88-720 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE (j I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council GANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ����D Coun 'l Resolution Presented B °� Referred To �arnm• d� ✓ �-S Committee: Date �`"�rY`��� Out of Committee By Date An Administrati e Resolution establishing the title and rate f pay for Health and Education Assistant - Bil'ngual Hmong/English in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the rate o pay for the title of Health and Education Assistant - Bilingual Hmong/En lish be set at the rate set forth in Grade 22, Section ID2, of the echnical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that th s resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period iter the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. CQUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond PERSONNEL OFFICE Long � (n Fa or —�W� Rettman _ O __ Against BY -- � Sonnen D�C _ 8 1� Wilson Form A rove by ity Attorney Adopted by C ouncil: Date Certified P- � d Council Sec tar BY By � Approv .Vlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY _�����A�� u-t c 1 �4 �gaa wH�TE - Cirr C�ekK , COUt1C11 LL�� �) PINK — FINAN,CE C I�'Y O SA I NT PAU L CANARV — :��EPARTb;ENT C r` ��U BLU,E —MAYOR File NO. �j d CITY CLERK �,,�DUn •l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrati e Resolution establishing the title and rate f pay for Health and Education Assistant - Bii ngual Hmong/English in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the rate o pay for the title of Health and Education Assistant - Bilingual Hmong/En lish be set at the rate set forth in Grade 22, Section ID2, of the echnical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that th s resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period iter the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: PERSONNEL OFFICE In Favo _ Against BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY g�, Approved by ;Nayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . � . - ' CODE: 24236 BU: 02 TITLE OF CLASS: EFFECTIVE: HEAI.TH AND EDUCATION ASSISTANT - BILINGUAL HMONG/ENGLISH DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: rforms para-professional duties in support of professional health nd education personnel in clinical� community� and office situation ; assists in keeping associated records; and performs related duties as equired in one or more of the Division of Public Health programs. �uvervision Received: Works un er the immediate administrative supervision of a unit head or t chnical supervision of professional health or education personnel. Suvervision Exe*-�t_ ed: �y sup rvise one or two volunteers. _ TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include 11 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Performs routine tasks related o patient's records� appointments� processing financial forms and eports� and the collection and dissemination of inedical data. Assists in providing patient ed ation� counseling and referral� taking patient histories and performin routine screening tasks in clinics, community settings, and homes. Assists in the maintena�ce and p eparation of examination areas and medical equipment� education equipment� nd assists with the maintenance of patient charts and medical forms. Assists patient in-take staff an other ancillary personnel. �' Performs related clinical, educa ion� and office tasks as required. , Transports patients, supplies, a d equipment to and from clinic or community location. Leads discussions in which indiv duals are encouraged to consider and adopt behavior which is constructive a d compatible with their individual life styles. Uses audio/visual equipment and aterials. Assists in mass screening progr . Assists in evaluating the effecti eness of programs, services� and materials; suggests improvements nd additions to existing programs and (continue on reverse side) HEAI.TH AND EDUCATION AS ISTANT - BILINGUAL HMONG/ENGLISH Page 2 HEALTH AND EDUCATION ASSISTANT - AILINGUAL HMONG/ENGLISH ` • materials. Responds to public or to program participants who make inquiries about programs. Participates in planning, developing� and utilizing programs, displays, printed material, and presentations. Participates with community groups and service providers in developing educational components in their prograans. KNOWLEDGE� SKILLS AND ABILITIES ' Some knowledge of the use and maintenance of audio/visual equipment. Working ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to plan� schedule, and promote acreening or educational �programs. Some ability to keep records and prepare reports. Working knowledge of basic medical equipment� medical records, and aseptic technique. Working ability to deal with the public in a variety of circumstances. Working knowledge of interviewing clients. Working ability to deal effectively with clients and general public in group settings and in a one-to-one situation. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS _ �. High school graduation or GED and one year's experience in health or health education service delivery; possess a valid Minnesota's driver's license; English and Hmong speaking and writing. HEALTH AND EDUCATION ASSISTANT - BILINGUAL HMONG/ENGLISH �� � DEPARYR�IENT 0 COMMUNITY SEFZ`JICES ' DIVISION 0 PUBLIC HEALTH � CITY F SAINT PAUL -- - " --- . u��R-or� E coM�uNicanoN / ,� i ,� ,.--.. • ilj • � l; _ _ , � r. ,, , . April 7, 1988 � . , � w � 1�• . . ' ` j r?� r ( � � �t:.. S /�n . . '( r . 1 � . �.. , . ,{_�.i t . /�' . � � � T0: Bette Reitter - �--- 730B, Courthouse ` � .,? f:�.` Council Rasearch � _. •-' t-t;-- � >: FROM: Katherine Cairns � Division of Public H th SUBJEICT: R�ue�t for clarifica 'on of three new Civil Service Titles • In January, 1988 the att�ched ma rials were returned t�o the Division of Public Health for clarification f the future use of these positions. Since the Division currently has interpreter on contract, we were assessing at what point we would terminat�e the contractual services and use these proposed titles. We propose to use the funds iden iEied for contractual interpretive servicea (in activity 33244 Ref ee Health Care) and convert these to language-specific Civil Service sitions pending Council approval. The City had a title "Health Interpr ter", several years ago which was problematic since it was not lan uage specific. The City is �pecting around 110 new reFugees from Southeast Asia t�o begin arriving this sumner. Consequen ly, the Division of Public Health (which provides a health screening to er 90� of r�ew refugees) is in need of qualified interpretive staff who can also assist in health and education functions. Please cb not hesitate to contac me at 292-7727 if you have furtlier questions on this prior t�o ('�ounc'1 hearing. cc: Fred Haider-Personnel /kc Health and Education Assist nt Health and Education Assist nt - Bilingual Hmong/Englgshsh Health and Education Assist nt - Bilingual Cambodian/English WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY T ING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? Approving the attached resol tions allows the Health Division to hire Health and Education Assista ts with specific proficiency in a foreign language. These cla sifications are necessa to public health information to target minorit �' Provide y groups. Funding of these classificat ons is through special fund accounts. There is no financial obliga ion of general fund monies associated with these resolutions. Y I � :. � .-. 'T .:. . r'x�u-:..�.,va...-__ � . i. -, �1 ..:��n�.,'�:1,fi P� .�.L . .. . ... . '.'t - Y g,�T+,n � . . . „� � . ... ,� ., . ... . ...�...... L r....�: ...w:..:�. -.- ..: .... :.'. . ..... , ��... .'....�. : ... ,.� . .:._:.. . .- ] :;'�?/�+^w..+rv..._. Y'•� `a .. -�' � -:...-.-........_ � . . . . ... .. .- r�. .. . . .F. Personn�e't � • � ' � �- '".�:� i�;v:,.:_;,�:i�i ��.:,���:r o�� —%?D * DEPART ENT v~�•! N. 0'7219 Fred'S.. Haidei , , ' �' �:� �� - ' � CONTAC � �� ' �� ��-��°� 298-4221 " PHONE 12-4-87 DATE re ,,�/ e �r ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Cli All Lo ations for Si nature : �, Department Director 4 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � 5 City Clerk 2 a„a„�t Ilira�+�� �� �r� 'vL . �City Attorney 5 WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON TH ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ - Re: Health and Education Assistant - Bilin ual Spanish/English Rationale) : Health and Education Assistant - Bilin ual Hmong/English � � � ' Health and Education Assistant - Bilin ual Cambodian/English � -� � See attached. ,- , ;-"" � - � �� `\�l �� \�' _ COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACT ANTICIPATED: ����jy�� See attached. GEC � � 1987 BUDG€T OFFlCE FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER C ARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of "Transaction: quired if under Funding Source: , " $10,000) Activity Number: , � �T ' `' �- ':�.� ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) �,�_�.��� 1, 3 resolutions for above named titles �E,� , �i 2. Copies for City Clerk � Z = 1987 ` 3. Attachment as noted above ,-*;��� � t�,�� r ,i ' 4. Copies of Classification Specifications ``�'� ' t � � � .� -a; �,,� ✓ _DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ^X Yes No Council Resolution Required? � Resolution Required? Yes No �Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: � _._ � .: ..,.:.. , �, � . ___.. : .._.:_�., _.. ,_ _ _ _:.. � :.,. �,� . ... _.��. , _ ,. _ L e. . . .,a. . , _ i a ,'... � _ _. (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 _,-_ . ._. . � :: � �______ wc.. v,�►-e-�+ ` Members: Janice Rettman.cha�r - , �.� . CITY � SAINT P�UL Bili Wilson o�a� o Tg� ci� covNCU. Bob Long �ate: :rtay s, 19s8 ����� �/�" JAIVICE RETTMAN �� Co mittee Report To: �aint Paul City Coun il From : Community and I� man Services Committee Janice Rettr�tan, hair � The meeting of the Commuafty and uman Services Co�ittee �ras held on Wednesday, May 4 1988. The following were in attendance: Janice Rettman, Chair Bob Long, Councilmember Bill Wilsoa, Councilmember Kiki Sonnen, Councilmember (Iate) Roger Goswitz, CaunciZmea�ber (late) Phil Byrne, City Attorney's Office Jae Collins, Legislative Assistant Jim Murphy, Program Analyst � Barbara Benson, Secretary 1. City Council Agenda 4/14/88, tem No. 17: Resolution approving the appointment by the Mayor of R bert L. Vie�rir_g to serve as a aember of the Board of Appeals and Revi w for the Housing, Buildi�tg and Fire Prevention Codes representing the Banking Professian, term to exgire November 12, 1990. - Recommended approval on 4-0 v te. 2. City Council Agenda 4/21/88, tem No. 8: Resolution establishing title and rate of pay far Health an Education Assistant-Bilingual Gambodian/ English in Grade 22, Section D 2 of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Sa�.ary Plan and Rates of Comp sation Resolution. (First Reading) City Council Agenda 4/21/88, Item No. 9: Resolution establishing title and rate of pay for Health and Education Assistant-Biliagual Among/Eaglish in Grade 22, Section I D 2 of he Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Com ens . �@�+�6�����■��k��f!!6, I em,I�9: 1Q: ,R��o�ut�on e����:.t� at3d.,-x.�e�z-�;i:��y�r ���1�'hat�c� t�sttft�r:��t-8��,'�M��. S ar�ish��,,: � , Eug:lish in Gr _ r22, �etion -. ` ... 1,•„���rd Rar�ge� #a � :. ti�,��a �:a�f'''R��es°of C mpensation Hesa3�at���.�:,�,iaFSt�•-�ea�in�3 .. �e�ed aFp��l' t�t 2-1 ve e. ��z�����,p� 4' C��� , �_ ,��� ,,,f�� �/ C(TY HALL ROOM N0. �)$ SAINZ' PAUiw MII�INESQT'A 55102 6i2/298-5289 s�,,.a