88-696 J V CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. d�(og�0 FINAL ORDER 4�� . ; --•�,,�" BY ,t,,�� . .P' r-s,v 8430 File No. Voting In the Matter of Ward 2 2he operstioa of the abova sta dard street ligt�tiag syst�■ f.ar th� N. Yi�EASHA A88� the followin� str ets : �orth side Ezcbange 8treet fr � St. Peter Streat to Cedar Street; Sonth side Bzchang� Street fro Y:basha Street aorth to Ca�sr Street; Sontb side gxchsnge Street fro 5t. Pet�r 3treet to 1S0 faet east ot St. Peter Street far the ■oath o# 3a�asr� thrn Deceaber 1988. under Preliminary Order � ��9`� approved ��7—�� ., The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conduct d a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charte ; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objecti ns and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, b it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint aul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed a d authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the ity Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date MAY i O tg8& Yea� Nays ��t� Certifie ssed Council Secr tary Lon� r ��M../� Re t t�t�.n �� In Favor By Sche�bel '' Son�er. p Against '�� ISHEO ��AY 2 11988 Mayor ; , . .« �. � - x�,�'�- - -.. g ,..., ,�, ,...,.� " � �.,� - _. , . �. w� _,•: ,�,-� �.�._-��,. . -Michael-: `.._ KTassen.`���` . 3'%Ifs {� ��;. .raREEN SHEFT t�r�.��a(���:��" . :., ._ , . ._ . : . ._.... � _,.. . _ ..._...-. ,� t . A.� ,�'���l� k� ���"'",��4S:Y}e � ". .;.. .. ._ .. ,,, ., ..:�ti � . . . .. � � D@AIRMOlTOM1lCTOR' ,��,_wY►�pA��p1A�► Michae�l rC:- Klasse�r �n . "�' - ., .:�.��� � . �,;;•'�'' � �-' .��;�.� �.; ;�;" n�� euo�sro�,o� .�Coua�Rasearcb�''. ubzic�:Works�='.'�. Y":292-6�93'�,. - LL- �� - «n�„� :I����r _ - : su � _ . ^�..'�.�O�wf�1. .,. .:_:. . -yirr-��:•� _x r� N bi .. h..:..:- ' . To~apgrove:athe*estimated�asse�smeirt costs�.�for the =I988 operat ori.'b +e � ��`(S�� above�'standard=liqhtinq �syat�ins. rT e�=.-Council;,Resolutior� for the 8 areas wtP . ,. � ', r r ig,r Y, -• "4�:}�!`� .,�.-- k�' •;f a�e� at�gched...::� - .�' '� � � , , :�i'� r"` }'� ' *�t iry' G�" S2"E '.� .,f �y�. �,��.' ��.. , � 5'`,a��.l '�yt,�..a���M'� .yn^� ���v.'l G,�'e:- - � �f d�v aRti-,��7`;�'� . �:. , . , '''_ . ... -. . . . _ � .y , _ �... v , ;.. ,.. . � _. .., � . �, � REC01rIB10Ail01No Wpw'�W or Nykt(N)) _, ,� COUNCa. REPORT: - - RAMIMIQ��ION t�z.^y�CIY�M�pICt WTE ME �V OATE y �:;. MW�I!�T }r'��. :a�.;,"�y�:'��� + i; -c r>lrsM3.hk +' a,c !?x .�. wt a.1 . t � •-. �.,�,. . �j m1110 ,'��I��iCl1001. ?�, �' �' ' :.'. ""'7��.,„��;�r �. . - ,t.-' �-�r � ;c.so-u x - � •_�. - ...,. � ,, ' , � A� ..; � �.��,,�°��.�� ��" K ��:� _.. �* " VIt�A DL N�iFO.� -^ ! 1100��►'�� � r,+„�» .y �.,�.:a � � vEx,.;, �- :�a a'�.h�� .t ri!� _ :.. ; ,... : • o�sewrrr�c�..s ; "' �� .+�`�r$r�'"`<�'�'` _ � �a��" ����� A� � �,� � � SUPPOR'15M1101tCOUliC�.0616CTIV!?s� ^. :.�F�� .-.\�-- :.t �'t+. �eY -;�. ,.__ . . . . x`^. � i Safer�an better neighborhood �,�� s` �,.��s ��� s �M�.�'� �"�� � ,.� � ' .._Y-�.� �.. `�,,� ����. =� . �-. .: =.f k... :;�, '�r_ - :,., - ,, ,..; � . �„� < _ •.•,., ' -g-- . `�.��. i�,i , �._ "` . , � �� . � �h, s .,�'�`�� '��. o� N a.,. . Y .41� � . �.. �+ Y ! `�,�'��'' '�i'. 6* _ �.�g'", -.ak��p� -qr � .� l�^` Y ' . � '.i� g -s`�c�,.. ad-r�%K.�'' � :a..... r.�, .�� '�Si I �'- ' n.L.'i�. �,k,✓,w - Ir >T"Y :}���' � i:3' .r��3"� .�•- �. � �.�� ..1K'. -•�.'v . 'h ��. �Tard s:��� Z, .3 & 4- � , Y•, . .. : - - .�.�.,. '� �,�., �..W . �.__�.�.., ; .� .. � � :...: . . , �-�,:. �,.., .,� asru►�e�oa�.�.ov�omw�rr:M�w.w�w.wn«,�wn«�� �+ ��-�° �;.^'��-��.� `_...: M� .r �,�'.�z������,r�,.�c. ,����,;�--- A publi<�hearing. was�=held for��ach of�-t e�-;above-standard ].ighting systems. : In�:each �ase,, afte hearing ;from :thezvarious ne ghborhood 'district councils,-business assoc• �:: . - �� < .. iations��'�roperty ,owners�-and'ystaff, _the �Council ;approved both `the construction�:�of _ : �.hese s stems ;and� their o eration: b th Cit � ' � ' ` - Y. . P .. , t. . Y - .. y on ran assessment :basis. ,�It, is :.. . , ,, required�;;that a public;hearing -be' held� ach year� for both the estimated o�erating ' costs and then the actual operating cos s ` . ��"`' " -�` : �.� �. �+ . : .=r �• _""Y '��� `� s ::il`�'.����.':-= f�...+1R .. .x.. .C,.�. '?:'' �'`� ';=��� �}�a.�'�.:�:: ..,y � ,,..�.hrF R.Y�yJ�*'4.is�'. �F. .c... �'.r. �.,.-.w..,.E�+as �,r°�'` JUSi1�ICAi10N((?D�t/BMNMs.Adwr�p�R R�Ib) ; '�° �"�s`:.�� �� x '�' �-:�� �'� �jr: . "�� yt �"� " y - t . �♦ �'i_:-:' .. . .a:..:.:.. _ , ..: �� 1 -. ::.:..� _c. . K '`::" . .���, a.° c. :r"..., �i+s&h.. s ?;�. � ' T . „ " �l.... ` ', - �.i�.. ....� .:.�xr;h=cf . II.�.l-��ii . rhis has become an .annual' budget.pzoced `re.`"NThe assessment policy ;originated to aZlow the�direct� benefitting;parties to pay for:the additional operating costs and provide s;for:;�uniform maa�ntenance.wof the ystems ; . z �; �°"' "�-� , � �� � � �< ..:_..� � �; � � _ �„�, � �"u'f'a � - ,�. .- � � ,r�.�L a. c `Y,.:: -'. , ,dP"w�s�� '�,.t..�� �� t a���rv '^n '."' rs- V • _.�y.y. , , � �` +. �^�Ti�44: � T4. " �'.' `�'<°.. �.t�r� ".�"�,s�.+�';!? ' "u��* ..ti 7� . .. '�� ' +'= ..} °^c„'�-�--+"bs „` ' -'"'"K, u ��S'2'�.�'� c -n..:"h... *; - � �'s&`� .°•"' - s>e-_ CO�EG1�MCi8 fVY1W.YNIM1.and Tn Whom� -`;x , . ,y : °a $ .F- x a. .�i, ,x:.s„� �' y . .. ,�--'fur��� .�t.x... s. ., � � �,� s. gn.< 3� '::�.. _ ;�.:u+�".F"�-.a_ ;: =:.��.�`�v�`���.�..'�_.> ��.y,�_,E`�"'������� �f these� resblutions�=.are:not� app=oved,;�t e 'City wil�. not be_�funded�fo°,rma�n��ia__� - � ;,o.. �_,�.;._ .. . . _.. ._ these� above-standard'�systems,. as no pro _.isions were made to the general ].i�hting budget to operate these �systems��� �L:t �;�, �� � �r��� �..��� :�� .,�� -�-�"-�-.,- �.�.,.. . 3 .1�. �r �S as:�c.i`,t.„�����YR. ' 4�` .+... -+Ay'���!'�� .• ���$'r�F' y�'Y� �'-..' .c ,y -,y'e''°".��� '.`" - . � .4-� .�`� � - . " J�,yaa �..�� � � ��,s+-a' � � a� �� ' - � .. • . . .:� . i..iw- . - •,� "� �-.:�.n�....}�IS .. ALTERNA71VE3: ,.t CONS ,' .- ., _^ :- � � "� � .The City, :�as a:.�whole` Operate these systems under.�the assessment hearing Would bear the added expense to operate general lighting maintenance uld be necessary. these systems instea budget. ; . : _� :_ ��_: � .� _ _ ;. , - of the direct bene- ��. : fitting parties that � •� ....:, �. �"� . �. ; : = ` requested them. _,. � ,;�, � � ,- HISTORYlPRECEDENTS: - �.. , . ... ... , .., ... ,. ,,. . _ _ � . . _ e>_ _ The first above-standard li�ghting sy em began with the Lowertown system in 1983. These systems have increased at a ra of about 2 systems per year since then. IEGAI ISSUES: .:" ,,;., " - _.. . ,;y , . ...; _;�. . :.. �e�;.` � . . . ,�.�..,.._ . ,. . �.... , . . _ . +4 . .. . -. .��. '. _ ,` r` . . : � ..�.' . . ..� "^�- . "_ .ee.. � None known - , . .; _: -: �� . .... . .. �:.� F - - - y �- ... .. _.. . ,-. �. 1 ._ '�:: �:.. i . . r . ... . .H.3,. .. � .z`. _' � �tr�-t� ��",r,. ,���:w-�� ."-i . . -�x� �- - 7 ="' �"Y �.�,' .: '' ,s , a . t'Y ; ��J . _ . ',..' . . . _ >� .ry �'�'S;r: � .. ,: . . . . . �.. , ... . _.. _ .. .. - . , :, � _ _...� ._ _' - .._�:+�.=�:. � '.�ec'�+�C#._'• :. ,. ._ .; ,. � . ..._ ...., _ ,_:. _ : .... _ .. __., r� i ,�,p,�� G/�, !--�... Member�� �%�J40 �/1�' �t,�� .'� CI�l,Z.T Ul� SAIN'1' l�.[lUL � Roger J. �Goswitz, chair ,{,;,���,;;�� i - ' " Janice Ret�tman I;neRit.ir�:i OI?'Ia'ICI�: Oi� �l'I11. C:1'1'Y COUNCIL Tom Dimand � Date: �Pril 27, 1988 Com ittee Report To: Saint Paul City Counci . From :Public Works, Utiliti s, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, C air T e Pub ic Works Committee at 'ts meeting of April 27, I988 took tite following action: Hearing Date 1. 5/12/88 VACATION: Petitio of Martin Ryan for the vacatian of part of the alley i Block 3, Godes and Licha Addigion. Purpose is for co bining the adjoining parcels, owned by the petitioner, for parking and future utilization of • business related purposes (bounded by Wilson, Flandrau, Old Hudson Road a d White Bear Avenue) . � Recommended appro al on 2-0 vote. � , , , �- �'. 5�•lQ.��$ .... . ��. ,. . <.: .,�►�' . . , , � ` �- -��.,, �,G= .., : . .�t� . , .., : ' . s ta� e t i����rg-��t�i�s� t�i- ..,�v�!�n�, •sre�r� �� �-fo�'� - ��$ / --_______--_ 9.- __--_ _ --_ A. : Smith Avenue rea B. Grand- a G. °::��rth Wabasha` Are,e� . D. Grand-West Ar a -� . F. Grand-East I rea F. Ford-Clevelan Area G. Selby-Western Area H. Lowertowr� Are `�eCOmmende�l'�a�p�v 1 on 2=Q vote'. 3. 5/10/88 FINAL ORllFk: Im rovin�; r1iNNEHAHA AVLNUE from White Bear Avenue to P1cKnigh Road (excepli.ng Hazel to Pedersen� by removing existing curb and driveways and replacing them . with concrete cu b and gutter t1IlCt concrete driveways, constructing sto m water drainage faciliCies and constructing a ituminous overlay from Pederse:n to McKnight. Constr cting a street lighting system be�ween Pedersen and McKni ht; and doing all other work nece�sary and incidental to complete said project. (Public i�7orks requests that t is project be laid aver for more neighborhood meeti gs.) Recommended matter be laid over indefinitely on 2-0 �ote. C1TY HALL SL`v ENTI1. 1'LUU1 SAINT PAUL, I�i11�+�NGSO"TA 55102 - .40 . . C� ����� � �._., � .... ,..... 4A,.1 -,� Ex', .-�.'�..�`."(:i'`J"*;;t±-jntr#tfi'+'�.�.:?..'e,�¢ra ."s..�.«J"3t�,1e�, __ . :*^ Z. � �F �.. � r,C_S. L 'st pF {k�.' _ :� ,-JY.a.a. _s+'ytY. .�a�y't• ��.'.i� ��� � '�5,h a`++,�'�,f'3 . � :.t: �,�tS .,. r�.. .. .:,'. '�t = .� , r ri �l�'�&+'. . 4��!����1�� �'��3�'S�..�@I�'" ��-r�r � ���rn.r In ti�e�tter cif fo���ie�#Dti ' �ie afie�e�s�ats�"�t'd st�et li���sf*st .�� ""� t�N�'�a�a:ihe i�tioi� s�xeets:; , _, �- .�� r��I�'�ht�i��+e'�.'�i,oa�3t:`-P�bea -St3`�a���'St:T - r �,;-,.. t �: utT�=�a'�8��2�'f�am W� S�iaertlf'�o���ri-35f:;"� , , : , �,:-� ,�,�, '��E�tcha���f�s�iro�t S`�r F�e�e �`dd�50 feet`e�st oi St:.'i�et��ft�i�s� ` oriths�January thru Decem�er I s ���s�^,��.:�,�. - � �'�e�dt�r�c#1 o#�re @ityo#S�int=Pa l�vin$re�ved t�e rt u#�ie 14��jr'os� n �pott 't�ie �a�sd�i� ii�tovein�; 'a� s�ing ee►YSSiide�d,s�rep�ri�; 3tt�y'' FE�OIvBS: .r3.= " 1. That ti� said report and 'same is� herebp app�"�etl�'�i+1�i#�;f�q:.' - arlter�atives. and that the es inate�3�cos�°t}�er+�of is �1,aR'1• fa�+�e�ts ' operating costs. �. T�at a publ,ic l�earing be had o sazd insgrts�emeat on the lOth d of�� x 19�H at 9:00 o'elock a. in , Council,Chnmbers oi t i�e��� N.:_ cruse� �u�.:ing�n the C ty of�'ra' t�ul.:: $ �Rt� p'�i�51� �f4.be�' �':the Pe � �$ �t! � maiin€ri'������i�C'�'a r,�t3�g�`t�e and��1��`i� the nature o#the impro�emen �d the�atal�eost therecsi as eat�maa#ect;�, P'ile�No. i8430 � � �� 3_,` _ ,� ���,�� . � �O���'��01J�—Fy1 Ac}�2'��q;•� J `} 3s< �3.p..��J ��♦�(y-.1W�. 1' �; S `.1{ . �"'� . SI�! _1 .. Ji'SY.'t.1 . .��� �. ..... ., ��� . .. S .a.)� . .. . . ....• �.:� ., . . .. _� _.. . .. . � :L . . - � . . .. ....