88-678 WHITE - C1TV CLERK COUI1C11 �/y PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F A I NT PA U L �/� CANARV - �EPARTMENT �/�/` BLUE -�1'AVOR File �O. r'v � � - Return copy to: Council esolution � � Valuations - Room 218 I 3 (RM) (Breckenridge) - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of t e City of Saint Paul , by Board File No. 269108, approved May 23 , 1977, did vacate certain public right-of-way in the City of Sai t Paul described as follows: That part of the lley in Block 1, Beck and Breckenridge Additi n lying east of Osceola Avenue and west of t e Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul and Pacific Railroa right-of-way, a segment of which begins at a po nt on the north line of Lot 18 , said Block 1, a distance of 73 .82 feet east of the northwest cor er of Lot 17, said Block 1; thence northeasterl 28 .04 feet along a curve that is not tangent to the last described line, said curve is conca e to the southeast and has a radius of 1918.0 fe t and a centra� angle of 0 50 ' 15" to a point on t e south line of Lot 6, said Block 1, a distan e of 53.43 feet east of the southwest corner of Lot 7 , said Block 1 and there terminating; WHEREAS, based upon u ility easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use filed volunta ily on behalf of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company and Norther States Power Company and made a part hereof by this reference nd filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City for itself and on behalf of these corporations waives the right to utility easements in the vacated area as described in the Certificates of Intended Non-Use. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESO VED, pursuant to Section 130 .06 of the Saint Paul Legislative ode and on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and those perso s for whom the City has reserved easements , the Council of t e City of Saint Paul does hereby COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Finance & Mana ement Services �� [n Fav r � Goswitz � �n� g Dir ctor s�ne;be� _ A ga i n t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr e City Attor y Adopted by C ouncil: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � gy, Approved by lqavor: Date _ Approv by Ma r f r Su 'ssion to Council gy B WNITE - CITV CLERK COURCII ! M � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL //J / CANARY - DEPARTMENT / // BLUE -1L7AYOR File NO. _v • Valuationsy-tRoom 218 Council Resolution (RM) (Breckenridge) Presented By r� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date waive and release the retained utility easements in the vacated public property as specified in the Certificates of Intended Non- Use described as follows: That part of the lley in Block l, Beck and Breckenridge Additi n lying east of Osceola Avenue and west of t e Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul and Pacific Railroa right-of-way, a segment of which begins at a p int on the north line of Lot 18, said Block 1, distance of 73. 82 feet east of the northwest co ner of Lot 17 , said Block 1; thence northeaster y 28 .04 feet along a curve that is not tangen to the last described line, said curve is conca e to the southeast and has a radius of 1918 .0 f et and a central angle of 0 50 ' 15" to a point on the south line of Lot 6, said Block 1, a di tance of 53 .43 feet east of the southwest corn r of Lot 7, said Block 1 and there terminating; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE , that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file a copy of this resolutio in the office of the Registrar of Titles and also record a copy of this resolution in the office of the County Recorder , Ramsey C unty, Minnesota, and shall maintain a copy of all Certificates of Intended Non-Use referenced in this resolution, on file in the of ice of the City Clerk. AND BE IT ALSO RESOL ED, that in all other respects, resolution C.F. 269108 shall emain in full force and effect. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond I.o.� [n Fa or Gosw;tz �he� � _ Again t BY ire or Sonnen Wilson M�Y 1 � 1 8 Form Approved b City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date � / Certified Yasse y uncil Secr ry By 20 � By Appr by Mavor: D ��Y � � Approve by Ma r f u ' sion to Council B BY. Pil�tlSHED f�°���`'�' � i 9 8_8 o�'roa = o,nt w►�oorun�so # _ ��'�/p� Finance & Maua��e� :�e�vices ', . 4/26/ 8. �� � ���:������ N0. �Q�1�F 7 � � oErA�+s v�c�on �ron loa,►s�T�rm.:- Dick Mc�ana -- �pom 218 . "sstGN �ot; ��E�o�e,r e�nnc�o�on �cm�c - . �►cr r,o. Valua�ions 248-5317 �� �' �� . : , . .,. .r.., �A7�1EV . .._. . �^. .. Approve res�lation waiving the easements n the a11ey in 81ock I, Beck -and Brectc�nrid$e - Addition boun�ded by Osceola, RandoZph, Ju o, and Chica�Q Milwaukee Railroad: : .. _ ;UPPiov�+tN w►+�l�d(p)) c�ui� `A�oRr: :, .- rt�s c�iee�q+ dva BEiK�ce co�aYxSelOi� �A�xr wn 0uT i�ru�YSr vl�E w0. �� ���,�.� �l yY ���J�� �-sr� . au�r�n�oi+ � �s.�s � �wPO.:�ooEO• ?'�Foa��� �ooeo �� . *� : ���_r��r�� : _ .�► ����� : _ RFCE�vED. APR 2 � 19�� ' Loca�ed fa Council District #2 _ _ , APR �� �g8S - QFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR , . DEPARTMEtVT OF E'INANCE . AAAYOR'S OFFtCE .'.,�t!;si,iar.,�na�wT SEi�VIG`B8 .r1�►,�w : +a�+4 o�o�rn�t►r Mmo.v�.w�,.n.wn.re,wn�: , (?�mer has requested th�t the easements r ained by Northern States Power Company and . Nort�iwestern Bell in the alley vacated b resolution 269108 be released. .. . . : _ . ��un�il �esearch Center.-: : _ MAY 0 319� - �►�x�+�,�•,�.>: _ -. . Both Northwestern' Bell and Northern Stat s Power Company h�ve approved and executed the �ecessary releases: ,� ', 4,` .. .:�'tYYlMt'vN�enr ena To wlwm>: _.. _ . Owner will be able to clear title to the property. _ �;� . _�� �cttaw�� ` . wno� cw�s , Owner w311 n�t be able Do noth3.ng.. to clear title.: � Mtroern�rs: � _ . 3tandard, procedure -- follows Ch pter. I30 L�gislative Code. �weu�s: � None known. - , . � . � ����� CERTIFICATE 0 INTENDED NON–USE Date `j�—/� – �D THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility rights n the following described realty: That part of the alley in Block l, Beck and Breckenridge Addition lying east of Osceola Avenue and west of the Chicago Milwaukee St.� Paul and Pacific • Railroad right-of-way, a segmen of which begins at a point on the north line of Lot 18, said Block l, a distance of 73.82 feet east. of the northwest corner of Lot 17, said Block 1; thence northeasterly 28.04 feet along a curve that is not tangent to the last described line, said curve is concave to the southeast and has �a radius of 1 18.0 feet and a central angle of 0°50'15" to a point on the south line of Lo 6, said Block 1, a distance of 53.43 feet east of the southwest comer of Lot , said Block 1 and there terminating. .. � � Department or Com any . . Its � �� � Signature ST9TE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrume t was acknowledged before me this .a/ �� `3 day of , 19�� , by /�' � " . , t h e i'C.�C/r...e.-��,� ��w.D � =� . , ��-Q-�--r f a under the laWS of the State of e-c�� M A/1AAMMnMnnnn/��nAnnM�MnM,n�MM■ �.�, , JUDITH M. CARR . � iRi� NOTARY PUBUC-NINQESOfA � � WASHINGTON COUNiY N r Public �COUIIt My Coe+m.Etipires Feb,6,199�Z . y y� M i n n e s o t a .vvwwwwwvvw✓wvvvvWWVYVYYWY I My omaission expires / 99�,� (Nonuse) � . � , . . ���7� . . ..x. �;�t���r°���� - ��:�. v L� � /t � � �--�? CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-US ::-;;.�;.. ,;; ss�r,:3n"_�. �?h�e���rt _ _�.�. 8� t. �:�.e"'�YA�i�r��a f���c�w'��w};�``^'�i i11�85 Date THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SaINT PAUL The undersigned hereby c rtify that they do not intend to exercise their utility right in the following described realty: That part of the alley in Bl ck l, Beck and Breckenridge Addition lying east of Osceola Avenue and w st of the Chicago Milwaukee St.� Paul and Pacific - Railroad right-of-way, a se ent of which begins_at a point on the north line of Lot 18, said Block 1, a distance of 73.82 feet east. of the northwest corner o� Lot 17, said Block l; thence northeasterly 28.04 feet along a curve that is not tangent to the 1 st described line, said curve is concave to the southeast and has a radius o 1918.0 feet and a central angle of 0°50'15" to a point on the south line of ot 6, said Block 1, a distance of 53.43 feet east of the southwest corner of L t 7, said Block 1 and there terminating. � ✓ Department or C any I t s G�2c-�; o—�.<_,_ c�.�...r Si gna e STATE OF MINNESOTA ,) ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrum nt was acknowledged before me this .� �� day of � , 19 �� , by �,�-,���G�-�-.��i-,-� , t h e �iz�.�� _�c��l-�l-_��' , �o f i�ti o�_ ��� \ 1^�-:-s..- , a ✓ - � .� � . under the laws of the State of Minnesota . �cz�C , , -^!o-�� Not ry Public, Ramsey CoUnty, Minnesota My ommission expires o� � /- `' (N o n u s e ) •^n^i'^^^^"rn"''�`^. . �e'�'a� f r^, '_`��� �1 Ea�'_L�,:�i � u v'u .�-��: :�Ta�;v�ue�� ����tir�rso�n .� ��-�, ::, �2``F';�t�'� ' �ik`MSEY COUNiY y ��"'�� �fY C0�1M.EXF1iitS'rCB.21,1521 � Y ' � r t ���� [ � i . • .. � .. , . k. , , . � ///- �� " . C/' CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE Date THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMB RS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The undersigned hereby ce tify that they do not intend to exercise their utility right in the following described realty: That part of the alley in Blo k l, Beck and Breckenridge Addition lying east of Osceola Avenue and we t of the Chicago Milwaukee St. Psul and Pacific � Railroad right-of-way, a segm nt of which begins at a point on the north line of Lot 18, said Block 1, a distance of 73.82 feet east. of the northwest cornea- of Lot 17, said Block ; thance northeasterly 28.04 feet aZong a curve that is not tangent to the la t described line, said curve is concave to the southeast and has a radius of 1918.0 feet and a central angle of 0°50'15" to a point on the south line of ot 6, said Block 1, a distance of 53.43 feet east of the southwest corner of Lo 7, said Block 1 and there terminating. Northern States Power Company Department or Company Its Regional General Manager r Signatu STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ,%� � �- day of � , 19�, by � )``��-,,, n �J � � L � ��E��. � the � -� _ ___� ' . � � �`r---�- � � � . o f z,— � �-1... � -, a � under the laws of the State of Minnesota. �-�.v�.-�.�,.EJ' / ��lo-�.� � Not ry Public, Ramse� ounty, Minnesota My ommission expires � -�/- �/ (Nonuse) tt AM/l��MAMAM�.�^1�AMM�Mf+MJlAhzl ��� FAU�!i�'a i�1 �'��LS�?J � B I 1 ��� P�OTARY PUEi1C ��i1NNC$G"iA � d``. - �iAAlu1SEY COUN?V «Y COMM.EXPIRES FEB,21, 1AA9 � x r t �, � - � � .. . ����7� �, m N M � � e�.� � 390.5 • � � •�=- ,� „ .�•_ �� �• - o v 30 3c �' !O` 70 ,°�� 9�2� ��55 " isi.� , v .� „., , ��. 5 "°�� ,.� 5' ' 3� `� 1 L�'� �m �"o(t�v ., ° � � 4 3 �, 9g r�� o Z � M/Z I /0 Y 7 6 5 4 L , �,� _ : � a"o 3�' ,', � ' 6, 4 ,�, , o� I) � s � ,�"� 6 6 0 s= , v �•. � T�" �j�'�' ti�� � o . - • � � � � � �b �., �, V 6 0 0 �'� 3 e � ' � C4) �6) � '.;a:•' ��� � �/3 S /6 ;. ; /g /9 Z� 2/ 22 23 Z� , Z� ` '�°s 4 � a � � �� 637 � '' •' 1A g�i � s o� /K � ���iS.S io3 �i 0 ,� �� • �. l�� �� �� �D j0 � 30 �-- --- r .03 -" 2.� ,°o . . .. �.. .. ._ .. , � ,�" ,� or� �i�. � 3 � 3 .16 � �3.56 , � .i8 `t�• 6 +�I.S� 3� �� „ „ ,� ,� �y. -� •s6 �t� i o� �I) ' °� I � pu~ `.� il � � � � a �6U � � � � 3 �fZ\ � � 13 2i �N > � f l2 1► 10 9 � Z 6 S 4 3 2 lN 5) �� �' CS'���' � � ' � Q ` �3 �3) � � �� � 4 l�� � ti „ � � c� �� � l� � 22 ao \ ° � �'la A ED !'• /7 6s Ts Ni�B1�i!oo��/sssoayo I N V � �{�s �t9) �6� � o � 13 1�4� �4 S � N /4 /S l� �7 /d /� � l0 2l 22 zj z7 2s 2t N l� °� /°''� 691 ��4� • • \ 4) ��05� ��) ��� �8����g) �� ��� C�Z� �13� �74� �75�� �-el� `'f0 �� �0 34 3�f' I.SMF 4�j�'i� 'F �� �, ,. � n �� �� �. � 3't 5�3 �i/ • �° ' " ,3B 39.! 3` S �'1 �.� �. ,� » „ .. ,. ,� ,. .. ,38 G9Z (1 Av� 9� 65G 7 6 S 4 , 2 / '^ � /I // lv 9 g T 6 S 4 j Z / � � N ' � . � C��>> � ` r Z x,. �) �Z 1 J (�OZ � Z � :r°; N Z,�� a�a��^ Y-°-c� v .,; z� os � � � � (II9� �110) 0 1 lLl) .'� 1� C� ��3 �'•. 7�s 24 Z� 6 27 2d 29 3oN -..' 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