88-673 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCIl `/y�{/- CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY O. SAINT PAUL File NO. `_ � �� BLUE - MAVOR Counci Resolution g Presented By t� Referred To �'� K� �-t= Committee: Date � '��� � Out of Committee By Date An Administrativ Resolution establishing the rate of pay for he classification of Field Division Manager -Water Utility in the Salary Plan and Rates o Compensation. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Field Division Manager--Water Utility be set at the rate set forth in Grade 30, Section ID4, of the Professiona Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Co pensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that thi resolution shal-1 take effect and be in force on the first pay period a ter the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. , ; COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested b De artment . Dimond �ng In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman scheibet _ A gai n s t Sonnen `�u�°° MAY 1 01988 For pprove ' y Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass C ncil Sec BY � sy - Appr by Yl vor: D t _ Appr d by Mayor for ssion to Council By t�S�D MA`:` 2 �� 1 88 NMIT£ - CITY CLERK � � � � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Councii /�f� CANARV - DEPARTMENT [/]�i� �J,� BLUE -MAVOR Fl�e NO. ���� � �ounci Resolution - � ' CITY CLERK � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for t e classification of Field Division Manager- Water Utility in the Salary ' Plan and Rates of Compensation. RESOLVED, that the rate of ay for the classification of Field Division Manager--Water Utility e set at the rate set forth in Grade 30, Section ID4, .of the Professional Emploqees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Com ensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution sha13 take effect and be in force on the first pay period af er the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimona PFRSONNFL OFFIGE �oe In Favor Goswitz Rettman ��,� Against BY son�n VVilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy. Approved by 1�tavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY (,,�'�'1�73 CODE: 32660 � BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: FIELD DIVISIO MANAGER--WATER UTILITY DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Pe forms responsible managerial work in providing overall administrat ve direction, organization, planning, and evaluation for the Water Product on or Water Distribution Division of the Water Department; and performs r lated duties as required. S,_upervision Received: Works und r the general guidance and direction of the General Manager -Water Utility or Assistant General Management--Water Utility. Supervision Exercised: Exercise within the Division general administrative supervision direc ly and through subordinate managers and supervisors over all levels of p ofessional, technical� and administrative water production or distribution division employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a 1 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Participates in and directs the evelopment� implementation, and ongoing execution of a variety of Water tility programs. Directs the daily operations of major water utility field division, including determining and authori ing emergency procedures to assure a safe and continuous supply of treated ater. Prepares a general operating budg t for a ma3or Water Utility division; allocates all resources within th division. Plans and directs on-the-job work skill, and safety training within the division. Prepares specifications for mater als and equipment to operate the division. ' Oversees employee development, pl nning, staffing, and related activities for a field division of the Water Utility; participates in all personnel activ�ties and decisions within t e division. Prepares reports and recommendati ns to the General Manager for short term and long range improvement of se ice and operating conditions of the division. (continue on reverse side) FIELD DIVISION MANAGER--WATER UTILITY Page 2 ' FIELD DIVISION MANAGER--WATER UTILITY � KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of current and potential methods of water supply, purification, storage, and distribution. Considerable knowledge of the function, operation, and maintenance of Utility equipment. Considerable knowledge of the major agencies in tt►e State and Federal sector that affect water standards. Considerable ability to manage a large Water Utility field division in an efficient and effective manner. Considerable ability to analyze information and to assist in the construction of short and long range operational and capital acquisition plans for a division. Considerable ability to assist in the revision of existing plans to meet new needs, emergencies, or changes in policy. Considerable ability to plan, organize� and delegate work. Considerable ability to develop and administer budgets. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to work effectively with the public, legislators, and other government officials. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in civil engineering and five years' experience as a Civil Engineer III--Water Department or equivalent. Must be a registered professional engineer in the State of Minnesota. Must possess a Class "B" Water System Operators Certificate prior to appointment and must attain a Class "A" Water System Operators Certificate issued by the State of Minnesota within three years of appointment. (No substitute for education, registration, or license) . FIELD DIVISION MANAGER--WATER UTILITY . �0a / � r Field Divisi Manager--Water Utility WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKI ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS7 (Purpose/Rationale) : This resolution establishes t e rate of pay for the classification of Field Division Manager--Water Utili in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. This classification will repl e the Superintendent of Water Distribution and Water Production Engineer classifications. COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND P RSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Abolishes: Superintendent of ater Distribution and Water Production E gineer (Grade 28) Grade 28: Starting: $167 .54 5 Yr. Step: $2211.26 Establishes: Field Division M nager--Water Utility (Grade 30) Grade 30: Starting: $178 .52 5 Yr. Step: $2347.29 The estimated additional costs of upgrading two employees for nine months of the current fiscal year is $51 9.14. �'n 3al �T Qersqnnel• �PA�T NT ` �.�I� ��246 •Fred S.. Ha'�det^ CONTACT �,I���G 7-3 x 4221 PHONE � . 3-3-88 DATE � eiQr� �e ASSIGN NUhBER FOR ROUTIMG QRDER Cli All Lo ations for Si nature : �� 1 Department Director � Director of Management/Mayor��Q� �- � Finance and Manaql"1.L-t Services :Director � 5 Cit,Y Clerk 2 <Bad�g 9 , / 3 City Attorney _ ��� WHAT WILL BE ACHIEYED BY TAKING ACTI.flN QN TM ATTACHED MATfRIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Re: F�eld �D�tyt�ion Manatger--Water Utilit�r - � - �ouncil R�Search Center See attached RtG������ MAR 15 1� '�PR v,J .\g�,� ��. �OR�O���GE COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACT ANTICIPATE R�CEIVED see mttached �pR 41988 BuDG�' 4��rCE . �II�ANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER ARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of"Transaction; quired Yf under � �10,00Q) _ Funding Source: � Activity Number: • ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attachments : 1, Resplutta'n � 2. Copy �'or C�ty �1e1^k 3, qttachnlent a�s noted atboYe � 4. Class spec�ftcatton f4r Field D�tyisi�on Manager--water utility RECEIVED - � MAR 81988 DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE1iIEW X Yes No Lbuncil Resolution Required? " Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffi'cient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: _ . (SEE •REVERSE SIDE R INSTRUCTIONS) . Revised 12/84 .t---,.�. . , . - �G��� �-.3 � CITY O SAINT PAUL • ' '�n�•' ; . OFPZC�i O TS� CITY COUNCIL - � Go 'ttee Re ort F F_uaance l�ana eme� � Personnel Committee. aP �i 28, i9ss - - ---- - - - -- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Est. • _ _ ._. ___._ Presenting Time � Counciimember/Staff 1 . Approval of minutes of Apr i lith and Aprii 18th meetings. � Approved PERSONNEL t :(i0 2. Resolution amending Sectio 8 ot ttte Civii Service Rules concerning reallocati n. (Referred from Cauncil Aprii 7, laid over Aprii I8} �d Over to May 5 1 :�13 3. Resolutian changing the rat of pdy for Assistant c;eneral Manager-Water Utili y in Grade 31 , Section !Da to Grade 33 of the Prof ssiondl Employees � . Supervisory Standarci Ranges in the Saiary Pian and Rates of Cnmpensai:i on Reso i t i or�. tReferred from Council Apri 7, laid over April 18) Approved l :25 4. ��'' �� . rate of pay for Fieid �� ;K ��� Gt' �Welt�;"=: ti 1 ity in Grade 30, . �IV L•....- . + -��� "" 1an and Rates of Com- - �����+ red from Councii ����o!� . �� "� -�;�� 1 :30 5. Resolution adjusti�g the ra e of pay for Ground- crpw Member and deleting Gr undskepper in Section [ I8 oF thF Salary Plan and atcs of CompPnsation kesolution. (Referred from Council April 7, �ai� Approved - ._ _._.----.- c�yer Apr i_I -1£i) Cm �'�- SEVENTFi FL OR SAINT PAUL,MIN1�tFSOTA SSI02 . �.is