ���/����/��La�������%/ �' G<����� � Merrill Robi�on, 3rd Vice Pres dent �. L�d�'v Marily ambr ch , lst Vice President _ 9/ . �"� Y .'^^`�°'w+���- . . . . ___" � �� . . .. .. . .. . ... . . . . . . . attachment D � . j�,t��ws� � 1558 W.Minnehaha Ave. l��j St.Paul.Minnesota 55104 (",Q$ilf.1011 646-1986 D15tC1Ct 11 Servi�g the Haml:ne Midway area .�.q�.:•• . lggl Horton Park Festival Expenses d Income • Entertainment amount in-kind Bands/dancers $624.00 $100.00 Gospel Choir Food and Beer Food for concessions 342.65 Beer 69.00 Roya1 Crown 239.25 200.00 Royal Crown SuPplies ' Postage 107.79 recognition plaque 31.09 prizes for games 130.98 Film 11 .27 t�taterials 23•�9 �qui_pment Sound System 350.00 � Satellites 250.00 150.00 Tables/chairs 15Q.00 Showmobile Games equipment 297.50 (dunk tank, generator w ount in-kind ��' �.J U 150.00 moonwalk Printinq/Publicity � ___.__-.--- 6000 flyers/100� posters 143.00 - raffle tickets 145.00 lay out 15.00 ' June Midway/Como Monitor 200.00 Banner/Royal Crown Cola 35.00 40.00 Programs/layout 483.00 Volunteer t-shirts 339.00 Insurance/permits surety bond 100.00 liscense fee to City of St.Paul 34.75 (beer) Insurance-beer liability 100.00 Liability Insurance 380.00 (spectator's) Wa±er Utility � 25.00 Deposit for hydrant 100.00 Meeting Expenses coffee/cookies 20.00 Raffle prizes not donated Schumachers 77.00 77.00 Finn Sisu 175.00 175.00 Sook for children' s raffle 9•49 T07AL E4858.56 51042.00 _.,�..__---�� - ---- . _ ._v.. . .. . . . M 1 �'�' '� �l� Midway 1558 W.Minnehaha Ave. CdSiltl0ll St. Paul,Minnesota 55104 District ll sas-�sss rving the Hamline Midway area �:�• Income for the 6th Annual Horton Park Fe tival . Cash Contributions from local businesses amount in kind Donations requested by letter $1085.00 ; Contribution for volunteer t-shirts 2$1.25 - Raffle donations from businesses $1726.90 Cohcession sales includin o sales b ats . and children's games 2664.75 <. � . 4 :y � Raffle ticket sales 1100.00 . Business Vendors 172.00 Craft Vendors 155.00 Donations� 65.00 TOTAL E5523.00 1726.90 � i _.�_�' . _ � . attack�ment E , Midway 1558 W.Minnehaha Ave. �oalition st. Paul,Minnesota 55104 646•1986 District 11 Serving the Hamline Midway area y�a• Proposed budget for 1988 Norton Pa k festival Entertainment Mouldy Figs, dancers $ 50.00 Coordinators salaries 00.00 Foo an eer � Beer 90.00 Royal Crown 50.00 Food for concessions 00.00 Supplies � Postage 10.00 plaques 50.00 prizes .for childrens games 100.00 film 12.00 miscellaneous materials 50.00 Equipment Sound system 375.00 Satellites 275.00 Games equipment 300.00 Printinq/Publicity Flyers/posters 200.00 raffle tickets and layout 160.00 June Como Midway Monitor Ad 200.00 July Como Midway Monitor Ad 200.00 Banner 75.00 Programs 250.00 Volunteer t-shirts 200.00 Insurance/Permits 740.00 � Meeting Expenses 35.00 TOTAL 5222.00 _ _,_ ._.._�........�_.. . _ . . .. . _ ._. . . . ., -, . `��. ,.. , _ ---- � . . _ _ .- n�_�. . � _ : - _. . _. -. _. �_... t. . ...� �.: : .,.. .. p�_-7�v Income for 1988 Horton Park Festi al (proposed) Cash Contributions from businesse 1Q00.00 t-shirt donation 200.�0 Raffle Donations 1000.00 in-kind Concession sales from pop,games 1500.00 lower because less food concesion� Raffle ticket sales 1200.00 Business Vendors 175.00 Craft Vendors 160.00 Possible grant from the City fest val fund 2000.00 TOTAL � E7235.00 This would leave $2013.00 for the following years festival . What the grant would cover is ent rtainment at $450.00, Insurance and permits at 740.00, sound eqipment at $375.00 and printing for flyers, posters, and programs at $450.00. This totals $2015.0 , which is $15.Q0 over the amount requested. Mixx�soTA �Qvox 1Lla a �.,_.. _ • �Q��K �u��o�►� • �o iN1S3RATOp EMPLOYEE BAENE p 5 MDMso a 55 6-A1392O P on�e(6t2)s�sa-03tt g44t Wayzata Bivd. Swte 200 INFOR ATION PAGE Q�_r��� � Contract No. - 1. The Contract Holder _Individual Partnership Niidway-Coalition �istrict II Corporation _Municipal ��5t3 �, i��innehaha Avenue ! St. Pau i , �ts 551 u4 X hon-Pr�f i� p,, Scheduled Premises: Horton Pa•rk in the City oT St. �aul . 2, The contract period is f om 12:01 A.M. n-27-S7 to 12:01 A.M. at the contrac holder' s scheduled premises. 5-2�-�7 remi ses. Li uor Liability Coverag : Applicable to scheduled p 3. A. 4 The limits of our liabil' ty are: $ 50 ,000 Each Person Bodily Injury $100 ,000 Each Occurrence $ 10 ,000 Each Occuzrence Property Damage $ 50,000 Each Person Loss of Means of Suppor � $1n0 ,000 Each Occurrence g, The coverage aFforde bY this contract applies only to those businesses located in M nnesota. C . This contract includes hese endorsements and schedules: remium for this co tract will be determined by our Manuals o 4, The p Rates and Rating Plans . All information Rules , Classifications , g audit. required below is subject o verification and chan e by Rate er 5100 Description of Estie�ated Aenua l Pr a t n i u a� Premium Basis-Eetimated Roceipts Operations Total Annual Liquor Rece i p t s L i q u o .00 Special Evznt �»�•�� '�il'�' �nuO.UG � � . �aU.u;, Deposit Premium Due on EfEective Da e �dld t0 i�dte Balance of Fremium Due Within 45 Da s of EfEective Date ,Ion-Receipt of premium in the offi e of the contract ��f "� 3dministrator by the due date will result in cancellation. Mw��� Hinimua� 4reaius 1U�. +�, m and Address t"'t��"��`c� �� Agency Na e .����� Hndrew Piorse '��� "i ne ��orse �ge��Y aa - 211� :.rd Av2nue PJorth ,�,�.c��' �1no'ca, htiV �5303 �T�,.� ' �a�P �� �b-29-t37 - Authorized Representative _ __ � . �_ �. � � _ ��. - . - . _� . _ ._ - _. ..�,:.� ---- ..�.��. . M.IrTNESOTA LI QUOIt T � l LI1'�' ASS1GNEll RISK YLAN �.,�� AUMINIyTNATO�� � � EMPLOYEE BEN FtT ADMINISTRATION CO. 8441 Waytata Blvd. Suite 200 Mmne polis. Minnesata 55426-1392 Ptlone(6121544-03 C E R T I F I C T E O F C O V E R A G E � The Certificate is iesue as a mattericatenHolderionThisY and confers no riqhts up n the Certif Certificate does not ame d, extend or alter the coverage aFforded by the Contract listed below. _ - ,. NAy►E ANO ACO�ESS Cf COMTMCI 1WLDE� CONTAACT PERIOD: �'""' _ 12:01 A.M. - - - i4idway-Coal ition District I I . CONTRACT NO. �,�g W. Minnehaha Avenue a8-417 � St. Paul , h�N 551U4 SChEEdl11AC1 pY_miGes : t�nrt_n ?3rk in the City of St. Paul This is to certify that the Contract of Coverage described herein has been issued o the Contract Holder named above and is in force at this time. Notwithstanding any requirement, term or co dition of any Contract or other document with reapect t which this Certificate may be issued or may per�ain, he coveraqe afforded by the Contract described hereirt is sub 'ect to all the terma, excluBions and conditions of such Cont act. , TXPE OF COVERAGE ' LIMITS OF LIABILITY $ 50,GOO.t�O gach Person Bodily Injury $�pp,OGO.�G Each Occurrence . Property Damage S 10,000.�0 Each Occurrence � Loss of Means oE Suppo t $ 5 U Each Person _ � $ 100,O�U.00 Each Occurrence Should the above Con ract be canceled befoda shwrittenanoticeato thereof , the Plan wil endeavor to mail 30 y the be low named Ce r i f i ca te Holde r , but fay2ure tO kind upon notice shall impose no obligation or liabilit of any the Plan. Certificate Holders Na e and Address: City of St. Paul _ 2� W. 4th Street �t. Paul , M�J 551U2 Agents Name and Addres : �ndrerl Mors� The Morse F►g2ncy 2115 3rd �venue Ir'ortfi pate issued �-2y-87 Anoka, F►W 55303 _.�!. ___ ---- .��..�..; .o� ReDresen ative attachment G _ , M��W$ 1558 W.Minnehaha Ave. I�L� y St. Paul,Minnesota 55104 Coalition 646-7 986 District 11 $erving the Hamline Midway area •�:•• The 7th Annual Horton P.ark Festival will take place on Saturday, June 25, 1988 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at he Horton Park mini-arboretum. This is a community festival that has beco e a tradition in District 11 with over 2500 people attending each year. The Executive Committee of the M dway Coalition-District 11 have agreed that a tremendous amount of staff tim has gone into coordinating this event, although it is suppose to be a c mmunity generated celebration. Approximately 50 volunteers are involved in th planning and execution of the Horton Park Festival each year, but one or t o coordinators are needed to oversee the project. Traditionally, the fes ival has been a fund raiser for the Midway Coalition-District. 11, but the Executive Committee believes it is more important to preserve the festival , than o use it as a fundraising tool for the organization. The funds being requested will rovide money to cover costs such as entertainment, insurance and liscensing, publi ity and printing, so that the organization will be abTe to hire a resident or business person from the community to coordinate the festival . The e pected outcome will be enough money generated by the fundraising activities o provide seed money for the follawing year, and the proceSS would continue ach year. - This event is no longer a fundr iser for the Midway Coalition-District 11 wrhen staff is spending a majority of time organizing the event, but it is a very important festival for this neighborhood, and would be missed by residents and businesses. The plan for the 7th Annual Ho Eon Park Festival is: February 1988 - letter to Mr. loyd Burkholder far Showmobile Entertainment contact potential musicians/performers Letters to foo vendors and craft vendors initial meetin of resident�/ deciding the theme Ad in newspape for hiring coordinators March 1988- Letters to bus'nesses for cash contributions and raffle donations Arrange for in urance Set budget/ B ard approval ublicity tim line � ' P� - 7�v April 1988- Followup calls to busin sses for contributions Plan children's activit es/ choose chair _ Design artwork for flye s and posters Arrange for speakers Arrange for equipment ental ongoing meetings May 1988- Ad in Midway/Como Moni or Permits for beer sales hydrant use Arrange for banner to e hung on Minnehaha Avenue � press releases sent to newspapers pick up raffle prizes rom local businesses promotional events, i : Good Company Arrange for vending 1 scenses plan volunteer "thank you" party , Print flyers, posters for the festival deliver posters to lo al businesses for display June 1988- deliver flyers to all residents in District 11 media "blitt" ie: ra io stations/ local newspapers followup calls to al volunteers to go over tasks printing of addition 1 t-shirts . gathering supplies f r day of. . printing of programs thanking vo�meseentertainmentesses map of park set up f r vendors, ga � Festival day begins at 7:00a.m. for volunteers July 1988-Financial report su mitted Thank you letters s nt � __ , .. _ ,: , .; �r�. . r _ _ __._ . ��.--�.._�... . . . 1��• , l�iidWay 1558 W.Mi�nehaha Ave. C08�1t1011 st.Paul,Minnesota 55104 D�strict 11 s46-,sss Serving the Hamline Midway area ,�:�� MIDWAY COALITION-DISTRICT 11 ARTICLE I NAME The na e of this organization shall be; the Midway Coalition-District 11 . ARTICLE II AREA The Mi way Coalition-District 11 's primary operating neighborhoods shall e the area as designated by the St. Paul City Council . These boundarie are as follows: East: Lexington Avenue; South: University: West: bound ry West Cleveland Extended; North: The . Burlington-Northern Railway. ny variances as required by the St. Paul City Council shall become part of the official boundaries of the district. ARTICLE III PURPOSE T e purpose of this organization shall be: A. To develop immediate• a d long-range plans which shall pror�ide for the physical , soci l , and economic needs of the district. B. To work for the improv ment and protection of the community, its residents, institu ions, and business establishments. C. To establish a two-way early communication S,YSt�lli so that citizens may be alerte to proposals affecting the district by public agancies and of icials, and may, in turn, participate in the planning prior to ny action. 0. To assure the right of any citizen or participating organization in the district not to be bound by any specific decision or policy � of the coalition. The autonomy of any participating organization shall be respected. A y member representing the Midway Coalition- Oistrict 11 shall take a stand consistent with the position of the - organization. E. To have well-informed eighborhoods realistically pursuing their best interest, there b improving the quality of Tife in the city, and increasing the con idence in the future of the district and of the city. To furth r this goal , the Midway Coalition-District 11 shall use various medi , such as: a community newspaper, door-to- door distribution of terial ,and/or direct mailing. F. To set realistic goals for community projects and programs which may require funds fro outside sources, whether public ar private* and unify all elements of the community in seeking to obtain such funds. � Pa9e � ,__________. ___�-�..''.�'�:' _ . . � G. To provide a forum for pen discussion so that the diverse elements of the distric can work together toward the common goal of a safe, healthf 1 , stable community, a desirable place in which to live, work nd do business, which can continue to be an asset to the enti e city. H. The aforementioned purp ses of the coalition shall be carried out through educational scientific, literary and charitable endeavors, as contempla ed by Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal . Revenue Code of 1954 (o the corresponding provision of the future United States in ernal revenue law, here in after referred to as the °I .R.C.") . � - further, the purposes of this coalition shall be charitable and educational so as t unite, in common cause, residents of, and organizations servi g, the area described in Article II , in a continuing effort to romote harmonious environmental conditions and favorable community relationships therein and to undertake such charitable and edu ational actions and services as may be its membership be deter ined to be desirable to serve these purposes. Within these purposes it is intended that this coalition shall attempt to educat the community as to the necessity for maintaining community pride in matters of common interest f or the survival of a desirabl livable neighborhood. -In furtherance of the foregoing, the purposes of this coalition shall be to solicit fu ds and to accept gifts and contributions, to put to productive u e all of the funds and property which it may own at any time, a d to use and distribute in income and property exclusively f r charitable and educational purposes. -The coalition shall n t carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on (1 ) b a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 ( )(3) of the IRC or (2) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the IRC. -No part of he activities of the council shall discrim- inate on account of ra e, religion, color, age, sex or national ' origin of any person a fected thereby. ARTICLE IV BOARD OF DIREC ORS The basic membership of the Mid�ay Coalition-District 11 Baard of Directors shall be comprised of the follow- ing delegates or their alterna es. A. Two delegates from the Hamline-Midway Community Council , who shall be residents of istrict ll , to be named as the Council may choose. B. Three delegates from t e industrial/commercial sector to be named by the Midway Ci ic and Commerce Association. �They shall either be residents of District 11 , an officer, a major owner, or the manager of a bu iness located in District 11 . , � page Z . � • ��� 7�� . C. Two delegate from the comm nity Minister's Association, who shall be a resident of or he minister of a church within District 11 , to be chosen s the group may decide. 0. One delegate as an institu ianal representative from Hamline University. E. There shall be twelve dele ates-at-large, who shall be residents within the district but sh 11 not be members of any af the above organizations. Four sub-d stricts within District 11 shall be established as follows: e ch shall have the common northern and southern boundaries of Dis rict 11 : Sub-district B shall be between Aldine and Pascal treets: Sub-district C shall be ' between Pascal Street and yndicate Street: and Sub-district D shall be between. 5yndicate Street and Lexington Avenue. At the time of their election, de egates-at-large must liv2 in the sub- districts they represent. If a delegate from a residential sub- district moves out of the istrict before the term expires, that delegate seat shall be con idered vacant and shall be filled according to the provision in Article VI , Section D. F. Other establishEd organiz tions within the district may seek delegate representation i the coalition by making written application to the 6oard f Directors. The Board shall then make a recommendation as o whether that organization is a bona- fide representative group of a segment of the community and a recommendation as to the umber of delegates. Such recommendation shall be in the form of a by-law amendment. G. The Midway Coalition-Dist ict 11 shall encourage participation by all citizens, and shal set up no barriers based on race, color, national origin, a e, sex or economic status. ARTICLE V MEMBERSHIP A. ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHI Any resident or business in District 11 which subscribes to th purposes of Midway Coalition-District 11 �as stated in Article III , and who resides in or owns or operates a business in the District' area- as described in Article II, is el-igible for membership a d shall become a member of the appropriate dues, if any are required for membership. 6. CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIP T e Midway Coalition-District 11 shall have two classes of inemb rship, namely individuai members ar�d business members. -Individual member: Any person who resides in or owns resiclential Property in the district is eligible for membership and shali become a member upon pay ent of the appropriate dues, if any are required for membership. -Business member: any b siness in the district may select one representative member by the means of their choice, who may participate in all coali ion activities. -All members shall be of voting age, except as provided for delegates under Artic]e I , Section A 3. page 3 C. DUES The amount of du s, if any, and whether such dues shall be voluntary or require , for inividual and business members shall be determined fro time to time by the Board of Directors. D. MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS Me bership meetings are the two Town meetings each year, as described in Article VII, Sections A and B. Special meetings as described i Article VII , Section C, may also be membership meetings, if so designated by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VI SELECTION OF DEL GRTES In order to insure continuity on the Board of Dir. ctors, each director shall serve a term - of two years. T e terms shall be staggered, half the Board elected each yea . A. Residential : 1 . In March of each year, the Hamline-Midway Community Council shall select, as the Council may choose, two delegates, and up to two alter ates, to serve on the Board of Directors of the Midway Coalition-District 11 . The term of each delegate shall be specified for a two year period by the Ham�ine-Midway Community Council . 2. In March of eac year, each of the sub-districts as provided for in Article IV, Section .F, shall hold an election to select three delegates and three alternates to the Board of Directors of th Midway Coalition. The coalition shall assist in providing a lace for each meeting and for adequately notifying the r sidents as to time, place, and purpose of each meeting. he president of the coalition shall name a person to conve e the meeting in each sub-district. Each sub-district ma name a chairperson, and other officers as it may choose, o serve for the ensuing year. -These delegate -at-large sha11 have the rights and privileges of a y other delegate. including the right to � hold office in he coalition. Any delegate from a sub- district may be of less� than voting age, but shaTl be sixteen or olde . 6. Commercial , Industrial and other: 1 . The Midway Civi and Commerce Assoc�iation will distribute information to rea businesses concerning the Midway Coalition. The MCCA shall ame three delegates and up to three alternates to the coalitio Board of Directors from the Midway business community. The MCCA shall specify a two year term for each delegate. 2. In March of eac year, the Minister's Association of the com- munity shall se ect, in the manner they choose, two delegates and one alterna e to the coalition Board of Directors. 3. In March of eac year, Hamline Univrsity shall name one delegate and on alternate to the Board of Directors of the . coalition. Pa9e 4 C. Each delegate and alter ate shall serve from the annual meeting in april of their elect on for a two year term or until a successor is selected a d seated. D. Any vacancy in the dele ation shall be filled promptly by the participating member or anizati�n as that organization may choose. Any vacancy of a delega e or alternate seat from a sub-district shall be filied by that sub-district's remaining delegate(s) and alternate(s) making a n mination to the Board of Directors f or their approval . E. All delegates as provided fdr in Article IV shaTl either be residents of District 11 , or properly authorized representatives of business or institu ions located within the district, or of professional services arried on within the district. ARTICLE VII MEETINGS A. ANNUAL MEETING The M dway Coalition-District 11 sha1T hold its annual meeting in pr.il . The date, time, and place of the meeting shall be decid d by the Board of Directors, and the meeting shall be well ublicized throughout the entire district at least two weeks in dvance, and all delegates shall reeeive written notice at leas one week in advance. -The names of delegate selected by member organizations undew Article IV shall be pr sented in writing to the president of the coalition prior to con ening the meeting. Such new delegates shall be seated as the first order of business, and they alone shall be � eligible for election o office. -Election of offices s all be the next order of business. Officers elected shall assume o fice at the conclusion of the meeting. Annual reports by the president, secretary, treasurer, anc� chair- persons of standing c mmittees, as the Executive Committee shall require, shall be pro ided. -Issues of concern to the district, proposals for projects or programs that may be nder consideration, shall be presen�ed and ' discussed by those el 'gible to participate. -All members of the c alition in attendance sha11 sign in at the - meeting, and at all T wm Meetings, with the address of each resident, � and verification of e igibility by other members. The Board may make provision for cr dential clerks to sign in members to expedite the procedure. B. TOWN MEE�INGS The nnual meeting of the coalition shall con- stitute one Town Meet ng of the coalition. A second Town Meeting shall be held in Octo er at a time and place to be set by the Board of Directors. t the Town Meeting, the members sfi al� be informed of problems ffecting the community, reports on possible action shall be made, and general discussion shail be open to part- � icipants. All member shall be entitled to vote. Notice of the Fall Town Meeting shall be the same as that for the annual meeting above. � C. SPECIAL MEETINGS S ecial meetings of the Board of Directors, or of the Executive ommittee, may be called by the president, or by a majority of the Executive Committee, on matters of urgency, page 5 provided that contact by�t lephone is made at least three days . in advance, or by mail 'fiv days in advance, specifying the time, place, and reason for the eeting. -Special meetings of the B ard of Oirectors shall be called by � the president after receip of petition signed by at least ten people, who are 16 yea s or older, and who either reside in or work in District ll . A y such petition must include an explanation of the reason or requesting the meeting and of why the matter is urgent. A special meeting initiate by the petition process shall be held provided that contact by t lephone is made at least three days in advance, or by mail fiv days in advance, specifying time, place, and reason for the eeting. D. BOARD Of DIRECTORS MEETING The Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings on t e third Tuesday of each month, or as determined by the Board at an earlier meeting. Delegates shall be notified by the s cretary at least one week in advance as to time, place, and agenda. � E. All meetings covered by th by-laws shall open to the public. ETigible members from the esidential , and commercial/industrial . sectors are encouraged to ttend. � ARTICLE VIII OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES A. The offices of the Midway oalition-Oistrict 11 shall bez a president; a first; a second, and a third vice president; a secretary; and a treasurer. B. The pre.sident shall presi e at all meetings of the coalition, including the Town Meetin s, shall faithfully carry out the policies as established b the coalition; shall be an ex- officio member of all com ittees, except any Nominating Committee; shall provide leadership, and assume such specific other res�on- sibilities as the coaliti n shl } determine. C. The vice-presidents shall be elected as first, second, and third vice presidents, and no t o shall be from any one participatin� organization or subdistri t delegation. In addition, the first vice president and the pr sident shall no� be from the same organization. They shall serve, in order, in the absence of the president, and carry out he duties of the president in such a situation. Each vice pre ident shall be a member of at least one standing committee an shall be entitld to vote. Other duties may be deligated t a vice president by the president or the Board of Directors. D. The secretary shall take inutes at every meeting of the coalition, shall keep a faithful per anent record of actions taken, shaTl provide a copy of the age da for each meeting, shall duly notify delegates and the public s provided elsewhere in these by-laws, and be responsible for co respondence of the coalition under the direction of the pres dent. Pa9e 6 �' . _ ` w ` - E. The treasurer shall kee written records of a11 funds accruing to the coalition, shall establish a depository as directed by the Board of Directors, deposit and disburse funds promptly as directed, iceep adequate vouchers of each transaction; render an account of any transaction as the cualition may require; . and prepare an annual r port of which copies shall be made available to all those resent at the annual meeting. F. The terms of office sh 11 be for one year or from ane annuai meeting until the next annual meeting a successor is elected and installed. An officer may not serve more than two con- secutive terms in the ame office except that if he/she first fills an office for le s than a year, two terms may follow. G. Removal or resignation from office: Any officer may be re- moved from office by t e Board of Directors for three con- secutive absences from regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings. Resignation of an officer may be accepted if directed in Y�riting to the Board of Directors, but such officer may continue as a dele ate to the coalition. H. Vacancy in office: A acancy in office shall be filled by majority action of the Board of Directors for the interim period until the next egular town meeting of the coalitfon, at which a regular ele tion to fill the office shal} be conducted with all participants ligible to vote. When the delegate who had filled the office lso leaves the coalition, the member organization from whic that delegate was named. shall promptly select a new delegate, who shall than be eligible for office. ARTICLE IX COMMITTEES A. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: he Executive Committee of the coalition shall be composed of t e elected officers, and shall be res- ponsible for the agend of ineetings as provided for in Article VII . B. STANOING COMMITTEES: here shall be four standing committees of the coalition; Soci 1 Concerns, Housing and Economic Develop- --ment, Physical and Nei hborhood Network. Each committee shall � be responsible for sur eying the needs of the district in its specific category, and shall discuss, evaluate, and propase means by which necessary funding may be obtained. Each committee shall elect a chairperson who shall conduct meetings of the commi tee, organize its work, delegate duties to members, maintain liaison with the other committees, with the Executive Committ e, and with the Board of Directors, and shall report progress and recommendations to the Board of Directors and to the oalition as required. -Each delegate to the Board of Directors who is not an afficer shall serve on at lea t one standing committee, except that . no more than one-thir of any such committee's membership shall come from one p rticipating organization. The Board of Directors by agree ent, shall assign delegates to the three � committees, except� th t the delegates as representing groups D and E under Article IV, may choose which committees on which they will sit. . page 7 -Non-delegate participa ts from the district may be permitte� to serve on committees, with the approval of the Board of Directors, if they have some qualifications of special value t� the committee, but i no case shall more than one-third of any ccmmittees membe ship be represented by a special interest advocacy. All committee chairpersons shaTl be a delegate. -The social committee s ould be concerned with such matters as education recreation library service and delinquency, crime control environme tal protection and pollution and participation in commun ty events. - -The Physical Committee should be concerned with land use, zoning, transportation, streets and highways, housing, neighborhood blight. _The Housing and Econom c Development Committee should be concerned with fosterin a good business climate in the district, encouraging e ployment opportunities, setting standards for district evelopment, seeking sources�for ` financing new housing, ehabilitation of neighborhoods, and the like. C. SPECIAL COMMITTEES: S ecial committees may-�e established by the Board of Directo s for specific purposes to research, evaluate, and recommend a course of action to the coalition on a certain project or position that may pertain to Distr�ct 11 . Members of special committees may be selected by the Board of Directors from any participants as defined under Article V, or even .from outside the district, if such persons have particular knowled e of value to the committee. Special committees shall report regularly to the Board of Directors on progress of their as ignments, and each such committee shall be terminated upon comp etion of its assignment. ARTICLE X FINANCE A. FISCAL YEAR: The fiscal year shall begin on the first day of �uly each year. 6. PECUNIARY GAIN: 1 . The coalition shall not afford pecuniary gain, incidentally or other wise to its members, officers, or directors. Z. No part of the ne earnings of the coalition shall inure to the benefit of, o be distributed to its members, directors, officers, or othe private persons. 3. The coalition may reimburse its members, officers, a�d directors for act al out-of-pocket expenses incurred in furtherance of th purposes set forth in Article III . 4. The coalition may pay reasonable compensation for services rendered by its m mbers, except officers and directors, in furtherance of th purposes set forth in Article III. C. PERSONAI LIABILITY: T e officers, directors and members of the coalition shall not be personally liable to any extent whatsoeyer for any debts or oblig tions of the coalition. page 8 ARTICLE XI STAFFING A. Future staffing to pro ide more efficient operations and to advance community development ill receive appropriate attention as necess- ary funding may become available. B. Personnel selection du ies and standards shall be developed to meet � the needs of District 1 , as funding becomes available. C. The staff shall be und r the supervision of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE XII AMENDMENTS TO BY L WS ' � A. Amendments to these by laws may be proposed, in writing, at any Town Meeting of the Midway oalition - District 11 . They then may be acted upon at the next regul r Town Meeting of the coaliti�on and adopted by a two-thirds majori y of those participants present and voting. B. Amendments may also be proposed by a majority of the Board of Oirectors and adopted by a two-t irds majority of those participants present and voting at the next regular Town Meeting of the coalitian, provided any such amendments sh 11 have been publicized throughout the district at least sixty days be ore the meeting. ARTICLE XIII PALIAMENTARY PRO EDURE A. The president shall ap oint a parliamentarian. B. Roberts Rules of Order Revised, shall be the parliamentary authority governing the conduct f all meetings of the Midway Coalition-District 11 and its committees whe e specific rules incorporated in these by-laws do not pertain. C. A quorum for any commi tee meeting or for the Board of Directors sha11 be a majority of its m mbers. All motions require a majority of the total board to carry. ARTICLE XIV RESTRICTIONS ON P LITICAL ACTIVITIES No substantial part of the activities of the Midway Coali ion-District 11 shall be the carrying on of propagamda, or otherwise attem ting to influence (including the publishing or distribution of statements) an pol }tical campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office; provided, h wever, that the coalition may make the election under Section 501 (h) of the I . .C. and engage in lobbying to the extent permitted under that election. ARTICAL XV DISSOLUTION Upon he dissolution of tF►e coalit�on, the Board of Directors shall , after payi g or making provision for the paym�nt of all the liabilities of thP co�,liti n, dispose of all of the assets of the coaiitton excla5ioely for �he urposes of the coalition in such manner, or to such organization or organi ations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational or sci ntific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or o ganizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the I .R.C. , as the Board of Direct rs shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed f by the District Court of Ramsey County, �page 9 -, • L�� - � �� , Q Minnesota, exclusively for such urposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such pu poses. Pr�vided, however, that in no event shall any portion of the assets � distributed to an organization which is or ever was a member of the c alition. page 10 _- - __ �� - 7 �� _ � . . . r ' � . . ,-_ . ... ,.. , - �.,: .. ._:.. �.. . . �� • � . � . . � � •° _ ,:The Midway Coalition-District 11 ` _ . . . . _ . . . _ : - � , � �� ' proudly presen � . . �- . ; . : T�e 6th Annual _:o . o : - ,___. �. ; , �- -: ----- __ . _ - - �� . . o ; o . ,_ . _ _ _ 0 ; -� �a Saturda == un � ) e 27 � . y. ' ° � 0:30 children' ► _ s parade � _ - �' 11 a.m. to 6 .m. . _ ° p - - �, _ �r� ' `� - orton Park Mini Arboretum == � � Hamline & Minnehaha , �� . . � - "� � � � �, �� � ' Recreation A lace to Pla . , p Y _ . � } c � �. ' A place to Stay„ . -� � . - � F111�1 for the ent�re family! �, t _ � �� ;Q"�:`�'�� . �� Games Childrens' Activities Music '�'� i �;� 'y � i ♦ -' ;'� �������,;�� � Crafts, Food, Pri�es, _ �, Seedlings compliment� of ��1�:,� � � The St Paul Companies - � ,� - Como Park Zoo Animals , ..... � " � 01 _ -- -- - Call Midway Coalition -office at � -�- 646-1986 for more infc�rmation. , _