88-715 WHITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council G BLUERV - MAVORTMENT File NO. �" r �/� • • ,r�"'.�..'`,..,� Counci Resolution ' �,� `�� Presented By ���:� �--=.. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That AppZication (I.D. #19092) for a Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License applie for by Bernard A. 5naza DBA Special Interest Auto at 811 E 7th Street be and the same is hereby approved with the foll wing stipulation: No exterior storage or display of vehicles COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Fa or Goswitz Rettman scbe;bel A gai n t BY Sonnen Wilson yA ru''►Y � � ; _ Form Ap ed by Ci A ney Adopted by Council: Date ' � � / Certified Pas Council , ret By — gy, Approv by 1�lavor: D ^ '"*�„'� � .}: ��'�'�' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By Pt� ��;,-�� w -$ By . ., . . �-'�� � ��-- DIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�:RMIT ADMIN STRATION DATE �j � S( / 3 ( Z � INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLZST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant��('A�(� ��'(,�- Home Address �. ��, W S.P, t l Business Name Home Phone �S�- )a�a Business Address ���. '� y s'� � Type of License(s) �n��_ � �-�,(. VJ�-►1 Business Phone � 5 � q� e r Public Hearing Date � V, ' � License I.D. 41 ���Cj�a at 9:00 a.m, in the Counci Chambers 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 41 �Q'-�p�'� llate Notice Sen • �ealer �� 1 G � (�� to Applicant o���j Federal Fisearms 4� �. �1 Public He.aring DATE INS ECTION REVIEW VERFIED ( OMPUTER) COIrQ�IENTS A roved ot A roved Bldg I & D I � 10 4X�c..�"i d✓ �r�- O� 'J�s k�gq � i ' u Health Divn. • � - � '(L� . C._�-�.o'Y! �1L � � Fire Dept. i � ; ( �y i v l� � � Yolice Dept. � �f � I � � ���. License Divn. � � � ►1 � ' J i � City Attorney � � Date Received: Site Plan 1 S To Council Research raq t�' Lease or Letter Date from Landlord � 15� � �-,� � . . - . ��- � �s- • - • � C OF ST. ?AU'L LE�AR'Pf�T OF F G'E AND MARAGII�*IT SIItVICF� , ` � LICENSE AND PERMIT DIVISION � rn — a r r-� 1�1 c;+ W E'1 �r� �� -� � ;~ These statement .°or..►s are issued in �uglicate. Please answer all questions .*tLL},y '�d_j compI.etely. T'F:is appl:cation is tho ough�y checked. Any falsification will be= cau$e POr denl8l. �_, Date �-ia 19 �� =. N l. Application Por Z,�a Yvt' Liceas ) (Permit) 2. Name of applicant A Z _ If applicent is/has been a marrie Peaale, l±st maiden name — �+. Date of birth �- i 8 -.�.� e�_ Place oP birth .5o uf-l� �R�<a f a � 5. Are you a citizen of the United S ates es Native ✓ Rattu�n?,ized 5. Are you a registered voter Ne Where '. Home address � r Q � � .� Rome teZrphone s7- � � A. ?resent busineas addreas �� �+- �. Buaiaess telrphoae ' -i��{� 9. Including your present businesa/ lvymeat, vhat buainess/e�loyment have you fo�lo�red for the psst rive years. Business/Fa.ployment pddress C e n u Q r,L � rITN �i'. e � P_r�5 F-1 �c u .5�R r'r E 10. ytarriec' zs Zf ans�+er is "yes'�, 1'st name and address o! apause . ,�t - ��9 r- . �ASi �� - �. �7. Pw� - ,��N -�-,, � I1. ?iave you ever been arrested for an oPfense that has reaulted in a cflnvirtion°�/o If anss+er is ",yes", list dates of rests, where, charges, convictiona aad sentences. Date o* arrest 19 Where CFIAF?GE CONVICTT_011' g�+�� Da�e o° arrest i9 Where " CH/',RGr C�IV�.'Zr""��:' ` BE�1V'C'z 12. List the names an3 a3cresse (i° narried, itame of spouse also) of all persons, corporat:oas, pz.�tnerships, associations or organizations �hich in any uray have: a. A mor�3age interest in he Licensed pre�ise, Jo,� b. A security interest �r. he licensed preaises, license, or Purnishings of the licensed premise, � c. A pro�aissory note for ds loaned for the operstion oP the licensed premise or the purchase of �he 1 cease, N...:� d. �':nancislly contributed o the purchase of the premise or the license it- self �/�,�� e. Any other interest eit!�e_ direct or indirect, either .°inancial or otherwise i in �he licensed prer�ise r the license itsel!', �l/ati-� �ttac:^. a copy hereto of any and al do�uments referred to in this atfidavft. 1�. Give names aad addresses of t- o persons, resideuts of St. Paul, Minnesota, s�ho y can give information concerni g you. NAME ADDRF�S I�st �e�z , .azA /oo Thc sn�l [f.S•P, �� � /5`°� /�acA�P St• ✓�k� I'�,J. ��. Addrzas o_° premises for which icense or Permit is made Address � r= �- 5 Zone classification C. '-5. Between What cross streets !,� t '�lhich side of street �er 16. ga�e under which this business irill �e conducted jnn.:� ;� � �n-Fp r e s t �uf,.s ??. Bus i ne s s telephone rnuaber - i a.�,' 1Q. Attac�s to this application, a d tailed descziption of the 3esign, location, and square :°ootat;e of the pre�nises o be licensed �l` ^ "?. �.re �remises nok occupied s What business�r,2ti�;es �'�:a. Ho� Zong� C1e4�- uP ,' _` . , , ", ,'. ��J � 7�� . . . '�20. List license w�:ich you curre ly hold, or former�y held, or may have an intere in ��Q.l e2� L..,C�.15 e-F 21. Have ariy of the licenses list d by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes No ✓ If ansrrer is "yes `, list dates and reasons: �2. Do you have an intereat vP type in ar�y ot,her busineaa or business premiaes. I: answer is "yes", lfst busin ss, business address a.nd telephone number. s�1'_ 23. If bus�ness is incorporated, g ve date of incorooration � � 19 an� attach co�y of Articles of Zncorporation and ffinutes of first meeting. 2�. List ell oPficers of the corpo ation giving their names, otfice held, hame address, and home and businesa telephone numbers: ,r r � .J �� c.�ss � � o 25. If business is partnership, lis partner(s) address and telephone n�bers: J Name � � Addreas 1�e1.Fo. I, � 25. Is there ar�yone else who will h e an iuterest in this businesa or premiaea? If answer is "yes", give nsme, h address, talrphone awabers sad in what manner is their interest: ' ,C .� cv�.�r � f= R /d ��:� 3.3/�- a �s � ! 9 � ���� s. F . n. 27. Are you goin�r to operate this bn ines§ peraonally J�s if not, Trho rill vperate it: �'_- Name H�ne address �el.Ao. � � � • _. . � ,� Are y�u g�inR to have a !�sna�er r assistant in this business?N�If answer is "yes", give nac�e and ho�e addres and home telephone number: Name � nlfi Home address Te1.No. ?9. Has ariyone yau have named in que tions 22 throu�h 25 ever been arrested? IY answer is "yes", list name oP pe son, dates oP arrest, where, cha.rges, comric- tions and sentence � ?�. I u.�Q understand this premise may be in- spected by the police, fire, hea th and other city oPPicials at a� and all times when the business fs in op rstion. State of �tinnesota) )SS � County of Fcamsey } n� -tiy �(/ Signature of Applic n+ - be ng first duIy sworn, deposes and says upon aath tha;. he has read the _°oregoing st te�nent be�Tiag his signature and !mows the conter.ts thereo°, and tha.t �he same is true of his own l�orrledge except as to those matters therein stated upon i:iformati� and belieP and as to those matters he be- � lieves them to be true. Subscribe.' and sworn to befoae me c.—� r N Signature oP A licant this 9 ay of Fa6RuARY 1g 8 � a:Q/�t� � No ary Pub ic, �amsey C�unty, Mfnrtesot '�y co�ission expires r�nRn�.��„�....,�,.•,,:;... � � • �tt •c� •yyy crr•T�q � - � i � N10S- :�A ,. .,.. � . , .., .. . � °.v,^^ • . =�•;, . Mnj .. ., .. . � ... , . � � � . •)L' .� ,.. 2 fli� ... .�..�.��.�. v.(IitL:i rih. .j. li'ii : :j�V�:• � . . . .... , � I • . �� , �- �_ �i� �._• o. C1TY OF SAINT PAUL �'� '=�� DEPART1v1ENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ; :�� � � i�ii� �e � �,� BUILDING INSPECTION AND DESIGN DIVISION ���� City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-1212 GEORCE L,�TIMER MI�YOR March 28, 1988 Bernard Snaza Special Interest Autos 811 E. Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55106 � RE: License application 4�19092 - S cond hand motor vehicle dealership at 811 E. Seventh S reet Dear Mr. Snaza: The referenced property is located 'n a B-3, general business, zoning district. A motor vehicle dealershi is a permitted use in this district. However, if there is any xterior storage or display or vehicles, a special condition use pe it must be obtained from the City Planning Department. Therefore, we are granting zoning ap roval of your license applicatioh with the condition that there be no xterior storage or display of vehicles. If you have any questions regarding t is matter, ,you may contact me at 298-4215. Sincerel , � °� � d' � ` � J n Hardwick � ��� Zo ' g Inspector . JH:krz cc: Joseph Carchedi Bernard Snaza 3 � C,��. t�.c� . 5 �3 c.2) �� ,�n . s� a ( �S r _ � � � S�ZNZ PA CI�Y COUN�II� P UB I�Z� �I� I�T� NO '�I C E �Z�EN�E PIIZCA�Z�N R����vEo � PR�619�� P G���� ��� Dear Property Owner: � �!� �� V�. 14947 . �. Application for Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License PURPOSE �P�jG'��� Bernard A. Snaza BA Speeia� Interest Auto �Q���T�� 811 E. 7th Street � T�-RI�.0 May 10, 1988 9:00 a.a. City Cauncil .ambers, 3rd iloor City Eall - Cou:t House 3q License and er.ait Division, De�ar�eat o= �'�aace and L�Qr�TC�. SE�T :tanagemeat Se ces, Reom 203 City Sa.11 - Court �ousa, Saint Paul, esota 298-�a5o This date may be chan�ed without he consent and/or �owiedge of the License and. Permi.t Division. It s sugoested that you call the Citl Clerk' s Ofzice at 298-423I if you wish cont��at�on. paicilw►TOR - , o��aera►ren a►�oowp� /�► ��� �� - �c��phy R. Carehedi V��E """� ���T NO. ��1�Q 4 �T or��r o�cr�on ,anmA roa�er�urn Kris 5chweinier-Van Horn '�" — �a��o�,oA �o,n.«� � NUMiER FOR - , ` wamNa �,00�,ro�c� � Counci2 Research Finarice ,�i.Mngmnt. 298-5QS6 o�R: � �A�r — Application for a 5econd fiand Dealer Motor Ve icle License � NOTICE SENT: April 27, 1988 HEARING DATE: May 10, 1988 n�e,a►ror�s:c�vn►a. c.�c�t� cot�u. R�owr: . �PLANNMIO OOI�MMBBION CML 9ERYICE COMMI8610N D�N � .� DATE 011T � ANAL . . P110N6 NG. .. . . . �� . ���� � y�/ �� �� _ � �.�. � �m�,� �� � — —wn,,��o. _.___�,�• o�atwcr�cx — *exaunwmaw: _ su�oirrs wMCti�oa�cnvEz \ _ , Q , '"r �CP� ��C�T1rv..��ant;,�. �i-;�}-S S Tnd�.... Council Res�arch Center cP � � 198H '"p s/2 @ !D:�s'�t�^ _ t�AY 0 3 � ..�►,.�.�.���.�,,,�.r,��+�.�.�.�.+,,�,: Bernard A. Snaza DBA Specia� Interest Auto re uests counci� app�ova}. of his a�plication for. a 5econd Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License at 811 E. 7th Street. �N1SiwcAnOM(CatlBsi�.ulo.Advo+t.0.s.R�a�lb►: . : All required fees and app�ieations have been ubmitted. Zoning requests the stipulation that there be no outside storage ox disp}.ay o vehicles be p�.aced on the �icense. All other re�quired departments have approved. �(YNYf,YN�s�.�a)03aWlqm); ,.._ : _ If council approval is not received, ,��e:.appl: cant will not be allowed to conduct the sa2e of second hand motor vehic}.es. ��unv�•. Pnos co�s . wsrarvna�oEwTS: �cmu.�s: _ , .