88-723 WNITE - CITY CLERK pINK � - FINANCE COLLnCII GANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PALT L �91UE - MAVOR File �O. _ ��� - City Attny/JTH C� C •l Resolution , q �.J Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , on May 29 , 1986 the Saint Paul City Council passed resolution no. 86-693 , whic has come to be known as the First Source Resolution; and WHEREAS , this public p licy is intended to promote the hiring of low-income City residents in construction or permanent jobs related to development proj cts in the City which receive public financing assistance, as we 1 as to promote other City compliance guidelines ; and WHEREAS , the First Sou ce Agreement (FSA) has been in place for over one year and the D partment of Planning and Economic Development Job Creation st ff has some experience on which to improve the rSA process ; an THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL ED, that l. The Job Creation a d Training Section of the Department of Planning and Ec nomic Development be officially designated as the ity office responsible for the monitoring and fur her implementation of the FSA process with all d velopers and/or firms receiving financing assistan e associated with a commercial or industrial proj ct valued in excess of $1 ,000 ,000 as stated in the r solution no . 86-693 ; and 2 . Job Creation and T aining staff be notified in writing of appropriate mee ings relative to financial assistance for developers and firms by Port Authority or City staff, especially when su h meetings involve �discussion o� job related activity o the project ; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond '�t,*" _� [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman B s�ne�bet _ A gai n s y �eewer ..W31ser Adopted by Council: Date MAY 1 21988 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Yasse by Council Secretar By � gy, Ap ro y Mavor: Date MAY i ;� 1 i Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy PI�USNED �Y��Y 2 1 988 �NMITE - C�TV CLERK � .PINK `- FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��� ��3 OLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Counc l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- 3 . Job Creation and Tr ining designated staff be responsible for securing an FSA from the developer as soon as possible after a financial a sistance package is proposed, and before it is finali ed, with the Early Notification System requirement f thirty days , but in any event prior to final approval o such package by the City Council , HRA Board or Port Autho ity Board; and 4. Job Creation and Tr ining staff will be afforded an oppor- tunity by the Saint Paul Port Authority, City Development staff, and the Deve oper, to present in face-to-face dis- eussions the FSA pa kage to all potential employers in assisted projects i cluding tenants ; 5. Language be include in appropriate financial assistance documents which spe ifically references the FSA requirements ; and 6 . Finally, the City Co ncil and the Mayor will ensure that adequate resources e provided to PED' s Job Creation and Training Section to support the staff needed to adequately monitor, market , an document results on all FSA covered projects , especially in the event of expanded application of the FSA process . RESOLVED FURTHER, that u on adoption, approval and publication , this Resolution shall superce e Resolution C.F. No . 88-193 adopted February 11 , 1988 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond --� In Favor Goswitz Rettman ry1� . a �.�, �be1�� �_ Against By -seen�r _�3GLsu�} MAY 1 �_ �� Form Appr City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas-e by Council Secretar BY � gy. Approved by Mavor: Date MAY 1 J 1�t7 Approv Ma r for u ' sion to Council B — ��� � Y Pti�ilS�1ED ���,�i� .� 11�a ' ��'-�� .�V° �134 1 � PED/Job Creation & Training .DEpAR1'�NT � • Brian Merchant CONTACT 3.259 PHQNE � Mav 2, 1988 DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROU'PING ORDER: (See everse �ide.) =3--}3e�- Di����to� - �i� Mayor (or Assistant) ,� Finance and Management Services Dir ctor �• "(�,� City Cleik 6 �Budget Director ,� el> � � 4 City Attorney � TOTAL NUMflER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: �_ Clip all locations for signsture.) � � W V D G C C I ? (Purpose/Ratioaale) , The attached resolution is a restateme t of Resolution C.F. No. 88-193 adopted oh Feb.ruary 11, 1988. This resolution pr vides administrative changes and superceeles Resolution C.F. No. 88-193. . Council Research Center, MAY 0 51988 COST` N UDGETARY AN RSON ACTS C A D: Administrative changes will focus ,and ' prove the operation of the First Source employment referral process. FI C D T AC V NUM ER C REDI D: (Mayor's signature not raquired if under $10,000.) . , Total Amount of Transgction: N/ Activity Number: Funding Source: N/A ATTACHMENT3: (List and nwaber all attac ents.) One Council Resolution for signature. , ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Pr cedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or ti etable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes No Council resolution requi d? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? Yes _No • Yes No Insurance attached? ��k--7�� Members: Biil Wilson, chair CITY O SAINT PAUL Tom Dimond i�ii°i ii n OFFICE O THE CITY COIINCIL Kiki Sonnen Date: April 27, 1 88 WILLIAM L. WILSON MARK VOERDING Councilman Co mittee Report Legislative Aide To: Saint Paul City Cou cil From : Housing and Ec nomic Development Committee Bill Wilson, Chai 1. Ordinance amending the Leg'slative Code by creating a new chapter regarding registration of wellings. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VAL 2. Resolution consenting to t e issuance of Port Authority bonds to finance the acquisition an renovation of a 12,300 sq. ft. office and maintenance facility o Homer Street for Commercial Trucking and Leasing. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR VAL 3. Resolution adopting policy to not approve development projects outside the City on behalf of the Port Authority until iterim :; policies setting criteria re adopted by the Port Authority and approved by City Council, hat this action is not intended to encourage or discourage su h development once interium and permanent policies are set and requesting Port Authority staff to prepare proposed interi m criteria for review by the Council within 30 days regarding t eir involvement in east metro development projects outsi e the City. SENT BACK TO COUNCIL FROM OMMITTEE WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION __ ___ _ _.. 4. Discussion of implementati n rules for First Source Agreement COMMITTEE RECOMMEIV�;� �P�$. AL (3�' DRr�.FT RESOLUTION, WiiICH G��I.L S U�L'����$-193 CTTY HALL SEVBNTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 B�.e