PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA LT L Council /J�^U / //'
BLUE -MAVOR File NO. ��� «<<�
Counc l Resolution 'j�����
r . �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The Minnesota State F ir has facilities available on the Fairgrounds
which they have agreed to donate th usage of for the purposes of training
exercises for the Saint Paul Police Department's Canine Unit; and
WHEREAS, The Minnesota State F ir desires that the City indemnify it during
the usage of the premises by the Ca ine Team; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of he City of Saint Paul does hereby pledge
indemnification of the Minnesota St te Fair from any and all claims of whatever
kind and nature arising out of the anine Team training conducted under the
auspices of the St. Paul Police Dep rtment during the months of April and May,
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Dimond ;�,.��j C� �„Q,
�� �_ In Fa or
Goswitz / (� _
Rettman � 1 . , t7(��,��
scne�net �__ Again t BY —��A f—�.��
MAY 1 01988 Form A oved y C' y t rn
Adopted by Council: Date P
Certified Pass b uncil Sec r BY
A►ppro by Mavor: nAA�V 1 ��1 _ Approved Mayor S �ss to Council
By _
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Pol i ce DEPARTI�:NT - - - - - ——
DATE . .
1 Department Director 3 Mapor (or Assistant) �,Z�) ��
_ F ance and Management �Services Di� ctor 4 Cit.y Clerk
B dget Director 5
� C ty Attorney _
TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: � Clip all locations for signature.)
W B C G ? (Purpose/Rationale)
The St. Paul Police Canine Team wishes o cor�duct canjne training exercises on the
Minnesota State Fairgrounds and, there ore, requests the �aint Paul City Council to
indemnify the Minnesota State Fair from all claims arising from these exercises.
Counci! Research Center
' MAY 0 319�
The members of the Canine Team will gai practical ex�erience in canine training exercises.
(Mayor's signature not required if unde $10�000.) ' APR 2'� �98a
Total Amount of Trans�ction: N/A Activity Number�AYOR,S OFE�CE
Funding Source:
ATTACHMENTS: •(List and number all atta hments.) Q��C'�
IZ G ��
1 . One Council Resolution
2. One copy of contract �PR w 6 j��$
Yes �No Rules, Regulations, P ocedures, or Budget Amendment required?
_Yes _No If yes, ar� they or t metable at�ached? �
X Yes �No Council resolution requ red? Resolution required? ✓Yes �No �
_Yes X No Insurance required? Insurance suffictent? �_Yes _No
Yes No Insurance attached? �� -
4/ 14/t5�
� MINNES�TA ST TE ��^���
�� �
Leased To:
City of Saint Paul
Department of Police
c/o Lt. Jerry P. Dolan
100 East Eleventh Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101
By this contract, MINNESOTA TATE FAIR, hereinaf ter "Lessor" and City
of St. Paul, Department of P lice, hereinafter "Lessee, " enter into a
lease agreement, whereby essor leases to Lessee and Lessee hires
from Lessor portions of t e Minnesota State Fairgrounds for the
conduct of canine training e cercises during the months of April and
May, 1988.
This contract is made subj ct to the provisions set f orth in the
"Standard Lease Conditions attached hereto, and Lessee agrees to
comply with conditions set f rth therein.
There will be no rental f e for this usage, but Lessee will be
responsible f or costs ' ncurred by Lessor f or electrical
service/current, set-up, c ean-up, loss, damage, fire, vandalism,
thef t, destruction, etc. Lessee shall also be responsible f or all
property loss and/or damage to Lessor' s property caused directly or
indirectly by Lessee, its a ents, employees, guests, participants,
and or/attendees.
It is agreed that in the event any person on the grounds of the
Minnesota State Fair f or th purpose of working at, participating in
and/or attending the canine training excercises, during the months of
April and May, 1988 , who suffers injury to his person or property
anywhere on the Fairground as a result of the acts or ommisions of
the Lessee, Lessee' s agents, participants and/or attendees and makes
claim against the Minnesota State Fair f or such injury, that the City
of Saint Paul, Department o Police shall hold harmless and indemnify
the Minnesota State Fair f o liability incurred on any such c].aim.
Please have the individual with the authority to sign this contract
sign both copies of this 1 ase and return the original by April 22 ,
1988 . Failure to execute a d return as specified shall result in the
cancellation of this offer.
The City of Saint Paul, Department of Police must provide the
Minnesota State Fair wit a minimum of 24 hours notice bef ore
conductinq excercises. Exc rcises may be disallowed if they conf lict
with any operation of the M nnesota State Fair.
MINNESOTA STATE FAIR The undersigned understands and, agrees to
he terms of this contract including the
ttached Standard Lease Conditions. "
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Date _-Y,[��-�-�----- ate __�_ZS--��----------
Minnesota State Fair ��`�����"� :
Como Station, MN 55108 �,,y� �� '�;;':.;'
612-642-2200 '"° `� �
„, __ . C�� �0 ��
� 1. Lesaor warcants only t at it will make t�vailable the afore- •'•
atated basic facilities pl s appurtenancea "as is.” Lessor does
not guarantee to provide labor, materials, or aervice reguired
for Lessee's preparation, uae or reatoration of premiaes in
accordance with terms of th s lease, and any lack of availability
to provide said labor, ma erials, or services ahall in no way
affect, impair or excus Lessee's obligation to pay rent
hereundec and to pecfocm all other covenante and agreements
2. This lease and obligation of Lesaee to pay rent hereunder end
perform ell other covenant and agreements hereunder on the part
of tbe Leasee ahall in no way be affected� impaiced or excuaed
beceuse Leseoc ie unable t fulfill any of ite obligation under
this lease if Leeaor ie revented from doing so by reason of
etcike, labor trouble, or ny outside cauee whatsoevec including, .
� but not limited to, gov ern ental pre-emption in connection Mith a •
national emergency or by r ason of any rule, ocder� or regulation
of any department thereof f any government agency or by reasona
of conditiona of aupply an demand which have been or ace .affec-
ted by war or other emerge cy.
3. Lessee ehall use and ccupy the demised premisee for those
pucpoaes apecified above a d for no othec purposes. J.essee shell
refcain fcom using any fac litiea of tl�e Minneeote Stete Fair in
eny manner inconsietent w tti their intended purposes and agrees
that Lessor, through ita cepresentatives, shall exerciae final
judgement in questionable instancea. All applicable provisions
of the Minneaota Statutes, Chapter 37 and Minnesota State Fair
Rulea and Regulations as m st recently enacted are hereby made an
integcal part of this agreement.
� 4. To evecy extent possi le, Leasor shal 1 provide parking area
� for Lessee'e use without a ilitional rent. Lessee agrees that no
parking charge will be as essed khe public for uee of same. All
� poated parking and traffi rest�ictions on the Minneaota State
Fairyrounds will be in ull force and effect at all timea.
Violators will be towed with towing fees charged to Leasee.
Abeolutely no overnight aleeping or camping will be allowed on
. the Fairgrounds, except as may be otherwise specified in lease.
5. No person shall sell. barter, give away, or otherwiae diapose
' ' of or introduce, have or keep any epirituous malt or fermented
� liquor, or intoxicating liquocs of any kind upon or within one-
half mile of the Minnesot State Faicgrounds, or aid and abet in
so doing. The pceaence and possesaion of eny kind of these
liquora, in any quantity upon the person or upon the premiaes
• leased or occupied by any person witbin these limits, ie declared
e public nuisance and sha 1 be prlma fecie evidence of the pur-
pose of such person to ba ter, give away, or aell the same. Any ,
pecson who shall violate any prov�sion 'of thie section ehall be
guil ty of a misdemeanoc.
� 6. No signs, posters, ba ners, billboards or similar items may
be placed on the Fairg�ou ds, except those approved► placed and
supervised by Lessor. nder no circumstances will eigns be
allowed at fence line o said gcounds, or at gates of entry
' hereto. Lessee shall ne ther encumber nor obetruct streeta or
aidewalks in front of ent ances or to halls and ataire of leaeed
premises, nor allow same to be obetrucked or encumbered in any
, manner. Leasee agreea th t said Lessor and Lessor's agents have
the cight to enter into a d upon the leased premises► or any part
, , thereoE, at all reasonble hours for ttie purpose of examining same .
or makinq auch repairs as may be necessary for saf ety and preser-
, vetion thereoF.
7. No doga or other peta, other than seeing-eye dogs, shall be
permitted on the State F irqrounds. Ttiis prohibition does not
, dpply to the State Fair ampgcounds, or animals on display in
. competitive and comm�rcia exhibit�. .
8. In the event that i is necessary for Leasor to institute �
legal proceedings against Lessee for a breach of any covenant or
' conditions of this lease any and all costa of such proceedings,
, including attorney's fees ahall be deemed to be additional tent
as hereby ceaerved, and Lessoc shall have the eame cights and
remedies as though such dditional tent wece a part of rent due
Lessor under this lease. ,
9. Lessee shall not as ign, sublet, sell, devise by will, or
hypothecate any interest t may derive from this agreement during
the lifetime hereof, exce t with ttie expressed written conaent of
Lessor. Failure by Less r to insist upon atrict performance of
any of the tecros, conditi ns and covenants herein contained shall
not be deemed a waiver o any rights or `remedies that the Lessor
may have and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent
breach or default ie� te ms, conditiona, and covenanta herein
' 10. The Lessoc retaina c mplete and exclusive rights to all food
' and beverage concesaion and catecing o� the Minnesota State.
Feirgrounda in or around ny leased premisea. •
11. Interest on any outs anding lease balance will be charged at
� a rate of one percent (1 ) per month for each month that payment
is past due.