88-706 WHI7E - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL O BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� -� Council esolution � "���� '� .��,, Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #1 647) for a One Day GambZing Permit applied for by Ames Schoo PTO, 1760 Ames Place, on May 12, 1988, between the hours o 5:00 P.M, and 8:00 P.M. be and the same is hereby approv d. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor cosw;tz Rettman ((� s�ne;ne� A gai n s t BY Sonnen `�'°�"- MAY 1 01988 Form Appr ved by Cit tt ey Adopted by Council: Date - Certified Y�s b Coun il Sec ary BY— � � gS, /� Appro by Mavor: Dat ` —�1 • �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY Pt�IISHED M f�Y � 1 1 88 . ��'- 7�� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINIST TION DATE � IZ �d / �I' ZD �� INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant S`F LU�✓� �.(�,(,5� _ Home Address /s�q .S'T7' ��l.c���{r �-c�-L� Rusiness Name �ry�es SGr��po � 1� � Home Phone �7 (o—O$O� Business Address /7 (pj� ���[q(' Type of License(s) � ��� E�ambl��� Business Phone �erm�G " I�[�i'�t ON��� Public Hearing Date $' 1(O� g� License I.D. 4� 1 g � `�7 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, / 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �1 �5 3O ��-�p llate Nutice Sent; Dealer �� N J�' to Applicant g � Pederal Firearms 46 � �� Public Hearing DATE INSPECT ON REVIEW VERFIED (COMP TER) COMMENTS Approved Not roved � Bldg I & D �� � N Health Divn. � �f� ! � I Fire Dept. i � +� � i � � � �� ���a�(� Police Dept. I License Divn. D K I 4�io�4'� City Attorney 0� � �t(z�-(�� Date Received: Site Plan Nt� To Council Research �L2$j�� Lea�e or L�et,s,er � Date f rom Landlord �"�I IZ• � � . ,_... . _. . � . ;. ,. ..,_ . . , . .. . ... : -.. - . ,- .. - �, . ; ..- . . �� � � . .. _... . .. � � � Cit of Saint Paul �. Oepartment of Fina ce and Manageme�t Services / � / , r � • • License nd Permit Dlvision �P �� 03 City Hall . St. Paul, Mi nesota 55102-298-5056 APPLICATI N FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. N w Renew 0 0 0 �- �� � �; Oate 19� 41 Code No. Title of License From J ` � � 19�—;1 Td�'�J�� 19 � � V o'���Oa (1r� •m, �I� ,-.� �P�t-»�f ' ��o. 75 -. / �oo �t y�t?� � /� vo/ ,''' I C� i '��-�17 � �,r'T r� APW�ca�,�Con,pany Natns � 100 , . i���, v .._'.l ,,y��'; f'i�a !-F_� 100 8usinsss Nart�s 1� L �! �� . .J Busi�ess Addrass Phono Na 100 100 Mail to Addr�ss Phone No. �• — ,00 C.-�--P v �,� L' 9 5 � / i�- _ �, „� ManapeNOwner•Nams " t00 1 ��(y �,;l ��� �r ,+� �.� 100 AlanaqxJGwner•Home Addross Phone Na 4098 AppliCatlon Fee Recelved tha Sum of 100 � � • f � /� `5 �I ;.� ', ��'� � ) � � �7 �G' �•pr � ManayadOwn.r-City,State 3 Zip Code 100 Total 100 ,�--` ,r~� , � ., ` i� � ?`7(� � �Y'�• ,'�.9 l�,.,I.,GIi'i_��� License inspector By: Signstu�e of AppliCant Bond• Compa�y Name Policy No. Expiration Date Insurance• Company Name Policy No. Expfation Date Mtnnesota State identification No Social Security No Vehicle Information: Ssrial Number lat�Number Other. THIS IS A RECEtP FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Yow applicatfon for license ill either be granted or rejecfed subject to the provisions of the zoning � ordinanCa and compledon o(the inspectiona by the Health, Fire,Zo ing and/or License Inspectora. $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS � �u � ���� , � ,�N. C�,�-�, 41 a�1�� �_,.� . .� J.�o/�� c,� . . • C�TY OF AINT PAIIL �a � 7�� � � DEPARTMENT OF FINAN AND MAZTAGF.MENT SERVICES �� . DIVISION OF LICENSE PERMIT ADM,IIVISTRATION ' INFORMATION RE UIRID WITH APPLICATZON FOR P T TO CONDIICT GaN�LING SESSION IN SAINT PAUL . Four sessioas are allowed per year, with e ch sessioa beiag a maaim� of four consecutine � hours.. This application and all reQuired ttachments must be filed with the License Inspector at I.east thfrty days prior to th requested date of the gambling eveat.. _ _... ._ .. "L)" DTame of orgaaizatioa AMES SCHOOL PTO 2) Address where organization's regular m etings are held 17 6 0 Ame s P 1 a c e, 5 510 6 3) Day aad time of ineetings First Mon a of each month - 7 : 00 .m. 4) Address where gambli.ng session will be held 17 6 0 Am e s P 1 a c e, 5 510 6 5) Is applicant owner of property where g ling session will be held? Yes X No 6) If I�ased, who is the owner of proper where gambling session will. be held? St . Paul Public School - owner 7) Name of officer making applicatioa. teven West 8) Address of officer 1549 Stillwate Ave. 55106 Date of birth 8 - 23 - 54 9) Name of manager w�o will conduct gamb g sessioa- � S t ev e n W e s t 10) Address o£ maaager 1549 Stillwate Ave. 55106 Date of birth 8 - 23 - 54 rr)� - �� counection with what event is this g ling sessioa being held? Sprin Carnival � 12) WEiat tppe of gambliag device(s) will. be used? Paddlewtieal Tipboard � Raffle X Pul.ltabs Biago 13) Specifq when gambling session(s) will. t e pl.ace: HOURS: Day(s) Thursday Date{s) May 12, 1988 From: 5 : 00 p .m To: 8 : 00 v .m. (1�LY��+m of f our hours) L4) Wil1: grizes be psi�i in money or merchan ise? Merchandise 15) Is the appl.icant associatioa orgaaized der the laws of the State of Mianesota? Yes 16) How long has the organization b eea in istence? F i v e y e a r s 17) Wfiat is the purpose of the organization Parent/Teacher cooueration I8) For what wi.11 the proceeds from this ev nt be used? Ames School students 19) Give names of officers or any ather per on paid for services to the organization.** Name-Title Address Date of Birth . �"�•, ; Steven West - Co-Pr�:s�'. 1549 tillwater Ave . 551 6 8 ' 23 - 54 Gloria Spychalla-Co-Pzes . 933 Flandrau St . 55106 3 - 8 - 52 ** These officers are NOT pai . 20) Officers of the orgaaization: Name-Tit1e Address Date of birtth 21) Ia whose eustody wi1l records of orgaaization's gambling sessions be kept? Name Steven West Address 1549 Stillwater Ave. , 55106 22) Attach a cover Ietter defining the eveat for which you are requesting this licease. 23) Attach a letter of pezmission to conduct the gambling session at the requested address. 24) Attach a copy of your organization`s membership roster aud date each member joined. 25) Attach a copy of the Depart�neat of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service "Retura of Orgaaization Esempt from Income Tax", Form 990. [Chapter 419.04 (1)J -OR- 26) Attach a copy of Department of the Treasury, Iateraal Revemie Service, "Exempt Organi- zati.on Business Income Tax", Foxm 990T. [Chapter 419.04 (2) ] -OR- 27) Attach the annual. report required of charitabl.e organizations by Minnesota Statutes, Section 309.53. [Chapter 4I9.04 (3) ] 28) Have you read and do you. thoroughly uaderstaad the provisions af ail laws, ordinances, aad reguiations goveraing ti�e operation of gambling sessions? Y es Z9) Any changes desixed by the applicant association map be made only with the consent of the Licease Co�ittee. 30) Has any person(s) participating in the operatioa of any of the gambling sessions covered by this license ever been convicted of a felony i.n the State of :Sinnesota or in any other State or Federal Court? Yes No X If answer is "pes", provide names, addresses, and birth dates. � Organization: AMES SCHOOL PTO 3y: (Officer-Title� Steven West Co-Pr � and Steven West Co-Pre . State of Minnesota) (Manager ia charge of g ' g session) ) ss County of Ramsey ) �J �'t.0<.�n �,J�-5-� and beiag dulq sworn say that they are ti�e petitioaers in the abone applicatioa; that they have read the foregoing petition and kaow the cnnteats thereof; that the same is true of their own knowledge. Subscribed aad sworn before me this x � 3 day of Ap r i 1 19 8 8 1 KRiST1N�8��� ' �DAKOTA COU� 2.�� - ' ��.avu�es * �Iot rq Public, �w�"� County, Minnesota , My Commission F.xpires � . i�c�.'a► - " ' � saint p�u� rr-�uu��ic schoo�s MES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1760 AME3 PLACE 3AINT PAU . MiNNE30TA 56108 TELEPHONE �612) 293-8970 April 12, 1988 To Whom It May Concer : This license is reque ted to conduct a raffle at AMES ELEMENTARY SC OOL, 1760 Ames Place, St . Paul, MN 55106 on Thursday, May 12 from 5 :00 p .m. to 8: 00 p .m. The prizes were donate or purchased and th� proceeds will go to be efit the students at Ames Elementary School Sincerely, �w d��� Joan Rourke Principal " . Ames Elementary School .� ` � . - saint r-�u� b�ic schoo�s . . A ES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1780 AMES PLACE 3AINT PAU . MII�SOTA bb 108 TELEPHONE (812) �E�(��( �293-8970 April 12, 1988 To Whom It May Concer : AMES SCHOOL PTO has p rmission to conduct a raffle on Thursday, M y 12 from 5 : 00 p .m. to 8 : 00 p .m. in Ames Sch ol auditorium, 1760 Ames Place, St. Paul, MN 55106 . Sincerely, a�k�ri-� �4:t�t�1�--- Joan Rourke Principal Ames Elementary School � P. S . The membership of the MES SCHOOL PTO c.onsists of the studen s (enrollment is 509) , parents and the staff at Ames chool . mn , . _ o��era�urreo wneoorn� _ ��'�6 . A4r. Carchediw ' � ���i��� �����.NO: ���6�3 �tC*P�1 - �P�Rn,�►�r o�6CtC� wra+1on�ratr� 'Ch�srtine Rozel e��RFOR FlwwcErMVwoe�arre�viCetowEC'roa �_�«� °0"� . ` RamNO_ ` �uoo�� � Co.unci.l. Research ` Financ� $ Mng�mnt. 298-�5056 �� � �,,,.A�,, App�:ication for a City of St. Pau}. One flay G b2ing Permit {Raffle 'Only) � NOTIFICATION DATE: Aprii 2b, 1988 HEARING DATE: May 10, 1988 �OMlr�oa►tqr+s:tM��cN er�t�) cow+a�. �POrtr: �. PIJIMWI(i�BION. CML bBIV10E COMM38ION DATE MA " ' .DATE OUT - � MMLYBT � . PHONE N0. � . � . �� ���� ��sg �/LS x�- �„� «��� � � _,�,.�.�• _���.'� ,���• oiernicr cou+cw *�na+: �"°�'°�"°°�°��' Council Research Center. maY o 3 ���� ,,.,�,�,�..�.��.a.�,,,�,o,,�.,,�.,�,.re.��: Mr. Steven West, on behalf of Ames Schooi PT0 requests council �pproval. of his appZication for a One Day Gambling Permit (Raffle. On2y) f r their �pring Ca�niva� to be held at the �chool, �.76U Am�s Place, on May 12,; 1988, ,bet. een the hour� of S:iflO P:M. and 8:00. P.M. , - .: Proceeds from the euent wi�.2 be used fnr the enefit of tbe -students at �uses E�ementa �!'' School. �us�s+c�►ro�rtcar,ean�c�wv.�w�ye.,.�s►: : , , . All applications and fees have been submitted 30 days prior to the event. If counci2 approval is granted, Ames School. will be able to hold a ra€f2e a� their Spring Caxnival, - in accordance with Section 402.07 0€ the }.egi lative code. _ COtli�i�.Wfrn.�nd To Wtnm):_ _. , _ ` _ . 'If council approvaZ is not given, Am�s 8chool i�2 be unable to hal.d its raffle. Note: Raffied it�ms are worth,less tha� $750 0. The organization is not �equir�d -to file with the State of Minnesota so no� state form is included with this agplication. �u.�u►n� vnas ' ccNS . wsroAV�o�Hrs: . � �a�s: