88-725 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUflC1I PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL J��-�'�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Coun il Resolution �f �r Present By ��� �.�•�.� �- -l� �� Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date , w ra rom e inneso a Department of Public Safety, State and Loc 1 Assistance for Narcotics Control Program to purchase crime lab equipment and enhanc d narcotics surveillance equipment to improve identification, apprehension and prosecuti n of drug offenders, and WHEREAS, The Minnesota Department of Publi Safety grant would cover $125,394 of costs for the project and require a City match o $41,798 for a total project amount of $167,192, and - WHEREAS, Costs to the City of Saint Paul w uld be $41,798, $8,500 of which is budgeted in 1988 in cap ital outlay for Narcotics/Sp cial Investigations(Fund �436) and $17,350 of which is in 1988 capital outlay for Crime aboratory(Fund �k001) leaving an unbudgeted matching cost of $16,448, $7,948 of which was provi ed through C.F. #88-�+34, and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10 07.4 of the City Charter recommends the following transfers for the �988 General Fund budget Current Amended TRANSFER FROM: Budget Changes Budget General Government Accounts ------------ -------------- -------------- Conting ent Reserve General 09060-0537 Operating Transfer Out 206,000 (8,500) 197,500 09060-0535 Recoverable Advance To Spec Fund 0 8,500 8,500 09060-0535 Recoverable Advance To Spec Fund _____16,448_ ________(8,500) _________7,948 (To #436 Police Special Projects) - ---- 206,000 (8,500) 213,948 TRANSFER TO: _ _ Department of Police Administration Units - Police 04000 Administrative Units - Police 04000-0535 Recoverable Advance To Spec Fund 11,025 8,500 19,525 04000 A.11 Other Spending 1,728,720 0 1,728,720 ------------ -------------- -------------- 1,739,745 8,500 1,748,245 _ NET CHANGE 0 RESOLVED, Fund �436 Police-Special Project which has collected $30 000 in drug seizure money to date(March 30 1988) will repay he General Fund the $16,�+48 Contin�ent Reserve General trans£er if and� as .ad�itional drug seizure money is collected.until December 30, 1988, at that date any unreimbursed tr nsfer will be forgiven, RESOLVED, That the City Council approves t ese changes to the 1988 budget. Appro a Recommended: -----�`.�-�t '�=�-�-��.-- Budget DirCctdr COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond partment of Police r.ong [n Fa or C�J� Goswitz Rettman �;� _�__ A gai n t By Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �N '�' 2 � �' Form Approv y i Att ney Certified - •se Cou cil S etar BY By ; Appro d y Mavor. Date "`+'^_� � APP� by Mayor for Sub� is ' n toCou cil By pt�USHED J UN 1 119 8 � . � , . , n �„ (Xj��� / /L/XA • - . , . , _ , �.i� �Jr� -'�� � .i:v. • �- . � -. +� '� 1V.° 012053 , Police DEPARTME - - - - - - - Luci Mitehel CONTACT N 292-3588 PHONE `'� 2-29-88 DLRTE A�SIGN NIJMBER FOR ROUT�NG ORDER: (See reverse side.� AP� 2 � ��gg ��.s� � z�.1��y`_ Department Director 4 Mayor (or Assistant) � Finance s�d 1�anagement Services Di ector 5 City Clerk �_ ,/ �udget Director _ _ ���'l.,,lo � City A�torney � TOTAL NUMH�ER OF SIGNA�URE \PAGES: �,_ (Clip all locations for signature.) Y C D' ? (Purpose/Rationale) � Police are eligible to participate in 2 gr ts fraa the NIl�1 Dept of Public Safety Narootics Co�ntrol Prograaa. Grant is for enhanced narcotic s rveillance equipsnent and state-of-the-art crime lab equipment. City must provide 25$ ma�chirlg funds. R�esolution accepts grant money, authorized sper�ding ($25,350 already authorized in 19 8 spending plans, $16,448 n�w sper�ing being auttiorized fran tr�psfer fran Contingent Reserve Gez� al). $7 94 8 was provided in C.F 8 8-4 34 and the balance, $8,500 is being prov ded in �his resolution. �UDG T AN C ��1 Atant o �atnt 52,050 73,344 _ RECEIVFp 125,394 A�ht of m8[tch:1988 budget �5,350(04306) 8,000( 25,350 Transfer 0 8,5(} f7 48 � ;o906oi APR 231988 16,448 " 6 9,400 CF88 434 7,792 167,19 p� MAYOR'S OFFiCE N C U G AC VI BER C G 0 DI ED: APR 4 �9�5 (Mayor•a signature not required if unde $10,�00.� 8����F�E Total Amoe�nt of Transgction: g , 500 F Activity Number: 34127 and 34128 133,89 SF Fundiag Source: � �pt of Public Saf ty Grant to Fund #436, Special Projects Police ATTACHME�TTS: (List and number all atta hments.) 1. Resolution fflr Narcotics Control Grant urveillance and Narcotics Control Grant Crime Lab 2. Resolution for tranfer of 8 5Q0- -(GF co tribution towards grant match requirements) to Police Special Fund #436 Police Specia Projects 3. Capital Outlay Detail from 1988 Adopted Budget, 34120 and 05306 �C�V� 4. Contingent Reserve General Status Repor REC � � �,D1riINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES APR N 01988 ei;�aEt OFFt� g_Yes ,,,,_No Rules, Regulations, P ocedu��T Dr������ent requiredP �Yes _No If yes, are they or t metable attached? DEPARTMENT REVYEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _$Yes _i�o Council resolution requ red? Resolution required7 _Yes �,No _Yes ,�No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient� _Yes No _Yes �No Insurance attached? � ��"��-' r� ` CITY F SAINT PAUL �,�i�,�,,, : • RECEtVED �<�n �t,u OH'B'ICE F T13� CITY COIINCIL . .. � MAY 2 41988 � Co 'ttee Report c��r c�ERK ��nan�e Mana eme t & Personnel Committee. May 23, 1988 1. Resolution 88-724 - amendin the 1988 budget by adding Approved $133,894 to the Financing an Spending Plans for Special Projects-Police. 2. Resolu�ion 88-725 - amendin the 1988 budget by transferring � $8,500 from Contingent Rese e Accounts to Police-Adminis- tration. CITY HALL SEVENTH LOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 �+e