88-676 N�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council j//`� /� CAA'�4RV - DEPARTMENT File NO• �✓ �• � BLUE - MAVOR � Counci Resolution . Presente By 11� Referred To "l �'D� � Committee: �ate � (� Out of Committee By Date WHERAS , The Mayor , pursuant to Section 10.07. 1 of the City Charter does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1988 budget ; and WHEREAS , The Mayor recommends the foll wing changes to the 1988 Budget : Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes Budget 436 Special Projects-Police 34126 Emergency Assistance 6905 Contr . & Donations -0- 3 ,000 3 ,000 436 All Other Financing 1 296 ,801 -0- 1 , 296 , 801 1 , 296 , 801 3 , 000 1 , 299 , 801 SPENDING PLAN 436 Special Projects Police 34126 Emergency Assistance 0299 Other Misc. Services -0- 2 , 500 2 , 500 0531 Petty Cash Advances -0- 500 S00 436 All Other Spending 1 , 96 , 801 -0- 1 , 296 , 801 l , 96 , 801 3 ,000 1 , 299 , 801 NET CHANGE 3 , 000 RESOLVED, That the City Council approve these Changes to the 1988 Budget . COUNCILMEN Yeas DimOnd Nays Requested by Department of: Goswitz � (n Favor POLICE Long Rettman � Against BY � �� �i� �,��`� Scheibel Sonnen W].180ri MAY 1 01988 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass y cil Secr ry BY By A►ppr by �Vlavor: Date Y � ':; � Approv y Mayor for Sub is i to �ciuncil By BY P���sN�o r��;Y � 11988 -. �.� . i; � ����� � . �, N° 0�1560 , ' Folice DEPARTMENT' - - - - -- - ?�Cl t['„h�l�' CONTACT a9a-3584 PHONE � Jariu�y 21, 1988 DATE , ASSIGN ��UMBER FOR 80iJTING ORDER; (See r verse �ide.) � .1 Department Director 4 Mayor (or Assistant) I / � Finance and Management Services Dire tor � City Clerk � �s '�IZj" Budgat Director :°'' � � �}�7�QU�ri� � city Attorney _ _ TOTAL�NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: ,_j,_ ( lip all locatians for signature.) W 0 C ? (Purpose/Rationale) 3he St. Paul Folice Dep�artrnn..ia� will set an��eoo�mt tc� di�burse me�i.�s {�nta,provide food, sheit,er or tranpo�ta�io to neec�Y Peo�le aa� an emer�cY bas�s. COS B I UD ETAR AND NN S C P D: 7hexe is na'=bud9e'tarY unpaCt• Nb�g has beeti dpnatsd by the public. ' RECEIYED MAR 181gb,. � BUDGET OfFICE C 0 CE UDG T AC IVITY B CHARGED OR C (Mayor's signature not required if unda $10,000.) Tota1 Amount of Transgction: �.3,000 Activity Nwnber: 3'��p�g5 Funding Source: O�ntributions and ti.ons � ���n�'� Res� ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attA ents.) arC�I : E�EIV ED �AR z 8 ��� 1. c�e c 1) cbuncil. Resolution. R �",; i MAR 17 1988 AAMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES • x Yes _No Rules, Regulations, P ocedures, or Budget Amendment required3 x Yes _No If yes, are they or t metable attachedl DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORN1aY REVIEW x Yes _No Council resolution requ red? Resolution required? _Yes _No �Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance attached� � �� �- ��:� . . � �f���° `�.;..�: . =��; . .._ a-�t�-�a � � 1 =:i5 6. kes��1 ut i on estaU i i sh i ng th ra=e of pay t�ur Sen i or � Zoo Kr.�per in the Shcary Plar ;nrJ Rac�� �:��' Compen- sati��n kesoluCion in Secti n � : - Unr?r;;�?d Classes. Approved (Ileferred f ro►n (:ounc i 1 Mar h �:, 1 a�d ��ver Apr i 1 18) 1 :�tU 7. kesolution establishing th . ra�z ofi pay tor Fu�lic Health Oivision Manager in Grade 32. Section ID4 of thp Professiona) Superviso y Standard Rar►ges in the Salary Pla� and Rates f Compensation Resolution. j,aid OvPx (Referred from Council April 7} to May Q FINANCE b BUOGET I :a 5 8. �_ ���'��'�� �.�'�,� ,��� . � .� �-�,,P���a� �.� �' - _ ,,,,' .,�-- - f �� � {�� �1 Ap t 7. 1 a i d over APr i 1 18) � �ti�� 1 :50 9. Budgetary trends, revenue nd spending projections, and fund balance estimati ns. N�t�: Agenna order is ter��ative a d !�.y be changed by the cort�mittee it circumstances dictate. Age cia tim�s �re pruvided as a ra��gn _ estimate so city staff involved in prPsentations can pian their� w�rk sr_nedulp to minimize t e time �pen�_ waitin� for their a!�encia i tem. 1�e comrn i ttee may tP I el�t�one any schecfu i ed presentor an�-1 ask them to advance th�ir presenta�ion if the c�mmittee is r•unning ahead of schedule. Not�: �fhe next Fin�nce, Managemen an�s Personnel Committee meeting wili be May 5th at 1:U0 p.m. in he City Council Chdmbers. � ..,�,,,.r.�,�.�,,,.�,..� ,. ,.,. . ,,. . . - -,_ ._�. ,. . ._..�: _.�._ ,�. �._,. li..... , . . . :_ . _ _. _ _ , .r...- - - - -,._ , �. . � -t. ,_ .�-..� . . : : ���'—��� � CITY OF SBINT PAUL :i ii���i:i { O�B'ICE OF TH� CI1'Y COIINCIL _ � Co 'ttee Report _�i�aance Man�a eme� � Personnel Committee. - Ap il 28, 1988 _ ..._ - - - - — . _ _ . _ _ _ ._.___--- Est. Presenting Time Counciimember/Staff . 1 . Approval ot minutes of Apr 1 llth and April 18th mNe�tings. • Approved PERSONNEl. t :00 2. kesolution amending Sectio 8 of tt�e Civii Service � � Rules concPrning realloc�t on. tReferred from Cauncii Apr 1 7, iaid over Aprii 18) �id Ovex to May 5 1 :�U 3. Resolution changing the ra e of pay for Assistant General M��ager-Water �Jtii ty in GracJe 3I , Section !Da to Graae 33 ofi the Pro essiondl Employees � . Supervisory Standard Range in the Salary Plan and Rates at CompensaLion Resolution. (f2eferred from Council April 7, laid over Aprii t8) Approved l :25 4. Resolution establishing th rate of pay for Fieid Oivision Manager for Water Utility in Grade 30, � Section ID4, of the Salar Plan and Rates of Com- pensation Resolution. (R erred from Council March 2'L, laid avPr Apri1 18) Approved t :30 5. Resolution adjusting the ate of pay for Ground- crPw Member and dele�ting r�undskeFper in Szr_tion IIB of the Salary Plan an Rates of Com�ensation Resolution. (Referred fr Council April 7, lai� Approved - - - - _� -------��ver A�r1.� .1�) C� �I-I- SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA SSI02 . �.,e