88-699 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIlflCl� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PA U L ���6 �9 Bl_UE - MAVOR File �0. • �ounc 'l Resolution �y��� � �`� Presented By � ���� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. 68990) for the renewal of a State Class C Gambling License applie for by the Juan Diego Club - Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 40 Main Street, be and the same is hereby approved/denied. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Fav r coswitz Rettman (2' B �he1�� Agains y Sounen �' MAY i 0 � � Form A roved by City torney Adopted by Council: Date - Ceriified Yass y cil Se e r By � �y gy. A►pproved 1�lavor: Date �* 1 1 � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy BY �t�'•1��t�(� �`,j i� � � �988 ' , . . O � ' � 1�1 UIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�RMIT ADMIN STRATION DATE � �I3 �g� / � �°1'�—�� INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �°�o rc n ce Cp rGo r4 Home Address / �/ �j'� �/�,�{r'a t Rusiness Name r-� Q 4� Home Phone ���I" 7 y 79 Business Address �V� ��r1 C�►� Type of License(s) C;�aSS C', Cg /nyo o�� Bus ine s s Phone �`rL4.'�'� a-�1��i�11 • qQ.�y1,6��n �r1 u�S l. ��C�J Public Hearing Date � 1 f0 a b License I.D. �l �p c� g�� at 9:OQ a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �l /l/ �+�} Uate Notice Sent; � � •�ealer �� �J �1� to Applicant Cd rederal F3xearms �P �1�' Public Hearing DATE IrSP CTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) COMMENTS Approved N t A roved � Bldg I & D � N1R , Health Divn. ; ��� � � Fire Dept. � � j � �� � � 59.,�. �/a i £s� Police Dept. I License Divn. � i i City Attorney ��C' � �I-z..�(t� Date Received: Site Plan � , / To Council Research '1�2�1 eas or Letter ate from Landlord ,.,,��, . . ,., . . .. . . . .. . _ . _ _ � _ . . . . ���'., . . , . � , . . . ' .Y.'J'.�,�:..�_ �.�.. . �. ., -�. • �k.�s,.-=: ' Charitable Gambling Control Board , ' Rm N-475 Griggs-Midway Bldg. For Board Use Only �.. . �"`''�" - 1821 University Ave. Paid Amr. f. ,a St. Paul, MN 551043383 Check No. • :....:'� (612) 642-0555 Date: GAMBLING LIC NSE RENEWAL APPLICATION '�A UCENSE NUMBER: c-t,k�� /EFF. DA E: �7/Ql/�� I AMOUNT OF FEE: ;�p,p� �;;''' �'� 1.Applicant-Legal Name of Organization 2.Street Address ,3 C�URG� tIF rUR ;.ADy rF S�.UPE ,,'llAN DIE60 r t;8 14�5 Die#er 5treet 3.Ciry, State,Zip 4.Counry 5. Business Phone . p �' M� � � R '� - ��� 6. Name of Chief Executive Officer 7. Business Phone 4 �� 8. Name of Treasurer or Person Who Accounts for Revenues 9. Business Phone M �-r ' - " 10. Name of Gambling Manager 11. Bond Number 12. Business Phone - �i�rencs i.o►^�ot^an &64�`,ib� 13. Name of Establishment Where Gambling Will Take Place 14.County 15.No.of Active Members �Iarth Star 61aa Sk P3ui Rar�zv 30 16. Lessor Name 17. Monthly Rent: r�orth S'ca� $i�o t+ssn - �/OS l�'C-EKL! 18. If Bingo will be conducted with this license, please specify days and times of Bingo. Days Times Da Times � Days Times TU ; 'a P 19. Has license ever been: ❑ Revoked Date: � Suspended Dats: ❑ Denied Date: 20. Have internal controls been submitted previously? [�Yes ❑ No(If"No,'attach copy) 21. Has current lease been filed with the board? � Yes �No(If"No,"attach copy) 22. Has current sketch been filed with the board? I�/S'es � No(If"No,"attach copy) :_`�_ : .� . _ . ._. , �., _ . ;: . ;: GAMBtIN StTE i�UTHORIZKTION -,.- ..�- � ". By my signature below, local law enforcement officers or agents of t e Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site,at any time,gambling is being conducted,to observe the gambling and to enforce the law for any unauthorized game or practice. BANK REC RDS AUTHORIZATION _ - ' By my signature below,the Board is hereby authorized to inspect th bank records of the Generel Gambling Bank Account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. OATH - I hereby declare that: 1. I have read this application and all information submitted to the B ard; . 2. All information submitted is true,accurate and complete; --,,�� 3. All other required information has been fully disclosed; 4. 1 am the chief executive officer of the organization; 5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and Iawful operation of all a ivities to be conducxed; 6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State.of Minnesota res ecting gambling and rules of the board and agree, if licensed,to abide by those laws and rules, including amendments thereto.`j ' '".';'� \ ' 23. Official Legal Name of Organization Signature(Chief xecutive Officer) Date Title eNu�rcN �� OuK ,�pQy�t� ��b��.�c d �a�./3� �� , , � � ., Pr�,�s,v,�N T � � a ACKNOWLED�EMENT OF N TICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this applic�tibn. By acknowl dging receipt, I admit having been served with notice that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and if approve by the Board,will become effective 30 days from the date of receipt(noted below), unless a resolution of the local governing body is passed whic specifically disallows such activiry and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the below no date. 24.City/County Name(Local Governing Body) Township: If site is located within a township,please complete items 24 t '��#' �� `{; -f �='�. ; ,�,.� and 25: b� ' Signature o�P�Sr on Receiving Application: 25.Signature of Person Receiving Application ti • 1 y �'�.�C�+`�,�L��--✓ � ' Title _,� Date Received{this date begins 30 c�ay��� Title: t i • � J t�'� �-t� 'C.:1.:.h� 4J�f%, Name of Person Delivering Applicatidn to Local Governing Body: Township Name '' � , � 'f r ,� -<.� � CG-00022-01 (5/87) hite Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Governing Body • � City of Saint Paut �Q �6 �� ' Department'of' irla'nce and Management Services � �� G T Lice se and Permit Division ( V ' ' 203 City Hali St. Pa I, Minnesota 55102-298-5058 APPLI ATION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New Renew 0o ao � Date �— � -� 19 %� Code No. Title of License �,' -�y �,�6 � �= �'`" From 19_To � 19 "" � r ^ _ � _ 'L'-�"� �,!�i,� :;;; ( � ' �:1;'; .rl� a�(c �U`� - ,00 � ;iin,, L, F-� �� (�J�.. :`: ' , i �;v<•� t -1.�, ApPllcanUCompany Name J. i . , 100 L(,�j{ i,��Lti i, i- l�? .����:a /��� .. '_ ,:.� : , , �� ,(,� :� --I!� . i -?r�`, .-��' �- 100 Buslness Nams 100 Business Address Phon�Na 100 -----. 100 �Mail to Addroa� Phone No. 1 'I'�c+ — �oo �( ��nf G,� � � r f �;. ,��7 �� -7 �4 % .� ManaQ�NOwner•Name 100 /; \ � - � ,r �`7 � L� c�-j�?,_ :.j". �E i 100 Alsnaqer/Gwner-Hom�Address Phone No. 4098 AppHcation Fea 50 Recefved the Sum of �100'l v � - �� ��./ i!� ;; �� /�;,� � � �!'�`� ManaqeNOwner•City,State 6 Zip Code 100 tai 100 � �, � �;� (';� ;� .%�Ccu:-,���..: �� �-zF.r�.l.�%.�.�Ci'. Llcense Inspector By: Signature ol Appliea�t Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expi�atio�Date Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expi�ation Date Minnesota State Identification No. Social Security No Vehicle Information: Serial Number �ats Number Oth6f: THIS IS A R CEIPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPEAATE.Your application (or I cense will either be granted o�rejected subject to the provisions of the zoni�g ordlnance and completfon of the inspections by the Health, ire,Zoning andJor Ucensa Inspectoro. � $15.00 CHARGE F R ALL RETURNED CHECKS : \� ,� Co �o ��..�.������r� c,� �/�/a�� � .`. ' � . . Cicy. i .Sainc Paul �4 � � �y ��. � ''� Deparuaent of Fina ce and Managemenc Services • ' Division oE Licen e and Permit Regiscration ' INFORMATION REOUIRID WITH APPLICATION rOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT C'rIA.RITABLE GaMBLP.`iG G.1ME IN SAINT PAUL . 1. Fu11 and complete name of organizat' a which is applying far licensa LJ��/`/ %.0�!.% �, G� — '�u Lga o Tcc u � 2. Address where games will be held B� � �, . �. � ��5/a� •- Yumbe: Streec City Zip 3. Na�e of manager signing this appl.ica ion vho wf.2l. conduct, operace and manage Gambliag Games r�C T Jc� � C�O 6}-/✓ Dace of Birtz �/�(-.� � (a) Length of time maaager has been e�ber of app].icanc organizaciou o2� l��.r4�s _� 4. Address of :ianager l �.� ,�T J� �� �� � �. G.� Yumber Screec C� -r Zip Tu�ESD/�y �FT�RN�%c�n/S� �;3oP,�4,ToS.�3eP�t 5. Day, dates, and �hours chis appiicac� n is =or lrlt�.�i �t / `j��'' T�X�'4�� ��/� �"1� �Y�'"% 6. Is the applicant or arganization org ized under t�e Laws o: c:�e State o= �l.N?. ��_ . __ .. ��35 7. Date of incorporati�n �N� 1�7 PoR RT �' o t� tf� 8.. Date whea regis tered with the S tate. o" �.anesoca 1�1.c /�, y �! /9'7� 9. How loag has organizaticn beea ia e:c cancs? o? � ��,4 R S _. I0. How I.ong has organization been ia �Y� ceaca ia �t. Pau1". ��,Ef/ rTS 11. What is the purpose af the organizati n? '�'"�, /7/-}/S� I�DN,�V ��t �htPe�r'/cti�A��- C ce R o 5� � -� ° '�G o � ,�i9 0� e � � �i �ff 12. Officers of aoplicanc organi�acjon Name t'/f�R � � _j� Ya�e /��}JJ�"Fr�-R�7' L°�, lfv,�N i� Address �� /l�� E Cc� !�ddress 9O/ �; 7�i4 c�f Tit1.e��5iOc'N T9��Sr� T�cie �,EfFSiU�E� 70B � —/L'_ Name � �E t.t� ' i4S Vame � .6���t[C� �. C.�-'RC_°�i�"t'/��t/ Address �(c�� ' /� El� �dd.ess /[,(9�j �/��TE � Title G 5i` 1�B � — '"�t�e //�ii/<}-��Ii 70B �—/[L�—o?.3 13. Give names of orticers, or any ot::er ersar�s �r�o �a== �or sar:1css sa =�e o:3a�:=at:on. �Iame Vame � add_e_s Address , / Ticle --==z (�;:.tac`: separace s;.ee '. - �::�==_....-- •--_=-• � , , . . , . • . . . , . 14. Attached hereco is a I.ist of names nd addresses oi all members of che organizatio�. I5: In whose custody will organization' records be kept? i � Name ��, e Address �j�' �/ET�,� 16. ,�Persons who will be conducting, ass ting� in� conduccfng, or operating che games: Name �O � G� (.�91� ^/ Date of Birth ,��/l�—,,? .5 Address S E Name of Spouse d`T- ,L, ' j.,3 � Dace of 31rth �— Dates vhen such person will conducc, assisc, or operace �� Name /4 J� ��} Lc v � � Date oi Birth ^�.�—/n Address �I O/ ,� � Name ot Spouse (9 �` �j(, � ,� Dace of BfrLh — — Dates wzen suca persoa *�rfll conctct, ss�st, or ape=ace . H. L„ % 17. Have ;rou read a�d. do �ou charougiil.�. aerstana the orovisioas of aIl 1aws, ordiaances, .. and re�latfor.s �ove���g. c�e operat= n cr Charitab?e �amb�ag games? 18. Atta�hed here:o oa c'�e fo:� �nrished b•� che C�t� o� St. ?aul is a Finaaciai Kepart whica i���izes �?= rece=�cs, e:�e�ses and �;soursemencs o� �?�e applicanc organization ' 2s wel� as a?? o:zar.fza�'_ons ::ao aave re��:-�e� '•szds �or tae Dr°CB�=:g cal=ndar year whica ;�as beez s=3::e�, �:e�ared, and e::=:ee �7 ����f�Ne.E ,G, C=oIF'�Of�'H-i . S/ � ' Vame � � A��, .s��� .� ed_�ss ' vhe is che /1/ /�} GC oi t:�e apnlicanc Ozganization. ' Y�e �L OL= -e ' I9. Operator oi prz�=5es :aere ;=ames :��_ ' e ze:d: Name O�T� �S l.l�//tlN� . 6 e T'�o�( B�csiness �.ddress p ,(,, � Lj�. Home Address 20. Amounc ot rer.t paia by a�o�:�:nc Or3ani ac:on ror *e.^.c a: che i�a�I; snec:�;� amounc � paid per 4-hour se�s:.an G^, E/Q �/�7, ,�"..55/G'�/ , � ' . . . , • , .. � ,,, � wl. ��he proceeds oi cne �anes will be isbursad after deducting prize Iayauc costs and operacing espenses for che followi purposes and uses: � � � i ' L.� C /O ES F Eid Tf�� �� � /7 u ZZ_ Has the premises where the garnes ar to be held been certified for occupancy by the City oE Sainc Paul? ►<'�5 23. has your orgar.izac:on �iled cederal �ora 990—T'. �G� Ii answer is ves, please actacn a copy wic;� c;,is apQlicac�on. Ic a s�:ar is no, e:cplain why: 6`7- �� .B�..F Any changes desirec �7 �ze a3�?=caac �sso =ac;on ma� be �ade onlv wich t::e conser.t o: the Ci�y CrunciL. (�l.C,Z i(,qp� o f G�u.s+�lt�f.�lP,E �ffu�Q�{ V!Z/fN ,�/E Ci7 �h, �18 Or,�,ai:i=�n �o � �1���Il/ ' � �ZC?�� Date - '��d By: Maaaazr ia charga af game � a _ �. = z t I� :r, _ — -: .. — c� cn � � � '-e � I � " � h � i O r. R T iD ;-r� '— � ;7 r. - � : Cs c9 t0 ^� ^. 11 � :A �- — ro � � � r- � (0 Z i r ,'f �' v .. e+ f0 � A � %q - v 3 � T �• �"' � � � � '_ � (9 p'� � '� 7 T ^ 3 1! v, �O T � t9 .+ ■n A .1. G �. 77 .� �G � � � ^� `'' ^ " 7 '3 ^ ''a � � :. �-� "� � 3 � �"r :� 'Jl Af � _ . — �o � E 3 � • � 7 - � ( = � 3 � � C x r� � :< � :a C � !r. ^ �G O r � j, � � R _ � _ � � � p � �9 � � ' � ' Z 9 f0 73 ' t �9 E � � v v v ^l '!7 � . �t � O F+- � I \ .r � � 1 N F� 'Y � ��' �� �A I N 1-� (D A � ^� �p � � A = � � , i t0 C^. ! ^r ' � � I �� I � � A ►- � ! =` � '` �I ' �_ '_ � = ' i -�� r _ _ R � T ; � � �, n �- � �9 �� ""� � � � :Ji � �o t r- r. � � i �C � � ,e � � ._ ^ ro A � A i \ ' � � �.� ^ T - �9 C I . 7 : R . � T �w� �. � � � fp I ` i ' I � '` ~ ' � � � '' � " C>^ �� t ^� � � a I - � � + �� � , -. T f ^ li .� � � 1 ..� �, :1 •• � � � 7 �y a . . � � _ � ' • � � ` • " Glcy oE Sainc Pau1 , ,� _� . , eparc�e�� aE Finsnee and ;lanagemenc Se^�icss -• ' � • ivision af Llcense and ?ermit �ldminiscration , Igp�{ �}iARLTABLE CAliBLINC FINANCIAL REPOAT , o.ce ,�PRi ti J �s�r.� . � ��u��� �c� �Ge ftN ��� o .(��} -Q.p,�JaY�� i. Nma of Organisaci n �_ d �/�%h� �T — Z. Addrens vhers Char table Caobling is eonducced � � . `�y� 3• Report Eor period overing V�- �- 1+ 19� �hrough /�A �1' ��9' - -- b. Tocal nue�ber oE da s played �� -- - � s � 3�� �� -- 5. Gcoas receipca Eor above pariod �n �p 7,�� S - 6, Gross pciza payouc for above period ' ' � � `�,�D 7, Nec recsipcs - Lin 5 alnus line 6 S . 8, gxpenses tncucreJ in coodue[ing and operacing game: - A. Cross vages pa d. Accach yorker Lisc vich s /�7�''Q d Q namea, addres and gross �ages. • / . . veeks i �f �'.��' (�C� B. Renc tor � �. Lieense Eae �• THK6S CNRF_ o�. ; D. Insurance u 2 G N � �vo, oa E. Bond ; � 9� dn — E. Dishonored ch cks noc reeovsced Z ���'�� G. EmPloyars F.I C.A. . H. �sa�..s-ra�c C� H��.irrC� 7'ft K -- ; 1�? ;� G►'T, Lfo — ___. _ � � L. riinn. U.C. ta _. - _ _ _ _ S =• J, Federal U.C. ax - K. Hiseellaneaus E�cpcnsas. Idaacity che smouat - and �o vhom p id. i. Clr�r o �r ��u�.- s o'to�,.3�� ZN✓�sri E.tTSs ,iAfPtiieAreq F6� � ?, 7�_� - 2. �y�Nn/E �Tf1 T/PBOdKO-$ . ,E A c�i�I�K �v 7" /�EM�9 L ; �G�7 3. �'s►RGE — 4. �ECa�b B�'n�t, s �/. D!� . �7 0 3 T s►ST,E R- T�tAL f �I�� �� �o��y- - . .. �STiF P5 9. Tocal cxpensea n O s R7b'7• � �0. Nec Iacaae - 11n 7 sinus line 9 S /CL>GS c' � — 1.1. Checicbaok Salanc 6eginning oE period � 'f �� . s /C� 7 12, Total of line 10 and 11 S q 7 A ��� �� 11. Tocai concribuci ns :rom LiAe l7 14. Ghsekbook 5alsnc end of reporting period - s J 6 O C. � p Lir.e 12 less lia �3 L5. SpeciFy uss made oc aowunt an 11ne 1J: 7� r/c,��4 � Pc ' � p L Lf �� �( � C /f COMP1•IiT� 'f11E ItEVERSL• ST()E . ' :6: ':,'•.��urSeaeacs :rom a:oua: Sa i:.�te 12: " , ,. < �' . , � �O . . • yame ' R i9b 0 ' (S" 17 4PC Name l n uX� Addreas �,�n �riVIXE � �Wdzesa Dace Rec'd yL'•V7rfi .0�/._.Ta.v� /9�y�� � Dace Ree d ,Eptt�°IDT/oNAL PLCK �S�ES Purpo�e /.� E,v TitE Parposs Signatur � P� �S��Sigaacure ot R�cipienc� �� of R�cipi�ac ��Amouac Amount Name �� Address Address �ace R�c'd Date Rsc'd Purposa pn�as� Slgnarure Signacire of Recipieac of Recipienc • Amaunc Amovnc Nama �e Addresa Addresa Daca Rec'd Date Rec'd Purposa Parpoae Slgnatuze Signacure of �eeipienc oE Recipieac Amount Amounc Name � Address Addsess • _. .__.. . Dace Ree'd Ostr Rec'd ' Purpos• Pospoes Slgnacure Signacure of Itecipieac of Reeipieec Amount pmcune 17. To[al Olsburssmaacs � 7� � �a 2HI5 B.EPORT HUST BE FILL�•P.i COt�LE?B.Y 'f0 QU/1LItT .1PPLICAT20N FOR CHARI2ABLE Cd1�LiNC LICENSE. , -a ► � .a n v, � �o �s =# o � ► tn•� S �o n S O y ►w �o C > 00 7.� - �e I O � 2 �-1 � � O 2 �-F 3 O �n � n rw .1 p1 n �t .w -! tn n � � A � ,.� O p, A ^ .e O c� �-i N� " � � o "'� '� � O �e n o �n � o a � �f �i e+ r p ►+ O S 7 p 2 - � 7e r S 7 > 2 U 1+ f� � N f*I n'1 !t � � � f�f �PI a a z � �.�e o � m�'�� � s o �.°w a e m y �f 2 n m v a I .+ > a � p `1J '• > z -� v � 9 O � n n O O a � C ] O Pf v � n o 3 A � n � �rJ r3a v v.. � -n '� .w y n .....v n � y � "U !� a a. � m 3 a � q �e n a o c� n � y �+ a � -� +f A A u .w �i > •+ �a m R �-^�i , , � ^ a .w u O ,!v s 3 � n� u [� o �f � � � a ' �� ^� L G. i b � a� 0� �2 b n � I y,.�+- ^ ^ " ; �" Q, � I �, �. � '� � a m �" .�' o o � � z� ( � � ��� � ` �' - .. I � s o . <Z � n ^ �.i = � E� A w � �77 � ' �:'1 w 9 (i I � O L� � ~ � �� ( � �IA � I� s�+V�� � � � �-� 6 �� _ ��� - � . �. .. pAn�. �f��Ei� St�f�t' �. 0 016 9�4 . Mr. carchedi oEP�+,�r ox�cren .,�►va+wa�ee�r�wn' Ch��stine Rozek � - w�.�r�o�necioA �cm'cx� oo�rr� : r►�or�wo. . — ��ou�croA Finance �r. Mngndnt. 298�5056 cR. : —Z- �,�.�Y � . Councii Research Application for the renewal of a State � Rqinneeota C}.ass C Gambling Lieense .jB�ngo OnZy) I��IFICATION:DATE: April 26, 1988 HEARING DATE: Ma.y 10, 1988 nops:t�vwnv.�a�a�m1) r�$�►acH�vnmr: ` �N+ewq oo� crvw.aerv�ooe�xs�oro o�h� a►h our nru�crsr vr��a. m�w�o c�saw �an ac►ao�eawo � � l T/L� /�-S' ar�, cwwren�a+ � �ns�s . ,�ooL.+w.�o+ aero zo�r�r _r��o�r.Mwo. _,��i�oo�o* osrncroa�cr .� �: ei�+ronra rMrcN oa�ck� - Council Research Center. MAY 0 319�8 ..TM►,.�.�.�,�.�,�,�.�►�.�.�,:,�,�.��: F}.orence Corcoran, on behalf of the Juan D ego Club - Our Lady of Guadalupe Chureh, at 408 Ma.in Street; requests' counciY app�oval of their applica�ion for renewal of �. State` of Mirtne�sota Class C Gambling License. T'h gambling sessions are he�d Tuesday afte'rn��n�s ` ` from 1i3Q P.M. to 5:30 P.M. Proceeds are ed' for the ChiZdxen of Our Lady of Guada3upe ` Church. __ - . _ - i _ , .Nl�twcA'r10N rooW�r�Y,�tiv.no.Q.s,R�):, , Al2 fees and applications have been submit ed. If council approval is gra.ated, the Juan Diego Glub; which has been i� existen e for 26 years, wi�.� continue to sponsor their gambling session: . ` c�rM�u�cs M�.w�arw ro w�wn►>: - _ , : I£ council apgroval is not given, the Juan iego_ Club will be unable to spvnsor their � week2y gambling session.` . KnnrarnrEa: ' , wws . - ,a� : wsrarr�c�Nrs: . �.t�s�aw�s: