88-722 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIZnCIl �jG CANARV - DEPARTMEN T C I TY O SA I NT PA U L J� /� � � BLUE -MAVOR File NO. " `� �� - , Counc l Resolution , --� ���� � � Presented B / � ` Referred To ��rn���'t �-`�rn � s - Committee: Date ��� ��� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Sain Paul City Council does hereby consent to and approve of th appointment, made by the Mayor, of Robert L. Viering to serv as a member of the Board of Appeals and Review or the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes, filling th remainder of Rosann Bostrom' s three-year term representing the Banking Profession. This term expires Nove er 12 , 1990. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond -�e- In Fav c cosw;cz Rettman B schesbe► _ Against y �e� �� �Y � � Form A proved y C' rney Adopted by Council: Date c. Certified Pass by Council Secret y BY By t�pprov by 1+lavor: Date _ � MAY 13 1�� Approve b Mayor for Submis ' n Cou '1 By BY PYULis�G� �`�`�''t`i! ) i��iCJ � , � . -. � , � � � �..�.� ��- �a� ��.f C TY OF SAINT P/1UL INTERDEP RTMENTAL MEMOR/1NDUM April 5, 1988 TO: Council President James Scheibel Members of the Sa nt Paul City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterson Assistant to the ayor � , RE: COMMITTEE PPOIN NT BOARD OF APPEALS D REVIEW FOR THE HOUSING, BUILDING AND FIRE PREVENTION CODES The purpose of this memo 's to advise you that Mayor Latimer has selected Robert L. Vi ring to serve on the Board of Appeals and Revi w for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes, filling the vacancy created by the � .resignation of Rosann Bos rom. He represents the bankina profession. This term e pires on November 12, 1990. Mayor Latimer requests yo r consideration and approval of this appointment. A copy of t e resolution and Mr. Viering's application are attached. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 298 4323. Thanking you in advance. • OLP/drm Attachments cc: Council Research Xl Olson, FQr �ounci Agend� Josie Palermo, Commi tee Staff •� � � � , . � � �:, ��, � r j��'���� . � �, . .. ^ .. ,�J � 1.0 t.�5 �#�vi 7�� �'�1�,�+w��..i.�.i«� . � a y _ }'� 1'� . �_ ��'r', i'�' or',�,'�xL''��r��ro �M K� 1 r t ,� y P, (; ' _i� �, .Y4 tk.,�+ �7 t � yt � ' j `� (W 4'. ' � � � � T�i ��'+���4��� 5 ^�r �y i,��- � it7�i���ii�L'�J.IL� '�.�fiF;i+ .r'�1�.'ti'F �cµar� d'.� .,'t}��''rr�$�C' t- � �n»a� /}��� SAINT� ,PA L;�='MINNES�TA�55 L02 ��;° M � , �?� � �:'� �,����� ;�' ., `:J �298='�4323;�'ri.«�.�s���:,;;:�.�. :,�:�,.. .��_ °'`�, _ . ; _ . _ ...:.. . ,,__ .. ,._ �. _..._..:__ : . Name: L, .� / f// ,_ Address: G�I W'S S�S� ' Street - City Zip _: : Phone: Home - `�. � .� Wo k Zc�'l�....L�vv �` _ City Planning District Ward - Senate District what is you,: Occupation? tSJ�I l� C.� 1 �- S I N eS,S f _'r N/� � - Ethnic Group {to ensure fair �and -equal- representation) Place of Employment: !�c "' � Address of �mployer: � a.cJ! S� U Commission or� Committee Applied or ��•tJ I What skills/training or experien e do you possess for the commission/board in which you seek appointment? � a ct e ear� e � v- a e e � V� 2 1� �e.v��" L 0.V� G 1� � .: _ .. , vv��. � � � �� �� , _ c 2a . l�- cvti ,., �; ..;,<_. ,��.,�;;.a:;� �.„,,.> : •- .. : . . , ... ,x::.:..... ,�,, „ .. . . .. . . f�,v �. w �,�,�-� � �N.�, ,� � h . �.- f - (over) �. . , r � � . Personal Reference #1 �. : ,� Name: � L n"'`�' vv. ei/ �; ,� � ` :,� �'�� � � , �;�:�f �'s� � � ...;� G� ;:, t;•.. ,, Address: �` : � c��`�` ; � . Phone: �Home) (Workl ZR� - ��0�� ' Personal Reference #2 � /� Name: � � !�r eSl � �VOV�1/ I!'�t7� C �1.� Address: ` a � Phone: (Homel (Work) Z`�l� d � Personal Reference #3 Name: � � - .0 4 vt{. L� �,i � K�� ��(� 'i,1J . Address: �� h Ne I` . Phone: SHomel (Work) 7�"��G� Reasons for your interest in this particular committee/board/commission: � � . , Have you had previous contact with the committee/board/commission for which you are making application? ��If so, when, and circumstances? . (v � : ,. ; � :. - _ . . ,.r��... _ �, .;� !:,>;.. _ Signature Date Rev. 12/86 •� . ,, _ � ' Council Research Center ���-la� , .� �. , ' `�' ► APR 051988 �1�. , 013587 � �- Mayor's Qf�ice . _ _ _ _ _ _ DEPARTMENT - � ' Ora L�� Patterson CONTAGT 298-4323 PHONE � AAril l, .1g88 DATE , ASSIGN NtTMBER FOR ROOTING ORDER: (See everse side.) � � ,$+g' `fl�'' _ Department Director ,� Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finan,Ge and ?�anagement Services Dir tor City Clerk a Budget Director � City Councilmember 2 City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGpATURE PAGES: 1 ( lip all locations for signature.) W T N C 0 0 E 7 (Purpose/Rationale) . Robert L. Viea;ing will be appoint d to the Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Bui.ld�.ng and Fir Prevention Godes, filling the unexpired 3-year term of� Rosann Bostrom. . Viering represents the Banking Profession and his term expires on November 2, 1990. . COST BE B T AND PERSO L S N/A , • FIN D BU G T AC VIT NUM D OR C D E : � (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of TransBction: Activity Number: ' Funding Source: �� N �1 � ATTACHNENTS: (List and number all attac ents.) 1 Counci7. Resolut�On a� �� o.u. ADMINISTRATIVE PSOCEDURES _Yes �No Rules, Regulations, Pr cedures, or Budget Amendment required? _,Yes _No If yes, are they or t etable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW - CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes _No Council resolution requi d? Resolution required7 �Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _,No _Yes _No Insurance attached? �____ �. v,�..�-..,.. Members: Janice Rettman,chaK - ,� � ia . GITY O SjAINT PAUL Biil Wilson O�!P'IC3�O THE CITY COIINCZL Bob Lon� Date: Mag 5, 298s ��=ra� JANICE RETTMAN c�� CiOtl'� Ift� �G��t� ; . To: Saint Paui City Coun ii From : Community and H man Services Committee Janice Rettrnan, hair � The meeting of the Community and uman Sernices Committee was heZd on Wednesday, May 4 1988. The following were in attendaace: 3anice Rettman, Chair Bob Long, Councilmember Bill Wilson, Councilmember Kiki Sonnen, Councilmember (late) Roger Goswitz, Councilmember (late) Phi1 Byrne, City Attorney's Office Joe Collins, Legislative Assistant Jim Murphy, Program Analyst Barbara Bensorr, Secretary : 1 i Council A enda�4/�14/88, tem N�o�� °"��'�'��� ����, � b.yg�he-� .._ i��,., ,�'�'��..�.af t '' ,.���:��' arnl �"�re , v ; . • . . .;r. .-� .. Pr, �e�r� ki`�g< es ,, an; ; � . �e �.x ,:.� �„ ' . . • - +�l��'���r:-�n 4-0 2. City Councfl Agenda 4/21/88, tem No. 8: Resolution establishing title and rate of pay for Health an Education Assistant-Bilingual Cambodian/ English in Grade 22, 5ection D 2 of the Technical Standard Ranges 3a the Salary Plan and Rates of Comp nsation Rpsolution. (First Reading) City Council Agenda 4/21/88, tem No. 9: Resolution establishing tftle and rate of pay for Health an Education Assistant-Bilingual Hmong/English in Grade 22, Section I D 2 of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensatio Resolution. (First Reading) City Council Agenda 4/21/88, tem No. 10: Resolution establishing title and rate of pay for Health and Education Assistant-Bilingual Spanish/ English in Grade 22, Section D 2 of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of omp.ensation Resolution. (First Reading) Recommended approval on 2-1 v te. CLTY HALL ROOM NO. �J$ SAIN1' PAUG MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-5289 s..t�..4a -