88-728 WHITE � CiTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1flC11 /y� //�^/ CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L /� //� +�LUE - MAVOR File NO. v - " ' � ' Counci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, such activities assi t greatly in maintaining respect, understanding, and cooperatio between the various governments, institutions, and companies r presented by such dignitaries and the City of Saint Paul, and c n greatly assist in any mutual projects between such parties or the resolution of differences between such parties ; and WHEREAS, such activities crea e good will which may serve the City and its citizens in their future relationships with those who are respresented by such ignitaries ; and WHEREAS, the giving of gifts is traditional with visiting groups ; and WHEREAS, the giving of gifts serves to foster good will and awareness between city gover ment and citizens; RESOLVED, that the Council d ems that such expenditures will serve as a benefit to the co munity of the City of Saint Paul as a body and are directly rela ed to the functions of government; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the C uncil of the City of Saint Paul authorizes the Mayor to prov de gifts to visitors, each individual gift not to excee an amount of $200. 00 , and such gifts to be given at the dis retion of the Mayor. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long __�� In Fav r Goswitz Rettman-�� s�6e;ne� __ Agains By - �` Wilson MAY I :: �� Form pprov City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certif;ed P•s ed by Cou c.il Sec tary By f sy, ..� -f� A►ppro by 1Aavor: Dat �AY 1 � �O Approved by Mayor Eor Submis ' n Council By pI18tISNEO ►Y�HY w Z � ��✓� , . . . � .d°_ Q13595 . Ma or's Offi ce DEPa�t�rrr � �m e us CONTACT NAME 98-43 3 � �oxE � 4 1 8 DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROIITING ORDER: (See re rse side.) , _ Department Director 2 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and ldanagement Services Direc r 3 City Clerk � Budget Director _ _ 1 City Attoraey _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (C ip all location�s for signatura.) WHAT W G C N 0 H � <Purpose/Rationale) �9ayor Mrill be au�horizetl to give gifts to visiting d�gnitaries, local schooT groups, and service organizations. � F@���i� �����rch Center � . M��l 6� �9�8 CO B N T UD AND PER C C E : The purpose of this resol uti on i�s to con `�rm and cl arify the use of funds. from the htayar's . Contingency Accaunt far visit�'ng dignita ies and groups. There wi11 be no i crease of the u�bud� et. For years tMe contingency accou t fias been funded annually by the C ty Counci�and spent ih accordance with the:terms of.this re�olution. The City Attor.ney`s Office has recommended this resolution as a fo al policy s�atement of past practice. N G C UD VI ER C G D OR CRED TED: (Maqor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: 001-001f�0548 Funding Source: General Fund: Executi e i9dministra�i.on, Mayor's O�fice ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all atta hments.) Resolution ADI�iINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, ocedures, or Budget Amendment• �equired? _Yes _No If yes� are they or imetable attached? � nDEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY. ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes _No Council resolution req ired? Resolution required? _Yes ,_No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? ____Yes _No Yes No Insurance attached? �