88-703 WNITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIIRCII G CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L /��-7D� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. v - Cou ' Resolution , .�� r 1 � �^",�, �i � � Presented By _ ' Referr Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. 78411) for a Gambling Manager License applied for by Deborah onn DBA East Twins Babe Ruth at 733 Pierce Butler Route be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond r.o� In Favo coswitz Rettman sc6e;�e� _ Against BY � vi5�ea �Y � � �� Form Approved by City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date ' � Certified Pass by uncil Sec r BY • � � gy, � A►ppro by 1Aavor: Da '`-� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY p��►ac�� r��;� � 1 1988 � ��-�03 DIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT A.DMINI TRATION DATE I�J l �"a �Z g� INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud �� �@.�O�t.h Moh r? !'0 b� G r � A licant Home Address P{�b ICI� Business IvTame �w�r1� � Home Phone � � �� 5 ��3 Business Address � �rence "�' I� Type of License(s) �'QM,�j��n,� 4/7�C✓� Business Phone Public Hearing Date � /0 $b License I.D. 1{ � � ��� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� N�� llate Nutice Sent • Dealer 4f Nllg to Applicant g rederal F3.rearms �6 N ��} Public Her_iring DATE INSP CTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (C UTER) COMMENTS A proved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � �14 � Health Divn. ' N�,4 , � I Fire Dept. i � � N(� I I Police Dept. Sey1� � 4' �g� oK �{� (�i� License Divn. ��Z�(� � \ � City Attorney `��a�I � � Date Received: �� Site Plan ,y N a' `, To Council Research � .Z� �s Lease or Letter � Date from Landlord I .t?... . .. !� . . . . � � " �... �� �� ����� ity of Saint Paul Department of Fin nce and Management Services - � �� , . Licens and Permit Division � �� ' •x- 203 City Halt � 's St. Paul, innesota 55102•298•5056 , APPLICA ION FOR UCENSE � CASH CHECK CLASS NO. ew Renew a o � X o �., ,� �, Date �� 19 �j ;c.: Code No. Title of License From y ��' 19�o To 4 � 19 �' � "1 Z 4' �n �bi�-,�, ��l �f�a�Q�z.. ��l �� U ,00 ��; b<,r c�h ���o ,,,� ApplicanUCompany Name � � � 1� t00 �Y7GL (_U S l ��,�;, k��. �r.;�-�'� 100 Buainess Name --� ,.. yT 1/� j� , _ 100 � .��j fT 1'�Ps<l� /��t�.��P��. �±. 8usiness Addrass Phon�Na 100 � _. l y I r �..: � ` I Llt�.', �`�� i 1 `� �Q � 100 Maii to Addreas Phone No. 100 ��O L/Q i1 /{J(J r� r j ManapeHOwoer•Name '"n� — _ ,00 ! 0 (� �/ ��,,F�,� �.r r.�r- � y� � 100 AlanageAGwner•Homt Addroaa Phon�No. 4098 Application Fes . Fieeefved the Sum of 2 100 � ( . �141.�.� : :�� S —� �U So • �oC I'� ManaqeNOwner•City,State 3 Zip Code 100 TOt 700 J c.. �,4. �\ ;�c.a.�t�;��i i"�� ���n� License Inspecto� By: Signature of Applicant Bond• F Company Name Pollcy No. Expiratfon Oate Insurance- Company Name Poliey Na Expiratfoe Oat� Minnesota State ldentffication No. Sociai Security No Vehicle Information: Sarfal Number lat�Number 'T Other. THIS IS A REC 1PT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Yow application for lice se will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning • ordinance and complation of the inspections by the Health, Fir ,2oniny andlor License Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS �,� , �e..-.., � :�� � �►a:. �� S� I•�.oa SA�— \ � �t.v� � � G, � _ ' �l�yl�� � _� �I,�lr�' ,� __ l . . City of Saint Paui ,�( � Department oE Finan e and Management Services �V_ �� � `, � Division of Licens and Permit Registration ; ., INFORMATION RE UIRED WITH APPLICATION FOR ERMIT TO CONDUCT CHA.R.ITABLE GAMBLING Ge1ME IN SAINT PAUL 1. Full and complete name of organizatio which is applying for license � � � r 2. Address where games will be held 3 , umber Streec City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this applicat on who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games Date af Birth oZlY 6 (a) Length of time manager has been m mber of applicant organization �� , '� 4. Address of Manager Q Number Street City Zip 5. Day, dates, and hours this applicatio is for 5j�h - .� — �,qf - 6. Is the applicant or organization orga ized under the laws o= the State of �Il�i? � 7. Date of incorporati�n �� . 8. Date when reg,ist�red witA the State o Kinnesota ��T' � 7 � 9. How long has organ�rzation beet� in exi tence? . � p? $��PQr_�5' 10. How long has organization been in exf tence in St. Paul? , � ;Y � �Gr.0 � 11. What is the purpose of the organizari ? �� �U�nnr--� �,�. Tt,�;' I2. Officers of applicant organiaation Name S *Tame ��y�� ��'.S�.verc, Add;ess Address /�,6(� ,�,q�-j�? ���.,� . Title Sl� �- DOB � 'a� - y Tit?e ��;GSi v�_ DOB - - Name r t-t c� Name �} C �r' , � ��p �• Address Address � )��f ��,�-�nrh,p. Title ����•���ti�E:y� DOB - -'� Title SE'� DOB �D- /�/ -Sl� 13. Give names of officers, or any other p rsons who paid for services to tae or3ani�ation. Name Vame Address �ddress Title ?'i�le (�\ttach separate hee* =�- addi�:or.s_ ^a=a;. '. 14. Attached hereto is a list of names and addresses of all members of the organization. 15. In whose custody will organization's records be kept? Name _� ,a,�rjn�� �,�n h Yl Address �/)('a� �r�..eh�ir �y 16. Persons who will be conducting, assisting in conductfng, or operating the games: Name _��,,r ry�,�_,$ �QS.Py Date of Birth ���.3" 7-� Address _�,�,S'°� �dc,�,�-�r, v Name of Spouse �� ��y��� Date of Birth Dates when such person wfll conduct, assist, or operate �,�'� r/��� ,p�,y ��f ��. Name �.,p�,��.Y-t h �j�� Date of Birth 3 --� �'—�6 Address �Q� �'j � h ' /e?s?� Y�P/ Name of Spouse �a t�,"� �lbY� !1 Date of Birth -�/-� j- �� Dates when such person will con�ucc, ass_st, or operate �,� � � ���1,� ��y�c��.�� / 17. Have you read and do pou thor�ughly unde:stand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulatior.s �overning the operat:on oi Charitab:.e Gambiing games? 18. Attached hereto on t?�e for� �ur^ished bv the City o� St. Paul fs a Financial Report which itemizes all rece:gcs, espenses, and disbursemencs of the applicant organization as well as ali organizatsons who have :ece=ved °unds tor t:�e preceding calendar year whfch has been s:gned, prepared, and veri��ed by Name �ddress who is the of the aoplicaat Organization. vame ot Off=ce 19. Operator of premises where Aames �ril� be heLd: Name �(� ►��{sl'V1 B�tsiness Address �r���� ,��-�-��-�� P^e� Home Address 20. Amount of rent paid by aoplicsnt Or3ani�acion ror reac of the hall; specify amount paid per• 4-hour se�ston /�fO,a� �P_✓ i'Y�n � � C�� r� e • � "'21.. �Thg proceeds of the games will be dis ursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following urposes and uses: 22, Has the premises where the games arz o be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? 23. Has your organlzation iiled iederal f rm 990-T? If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this applicacion. If ans er is no, explain why: r , Any changes desired by the applicanc assoc ac�on may be made only with the consent of the City Council. � �/ �L1 ( -, �l1 A�[t�irr� �/J� �l/[ Organizacion Date gy; Manager in char of game C � rr � � Z cn rr r. n �. C A cn R� m �' co �C O � C S � y y r� O rt R R fp � �r O" .'li '�C R R 1-� C Gi fD ID �"t A y CA R h+ f0 � � R � A 3 `G A '� O � '� � g 't rT ro 3 � � � � � 3 r '� � � T �9 r+ � C O ��-n l"µf f30 r0 ? � `G �D r� r. f9 F+ rn ' z G. cA r� S `G St 3 r� r-� r�* a � f�7 ��� � � � 7 R � � 3 � ' R " C. Ol ( r+ C Ul �0 S f9 �c��D !+ = R '1 f0 (A �U �yt�� a7 cA O. � I+ � `G O R y�� � ? T -- C � R QQ 7c �o � C� � �t c.� � 't � fD W � � C O ( '-t Ot � A '� ' fD � `�` vvv 2 '� b � N �� /� . T �.. O t+ r ^ O O rr y � I y 1--� r'i h� � ^ � � s� �-n S CA N F+ 19 A G' (0 h+ A �D � 7 I (D I I` � rt fP A 3 n •vWyyyyVy �, n S ? m �t O � O �-t n 0� A F+ t9 � � rs I � ra S n S (9 (D � n W fD 1+ M "r � �� f0 ^S. f9 �p ^ "'n r3o E R rT C S r� � 3 � �C � C f0 W � (A —� S T r* � A I\ C O � �J �•+ . S ^ rE rr � W O cD J 1� r� O. zl I L' 't -t � m � I �� � ''�"� � r'� ?o �• � � '� . ��-�� ��.•=e, � CITY OF SAINT �'/��JL "� = DEPAR MENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERV��ES % � '^ +, „• DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,��� � Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,fvSinncsota 55102 � Ceorge Latimer Mayor April 18, 1988 Deborah Monn DBA East Tf,iins B be Ruth 1069 Greenbrier St. Paul, MN 55106 Dear Ms. Monn: A review of the investigation which were made ia connection with ya�Y� application has been complete . It will be my reco�endation that your license(s) be granted. A hearing on your application for Gambling Manager License(s) , ID ��(�,• 78411 will be held before the Saint Paul Citq Council on May I0, 19AF' 9:00 A.M. in the Third Floor ouncil Chambers, City and Caunty Cour� House. This date may be chan ed without tfie License & Permit Divisjc�;.:-` consent and/or Imowledge. Th refore, it is suggested that qou call ti,�: City Clerk's Office at 298-42 1 to confirm this hearing date. Your presence is required at his flearing in order to respond to any questions that may arise. The City Council may have and or receine othez information which I a.m. presently not aware of that y cause them not to follow my reco�end- ation. Ve ruly yours . ��°�� . ,��.�i✓� �c�''!'� ` �/ ' Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/lk � . , �f-%�.,� � F. ��. ���„ ��� ��� � � -�.�vis79 ,,��� �,��,.� M„��,�,� ' - �t'C1St.lI1E I�ZP.�C: �� �a�r a�v�s owECron.�crtv c�wi : . ►a. �� euoaEr i�ecra� 2 Fitx�nce & �t. 298-5056 0�: C��•��- � �, «ri�,� ��i.�:ri� for a c�:;r� ��.,� . Council Research Center � r�a►r�ic�r�av ra�: ���$/aa ,, ����8 . APR 2� 198$ �,w►as:s�cv�c�a�i►a> - cow+a�. �r: ; ewa��c+co��oi+ j�mi seMCE ca,a�xssiorr o��� oA�our u+wvsr rr�or�Ho: �� �.��� �'�y�. �{ yv _ �� - ��� ��. ,��S _��.,�• —���'.� '��� - �� ;� , ��,��� �snn,.�a.�o.t�i�,oPro�,►lwno.wna,wmen,w�r.:wnra: . Deborah r�onn D�A East THri.ns Babe Ruth, c7a��.]. a�paG�val r�� h� �,3.i.r.at?�,Qn fwr � : Gamt�iing Man�ag'er'`� License at 733 •F�.ex�e e� R�ute f the 4v�;t.ir�qe I�ge� . . F�al.at �a.irt� Aa.be� � l�th has beeri selling ptil,ltabs at �he . I,av�e since � 1987. I�r. J�as F��, the current mar�x at the ()vertime i�ounge, plans t�c� mave t9 �t �,rins n� pul.lta� Qp�r�,�:i,can at Lauie's Bar, 883 Payne Avenu�, if Cbiu�ci appraval a,s grar�t�d �c�r th�e new locatiosz. , �CI►110M(Co.N6.n.w.Aar.noq.s, Rse�dla)i All fees and applications Y�ve Z�een.suht�it . I� C7o�ancii a.�pa�,�!y� �;s,g3.�v�en. Diehox'dh 1!�or�n will be the C�nb]_ix� Manac�x for East 'I'w�s Babe laith at the t�tame Iqun�e. OOIMi01�lMArt.Mlhnti M�d To YfRnmlc ' � If Qauicil app�oval i.s n�ot given, Ms. Njc�rin ' be unable to act as Ga�nblirig Mar�ac„�ex €c� East �vins E�be Ruth. �.��na�: . . ca�s _ wsroRr��rrs: .. �.mu mwes: � ��