99-192�RIGiNAL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �--�:�i Referred To Council File # q� - 19 �. Green Sheet # 35105 Committee Date RESOLVED, Independent School DistrictNo. 625 wishes to implement a Pilot Program under Civil 2 Service Rule 8.A.6. for Clerical Assistant, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, the City Council hereby approves the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement between Independent School District No. 625 - Saint Paul Public Schools and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Local No. 844. Requested by Department of: HZll�t1/�4�/ /��SoG�2C�� �,: -��: � �.�--, �` � ��� Adop�rtified by Council Secretary �: �- ��-� � r-,,ne /�/� �_ Approved by May • Date l I/U/1(�i� �� //''n �_` 7� Bj': uiV l Z1XXM%' Adopted by Council: Date �p�� Form Apprqved�i , � ttamey � By: ) 99 -19a fLS�3 Independent School District No. 625 (Dishict) and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) agree to an experunental program to recruit, train and develop members of our diverse community for cierical positions in our schools and programs. The district and AFSCME are seeking to enhance opporhanities for community members to enter into classified clerical positions, develop the skills they need and grow within the clericai job family. The district currently hires a number of »n�1Nce�fvr7 nnciti�ng }� �} }l. .°.::��G�.° Cf S.^.�Q.?� an� �r �i.� C�°�^C»_� y^i�a 2I.^.S. F.?^j.S�Gj��eS . r ., _ c in these positions do not gain promotional rights within Civil Service and thereby are effectively excluded from advancement to other opportunities within classified service. This experimental program would offer an altemative that would lead to promotion rights for employees and the possibility for further advancement. The parties agree to the following: A new classification, Clerical Assistant shail be created. This classification is intended to be a bona fide training opportunity and provide additional clerical work that was not being performed by clerical personnel in the past. This classification is not intended to supplant the use of existing clerical classifications. Positions within this classification will be in the classified civil service and have the terms and conditions of employment provided in the labor agreement except as specifically amended by this agreement. Empioyees in the class will earn time toward promotional rights following regular appointment to the class. The rates of pay for the Clerical Assistant aze as listed below: Effective Date July 4, J998 July 3, 1999 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Step 1 $8.75 per hour $9.00 per hour Step 2 $9.00 per hour $9.25 per hour Step 3 $9.25 per hour $9.50 per hour The typical starting salary will be Step l. Employees will be eligible to move one additional step up to Step 3 each July 1 provided they meet the Step Progression eligibility language provided in Article 10.5 of the labor agreement. Because the purpose of this program is to provide recruitment, trauung and development, the parties agree that the probationary period for this position wili be hvelve calendaz months. 99 -19 a There will be no seniority nor reinstatement rights for employees in the classification of Clericai Assistant. The parties agee that a special merit based experimental selection procedure should be used. This will require waiving the procedures in Civil Service Rule 4(Announcements of Positions Available) through 8(Filling Vacancies), Rule 10 Probation, Rule 22 (Layoffl and Rule 23 (Reinstatement). The district will take applications for the Clerical Assistant class on a continuous basis. The anoointing authon_:y or Yhe Human R�sou*ce DeparLment wi�l administer and scc*e a merit based, job related test. Applicants that successfully pass this merit based test may be selected by the appointing authority and appointed to the classification of Clerical Assistant irrespective of their standing on the list. Names of applicants that successfully pass the test, but who are not selected will be submitted to the School District Human Resource Department for fiuther consideration for other Clerical Assistant positions. An appointing authority may choose to, but is not obligated to, take any nazne from the list of Clerical Assistant candidates maintained by the Human Resource Department. Duration This Memorandum of Agreement shall be effective until June 30, 2000, at which time it will be reviewed by the parties. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 625 -SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS �air, oaz ofEducati�� ��� � egotiat�ons a or e a ns anager G��a��isg �ate AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COLJNTY AND MUNICIPAL 2 ��-�-7� ate ISD No. 625 Richard Kreyer 651 293-5151 � DEPFFTMENT DIRECT � CRYATfORNEY � BUDGET DIRECTOR � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN � � GREEN TOTAL # OF SI PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 1CTION FiC-0UESfED: Approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement. � RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) M Rejett (R) _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION _ CIB CAMMITTEE _ STAFP _ _DISTRICTCAURT _. SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? � � N° `t9 -19�- 35105 — INRIALIDATE —� � CRV CAUNdL _ O CIT'CLERK � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ❑ — PERSONAL SERViCE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personRirtn ever worked under a coMrac[ for this tlepartment? � YES NO 2. Has this personRrm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? VES NO Explain all yas anawers on separate sheet anE ettaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): The number of qualified clerical persons of color in Independent School District No. 625 is n t representative of the population we serve out in the schools. The School District has a numb x of parents, volunteers, and lower level para-professional teaching assistants who help out in the school office, who are persons of color, and who qualify for entry-level clerical positio s The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees,-Council 14, Local 844 and t e School District sought a way to increase the District's ability to hi're on a regular basis these individuals into clerical positions. The Union and the District agreed to an experimen a training proQram to attract and retain Qualified nersons of color into the clerical iob serie . The School District would pilot a new program to see if recruitment of qualified persons of color can be increased in the Civil Service system by using a different recruitment and testing model. ���k�z����� RECEIVEO FEB 1 9 1999 �� 0'� 1°99 DISADVANTACaE51FAPPROVED' �VIAYOR �JFFICE �� � � �� ������� � The City`s and School District's Human Resources Departments could have a slight workload increase in processing test results based on the new model. However, this will not result in additional F.T.E. and the increase in service to the customer warrants this change. RECEIVEQ FEB m 4 1999 DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED: If not approved, the City Council would be blocking an innovative projectl�QYQ���cj7�.�E supported by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 14, Local 844 and Independent School District No. 625 to attract persons f�COlor in the clerical job series. Gg�?�a�; �e��v���� ���'°�'' �� �€� � � ��9� TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ DOeS NOt Imj�2.Ct Budget COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) FEB ° 9 1999 YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Independent School District No . E)ZS pCTIVITVNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMAT�ON: (EXPLAIN) �RIGiNAL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �--�:�i Referred To Council File # q� - 19 �. Green Sheet # 35105 Committee Date RESOLVED, Independent School DistrictNo. 625 wishes to implement a Pilot Program under Civil 2 Service Rule 8.A.6. for Clerical Assistant, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, the City Council hereby approves the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement between Independent School District No. 625 - Saint Paul Public Schools and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Local No. 844. Requested by Department of: HZll�t1/�4�/ /��SoG�2C�� �,: -��: � �.�--, �` � ��� Adop�rtified by Council Secretary �: �- ��-� � r-,,ne /�/� �_ Approved by May • Date l I/U/1(�i� �� //''n �_` 7� Bj': uiV l Z1XXM%' Adopted by Council: Date �p�� Form Apprqved�i , � ttamey � By: ) 99 -19a fLS�3 Independent School District No. 625 (Dishict) and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) agree to an experunental program to recruit, train and develop members of our diverse community for cierical positions in our schools and programs. The district and AFSCME are seeking to enhance opporhanities for community members to enter into classified clerical positions, develop the skills they need and grow within the clericai job family. The district currently hires a number of »n�1Nce�fvr7 nnciti�ng }� �} }l. .°.::��G�.° Cf S.^.�Q.?� an� �r �i.� C�°�^C»_� y^i�a 2I.^.S. F.?^j.S�Gj��eS . r ., _ c in these positions do not gain promotional rights within Civil Service and thereby are effectively excluded from advancement to other opportunities within classified service. This experimental program would offer an altemative that would lead to promotion rights for employees and the possibility for further advancement. The parties agree to the following: A new classification, Clerical Assistant shail be created. This classification is intended to be a bona fide training opportunity and provide additional clerical work that was not being performed by clerical personnel in the past. This classification is not intended to supplant the use of existing clerical classifications. Positions within this classification will be in the classified civil service and have the terms and conditions of employment provided in the labor agreement except as specifically amended by this agreement. Empioyees in the class will earn time toward promotional rights following regular appointment to the class. The rates of pay for the Clerical Assistant aze as listed below: Effective Date July 4, J998 July 3, 1999 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Step 1 $8.75 per hour $9.00 per hour Step 2 $9.00 per hour $9.25 per hour Step 3 $9.25 per hour $9.50 per hour The typical starting salary will be Step l. Employees will be eligible to move one additional step up to Step 3 each July 1 provided they meet the Step Progression eligibility language provided in Article 10.5 of the labor agreement. Because the purpose of this program is to provide recruitment, trauung and development, the parties agree that the probationary period for this position wili be hvelve calendaz months. 99 -19 a There will be no seniority nor reinstatement rights for employees in the classification of Clericai Assistant. The parties agee that a special merit based experimental selection procedure should be used. This will require waiving the procedures in Civil Service Rule 4(Announcements of Positions Available) through 8(Filling Vacancies), Rule 10 Probation, Rule 22 (Layoffl and Rule 23 (Reinstatement). The district will take applications for the Clerical Assistant class on a continuous basis. The anoointing authon_:y or Yhe Human R�sou*ce DeparLment wi�l administer and scc*e a merit based, job related test. Applicants that successfully pass this merit based test may be selected by the appointing authority and appointed to the classification of Clerical Assistant irrespective of their standing on the list. Names of applicants that successfully pass the test, but who are not selected will be submitted to the School District Human Resource Department for fiuther consideration for other Clerical Assistant positions. An appointing authority may choose to, but is not obligated to, take any nazne from the list of Clerical Assistant candidates maintained by the Human Resource Department. Duration This Memorandum of Agreement shall be effective until June 30, 2000, at which time it will be reviewed by the parties. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 625 -SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS �air, oaz ofEducati�� ��� � egotiat�ons a or e a ns anager G��a��isg �ate AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COLJNTY AND MUNICIPAL 2 ��-�-7� ate ISD No. 625 Richard Kreyer 651 293-5151 � DEPFFTMENT DIRECT � CRYATfORNEY � BUDGET DIRECTOR � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN � � GREEN TOTAL # OF SI PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 1CTION FiC-0UESfED: Approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement. � RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) M Rejett (R) _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION _ CIB CAMMITTEE _ STAFP _ _DISTRICTCAURT _. SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? � � N° `t9 -19�- 35105 — INRIALIDATE —� � CRV CAUNdL _ O CIT'CLERK � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ❑ — PERSONAL SERViCE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personRirtn ever worked under a coMrac[ for this tlepartment? � YES NO 2. Has this personRrm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? VES NO Explain all yas anawers on separate sheet anE ettaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): The number of qualified clerical persons of color in Independent School District No. 625 is n t representative of the population we serve out in the schools. The School District has a numb x of parents, volunteers, and lower level para-professional teaching assistants who help out in the school office, who are persons of color, and who qualify for entry-level clerical positio s The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees,-Council 14, Local 844 and t e School District sought a way to increase the District's ability to hi're on a regular basis these individuals into clerical positions. The Union and the District agreed to an experimen a training proQram to attract and retain Qualified nersons of color into the clerical iob serie . The School District would pilot a new program to see if recruitment of qualified persons of color can be increased in the Civil Service system by using a different recruitment and testing model. ���k�z����� RECEIVEO FEB 1 9 1999 �� 0'� 1°99 DISADVANTACaE51FAPPROVED' �VIAYOR �JFFICE �� � � �� ������� � The City`s and School District's Human Resources Departments could have a slight workload increase in processing test results based on the new model. However, this will not result in additional F.T.E. and the increase in service to the customer warrants this change. RECEIVEQ FEB m 4 1999 DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED: If not approved, the City Council would be blocking an innovative projectl�QYQ���cj7�.�E supported by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 14, Local 844 and Independent School District No. 625 to attract persons f�COlor in the clerical job series. Gg�?�a�; �e��v���� ���'°�'' �� �€� � � ��9� TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ DOeS NOt Imj�2.Ct Budget COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) FEB ° 9 1999 YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Independent School District No . E)ZS pCTIVITVNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMAT�ON: (EXPLAIN) �RIGiNAL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �--�:�i Referred To Council File # q� - 19 �. Green Sheet # 35105 Committee Date RESOLVED, Independent School DistrictNo. 625 wishes to implement a Pilot Program under Civil 2 Service Rule 8.A.6. for Clerical Assistant, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, the City Council hereby approves the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement between Independent School District No. 625 - Saint Paul Public Schools and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Local No. 844. Requested by Department of: HZll�t1/�4�/ /��SoG�2C�� �,: -��: � �.�--, �` � ��� Adop�rtified by Council Secretary �: �- ��-� � r-,,ne /�/� �_ Approved by May • Date l I/U/1(�i� �� //''n �_` 7� Bj': uiV l Z1XXM%' Adopted by Council: Date �p�� Form Apprqved�i , � ttamey � By: ) 99 -19a fLS�3 Independent School District No. 625 (Dishict) and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) agree to an experunental program to recruit, train and develop members of our diverse community for cierical positions in our schools and programs. The district and AFSCME are seeking to enhance opporhanities for community members to enter into classified clerical positions, develop the skills they need and grow within the clericai job family. The district currently hires a number of »n�1Nce�fvr7 nnciti�ng }� �} }l. .°.::��G�.° Cf S.^.�Q.?� an� �r �i.� C�°�^C»_� y^i�a 2I.^.S. F.?^j.S�Gj��eS . r ., _ c in these positions do not gain promotional rights within Civil Service and thereby are effectively excluded from advancement to other opportunities within classified service. This experimental program would offer an altemative that would lead to promotion rights for employees and the possibility for further advancement. The parties agree to the following: A new classification, Clerical Assistant shail be created. This classification is intended to be a bona fide training opportunity and provide additional clerical work that was not being performed by clerical personnel in the past. This classification is not intended to supplant the use of existing clerical classifications. Positions within this classification will be in the classified civil service and have the terms and conditions of employment provided in the labor agreement except as specifically amended by this agreement. Empioyees in the class will earn time toward promotional rights following regular appointment to the class. The rates of pay for the Clerical Assistant aze as listed below: Effective Date July 4, J998 July 3, 1999 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Step 1 $8.75 per hour $9.00 per hour Step 2 $9.00 per hour $9.25 per hour Step 3 $9.25 per hour $9.50 per hour The typical starting salary will be Step l. Employees will be eligible to move one additional step up to Step 3 each July 1 provided they meet the Step Progression eligibility language provided in Article 10.5 of the labor agreement. Because the purpose of this program is to provide recruitment, trauung and development, the parties agree that the probationary period for this position wili be hvelve calendaz months. 99 -19 a There will be no seniority nor reinstatement rights for employees in the classification of Clericai Assistant. The parties agee that a special merit based experimental selection procedure should be used. This will require waiving the procedures in Civil Service Rule 4(Announcements of Positions Available) through 8(Filling Vacancies), Rule 10 Probation, Rule 22 (Layoffl and Rule 23 (Reinstatement). The district will take applications for the Clerical Assistant class on a continuous basis. The anoointing authon_:y or Yhe Human R�sou*ce DeparLment wi�l administer and scc*e a merit based, job related test. Applicants that successfully pass this merit based test may be selected by the appointing authority and appointed to the classification of Clerical Assistant irrespective of their standing on the list. Names of applicants that successfully pass the test, but who are not selected will be submitted to the School District Human Resource Department for fiuther consideration for other Clerical Assistant positions. An appointing authority may choose to, but is not obligated to, take any nazne from the list of Clerical Assistant candidates maintained by the Human Resource Department. Duration This Memorandum of Agreement shall be effective until June 30, 2000, at which time it will be reviewed by the parties. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 625 -SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS �air, oaz ofEducati�� ��� � egotiat�ons a or e a ns anager G��a��isg �ate AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COLJNTY AND MUNICIPAL 2 ��-�-7� ate ISD No. 625 Richard Kreyer 651 293-5151 � DEPFFTMENT DIRECT � CRYATfORNEY � BUDGET DIRECTOR � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN � � GREEN TOTAL # OF SI PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 1CTION FiC-0UESfED: Approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement. � RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) M Rejett (R) _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION _ CIB CAMMITTEE _ STAFP _ _DISTRICTCAURT _. SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? � � N° `t9 -19�- 35105 — INRIALIDATE —� � CRV CAUNdL _ O CIT'CLERK � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ❑ — PERSONAL SERViCE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personRirtn ever worked under a coMrac[ for this tlepartment? � YES NO 2. Has this personRrm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? VES NO Explain all yas anawers on separate sheet anE ettaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): The number of qualified clerical persons of color in Independent School District No. 625 is n t representative of the population we serve out in the schools. The School District has a numb x of parents, volunteers, and lower level para-professional teaching assistants who help out in the school office, who are persons of color, and who qualify for entry-level clerical positio s The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees,-Council 14, Local 844 and t e School District sought a way to increase the District's ability to hi're on a regular basis these individuals into clerical positions. The Union and the District agreed to an experimen a training proQram to attract and retain Qualified nersons of color into the clerical iob serie . The School District would pilot a new program to see if recruitment of qualified persons of color can be increased in the Civil Service system by using a different recruitment and testing model. ���k�z����� RECEIVEO FEB 1 9 1999 �� 0'� 1°99 DISADVANTACaE51FAPPROVED' �VIAYOR �JFFICE �� � � �� ������� � The City`s and School District's Human Resources Departments could have a slight workload increase in processing test results based on the new model. However, this will not result in additional F.T.E. and the increase in service to the customer warrants this change. RECEIVEQ FEB m 4 1999 DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED: If not approved, the City Council would be blocking an innovative projectl�QYQ���cj7�.�E supported by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 14, Local 844 and Independent School District No. 625 to attract persons f�COlor in the clerical job series. Gg�?�a�; �e��v���� ���'°�'' �� �€� � � ��9� TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ DOeS NOt Imj�2.Ct Budget COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) FEB ° 9 1999 YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Independent School District No . E)ZS pCTIVITVNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMAT�ON: (EXPLAIN)