88-661 WHITE - CITV CIERK COURCII PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA iT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR ' -- File N 0. , ouncil Resolution '' � � Presente y Referred To �� � � � � Committee: Date �'� ��4 Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Cc+unci 1 of t.r,e C ' ty of Saint Paul on July 17, 1986 adopted a Resolution, Council Fil.e Pto. 86-992, requesting that the Minnesota Pepartment of E ergy and Ecanomic Development (DEED> authorize the City af Saint Paul to enforce the State standards for energy efficiency in rental housing in Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Council of the ity of Saint Paul on .Tuly �9, 1986 adopted Ordinance No. 17379 xpanding the scape Qf the Housing Code to include energy effic 'ency in order to commence a program of enforcement known as the airit Paul Rental Energy Efficiency Enforcement (SPREEE) ; and WHEREAS, on Janusry 5, 1988, the Minnesota Putslic Utilities Commission {MPUC) ordered th Northern States Pawer Company tNSP) to spend 522, 900 of it Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) funds to pay for the a dits nece�sary for the operation of the SPREEE program; and WHEREAS, on OctoUer 21, 1986 DEED authorized the City af Saint Paul to enforce the State st ndards for energy Efficiency in rental housing in Saint Paul and WHEREAS, it is now necessary for the City of Saint Paul to enter into an agreement with HSP f r the disbursement of those funds and to enter into an agreeme t with the Saint Paul Neighbor Energy Consortium (NEC) to p ovide the necessary audits; HOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the appropriate city officials are hereby authori ed to execute the attached agreements on behalf af the ity af Saint Paul : COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Co unit Service Long In Favo Goswitz • R,�,� � Against BY Sonnen Wilson � 2 Form A d by Cit Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date � � Certified Pa -ed Council Se tar BY By, p Approv b Mavor: Date �N _S v Appro ed by Mayor for Subm' to Cou il B PiIBLISNED �u i`+ 1 1 19 8 (� ��o� .8 � N'° 06406 ,�, . , , , � °`�`°c��t88 �.� ��� �� �� � / d Alioe sij;ani GON'I'AGT 292-7700 ���>/ PI�TE ���� �� April 12. 1988 L�ATE ASSIC,�T F�2 �Il1G oRDER Cli All tion for Si ture : �� �' D�ient Director 3 Director of Manage�ment/Ma�ior� �-- �Firlarice aryd Servioes D' � City Clerk Bu�lget Director ��City Attorney A77"N t P.ovL M e�Lo s IG�e.r = WHP,T.WILL BE A(�IIEVED BY TAI�TG ACTI�T ATI'ACgIED MA'TTf2TAT�? �p�pc.,B�t].OY1�.� : �he Saint Paul R�eiztal Ehergy Efficie�y r�xit (SPREEE) which is in its second year of operatio� is f1ux7�ed by a c:ambination of . One is froom Oanservation Improvement Program (c�) �unas. On Jal7uary 5, i9ss, Tne ' �lic vtiiities �mm�ssion �r�c� oraerea NSP to spelxl $22,900 of the CIP futxls on a 'ts for the SPREEE Program during the period fro Se�ptembex 20, 1987 to Septemb�r 30, 1988. St. Paul Division of Public H�alth has made arrangements with NEC (St. Paul Neighbo Enen�y Consortiwn) to mak,e the needed audits. Attached are the vontracts which reflect agrean�nts we wish t�s_��`into with NSP and NEC. They are similar to those for th�e period last year. l. 'Ilze city wi11 authorize 11EC to make the audit. �,r,;� ; '� ��^�;�� 2. 1�EC will make the awd.it and fozward to the city. 3. NEC will bill NSP. � ,.,¢. - 4. N5P wi.11 pay NEC dir�tl.y � s��r�i�i�S . �..' a-u • � 5. N�C will carry insurance to cover ir activities relative to the ooritract. 6. NSP, NEC and the city each ind�rmi. the others for the actions of its awn employees. OOST BE[�EFIT H[JDGETARY AND P�IlJEL Il�A AIVTIQPA'1'ID: The method of payi.ryg 1JEC established i.n th coritracts avoids the need for the city to set up an aacounting system for what is a rela 'vely small total funds transfer. It does not hawever limit the city to hav' the audits made by NEC. Within the constraints of these agree�n�ents it may also contract w th others to make audits or make the audits itself. l�a�- �ivO�ueCes Gt.� inCrtast'i Q ,�s�(ic 3 3{ P FINANCIl�GG SOtJRCE AND BIJDGET GTIVITY Q�iARGED O�t CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000) 'I'otal Anaaunt of Transaction: ouncil Research Center ' �ai� source: ��R 2 ; 1�88 Activity N'umber: REC�IV�D A'ITAG'EIl�1'15 List aryd Ntmiber All Atta : �. Prapo�ed contract with xsP 3 c�ncil Resolution A P R 14 19 8 8 2. Piro�sed contract with NEC / ,yN1��G-i�l'pN D '� � �piL f1JePf �� pl�� .'� _ Yes X No t7o�uncil Resolution ? Resolution Required? X Yes _ No = Yes X No Insurar�e R�equired? Insuran�c:e�Sufficient? _ Yes _ No � Yes X No Insurance Attadied: (SEE REVERSE SIDE F�OR INSTRUGTI�IS) Revised 12/84 ��-��� Members: �Bill Wilson, chair �������� CITY OF AINT PAUL Tom Dimond ���� �� OFFICE OF T E CITY COIINCIL Kiki Sonnen Date: May 25, 1988 WILLIAM L. WILSON COCT� ittee Report RECEIVED MARK VOERDING Councilman Leg;stacive Aide MAY 2 s 1988 To: Saint Paul City Counci CITY CLERK From : Housing and Econ mic Development Committee Bill Wilson, Chair l. Report on St. Paul Rental Energy fficiency Enforcement program (SPREEE) NO COMMITTEE ACTION REQUIRED CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 s�46 ��'��i ,�. Members: C1'1'Y Ui� �A1N'1� 1-'�1 UL Roger J. Goswitz, chair r��� Janice Rettman -. �\.iiie°ii's�° , O1nP'ICN: OF' 'I I F. Cl'1'Y COUNCIL ��- � Tom Dimond � Date: May 25, 1988 Com ittee Report RECEIVED MAY 2 51988 To: Saint Paul City Council CITIf �LERK From :Public Works, Utilitie , and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, C air The Public Works Committee at t ir meeting of May 25, 1988 took the following action: Hearing Date 1. 6/7/88 VACATION: Petition f Lake Phalen Limited Partnership for � the vacation of a encroachment of a utility and drainage easement over, un er and across part of Lot 2, Block 1, Phalen Shores (b unded by Forest, Ivy and Wheelock � Parkway) . Purpose is to correct a building encroachment. Recommended appro al on 2-0 vote, Councilmember Rettman absent. 2. 6/7/88 RATIFICATION OF SSESSMENTS: For installation of Fire Protection System for COSSETTA'S MARKET AND DELI at 209- �11 W. Seventh Str et. Recommended appro al on 2-0 vote, Councilmember Rettman absent. 3. 6/7/88 RATIFICATION OF A SESSMENTS: For the installation of a sanitary sewer i FORESTER STREET from Canton Street to Bay Street. Laid over in Commi tee to June 8, 1988. 4. 6/7/88 RATIFICATION OF A SESSMENTS: For the installation of a sanitary sewer i vacated GURNEY STREET and in Gurney Street. Also, c nstruction of sanitary sewer service connections. Recommended appro al on 2-0 vote, Councilmember Rettman absent. 5. 6/7/88 FINAL ORDER: Co struction of a sanitary sewer in AGATE STREET from 250 fe t south of York Avenue to York Avenue. Also, construction of sanitary service connections. Recommended appro al on 2-0 vote, Councilmember Rettman absent. CITY HALL SLVEN�I71 I'LO It SAfN'I' PACIL, MINNrS01'A 55102 �wy0.4 G ,_ . ����� 6. 6/14/88 FINAL ORDER: In tallation of the WABASHA STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLAN on Wabasha from Kellogg Blvd. to llth Street and on 5t and 6th Streets from Wabasha to St. Peter Street. Im rovements to include the following: New decorative lightin to accommodate banners, flower baskets and other specia trims; information kiosks containing lists of stores an events, maps, telephones, news boxes and trash receptac es. Laid over in Commi tee to June 8, 1988. 7. 6/14/88 FINAL ORDER: The operation of the Above Standard Street Lighting System f r the WABASHA-5TH-6TH AREA for the year 1988 for the foll ing streets: Both sides of Wabasha Street from Kello g Blvd. to llth Street; Both sides of 5th Street and 6th Street from St. Peter Street to Wabasha Street. Laid over in Commi tee to June 8, 1988. 8. 5/31/88 RATIFICATION OF AS ESSMENTS: For construction of curb and gutter on the s th side of IDAHO AVENUE from Duluth Avenue to Atlanti Street and the west side of ATLANTIC STREET to approxim tely 135 feet south of Idaho Avenue. Recommended appro al on 2-0 vote, Councilmember Rettman absent. 9. 5/31/88 FINAL ORDER: Co structing a sanitary sewer in WHEELOCK PARKWAY from 100 feet west of Edgemont Street to 170 feet east of Edgemont St eet. Also, construct sanitary sewer service connections. Also, constructing a water main in Wheelock Parkway fr m Edgemont Street to 170 feet east of Edgemont St. and construct water service connections. Also condemning d taking a 20-foot easement for sewer purposes in part of Lot 13, Block 1, Dawson's 5th Addition. (Public rks requests this item to be Laid Over Indef initely) . Laid over in Committee indefinitely. 10. 5/31/88 RATIFICATION OF AW OF DAMAGES: For utility easements in con3unction ith the MARSHALL/HAMLINE (A) SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Recommended approv 1 on 2-0 vote, Councilmember Rettman absent. 2 � � �O� �� 11. 6/7/88 FINAL ORDER: (Laid ver from 5/11/88) . Improving the alley in Block 33, St. nthony Park by grading and paving from the North line of L t 8 in said Block 33 to the North line of Lot 12 in said B ock 33. Also, condemning and taking an easement in th land necessary for the slopes in the grading and pavin of said alley (bounded by Everett Court, Energy Park rive, Tainter Street and Marsh Court) . Recommended approv 1 on 2-0 vote, Councilmember Rettman absent. 12. RL�?I.U��.s.s . Autho i�ing exacuti�►n of agrs�en,t bet�aeen City o# St. `�'au , N.S.P., and �P�i�hb��hood Ltie��rgY Consortium �or th ST. PAUL RENTAL ENERGY EFFICIENGY ENFORCEMErIT, (SPft�EE ''PROGRAM. R�'�b^1�fttttmded apprav 1 on Z-0 vote, Councilmember Rettman sent. 13. RESOLUTION-88-735: Authorizing the Direc o c Works to request variances from MSA standards for projects on parts of HAMLINE, COMO, FORD PARKWAY, CHESTNUT, THOMAS, C ETIN AND EIGHTH-NINTH STREETS. Recommended approv 1 on 2-0 vote, Councilmember Rettman absent.