88-718 wH�TE - CiTr CLERK COU11C1I PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � '�� � Coun 'l Res ti Presented By '� �,�'��� � - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Sister City Pro ram was inaugurated by the President of the United States in 1956 to establish greater friendship and understanding on a perso -to-person basis between the people of_ th e United States nd other nations through the medium of direct personal contact; nd WHEREAS, succeeding Presiden s of the United States have endorsed said program to be conducted for the broad purpose of the exchange of ideas between ci ies of the United States of America and the people of other nati ns; and WHEREAS, the current politic 1 climate presents special opportunities for the two cities to initia e educational, cultural and trade exchanges; and WHEREAS, the people of the C' ty of Changsha, Hunan Province, of the People' s Republic of Chi a, have offered their friendship to the people of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, this relationship p omises trade and economic development opportunities appropriate to a "world class, World Trade Center City" ; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE , by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that the City f Saint Paul should enter a Friendship City relationship ith the City of Changsha of the People' s Republic of China. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Fa r Goswitz Scheibel � _ A gai n s t BY �..-- Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAY — 51988 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas o n il S t BY By /�pprov by Ylavor: Date '-fN� —' ��U� Approved b Mayor r ubmiss n to Council ` B y PI�I.�St�E� ��;:�'�,`` :� �a i�8 �i�E.. V„�-�'�^�+ M�nbers: . CITY U SAINT PA�UL ��e R����� � Bit�Wilson OFFIOE O THE CITY COIINGTL BQb LOREJ��- �/ �j � Date: May 5, 1988 IANICE RETTMAN � Co mittee Report To: Saint Paul Ci�y Goun i1 From : Community and Human Services Comr�i�tee Jan�ce Rettman, hair � The meeting of the Community aad Human Services Commrtittee was held oa Wednesday, May 4 1988. The following were in attendance: Janice Rettman, Chair Bob Long, Councilmember Bill Wilson, Councilmember Kiki Sonnen, Councilmember (late) Roger Goswitz, Counciliaember (Iate) Phil Byrne, City Attornep's Office - Joe Collins, Legislative Assistaat Jim Murphy, Program Analyst Barbara Benson, Secretary 1. City Council Agenda 4/14/88, Item No. 17: Resolution approving the appointment by the Mayor of obert L. Viering to serve as a �se�ber of the Board of Appeals and Rev ew for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes representin the Banking Profession, term to exgi�� November 12, 1990. - , . .; � Recommended approval on 4-0 ote. 2• ���' �� ��3atCio�k �- ..�;, - � . �I . • ��� �:. w��° ...> .,� �?��t .,.. � PSY�.' � �Mar =� Ca ., . .._ s:�$�,i�i�.:r. , - #.�""�5�� �.,y. . . . ' $Ta �;'�p the ,N _ .. � ,._. - ,_ �r� � s+::r lx��", City Council Agenda 4/21/88, Item No. 9: Resolution estab ishireg title and rate of pay for Health a d Education Assistant-Bilingual Hmong/Eaglish in Grade 22, Section I D 2 o the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensati n Resolution. (First Reading) City Council Agenda 4/21/88, Ite�n No. 10: Resolution establishing title and rate of pay for Health an Education Assistant-Bilingual Sganish/ English in Grade 22, Section I D 2 of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (First Reading} ���±lul�il�riid�d`~'a��'y!�":.'�l- �e. C(TY HALL ROOM NO. �J 8 SAINT PAU[� MINNESOTA SS10? 612f29&5289 _ a_.t'�.aa . ... . ......��.e..,.:-.. ..... ;...'. _,_- ------ -� �