BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. � _���
Counc 'l Resolution ����
� Ib ;;
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the proper Ci y officials are hereby authorized and
directed to execute an Agreement ranting $2,000 to the DISTRICT 14 COMMUNITY
COUNCIL for the purpose of stagin a community festival ; to be held August 18,
1988 and conducted in accordance ith Council approved guidelines dated August
12, 1987; a copy of said Agreemen to be kept on file and of record in the
Department of Finance and Managem nt Services.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas D].mOrid Nays
Long � �n Fa or
Rettman �
Scheibel —�— Again t
WilsOn MAY I � � Form A ove by Cit Atto ey
Adopted by Council: Date �,
Certified Pa ed by Council Secre ry BY
By ��
t�pprov iVlavor: Da ��Y Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
pilB1.ISNEO �►h� � 1 ssa.
�F ' • .
x' . r � I ���5�
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A p
Date 2/15/88 Check O e: Loan Grant X
Organization Name 1 il
Description o� Orqanizstion, br'ef history nrgani�at-;on in 1981 was
" " t. Paul as the community voice in City
Hall decision making for t e Macalester-Groveland and Ra�dolph Heights
neighborhoods .
Non-Profit Status 503c Yes No Don�t Know 1(c) (3)
Project Coordinator Name
Address ee
Phone ,�g�T� .
day � vening
Project Description (purpose a�n impact on area) : Attach additional
information if needed)
We are requesting seed money so that we can put on an intergenerational
neighborhood festival that ill promote community spirit an onor
� ' ts
. community. We plan to hold raffle in conjunction with the festival
so ' � val
will be held in fall, 1988 a the Edgcumbe Recreation Center and F�i �
inclu e oo , music, in orma io • �
nd a "fun run" t rou h District 14 from Groveland to Edgcumbe.
Total Amouht Requested From Co unity Festival Fund: $ 2, 000
If this applic�tion is a reques for a c�rant, how do you plan to match
it? Please be specific. (Atta h additional sheets if necessary) .
� vol teer hours lus we intend to raise $2, 000
through a raffle . This $2, 0 0 will be set asi e or see money or our
� � rint and distribute a
brochure on our neighborhood t this event. This publication will be £unded
� � salary
costs may be paid with this gr nt money; therefore, we will pay the salary
o t e recr y
(a weekend when the center wou d not be open) out of matching funds . .
�, , .
• i
M � � ��',7�--9
If this application is a request for a loan, how do ou plan to repay
it? Please be specific. (Attac additional sheets if necessary) .
Please atta the followil}g info ation to our aopl.ication:
1. Verification of nonprofit st tus and copy of organizational by-laws
2. List of Officers or Directo
3. Letter verifying organizati 's approval of the proposal
4. Previous year's budget and inancial statement, if applicable
5. Current balance sheet and i ome statement, if applicable
6. Proposed budget (expenses a income) for the activity (Estimated "
line item budget including venue and expenses that will be made
from loan or grant funds.
7. Evidence that insurance can e obtained by the organization.
_ 8. Plan for staging the festiv 1 event.
District council 14
District Council Review - Signa re � e_�- '�.�'�.�� � �p�� ���.���-
Date of District Council Review
Please send application to:
Community Festival Fund
Division of Parks and Recr ation
200 City Hall Annex
25 W. 4th St.
St. Paul, NIIJ
c • •
.. �
Propos Match
10 people for 14 hrs at 1 hr $ 1,400 �.
30 people for 2 hrs at $1 hr � 600
(work at festival)
200 people for 2 hrs at Y 0 hr
(recruit prizes, sel xaffle tickets) 4,000
Subtotal $ 6,000
30 hrs community organize 375
20 hrs BLOCC Coordinator 200
15 hrs Living at Home Co dinator 150 .
Subtotal 725
Recreation Center staff 5�
I/2 cost District 14 Newslet er S00
Posters 20
ToTAL $ 7,295
, . .
' � � �- 7�
� P oposed Budget
Hot Dogs, Bratwurst 250. 00
Buns 75. 00
Potato Chips 75. 00
Mustard 16. 00 �
Ketchup 26. 00
Relish 10. 00
Sa>>erkraut 15. 00
Coffee 10. 00
Pop 240. 00
Popcorn 8. 00
Snowcones 45. 00
Fruit 100. 00
Cups 15. 00
Food Handling Gloves 15. 00
Subtotal '
Entertainment . j
7-/2 cost of District 14 Newsle ter
advertising event
Volunteer Recognition Certificates
� .
.. . .
Revenues and Expenditurea, Julp 1 , 1986 to June 30, 1987
City C.P. Allocation S 22,019
St. Paul Companiea I4.065
MNSEIIP . 18,94i
�ietropolitan Council 9,708
City Recycling Contra t 13,982
Rainleader Disconnect on 7 .200
Interest and Contribu ions 1L498
Total $ 87,413
. Expenses
- Contract Labor 1 ,202
Salary 1 ,363
Payroll taxes 213
Insurance 722
� Printing . 2 ,536
Postage 3.220
Recycling Service 16.870
Su�plies 2 ,905
Travel/Training 4 ,399
Telephone 1 ,039
Rent 1 ,320
Advertising 585
Equipment G65
Misc. i84
. . .: - :
.. .
. . - . • ��_ ���
D trYCt 14
Cor�m 'ty Council .
Seruing the Macalester-Grroveland' a Randolpb Heights ne�ghborhoods of Saint Paul
February 10, 1988
To Whom It May Concern:
The board of direct rs of the District 14 Community
Council on January 2l, 1 S� voted to hold a community festival
sometime in the fall of 988 . The purposes of the festival are
to develop/rnaintain/impr ve a feeling of community spirit in
District 14 and to honor �he hundred of persons who have served as
District 14 volunteers.
v '
John Vinar
� 320 SOUTH GRIGGS STREET • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55105 • PxoN� 6i2 G98-�9�3
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� . i��str�ct 14 or.�munity : Council �
_ . �_, .
Board of Dire tors�-� November;-. 1987 -
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Grid RePresentatives : �
1 . Tom Kayser 466 S . iss . River Blvd. 698-1240
2 . Kate Rriggs 2161 Sa gent Avenue _ 699-4810
3. Jeffrey Cairns 1894 Su mit Avenue 690-1474
4 . Carl Englund 2024 Fa rmount Avenue 690-0435
5 . Leslie I3angs 200 Amh rst Avenue b90-3039
fi . IJalt Doehne 1577 Fa rmount Avenue • 698-6750
7 . � Paul Plunkett 1370 Go drich Avenue 699-5092
8. Pat Benson 1262 Sa gent Avenue , 690-4537
9. Sara Pillow 2116 Je ferson Avenue 699-3757 .
10. Dick Sobiech • 2000 St nford Avenue 698-Q75Fi
11 . Pat 13erendt - Z�08 St nford Avenue 698-1O5�i
12 . Janet Johnson 1366 Be keley. Avenue 699-2648
13. Sally I'rost 1225 St nford Avenue 699-4550
14. Abby Struck 1830 Ja es Avenue 690-4683
15. Dave �4cVary 375 S. nelling Avenue • 690-4422
16 . John Vinar 431 S. arwick Street 698-093fi
17 . Lincta Varro 12Q8 Pa ace Avenue 699-7319
At-Lar e Directors Residential tembershi :
Steve �Jeber 1359 Os eola Avenue 690-0520
Dennis OsUorn 1325 Go drich Avenue 698-682$
Cayle Summers 2258 Go drich Avenue 698-0445
Kevin Johnson 18$0 Gr nd Avenue 690-4432
At-I.ar e I)irectors Institutional Ptembershi : -
Gary Atkinson St . Tho as College 647-5202 (0)
Tom I'lynn Nativity Church b98-4920
Tom Goldstein Sports ollection 699-818fi .
Commtinity Or�;anizer :
Kathie Tarnowski 32Q S. Gri�;gs St . 698-7973 (0)
I3LOCC Coordinator:
Debbie Meister 320 S , Griggs St . 69A-7973 (0)
Proiect Coordinat�r :
r�+�.__ .. �...,.._..�...i ��n c r+..s ...,.. cr �t�o �n�� /n�
� .
. .
'Internat�evenu�Service , Department of the Treasury
District Director .
JaN 1 9 1982 � . . -
Date: Emptoyer td�nNButio�NumMr.
• - AccnuqtfeK Period Eadin�: ..
�tn� .�Ot�
• Foundatton Shtus Ci�s�if�tlon:
- - s'o9��(�r,. i�oCb)CI CR)CE
C C U 11 � t f A 5 E y� Advanu Rutia�P�etod Ends: �
� rFr� 41��� , , l 132g0 0
V 15 ►2 I C' �_�2�`r�*M����L 5 � + Parso JU n e,. .3 O /9 8�
T T l< <. r•hiu•� TY 'C�Ur� •
1 5 2 3 F A I K'1�T A V F I n t o C o n M e t: �
S T P A UL� ;1�1 5 510 5 _ R' L .�''�. �'',`t�"7/i NG�f
S± Co�tset Tet�phons[rwnher.
. � �ob�-76��5'•S8//
Dear Applicant: .
Based on information supplied, nd assuming your operations will be as stated
in your application for recognit�on f exemption, we have determined you are exempt
from Federal income tax under sectio 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Because you are a newly created organization, we are not now making a final
determination of your toundation sta us under section 509(a) of the Code. However.
wa have determined that you can reas nably be expected to be a publicly supported
organization described in section S(c,�1(�) � �7p�bxi)(���vi�
Accordingly, you will be treate as a publicly supported organiz�tion, and not
as a private foundation, during an a vance ruling period. This advance ruling peri.od
begins on the date of your inception and ends on the date shown above.
Within 90 days after the end of your advance ruling period, you must submit to
us information needed to determine w ether you have met the requirements of the
applicable support test during the a vance ruling period. If you establish that you
have been a publicly supported organ zation, you will be classf.fied as a section
509(a) (1) or 509(a) (2) organization s long as you continue to meet the requirements
of the applicable support test. It' y u do not meet the public support requirements ��.
., during the advance ruling period, yo will be classified as a private foundation for
future periods. Also, if you are cla sified as a private 'foundation. you will be
treated as a private foundation from the date of your inception for purposes of
sections 507(d) and 4940. '
Grantor3 and donors may rely on the determination that you are not a private
foundation until 90 days after the e d of your advance ruling period•. If you submit
the required information within the 0 days, grantors and donors may continue to
rely on the advance determination un il the Service makes a final determination of
your faundatiqn status. However, if otice that you will no longer be treated as a
section �,$'v y�� l� 'organizatio is published in the Internal Re�renue Bulletin,
grantdrs and donors may not rely on his determination after the date of such
publication. Also, a grantor or dono may not rely on th�s determination if he or
sre was in part responsible for; or as aware of, the act or failure to act that
resulted in your loss of section q(a)(�� status, or acquired knowledge that
� the Internal Revenue Servics had giv n not�ce that you would be remowed from
classification as a section �c�Cr� )�,t� organization
, •
316 N.Robert St. .St. Paul.Minn 5510 t�•�� _ - - Lwtter t0a��1'Nt�«771
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AFtTICLE I - NA2�: �
The nas� o! thia orgasdsatior s bs th� District 14 Canm�usity Con�ncil.
AItTT�'-�.E II - .
_ B0�
The bo�ndari�s o! th� D�striat Coamutsit9 Coiau3l in St. Psul, Mimzeaota
•ha11 lnalvd� Sva�dt Avsnns on ths rh.h; RaadolPh Avenue oa ths aouth; the
Mtssissipp� Ri�r on th• �nst; ths 3 r�.11ne Road aad th� prvposed 135g corridor
on t,hs east.
'I'b,e purpoas o! thia org�izstio shall be t
Section l. Charitsbls and educ tional ao as to unit�s izi co�on canse,
reaiden atbd orgat�:zstioms as ths area described 3rt Article II iti a
� contiriuing eltort to praewts haz�s�o u� smrironmental condition�a uid fav�orable -
co�mmity rslstion�hipa th�rbin a�d uredss-take suah charitable a� edvaational
actions and ssrvicea as may, �ry its rehip, be detarmined to bs deairibla
to aerve thees purposea. T�Tithin th ss pnrpoesa it is intended thst tl�i.s .argani-
sation shall attempt to eduaats th° comm�it9 Aa 'to ths necessity ior maintaining
. coamunity pride in auttsrs of co�no intersat for the preservst�,on oi s desirable •
livible neighborh;ood.
gy xwy or eocamples ct carr9i.� out theas purposea, the organizst3.an shall
initiate and participsts in snch �t oru� �s ms9 bs detez�aiined to be daaisable
to enable rsaidsnts to preasrve at�d mainta3n good reaidential housing, live i.n
a hsalthtl�l. s�irorm�snt, p�o4lde reational tacilit..ie�, and protect ths neigh»
borhood from crims.
In tlartherancs o! ths forego , ths purpoaea ot this orgat�izat3oa sha]1. be
to aolicit i�nds and to ac:a�pt and c:ontributioaa, to put to prod�ctive uss
all ot ths i1�ds and pi"oP�rt9 xhi it may a�m at at�r tims, and ta u�e and dis-
tribute its �nco�s and P�'aPerty' ueiveSy ror aharitable aml edwcatiaaa�l pur-
3ect,_ i_,on 2. To develop immedi ts and long-range plsns, prograim; aad pro�scts
xhich shall p�ovide for ths physi , economic, and social needs of the district.
3ection . To eatabLiah a iatent meana of con�unicat�,on �o that people
au�y b!, mads aKare of P�'oPoaals att oting the distriat by public sgeneisa and
ofricials, a�d may, in tura, pat'ti ipats in ths planai.ng prior to action.
3ectior�4. To hsve a xell- ora►ed di�trict realistically pursuing ita
best interssts, thervby impra�riru s quality of lite in the City and increas�,ng
the contidencs i.n the lliturs ot district aad or' the City. To this end, the
organization �il.l uae vat�iova m to inform the district of issues �hick may
afSect ita itrtsreet.
� p-dooted June 25, 1�8;
Revised April 1£, I985
. . ,
� �Sectioa S. To a�t r�al�stic� gosls for.district pro�ects aa� programs �r63ch may
'-� �quira funda fram outside sources, wh thst public or pr3vste, aad to vork to unite
elemeata cL` ths di�trict ia aae to obtaia such fuads.
Section 6. To providn a' forvm for op�a diacussion so that resideat� aad bus�►sas
people of thn distr3ct can work togeth r to�nrd the ca�non goal oi� a safe, healtl�ul
attractive distzict withia a asfa, he thful aad attractive city.
. . fi c:
�T��'r � � ����g� '
Section 1. Gataral m�m6�r�hip s ba open to sll p�raoaa Who live iri.thia th�
bouadaries eatablished for tha Distric 14 Com�uai,ty Couacii vho are eighteea (18)
pears of ags or older. regardi:sa of. r a, s�ac, r�ligion or natianal origin.
Section 2: Associata membarahip s b• opea to aay bus3ae�s, educatioasl
. iaatitution or. church ia th: Couacil's area. S3milar organizstions or aasociations
outside the Couacil's area may beccma saociate membsra ugod applicatioa to aa approval
by tha Board of Director�..
Saction 3. AZl geaeral aad asaoc te membera shall have the right to appear on the
agenda at regular board meetiag� to pr sent items of iaterest in Districr 14. General
members shall be eatitled to vote for epreseatation at the anaual meeting of the
District 14 Community Couacil aad at s ecial electicna that may froea time to time b�
set by the Board o� Directora. Each a sociate member is entitl.ed to one (I) vote for
Directors At-Large ia its reap�ctive c tegory.
Seetion 1. The Board of Directora is the govermiag body and sha1.Z coasist of
oae member from each of tha prescribed grids elected by the resideats therein. A
descriptioa of the grid bouadariea is ttached to these bylawa as Fachibit A. Ia
addition, the Board of Directors ahall conaist of four (4) Directors At-Large elected
by the general membership and four (4) Directors At-Larga (tw�o from the busiaess
co�aunity, one from the educational c nity and one fram the church coamaunity) elected
e�iclusively by their reepective consti ueats ia the aasociate membership categories of
business, educatioaa], and church c itie�. '
Seetion 2. The Board of Director ahall have powe�c:
(a) to fill mid-tesm cancies ia its own m�bership bp. sp�cial
. election. Method and procedures for special el.ect3ons
shall be detarm bq the Board of Directors one (I) month
ia advance of suc special e.Lectioct so as to easure proper
public notice.
(b) [o prescriba meth ds aad procedures for electing directors
at anaual meeting . Such method� and procedures shall be
_ determiaed by the Board of Directors one (1� month prior to
' each anaual meeti g so as to provide for proper aotice to
the public.
(c) to determias proc durea for breakiag [ies ia annual and special
(d) to review associa e membezship el.igibility and approve associate
member�hip reques s.
(e) to elect officer� and fill mid-term vacaacies ia any o£fice
except Presideat
_ (f) to exerciae all t e powars of the orgaaiaation.
(g) to appoiat commit eea aa nece�aary.
• . Re�rised April 18, 1985
,._�._._ - .
r • •
a . . � . . � . � . . .
. Section . Et�ctioas sbal2 b� at th� areaus.l mMting. At �n�csal ms�t3z�gs
in etsn-nvmbsred ye�ra, all s�sn-numbs grid rsprsserrt.ative� ard iovr (4�)
At-large Direetors (tx� h�Om gsnsral bsr�hip artid ons each from th� btisiae�s
. arsd sdueatioria►7. a�aociat� msa�bsr�hips) ahall bs slected to a tyro-y�ear terac of
oifics. Zn odd-t�ered•psars, al]. -tittmb�red grid rep�essntatives arcd tour (4)
_ At..],arge IIirect.ors (tvd troea gsn�r�tl bsrship and ons each from ths busirtsa�
/ a�d church assooista mamb�rsb3pa) sh b� elsctad to a tx�-ye�►r terat ot otfics.
��.r,�� .
Sertion 1.� Zh� oitic�ta. o! ths sttict 14 Comnunitp Coea:cil shall bss
a Prs�id �fic*-p�s�idsnt; a Secr ta.�-9, and a Treasursr. Ths tsrm oi offia•
�hz11 bs ons �1� ysar. No otZicsr s servs inore than t�o (2) coriseeuti4e
t�r�ns in th� aamr aftics. .
3ection Z. �hs of=icsrs �l�all b electsd by ths Hoard of Directors froar
its msmbers at a mseting tv b� hald e moath fo7l�osrtrtg the ann�l meet3ng of
ths couacil.
Section . Mid�term Qacancy of e president's po�ition yrill be fi17.�d bp
ths v3ce..president. Other mid-terta v canciea shi11. bs rilled by the Board oP
3ection 4. Ar� orticer or d3rea r ansp bs removed fro�t office by x
tyro-th3rds 2 j) vots o1' ths Bbard ot 1lrector� tor ca�use. Absence
from three (3� co�secutive board mestings or four (4) board meetings during any
consecutive thwelve month period shali constitute grounds for removal fr� office
af any officer or board members.
� Section . Ths duties ot ths ot icers of ths District 14 Coaanunitp Council
sha�l7. inclwde but not be liadted to e tolloxf.ng s
A. President .
• 1. Pteside at a]1 msetings t ths Di�tri.ct 14 Coa�a�u�ity Ccuncit.
. 2. H,�vs general re�pon�ib ty !or co�duating,the �fair� of ths
Distr3ct 14 Co�nunity cil.
3. Esvs general responsi ty for ths 3m�7.amentation ot all reavlu-.
tions paaaed by ths m� ership. .
4. ` Shs11 des3gnats cermsitt es sr3th the apvrovZ7, of the metnbars o�' the
Board of Directors.
5• Shall xith the 41cs-pre ident� secretary, and treasurer, bs respon-
�3ble !cr eerplopment co traats or hired sta,ft. •
6. 3ttpervris e and d'1,rect s Ft. '
H. Vias Ptesident
1. Shall perform the dutie ot the President iri the Pre�ldent`s
ab�ence, and such other dut3e� as the Preaident ahall ao direct.
2. SE�tlI assist the Presid nt irt conducting the busine�� of ths
Distra.ct 14� Camm�atity C uncil as reque�ted.
3- Shz11., ui.th ths avpz�o4 of the Hoard of Directors, assune �'�e
d+ities of Preeident. upo vacancy of the President's po�ition.
Revised April 13, .1985
� . . _ . ,�
._ _ _ . � _ �;� , ? � �
: �
. ./
,� �. s�
;' 1. shall taks a�a k�sp ac t�s records or iu p�asedinga or nsatrsot
14 Cc�mmua�i.t9 Co�oil m s.
2. Shall, in ths sbs�ncs t hired statl, keep a !'ils ot rsporta aubadtted
. by a]S cammci.tts�s atsd boo�sitt.esa. '"� -
3, Stra�S, ia ths sb�� � hirsd atatt, bs rea:oonsihls tor Ps�Per
reco� o� all D�istri 1� Coa�mity ComnMl correspoadet�es, lett�ri,
aad athsr co�ies aith 4arians psr�ona, b�ssir►eases, osgaalza.•
• tions, a�d othsr e�rt,i. sa.
4. 3b:11., iti th� abs��� hired stott, enaure P�'oP�' Pu�a ar�ot�ce.•
. . ment ot all. mNti�ga o th� Dirsators and ot task 4oress aad co�md.t•
' ' tess. .
. .
D. Treaat�rsr � •
1. S�+=.?? recsi�ve and � moniea obtained for condua�ting ths bu�ius�s
o! ths Diatriat 14 Co ty Council.
2. Shs11 disbus�ss m4ni.ee needed st ths direction oF ths Hosrd of
.. DSreCtors.
3. 3hz11 kssp sccnrats anrre'ett recos�ds of ths t'iacal teittsrs of ttie
D3strict 14 Cacm�ad.tY ursail.
y.� gh,o�tl, pzepare quart�r atsd a�us1, attte�ents which �rill be su�i:tted
to ths District 14 ty Council, .
5. Sbu.11 p�ese�nt a t1�11 �e�r's re�port, ss neaes�ary, �t 9oard
meet,ittgs. -
Sect�3on l, Arnaial Maeti�g. s District 14 Co�.ty Coimcil shall hold
ita sruiv,a.l meeting in March or A o= each y+ear. The date, time� ar�d place of
the meeting ahs�1 be aet by ths Ho ot Directors. Pt2blic notice shaL7. ba
' pnbl3shed at least one (1) month or to each annus�7. meeting.
The method and p�ocedtire tor �ating directors aha17. be datarm3ned hy the
Board of Direatora one (1) mo�h r to each atmual meeting so as t,o provide
ior a democrstic �election ot' thoa Directors reqvired to be elected under these
Articles. �
All partidpaats shall sign at the atest,3ng xith the spprop�iste reaidett-
ti.al or businesa addreas.
Aa the first order o� busines , a�a7. reports shall be provided by the
officars and chairpersorea oF auch oaanittes� aa l.he Board of Directors may
requeest. .
E1ect3on ot the Board ot Dir rs shall be the second order of b�inesa.
Nominstiona aha1S be open lrc�a the flovr. The newly eleated Board of Ddrectors
sha�Ll asatnne o:ft'ice at the oonalus on ot the meetiz�g.
Isauea ot concerri to the Dis ot, proposala Por pro�eats cr p�ograms shall
be p�esented snd discuased.
Section 2. Board of Directo s' Meetings. The Board of Directors shall hold
� regular monthly meetings at leas ten times per year, as determined by the Board.
Board members shall be notified the Secretarp in advance as to tfine� pl.ace, and
and agenda. Public announcement ill be provided to local media in advance of the
Revised April 18, 1985
, . M � ��,_ IJ �
� • . By'-saxs' P• 5
Section . Spec3al ms�tinga. pscial atestit�gs oP ths Boatd of Directors
msy be called the Presid�nt or by a ms�ority ot the Board of Directors on
mattera o! ia'Be�a9� p�id.d th,at no . ae ia made st least three (3) days iti
. advsnce apecityis�g t.h� tiau, p,l,aas, rea�on !or meet.ing.
Seotion 4. Qt�os�aa. A asa�ority ot' the Board oi D�.rectors ahall oonat,�tute
a 4�0� st a� dvly oo:tve��d aas . ----
Sectivn 5. All meetings covere by these by-lawa shall be coaducted
under Robert;s Aules of Ord�r, as nded.
� Section 6. All meetings of the District 14 Co�unity. Council shall be opea to
the public. A11 eligible participan s from the district are encouraged to attend.
Section 1. The Soard of Direct rs shall establish committeea and task forces
as deemed necesaary for its purpoees
Section 2. The chairperaon of ach committee shall be appointed by the officers
with the approval of the Bosrd of Di ectors. Any eligible par�icipant may a�rve
as a.,member of any committee. � • • �
. , . _ �
Section 3. Each co�moittee shal include at least one (I) member of the Board
of Directors: No officer of the Boa d oF Directors may be chairperson of a standing
or permaneat co�ittee.
Section 4. Committeea shall is ue reports and/or recommendations to the Board
of Di=ec d [he membership. Th y shall not take action wit6out prior appraval
or direction of the Board of Directo s. Committees shall provide written reports
of their progress upoa requeat of th President and upon discharge of the committee.
Section 5. All committee meeti gs ahall be opea to the pablic. Whenever possible�.
committee�meetings shall be aanouace to the communitg in advance of the meeting.
Section 6. There shall be esta lished a Long Range Planning Conrmittes whose
duties sh clude implementatioa f the District 14 Plan and keeping [he Plan
curzent as the iseues and iaterests f the District 14 Commuaity Council change.
Section 7. The Executive Commi tee is comprised of the officers of the �ouncil
and is chaiied bq the President. Th committee's function is to assist the
Preaident in coctducting the a€fairs f the council as seC forth in the by-laws.
Section 1. No substantial part f [he activiCies of the Council shall be the
carrqing on cf prcpaganda or �otherw e attempting to influence legislation and the
Council shall not participate in or tervene in (including the publishing or
distribution of statements) any polit cal campaign on behalf oF any candidate for
public office.
Revised April 18, 1985
. . . J� � " ' '� , � . By-Iavs, p.6 .
����� � �'����5
Seat,�,io� 2. I4o�ithstit�ding � othsr p�'o�3si.on af' thsss Articles, the,
Couaail sh,a]1�ot aarry on au� other aoti4itiea not permittsd to be carried on _
(s) by xs orgsnizstion aacempt lro� f sral it�coase tau� uader Sect3on 5�1(c)t3) c!
- ths Ints�al B�as Cod� ot 19y4 (o th� correaponding p�ovision ot any 2'tit�rs
�it�d States Incternal Rev+ss�tt� Ls�) r (b) by► s�tt ai'Banization, contribntions to
xbich ars dednatibs� tmd� Seat3on 1 0(c)(2) ot th� Internal Aa�vsaus Cods of 1954
(or th� oorrespondiag p�arision of 11rt.�u�s IInited Statea Intsrna7. F�e�►e�tus Lax)..
3sotion . IIpon th� dissol ot th� Co�mail, thi Board ot Ddrse�Lors
sha3]., att�r payiag or mald�. � =or th� gaynesnt ot a11 ot th� liabilttiea
or ths Orgiirlsation, diapos• o! all o! thr asasts of the Coimcil eocclnsivsly tor
#.hs Furpoaes ot ths Counail 3n auah ma�t�, or to snch organization or orgs�si.za_
ti,ous orgu�i.sed aad opsrst�d eaoalna 4a7.y !or charitshle,•edn�tiona7., religiou�
� or scientitia parposs a� sball at s tims qualit'9 sa an eocempt orgarLization or
' org�izations unda� Section 5�(0)O ot ths Intes�a7.�Bever�ne Cods ot 1954 �or
th� correapond3n8 �ision or �► OAited 3tstsa Internil Rervemrw Lazr),
ss ths Board o� Directora ahaL1 ds zasin�. Any sach assets not ao diapvsed oP
ahall be dispoaed of by th� IILatri Coart o! �hs c:ovat� in xhich ths t�incipal
oStice ot the Comzcil is thsn loca , eo�clusively for such p�a-posea or such
organizstion or orgaaizs�tions, aa h court shall dstenQine, xhich ars orguLtzed
aud operated eooclvai�e].y ror sach aes.
5ection 4. No pas-t ot•the net eat�a.it�gs or ttu�ds o� the Covatcil sbal], imire
to the beine it o=, or b� dia�.rl,bnta e to, its mecebers, o�ticers, or other private
- persona e�ccept t.tuat ths Ccv�oi7. s bs authorized arid ea�parwered to Pay�reasonable
compenaation for ser�l.cea re�dered to msks p4ymants and distribntions in
2tirtheraMCe ot ths piu�poaaa ast =o in Article aI hereof.
These Article�, or any that ma hereaf'ter be ac3�opted, ma.y be changed or
amsnded by introduction oY the am e�eit(s) at s regular Board of Directors•
meeting and vnting on such amen�mea (s) at the subaequent general maatbership
meeting or a spsaial msmb�rship mee � cslled for that purpose. Notificstion
of atl impending changea in these cle�, includiag the proposed aiae�dment(s),
shall be given at least one {1) mon in advance of' the meeting. A two-thirds
�2�3) ms�a='j.ty v�ote.oY the membe� sent ahall be neceaaary for pasasge.
The fiscal y+ear shall be from vly 1 to June 30.
Whererver irri.tten notice is req or suthorized by theae by-lasas, such
notice requiremeat or authorizstion shall be satisfied (w�].esa otherwise spxi-
tically pt�ov3ded in theae by..lairs) notiae is deLtvered to the me�ber•s resi-
dence by handing it to a person at e member�s residence, is left in a con-
spicuous place; is mailed to the la t 1aiaWn address of the uember bp tirst clgss
mai l , or ia pnbll,shed in a nen�apape ot general, circulation in the are� aa de-
Sined in Article II.
� Adopted June 25, 1981
?tevised April 18,� 1985
_ y . � . - . V v '� - .
.. . ,� J„ .^' � ,� � . . . � . .. �
N_ 0145.80 .
�`"C�+MUNITY S�RVICES DEP�,RTrtErrr -- - - - -- -
7409 PHONE � .
4-21-88 DATE
ASSIGN NOl�IBER FOR �t00TING ORDER: (See verse �ide.)
1 Departmeat Director Mayor (or Assistant)
Finance and lsanageatent Services Dir tor � City Clerk
Budget Dire�tor � Parks & Recreatinn
City Attorney � �
TOTAL N[tKBEB. OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 5 Clip all locations for signature.) �
iT C I Y (Purposa/R�tionale) ��
. � �ti
The City will grant $2,000 from the Nei hborhood Festival Fund to •the DISTRTCT 14 ��
COFMUNITY COUNCIL for the purpose of s ging a comnunity festival ; to be held
August 18, 1988. Council Research CBnt@t
MAY 0 31�88 RECE111�D
S UDG Y AND RSO AC S - '�PR Z 5 �9�v
$2,000 from the Neighborhood Festival und. C����
� R�rc���c�
aP�2 �� ;y�,u
(Maqor's s ignature not required if unde $10,000.) qNp PA��MEN,OF F��TpR
�Total Amount of Trans�ction: $2,000 Activitq Number:G���-
Funding Sflurce: 325 - Special Servic s R�CE�V�Q
APR 27 198$
�TTACHMENTS: (List and nvmber all atta hments.)
Counci l Resol ution ���� p�TQRN��/
4 copies of Agreement between the Cit and the DISTRICT 14�C(�iUNITY COUNCIL
1 copy of grant request with appropr.aa e attachments
_Yes ,_No Rules, Regulations, ocedures, or Budget Amendment requiredY
,_Yes ,_No If yes. are they or t metable attached7
Yes No Council resolution re red? Rasolution re uired� � es 1�10
�... — 4 9
,�,Yes _No Inaurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _,No�
_Yes ,�No Insurance attached? D e August 12. ,�
,• 'r '„ ��.��-- ��9
THIS AGREEMENT, made and ent red into this /3f`1 day of �r� � , 1988
by and between the CITY OF SAINT AUL, a municipal corporatian of the State of
Minnesota (hereinafter referred t as "City"), and DISTRICT I4 COMMUNITY
COUNCIL, (hereinafter -referred to as "Council").
WHEREAS, on Januar.y 6, 1987 he St. Paul City Council established a
Community Festival oan Fund and Grant Program, administered by
the Division of Par s and Recreation, for the purpose of
assisting neighborh od festivals with expenses, startup costs and
insurance coverage; and
WHEREAS, the St. Paul City C uncil has approved rules and regulations to
ensure the fair and equitable distribution of the funds; and
WHEREAS, the Council has app ied for a grant in accordance with these
rules and regulatio s.
NOW THEREFORE, the parties a ree as follows:
1. That the City shall gra t to the Council the sum af two thousand
dollars ($2,000.00) for the purpose of helping to fund the Community
Festival to be celebrat d on �vt�, 1988 as more
particularly outlined i the Council 's application attached hereto as
Exhibit A and made a pa t of this Agreement.
2. That the Council will p epare and submit to the City a report
outlining all expenses nd revenues derived from the Festival and
specifically detailing ow the grant money was spent within 90 days
after the completion o the festival noted above. Cauncil further
will permit the Divisi n of Parks and Recreation staff full access ta
' t .r ', ��G '�°`1
its books and records co cerning the festival .
3. That the Council shall s bmit to the City a copy of the Council 's
liability insurance poli y naming the City as an additional insured,
.said policy shall be fo arded to City by G. I o� , 1988.
Approved as to form: DISTRICT 14 COMMUNITY COUNCIL:
C ��
Paul McCloske , Assis an City .
Attorney '
hleen Stack, Director
Department of Community
Services, City of St. aul
By ,
Eugene Sc ller, Di ector K�T�
Department of Finance and
Management Services, City
of St. Paul
. . . ��-��9
, , .
Special Services Section
rSELBY DISTRICT COMMERCIAL Selby venue Parade & Sept. 12 $ 2,000
CLUB Festiv 1
� � FROGTOWN FESTIVAL, INC. Frogto n Festival Oct. 15-18 2,000
SUMMIT HILL-DISTRICT 16 Linwo d Fall Festival Oct. 11 1,870
1987 5,870
�LOWERTOWN ARTIST CO-OP One D y Parade July 23 $ 2,000
DISTRICT 10 COMMUNITY Como ommunity Festival Sept. 25 2,000
MIDWAY COALITION- Horto Park Festival June 25 2,000
DISTRICT 14 COMMUNITY Commu ity Festival Aug. 18 2,000
l HIGHLAND BUSINESS Highland Fest Aug. 12-14 2,000
MERRIAM PARK COMMUNITY Conc rt in the Park/ June 28 2,000
COUNCIL Ice ream Social
�WHITE BEAR AVENUE 5K R ce July 28 2,000
1988: 14,000
TOTAL 87-88: $19,870
* These applications were denie based on the rules of the Festival Fund in
that grants can only be on a on -time basis. The purpose of the grant
program is to provide "seed" mo ey to help get events started or to help
existing events which have had inancial difficulty. The idea is that in
future years, events will be se f-supporting.