88-716 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl /� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. ��� • /� Cou cil R solution 57 ., Presented By � ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #14947) for a Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehic}.e License applied for by Jerry A. Woodstrom DBA Chevs-N-Vettes at 809 E. 7th Street be and th same is hereby approved with the following stipulation: 1. No exterior storage or dis lay of vehicles COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Favor Goswitz Reriman B �be1�� _�___ A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson �Y � � ��8 Form App ved by Cit A rney Adopted by Council: Date ' . � �� � Cerlified Pa_ e y Council , e BY By A►ppro by Mavor: D e MAY 1 J �� Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By BY ti�l���GCF .� r� .L l t7 UCa � G c c,�� ���` ��� , .' ' �_T�i. 7`t , . , UIVISION OF LICENSE ANn PERMIT ADMINISTRATI N DATE 3 1 � 1 � / 3 ils � g� INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant . l,(�O��Y� Home Address �j�t.��j W .�� ��,��p�, . Rusiness Ivame C�/1�,U 5 Y` 1�1'-�S Home Phone �p�Gj — ) C�U� Business Address ��� �L. �'�3� ��� Type of License(s) ��� (��Y v� • Business Phone ���—Q,5 35� Public Hearing Date �(� � License I.D. 4� 1�� `'�'� at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� � G�"�(�(�"1 llate I�otice Sent; e`%�"�"� Dealer �{ _�a,�J'^ to Applicant ` Pederal Firearms �� �`� Public Hearing � � ��� C� �;�Yl 1� DATE IIvSPECTIU REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUT ) CUMMENTS A roved Not A oved Bldg I & D � �O �-Yi o�I S�r� c�( �j,�1�.� -o.� v� . Health Divn. ' • ' � G � i Fire Dept. ;'� � I I // � d � I I �olice Dept. ,(� I � I f Y�-o 1���C�. License Divn. � � � - � � a � City Attorney � I Date Received: Site Plan �' � I Fj`� ,f / � ' � To Council Research �� Lease or Letter Date from Landlord � � , � � ' ., ., � „; t � , L;,��-'�°� ��., � . , ... -.,{ ` /' \��ti" I��J � �' CITY OF ST PAUL ; , �`� • D$PARZ�R'r a►P' FIl�ANCE MAPAC:S�R 38ttVICES I►ICEpSE APD DIVISIOR �� f 'I�eae stattme:rt farms are issved in d�glicate. Please ansaer all qnestians lwl�y aad completely. Thfs application ia thorough�y cked. Any falsiricatioa rill be csuse for deaial. Date 19 '�'. 1. Application for�'Coyc� �� j / (Lioenae) (Permit) 2. l�ame ot appli cant )`" F� -� �Q , G� , . �'' L� - 3. If applicant is/has been s me�rried temale, list maiden name �+. D�ate of birth � .�-- Age� lace of birth �rt,�1C' - �:Fi� 1�% � �` 5. Are you a citizen of the United States � Aati�e �liaturalized __ 6. Are yau a registered voter � _�i���,�'-F ��-p Y' � ���.5�1 c� � 7. Hcse address c� t�c- � C� �� � ,� Cc��� G"� ` �' te�lepho�ne 1 ���'' lepho f��= �� R. Presem busiaess addreaa � �' z � C�.�:,� Bnait�ess ttl�pbo�e �7__�� 9. Inclnding your preserit bnsiaeaa/empl , �+hst bnsineas/aploy.ent ha�e ycu followed !or the psst live years. Business�E�Pl�. Address l � `' _ �� �. �� ���ttt, \ � `?`� �j ' C� L� C: c. • . � � - � �-�-�, =��� �� rl I f�.e..—��� 10. Married ►.DC Ip ans�rer is "yea", liat and address o? spaqse 5:���( t:,�� I � � , � �-� �c �� S S�l l d 21. ?�iave you ever been arreated for an ofreas that has reaulted in s caovictionl�(� It ansuer ia "yes", list dstes of arrests where, cbarges, co�rictioos and aenteeees. Dste o! ureat 19 Wh CHAF.CE COPVZCTION �g Date �£ arnst 19 Where CHARGr CONV ICTIOi7 S�� � . � . . ��'- �r� � �� � 12. List the natxs and addresses (if marri , name o! spouse slso) of all persenr►, ' corporations, partnerships, associstio a oT organisations Mtrich in 8I3�}/ Mi�jl �18YE: ' 1 , a. A mortgage interest in the ].icens premise, �K1C' �� c a-�1�►�, , ,� - , . . �s�iy . b. A security interest in tlx licease prenises, licenae, or hiratshings of the licensed premise, c. A pramissory note for tunds loaned for tbe operation of the licensed premiae or tbe pnrchase of 'the license, ��.�`R"" d. Finarrcially contributed to the pur hase of the premise or the license it- self �-- e. Ar�y ott�r interest either direct o indinct, either Pinsncial or other�rise � in the licensed premi ,e or he li nae itselP, �t�' C�a, � \ ) . .�' v�,_- Attach a copy hereto of any and all documen s nferred to in this affidavit. 1?. Give namas and a�dresses of two pers , residents ot 3t. Psul, Mimiesats, who can give information concerning you. 1fA1� AD�S � _ _.�I„1 �► ��� � GZC�I�Jr�l.z � 14. Addreas of pre�nises tor WhSch Licensc Permit is made ���( �� �� Address . Zone ciaasitication 15. Between �rhat croas streets Which side of street�_� . 16. ftane under which this busineas n�ill be condnrted ( �I! �;! 5 ������PS= 17. � Buainess telephone manber � Z � �? j� lA. Attach to thia application, a detailed descrfption of the design, locstion, aad square footage ot the premises to be censed �9. ?re premises now occupied (1�What buainess �'.�4iv�.� H� long_�l�kC � — � � M .., � ; � . � . , ��- ��� '20. � 2,iat license which you currently hold, or fonoer�y held, or may have an intere ` in ' ' ` �# -.a- 5 _, 21. Have any of the liceases listed by you in No. 20 ever beea sevoked. Yes Na �G . If anaver is "yes", list d tes sad reasona: — --�-��— 22. Do you have an interest of ar� type in arly other businesa or business premises. � I,' answer is "yes", list business, bus nese address aad telepboae aumber.�'_ 23. If business is incorporated, give date of incorporatioa �}����19��" and attach copy of Articles of Incarpo tion at�d �nutes of firat meeting. 24. List all ofPicers oP the corporation g ing their names, office held, hame address, and home and busineaa telepho m�mbe : �, � , - 1 �� �: � , ,,...._ ��, � �� ,�� v ` , .� 25. If business is partnership, list partt�e (s) address a� telepha�e n�bers: � ��� Add sa �1e1.Ro. — 26. Is then arlyone else aho will have an 1 rest in this business or premises4 If saswer is "yes", give name, home ad as, telepbane n�bera and in xhst manxr is tbeir intereat: �� � 27. Are you goin�t to operate this business rsonel]y � i! aat, xho vill vperate it: R� H address Te1.Ao. ..__ • '� .. � .. , , � , � .. , . - , Are you �oing to have a I�fana�er or aseis ant in this business? IS aas�er is . "yes", give name and ho:ae address and h telephone number: ��` Name Home address Z�el.No. 29. Ha.s an�yone you have named in questioas 2 through 25 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list name of person, da es oP srrest, where, charges, comic- tions and sentence i 30. I understand this premise m$y be in- spected by t e police, Pire, health and ther city officials at a�r and all times when t c business is in aperation. State of Minnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) being Yir t duly swora, deposes aad says upon oath that he has read the foregoing statement 'bearing his sigaature snd l�ars the contents thereof, and that the same is true o his own l�v�led cept as to those matters therein stated upon inPormation and eP and t s matters he be- lfeves them to be true. Subscribed and svorn to:' —'' ,; •� : ature licaat thi ' .�+ da4Y /�'(�� 19� � , ; Notary Public,� ty, Minn a .._ l,vtvf,�a,.t�..=,�..y...-. - ,...,., ,.1..�...•.. Q_ . . .._ . ^.�-,.'^'Y�1?Or7✓N`i *4y c�i88ion expires ,, . _.__ . .,�r^ `. ,� _ . . __. _ : :.�JiN �i 'v ) � _.. - .,.�.. :ac 21,?891 .; � _..�.... ... -. . .. �.. ... _.._..� '..•:��.L%wd'cti.'>` CITY OF SAINT PAUL .•`��T� ��:�,, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNiTY SERVICES O �� � ���ma �� BUILDING INSPECTION AND DESIGN DIVISION �� "'@ City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesow 55102 �... 612-298-4212 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR March 28, 1988 Jerry Woodstrom Chev's 'N Vettes 809 E. Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55106 RE: License application 4�14947 - Second and motor vehicle dealership at 809 E. Seventh Street Dear Mr. Woodstrom: The referenced property is located in a B 3, general business, zoning district. A motor vehicle dealership is permitted use in this district. However, if there is to be any exterior d splay or storage of motor vehi- cles, a special condition use permit from the Planning Commission is required. Therefore, we are granting zoning approva of your license application with the condition that there be no exter'or display or storage of vehicles. If you have any questions regarding this atter, �you may contact me at 298-4215. Sincerely, � r� � ' John��Fiardwick `�� Zoning Inspector � JH:krz cc: Joseph Carchedi Jerry Woodstrom , C,�� � o . s�- 3 a � 3 ��� � . �� a `�� C� . � . . ��-�� � .. . r . S AZNT AUI� C ITY C O UN�IL K� IN� i�0'�I C E �g6 �ty xall _, v J.� �L I�Z CA'�ZO N 3 RECEIVED APR 2 61988 F� NO. 14947 ��� CLE K Dear Property Owner: . � Application for a Se ond Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License PURPOSE �pp�T��� Jerry A. jNoodstrom DB Chevs-N-Vettes ���A�_('�N' 809 E. 7th Street May 10, .1988 9:00 a.m. �F'ARZ�C City Council Cham ers, 3rd floor Citp Hall - Court House By License and Pe 't Division, Depart�ent oi Finance and NO'�LC�. SENT �nagement Servi.c s, Room 203 City Hail - Court House, Saint Paul, �iiane ota 298-5056 This date may be changed without t e consent and/or knowiedge of the License and Permit Division. It i suggested that you call the City Clerk' s Office at 298-4231 if you 'sh confir�aation. , d''�'- 7/G Q1MRMU. . ,� .: . � - o�rexam►►,�o cu��.�r�t[o . , , Joseph F. Carchedi �����' ����� NO.�01��� � - � DEPARTAENT OMiECTOR � M11YOR(�R A6B�ANn. . . Kris Schweinler.-l/an Horn �+N — ����,,,�o� 3�«� : � ��� — � . Finance F� Mngmnt. 298-5056 c� �0`�`TDH�`�' 2 ' Coun�i� Resea�ch . i crrv�,�r Application for a Second Hand Dea�er Motor Ve icZe License NOTICE SENT: 4/2b/88 HEARING DATE: 5/10/88 ��s:lava►ove t,�1 or�eex.(R)) couNat, nePORr: . . PIANIJINt!COMitl88pM CIVIL BERVICE COMMI8$ION OATE W � DA?E OUT ANK � � .� PFI�NE N0. �- . � . . .� � �ONM1600MAI8910N . IHOl268CIiDOLBOARD ���.� Q . . . � �� . . � /S/ . .. .. � STAFF . . .. . . pi11RTFA COMA�81aJ .. �. �,A9 .. � A09L NIFO. .. • . . .p8T'p TO CONHY�F... '�ODW6�RIJ�R . �. .. � . .. � - . - _FOR AODi MiFO. _FEED6ACIC ADDED* � DIBTRIC'T COUWCIL . � � - . � •O�LMMTION: . . - ffiIPPOFrt8 WFNqi OdlNCL'O&lECTiVE? . . . .. ^� p � � � . .. . .. -- �� �+T�.�w�,�-b..� :Z.•. 1..�ti�i i..'. � �*�-- Ze,�; .s/,z ��v��YS�•� � � �����i� ������ch Cente� . , ���� : ..,�►,.����.�.Q.�,r,�«t,►�.�.,�,a,.,�,�,: Request for council approva}. _fox a Second Ha.nd aler Motor Vehic�e LiGense appZied for by Jerry A. Woodstrom DBA Chevs-N-Vettes at 809 . 7th Street., � .rt�c�t���e«�a.na.na�es,�ea,�>: - All fees and applications have been submitted. oning has requ,ested the stipulation that n�o exterior stoxage or display at this �oeation . e p�aced-on the license. All other required departments have approved. owaeou�twhR..vVh.in e�a Tc v+mom►: - . I� council approva� is not received, applicant` '11 no� conduct the sale of second h�nd „ mator vehic2es. w.t�w,►tnres: . �os c� wsTOnrt�rs: �.ct��s: