88-701 WHITE -• CITV CLERK COl1[ICll /�/� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL File NO. ��/ _�0� 9LUE - MAVOR - Council es tion ��� �� � � � .�_�; Presented By Referred Ta Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #17 72) for a State Class B Gambling License (Pulltabs and Tipb ards) applied for by the East Twins Babe Ruth League at ouie's Bar, 883 Payne Avenue, be and the same is hereby approve �de��e�i, COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lon� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman Q� scheibe� A gai n s t BY .�6�wr� .��i�{! MAY 1 0 t� Form Appr ved by C� torney '/���� Adopted by Council: Date ` - N' Certified Ya. d y ouncil S r t By By {p�Q t�pprov y Mavor. Date ` MAY 13 �+� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g BY P�1$llSiiE Pva;, �., 1 �3 . ���o i � T�IVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINIST TION DATE ,3 �bI 4' b �d • INTERDF.PARTMF.NTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn rocessed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant .�aw�cs -�es� r Home Address ��SQ �Gt/'f"� Rusiness lv'ame �Q��jyl^S �,� Jej,�. Home Phone �1 y"�O/0.3 Business Address O�� �iL�l?O �el��I Type of License(s) $�(u.-�. �� /�'��n� Business Phone C�QSS � ��n"` b�r'"' �] L� ��S'� Public Hearing Date J`-11D� �� License I.D. 4{ � 7 3 �� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� u !A' llate Notice Sent; Dealer 4� �1A' to Applicant � �� �I� I'ederal Firearms 4� � �/9 Public Hearing DATE INSPECT UN REVtEW VERFIED (COMP TER) COMMENTS A proved Not roved � Bldg I & D � N�4 Health Divn. � �t,j�A` ! — ' � Fire De t. ' p ' �v�� � � Yolice Dept. I �'1't+ ���i ` D y -�� '=� � � � � License Divn. , o t�41ZO�&'$ City �ttorney �� j ulZO��'d Date Received: Site Plan 3I��,gD G To Council Research �)Z '�'O� Le�a� or Letter Date from Landlord _ 3 I�s��� y,.,�;._� ...-- -- . . . . . . . . . , , .. . . �---... v -'. .,� _� .. . i . ��-�D/ � �- -�.. :.�;uo��o.., Charitable Gambling Control Board FOR BOARD USE ONLY '•� Room N-475 Griggs-Midway Buildin 1821 University Avenue �MSeNumber _ _ St. Paul, Minnesota 55104-3383 �T - - - (612)642-0555 Q+1�' CHECK# DATE GAMBLING LICENSE APPLICATIO INSTRUCTIONS: A. Type or print in ink. B. Take completed application to local governing body,obtain s nature and date on all copies,and leave 1 copy.Applicant keeps 1 copy and sends original to the above address with a check. C. Incomplete applications will be returned. Type of Application: ❑Class A — Fee S 100.00(Bingo,Raffles,Paddlewheels,Tipbo rds,Pull-tabs) $JClass B — Fee S 50.00 IRaffles,Paddlewheels,Tipboards,P II-tabs) Makecheckspayableto: �ClassC — Fee S 50.00IBingoonly) MlnnesotaCheritableGambi�gControlBoerd ❑Class D — Fee S 25.00(Raffles only) ❑Yes�No 1. Is this application fo�a renewal? If yes,give c mplete license number � - 0 - 0 DYes�No 2. If this is not an application for a renewal,has or anization been licensed by the Board before7 If yes,give base iicense number(middle five digits) Yes❑No 3. Have Internal Controls been submitted previous 1 If no,please attach copy. 4. Applicant(Official legal name of organization) 5. Business Address of Orgarnzation ` � n • -;r. `...t �, .-�. � a � .r. ., _ . � .�,,., �� 1 ' 1 %i •�r 6. City,State,Zip � 7. County " 8. Business Phone Number r' �;' ' , • ' —+ i / ? `-i'. t ,`�` i ��' � ,; ( �iT ) � /'t%� :.<.> 9. Type of organization: ❑Fratemal ❑Veterans ❑Religiou 00ther nonprofit" 'If organization is an"other nonprofiY'organization,answer questio s 10 through 13.If not,go to question 14."Other nonprofit"organizations must document its tax-exempt status. k7Yes�No 10. Is organization incor orated as a nonprofit org nization?If yes,give number assigned to Articles or page and book number: '>-'� "':<-`� Attach c py of certificate. �Yes ONo 11. Are artictes filed with the Secretary of State? �Yes ONo 12. Are articles filed with the County? �Yes❑No 13. Is organization exempt from Minnesota or Fede al income taxl If yes,please attach letter from IRS or Department of Revenue declaring exemption or copy of 990 0 990T. ❑Yes�JNo 14. Has license ever been denied,suspended or re ked7 If yes,check all that a ly: ❑Denied ❑Suspended ❑Revoked ivedate: - 15. Number of active members 16. Number of years in ex stence Note: If less than four years,attach evidence of three years � '`'� existence. :1 �-� -� � . 17. Name of Chief Executive Officer 18. Name of treasurer or person who accounts for other revenues of the organization. ` ... r i` _ ..�"�'� �- � s. ���. _ i/� � � �'.� % ��:.� �/ Title '' Title � . 1 .__ .j..�., .- ,.! . � � f�r 1 Business Phone Number , �:—_- Business Phone Number 1 1 +--i.. r~ ---(��-;; `/� �„� r ( 1 �-�/,� - ' ..% 19. Name of establishment where gambling will be 20. Street address(not P.O.Box Number) conducted - .�-_ % . - ,. -. .�/.�� ( � `:'� ) r 21. City,Stste,Zip 22. County(where gambli�g premises is located) � � -� -r" � � � �- . � ',' '� � � :� CG-0001-0218/86) White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant+ � Pink-Local Governing Body . . _ . .-. � "� , ���or . Gambiing Ucense Application page 2 Type of Application: ❑Class A ❑Class B ❑Clas C ❑Ciass D � " �Yes❑No 23. Is gambling premises located within city limits � �YesONo 24. Are all gambling activities conducted at the p emises listed in#19 of this application? If not, complete a separate , application for each premises Iexcept raffles) s a separate license is required for each premises. � ❑Yes�No 25. Does organizatio�own the gambling premises. If no,attach copy of the lease with terms of at least one year. � DYes ONo 26. Does the organization lease the entire premise ?If no,attach a sketch of 27. Amount of Monthl Rent the premises indicating what portion is being I ased.A lease and sketch $ is not required for Class D applications. "!'�• ,f'',•�'� '�'t j ❑Yes ONo 28. Do you plan on conducting bingo with this lice se7 If yes,give days and times of bingo occasions: Days mes ❑Yes�No 29. Has the S 10,000 fidelity bond�equired by Min esota Statutes 349.20 been obtained?Attach copy of bond. 30. Insurance Company Name 31. Bond Number � _`r` ' ��.�`i.''' �.;';L� " � �I � ._:(� i 32. Lessor Name 33. Addr ss 34. City,State,Zip , k • � ' 4 35. Gambling Manager Name 36. Addr ss 37. Ci�ty,State,Zip � '' ! `i �`�� �'�v•_. �1" 7!. � .� �/ �� </r� ' 38. Gambling Manager Business Phone 39. Date gambling manag�r became ( � --� ��_ r�.�'�� member of org nization: ;� . ;c)!� � GAMBLING SIT AUTHORIZATION By my signature below,local law enforcement officers or a ents of the Boa�d are hereby authorized to enter upon the site, at any time, gambling is being conducted,to observe the ambling and to enforce the law for any unauthorized game or practice. BANK RECORD AUTHORiZATION ' By my signature below,the Board is hereby authorized to in pect the bank records of the General Gambling Bank Account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gam ling rules and law. TH I hereby declare that: � 1. I have read this application and all information submitt d to the Board; 2. All information submitted is true,accurate and comple e; 3. All other required information has been fully disclosed , 4. I am the chief executive officer of the organization; 5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful oper ion of all activities to be conducted; 6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Mi nesota respecting gambling and rules of the Board and agree, if licensed,to abide b those laws and rules,includin mendments thereto. 40. Official,�at Name of Organization 41. Signature(mr�st be signgd by'jChief Executive Officer) � , � � i i. ; .� ! '1';� � .c'`_ ..` X I'�-�:�,/j�i��^ ��i .��. ,�-/t . �...*--� Title of Signer ,-- � Date , �f k:`;. � ' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOT CE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this application By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been served with notice that this application will be reviewed by the Charita le Gambling Control Board and if approved by the board, will become effective 30 days from the date of receipt(noted b low),unless a resolution of the local governing body is passed . which specifically disallows such activity and a copy of t at resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30 da s of the below noted date. 42. Name of City or County(Local Governing Body) If site is located within a township,item 43 must be completed,in _. addition to the county signature. Signature of person receiving application 43. Name of Township X .. �:..� Title Date received(30 day period Signature of person receiving application begins from this date) . , _ . r� -.�- „ X 44. Name of Person delivering application to Local Goveming Body Title CG-0001-02 (8/86) White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Governing Body ��-7a� _ ��.__.� C1TY OF SAINT PAUL e~• 'y DEPARTM NT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES • � ,C • �. ,.• DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ,��� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �ilOfg!�it1111lf �ra April 2I, I988 James Faser DBA East 1�wins Babe Ruth 1259 Edgerton St. Paul, P�1 55I01 Dear Mr. Faser: A review of the investigations ich were made in connection with your application has been completed. It will be my recommendation that your license(s) be granted. � A hearing on your application f Gambling Manager Transfer and Class B � Gambling License(s) , ID �(s) 914 2 & 17372 will be held before the Saint Paul City Council on May 10, 198 at 9:00 A.M. in the Third Floor Council Ciiambers, City and Count Court House. This date may be changed without the License & Permit Di sion's consent and/or Iaiowledge. Therefore, it is suggested that ou call the City Clerk's Office at 298-423I to confirm this hearing date. Your presence is required at thi hearing in order to respond to any questions that may arise. The City Council may have and/or receive other information which I am presently not aware of that maq ause them not to follow my recommend- ation. �Very-�ru1y yours �� � �� �� /! � . ..�}✓� .=� �"0 i J eph � Carchedi/w License Inspector JFC/Ik Cit of Saint Paul �CJQ �!�/ ; • Department of Finan e and Management Services � �� 4 � License a d Permit Division j� ; � 2 3 City Halt ( ; , ' St. Paul, Min esota 55102-29&5056 ; � APPLICATI N FOR UCENSE j CASH CHECK CLASS NO. Ne Renew � a a � 0 3 ��- �,J Date 19 � Code No. Title of License + � ` � `' � From �/2� 1��To � °�� 19� � � �.3�13 ��,;�,, �,� ,,, -� n��Sf -� � _._.-- ,� . 'f � � �J n �00 ��5� I G]� n � �.�� 7���,�1 , !�`%>.�,: , i �;��: �'4�SG r� ApplicanUCompany Name — i ioo � ' i �DU�v; ��, 100 eusiness Name � n '� ,00 � �3 �a �n <. �.� r t�J ; Business Address Pho�e No. ' 100 —� � ( �a��.1, ;�� ,'� 100 Mail to Addresa Phone No. �� ioo JC r"Y?P`; �G 5 � lt ! ManapeNOwner•Name 100 I '� % � S�f �cl r�.P r ��'1 100 A7anagedGwner•Home Address �% Phone No. 4098 Application Fee , 50 ( �1 Received the Sum of 100 �� �C1 t...' � /vl � � �� ��.�1 3�T`7' �U ManagedOwner-Clty,State 3 Zip Code 100 Total 100 _ 1 �;_U�.�,� �-"l1 ��.�.� License Inspector By: Signature of 7lpplicant Bond: Company Name Policy No. Expiration Date insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiration Date Minnesota State Identificat(on No. Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serial Number Plats Number Othef: THIS IS A RECEI T FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for licens will either be granted or rejected sub�ect to the provisions of the zoning ordinance and completion of the inspections by the Health, Fire, ning andlor License Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR A L RETURNED CHECKS � � � -�, � � 1 S1� cr� I�1�� � . . � Cic� oz S int Paul (/ ����� • � , . DeparLment oc Finance nd Management Services � Division of Licease a d Permit Registration INFORMATZON RE UIRID WITH APPLICATION rOR PE IT TO CONDUCT CHAR.ITABLE G�IMBLI*1G GaME IN SAINT PAUL 1. Full and completa name af organization w ich is applyiag for licease � � , � 2. Address where games will be held - '�, � C1� �•- yum er St c City Zip 3. Name af manager sigrting this application vho wi?1 conduct, aperace and manage Gambliag Games � Dace af Birta �� �� "�C� (a) Length of time manager tias been memb � o= apolicant organizacion �u p� 4. Address of Manager � , � � �� Yumcer reec Cit-� Zip 5. Day, dates, and hours chis appiicacion i ior Ja-, .�.� � �Q�S Q i11e_�_ 6. Is the applicant ar organization ozganiz d under t�e Iaws o= c:�e Stata ei �i? _V� T-�- 7. Date. of incorparation 8. Date whea registered with the State o= � escta MQ���' � CJ �] � 9. How long has organization beea ia e:tfsca c�? =� ..._._ . _. L0. How long has organizatioa beea ia �Y�sce ce ia St. PauZ". ��,P�,Y;1 11. What is the purpose of the organizatioa? ]_�aS�. �Q �( n �<.� rGt m r I2. Officers of applicant or�ani�ac;on Name � �L,rG�G S �. .��. _l�4✓�Y_ Yame � Y`A Q r'?,T 5-�-� .1C2 U�►�' Address ���� �.anP �1-�'a�.P 9ddrass ���o � ri rl .� ��GC-�. Tit1e�p�,�py��- DOB - T±:?e��Q t(,��•� �OB _�- 7 =��j Name _I i VYl �tS r���.r' Vame � � � /'1� I��.Ir` Address ��] �� C , (���}-��� 3ddress a��� /-tau,�fhn rh e.._ Title V; e���v�.�s�den�'6o$ _ ���-S�� ���_z s �aB /0-/5-5/y 13. Give names o= of=icers, or any oc^e: �ers ns �rno �a=� �or sa--%�ce= =c =:e or�a^'_=at:on. �1ame Vame Address ada:ess Title --==z (,�c;.ac� S2'�'Lrzcz s;^.e '..- .c�===-�'=- '=_==. . � . � ��-ro 1 14. Acc'ached hereto is a Iist of names and ddresses oz all members of che organization. � I5. � In whose custody will organization's re ords be kept? Name Address �a� �' = '� I6. .�Persons who will be conducting, assistin in� conducCing, o r operat�ng the games: Name � Date oi Birth �-� �� ��o Address � Name of Spouse ' Dace of Birth �- � 9- S� Dates When such person vill conducc, ass st, or aperace _� dQt, � ;, /_v2..z� Name � � Date of Birth ��- �� -�,L(� 4ddress c Nane a: Spouse � - Dace of Birth Dates uaen sucz oersos *.�i?I cnncLCt, assjst�, or ape_ate Z�,b d-p � , t �r "7"__. 17. Have ;►ou rea� a�a 3o pau charougaip. unde_ tand che nrovisioas of all lavs, ordinances, � and regulatior.s �ove�i�; cae operac_on c - Char�tab_e Ga�I�Z_:tg €ames? . `- 18. Attac::ed here�o oa c:�e fo� �urfshed b�r !�e C�t� o� Sc. Paul is a �inanc{al Repart whicz {�a�izes aT' rece=?cs, e:�enses, aa ' d=s�ursemencs o: c�e aoplicant organitation ' as we31 as ai? o�gar.=za�jons :rao :���__ �e= =�ed :•s:.ds �or cae orececi�g cal=r.dar year whica :�as bee:s s:g^.ed, c:e�ared, and ve:� ;ed S�� �� }�tn�� . tiame Ob ; � :�ec �s� ' r who fs che e�S p o� c:�e appLicanc Organizazlon. ' V�e �_ �__.:e ' L9. Opera[ar of prz�ises ::ae:a games :��_ be ; e�a: , Name B�ssiness �.ddress � Home Address �� � � !�r D n__/_ . ST" 20. �►mounc of *er.c �aia by a�n�:�_nc Or3aa:�ac'oa �or re.^.c o� che aa�1.; spec�iy amounr paid -.�Cr �`e`�-� � Q . . .. �� 70' ZI. Th� proceeds oi cne garses will be disbu sed after deducting prize layouc costs and operacing expenses for the following pu oses and uses: d 1�' � i e � 22. Has the premises where the games ara ca be held been certified for occupanc}• by the City of Sainc Paut? 23. tias your orgar.izac=on riled cedera= �0 9°0—T' �� Ii answer is yes, please accacn a copy vic:� c;.is apQlicac�on. I: ansc:a is ao, es�lain vhy: c � r s Any changes desirec bT �ae a�glican� sssoc±a� on ma� be �ade onlp wich c�e conser.t o� the Ci�y Council. ����T��;h � ��P R��, Organ_zacion Date 3'il-p� �� By: p . ►tifanager :n cnarge oi game r a v _ � = �t ' � :n _ — � .. — c� cn � � r� � �� _ - :: � � I o r. rr rr 19 � /- �'a � .. 1 :7 r.� . � *� .^. J (D fD 't .�; 3 ; '� �,��(� I �A � !p — ii \ � r' f0 � Z' ; r ;� "' ..i ,. �v �" (0 � A � '< � , � `�+ � n� — v .r = = j � , C � T � = ^ Q t � i � T (0 F� � � ►`� � 3 d =� �O e v, :O — rT r' (0 r � rn A ;D 'R C/f c .^.� 71 � _ `�C � T = r Ty�� 4 v � + 1 ^ L� �! � ^` I p <. -n 5 3 � �T •� t �J 1 3 7 !0 R' , = 1 T � 3 I r� C �l fS � � �'� r � — .. � rr 't fo w 1 :< �j N g x � A :7 � � !� � �G C7 r� — ; ���� � = r► je' ' � . p = �o �a� � 4X ��z., : � � a i � � f9 71 '<� � 9 y � �9 E I � �G v v v "J 'i7 > �-r '� O h+ r- I � � .. .^. � � N r rr �' �, �a I �n r- �o � � _ .. . ^ � I _ � nm ,�� • -�' � � c^. � !�`e� I � �_ n � = c� r- n �4� - ' � ,� '� � � '_ � � ' ^' ; �`( — . I „ �- � _ ' I" I � � � ^ A �A � ���111111!1i"' _ , . I ^ .r � �9 < � � � � ��� . , � � R 1 � I � = � =�� � , a E �c � -� m I T ro :a I � . ; ' ° C a � I , ., - , = _. ; �; �� ., ,� , ^ , • CLcy vf Sainc Paul /����Q/ D.par enc of Finanee and ;lanagemenc Serficss Ci� "" -• ' ' Oivis on aE License and ?ermiC Adsniniscracion . . , - UltIFO Ct�ARITABLE GAt18LINC FIttANCLIL REYORT Oace r �� 1. Name of Organizacion � /�. ..,...-�'„v�p — 2. Addtesa vhere Chari[abl Csobliag is eonducted � .v t� � 'j'l�� ��_lg�Chrougtr 1�.�1_ 5S l9� �. Reparc for period eover ng �d�_ 4. Tocal number oE daya pl yed �o / 5, Cross reeelpca Eor abov psriod _ -�s4a 6, Ccosa prize payoucs Eo abova period ; ��� �� �' 7. Nec reeeipcs - line 5 lnus line 6 S �a�-�6 � g, Facpenses tncurred !n c nducting aod opecacing game: . A. Croas vages paid. Attach vockec List vith s � -��`7� �Q namaa, address aad groes uages. . . ue ks s �. g. Renc for $ �O� .�G - �. Lieenee Eee i — D. Insuranee �-U s /D /, E. 8ond F. Dishonored chaeks noc raeovared i �� _._. , r / 9� /� C. Employera F.I.C.A. �_ _._ � — H. Sales Tax _ . . ..__._ $ . .. _. I. Hinn. U.C. 'fax . O� -- -- - x. S3. =� J. Federal U.C. Tax - K. riiseellaneous F�p n���• Idaazifq che amouac • t and ca vhom paid. i.J�.,e.an ��e- ; � � S �_`� `+ �ri ' � ' � - 2.�4P� . 3. 1�•5,Pas�i- �+�c : y, o S . �. ; / `� - - .. T�TAL f (>>� / • �� 9. Tocal 'e»�cpenses : ��3 3 I /" � 1 0. Nec Incooa - line 7 inus line 9 O f 11. Checkbaok Salance be inning of period s � ���� l2, tocal oE line 10 and 11 1�, tocs- concribucions rom liac 11 s —' 14. Chacicbook balance er of reporting period - s �// ��� �3 "T l�e 12 less line 13 l5. Spaeify uae msde of amounc on iine 13: COMPi.�:rr r�i� (tEVERSE STI:E ��r� �I OAIfiINATGR . o�te mirtuTeo a►h oarteteo �` J� F'. C3'C�'1�1 eo eo ���i� ����� 1�.o O�V�� . ��#�le �7ZP�C ,�N _ oEarw�rr�Mr+�ctan r�a�roR�sr� : ��� flwn�a�w�ras�eKree�o�oa � crcv cr.�c i1�J'ANGt euoc�r wn�cron 2 (70�iCa.7. �e�Ch P� & �tnt. 298--5056 0�: �, «rY�now� Approval of a new State of Minnesota Cl.ass B (all f_ �pt birygoj. Ga�nblanc� I�iver�ise, NO►I'�F'ICA�'ICN L1A.TE• 4/21/88 : S/10/88 _ �nowe:Uvaove 1�)«�y.�(E+)1 cbuMai. �eno�rr: � PLAIi1Nq OOIi/LipN CML BEfIVICE OOI�AI88WN d1 IN . . .DA7E OUT . . AANLYST � � � � PIi01E N0. - � � ZOIiIPIfi GbM�M010N . � 18D Qb BCFIOOI 90AFtD � ���l� . �I�` . �.. . . . .. �. ' .. � . � BTAff . � � � GIMTBI OO�tl�M8610N � . ��fbMFIETE IS . -AOOL YiQ AO�D* ��_FOR A DL M�FO�� _� � . • . DIBTAIf.T OOUqCL �. . � . *E%PLAN4TION: - - . � . . .!tN'PORfB�YMfICM OOUNCL OBJECTIVE? -.. �� .. . - . ... . . .. � . . . � � � �" � . �ouncil R�s�arch Center �1�'t� 2 8�988 �..�►,.p.�.��..�.o..��.n►�.�.,�,«,.,�,�«�,: _ Mr. Jatres Faser, � behalf o� the East BaUe laath 7�eague, rec�tests �uncil appmval of �h�ei.r a�]:icatioci for a itiew State of. . C1ass B Ga�nbling License at Louie'� Bar, 883 Pa�t�e Av�u�. ` P '� frari the p�jt].1 � at3d ti.pbaards will be used t�o suppart a ba�eba31 pmogra�t for Saint Paul yriuth. a1N71pCAfi0N ICo.vs.nillh.AO�i�pse,Rre�MsY , _ This is an applicata.oaz for a s�d Gaz�lin Loc�,atiori fox' tl�e East Thrin� B�ebe 1�th €�e. This ia the first o�n;zati.on to ap�ly for seoorid pulltab location in � Saint Paul liu�utxr ' ()rdi:nan�oe 409.22 {h) c�s a ow for an arganizata.c� to have mare tl�ri c�c�e: - location for pulltalas, I�u.i.e's �', 883 Pa Avenue, is a Class A establi��t.* The Ov�rtime Lo�, 733 Pierce Butl.er I�ute, i a Class B esta�lis�t. �1I..I ap�,aLicatior� and �w.�:.�w r�v��: _ : y Deaaaber of 198'7. All reports and 14� m� Y PaYm��ts have been �ece�ved. Tf E:o4uicil , �va]. is c3ranted, East 'I�wixzs &�e Ruth ' be able to �pcx�sor this s� gmmb3,itig location. . OCNS�Q[�E�CSS: . If C�rnmcil apgroval is r�ot. ted, the East 'I�ains Bal�e Ruth org�n.i�a►tion will �e iusable to spoa�sor this secx�d pul.l� 1 .' ti�. K7LIIIM7NR8: . Cp18 MI�i011YlP1�d17'8: *?�oui.e's Bar wa� a�gx+oved as a G�nb1.� ari N�er 19, 1987. T�e i�stsi.d�e ,Boost�e� Club t�as appa�av�ed f� pu-lltabs at fi.ha� 7.oeatiori. ` n�ev�r sta�sd u� tl�re_aa�d �es not �.nt�d; �. �u�es: .