88-658 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COI1flC11 !' � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL CANARY - DEPARTMENT y��� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Q Y� Council Resolution �- `� ( �, Presented - Referred To � ���� ' Committee: Date ��"��o Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10 07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation reve ues in excess of those estimated in the 1988 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the followin changes to the 1988 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCIAL PLAN 56-126-36023-3699-84144 Heritage Preservation Commission Minnesota Historical Society Grant $ -0- $20,575 $20,575 GL-126-36023-6999 Outside Private Donat�ons/Foundation ants -0- 14,142 14,142 $ -0- $34,717 $34,717 SPENDING PLAN P6-126-36023-0219-64037 Professional Consulting Services $ -0- $33,817 $33,817 P6-126-36023-0249-64037 Printing Design Review Guidelines -0- 900 900 $ -0- $34,717 $34,717 NET CHANGE + $34,717 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves hese changes to the 1988 budget Financing is Available Approval Recommended �. � � � Director of Finance Bu get D re tor COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested b Depart ent of: Yeas Nays � Dimond Lo� _� [n Favor coswitz � �/ _ Against BY �r wason MQY 2 �' ��� Form Approved Ci ttorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa: ed by Council Secretary BY gy, DLI�ti Approv by iNavor: a e _ �Y� � Appr ed b ay for u is on to Council B - P�1BllSHEQ ���i'J � 19 8 ..r � � , , ---- - - - � �-�� ]►ttacbmeat !� PROJECT DESCRIPTION City of St. Paul Federal Grant �27-87-20020.015 Time Period: October l, 1987 July 31, 1988 p�qject Sco�e: This project ill consist of a history and ar- chitecture survey of three col eqe campuses alonq Summit Avenue: � Macalester College, The Colleg of St. Thomas, and St. Paul Semi- nary. The survey will be unde aken to determine if the campuses . include properties eligible fo inclusion in a proposed national and local historic district on the western end of Summit Avenue. Al1 work in the project will e as described in the qrant ap- plication submitted to the Soc ty on July 15, 1987 and will con- form to the Secretary of the I erior's Standards for ldentifica- tion as published in pages 44 20-44723 of the Federal Register of September 29, 1983. The C ty will contract with a historian or architectural historian ho meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifi ations Standards to carry out the work of the project. Appropri te procurement standards (see At- tachment 0 of OMB Circular A-1 2) will be followed fn contracting . for this service. Grant admi fstration will be handled by City . staff, and Heritage Preservat on Commissioners and members of other City commissions will al contribute volunteer review time to the project. su 'o s a d e s e s: The City, or its consultant, will submit written proqress r ports to the Society on or before January 15, and April 30, 198 . The Society may request other written progress reports and o site reviews of project proqress. Final Product: The final prod cts of the survey are outlined in the City's qrant application t the Society (see A-1 p�oducts portion appended to this attachment) . A written report describing the project's results will be submi ted to the Society in five copies and will conform to the Secreta of the Interior's Standards for Reportinq Identification Resul s as published (page 44723 of the Federal R�qister of Septembe 29, 1983. Copies of inventory sheets (unbound) for all inven oried properties and survey nega- tives will be submitted with fi al the report and the Request for Reimbursement. Final Report: The Final Repor will include a brief description of the administration of the pr ject. Five copies of this report will be submitted to the Socie y with the Request for Reimburse- ment (see part III of the Grant Agreement) . - Project Budaet: Federal (HPF) Applicant Project administration 40 hrs @ $22 . 41 $ 896 _ . � . . ���-�s� Guidelines revision/adoption Project director 50 hrs @ $22.41 $1, 120 City planner 80 hrs @ $19.91 $1,593 Secratary 45 hrB @ $15.08 $ 679 Donated naterials $ 387 Research, documentation � writ ng , 181 hrB @ $25 $4,525 Photocopyfnq S 150 $4,675 $4,675 Total Budqet $9,350 ��_� Reimbursement Schedule: The ity will be reimbursed for the ac- tual amounts expended under he federal (HPF) portion of the project budqet after the proj ct is completed and a Request for Reimbursement with appropriate supporting documentation has been aubmitted to and approved by he Socfety. This request must be submitted by Auqust 15, 1988. Work must be completed by July 31, 1988. : . " � � . . . ��-�� !►ttacbment 7► PROJECT DESCRIPTION City of St. Paul Federal Grant #27-87-20019.010 Time Period: October 1, 1987 July 31, 1988 , � Proiect Scope: The project i olves the research and writing of the final three chapters of a projected four-chapter manuscript on the architectural history' f the City. The content of the three chapters to be produced n this project are outlined in the grant application submitted b the City to the Society on July 15, 1987. The manuscript will interpret the findinqs of the 1983 Historic Sites Survey. The C ty �ill contract with a historian or architectural historian� ho meets the Secretary of the � Znterior's Professional Qualif cations Standards to carry out the work of the project. It is e ected that Commission members will participate extensively in e continuing development and im- plementation of the project. s o s nd e s e : The City will submit written - Proqress Reports to the Societ on or before February 28 and May 31, 1988. The Society may re est other written proqress reports or on-site reviews of project roqress. Final Product: The final pr duct of the project will be the final three chapters in manusc ipt form. Three of the completed manuscript will be submitted with five copies of a narrative report outlininq the City's lans for publication of the com- pleted manuscript. Final Re�ort: The Final Repor will include a brief description of the administration of the p oject. Five copies of this report will be submitted to the Socie y with the Request for Reimburse- ment (see part III of the Gran Aqreement) . Proiect Budaet: Federal (HPF) �1pDlicant Writing & editing text 576 hrs @ $25 $7,200 $7,200 Writinq & editing cutlines 30 hrs @ $25 $ 375 $ 375 Historic photo & map research 30 hrs @ $25 $ 375 $ 375 Photocopyinq $ 50 $ 50 Field study 80 hrs @ $25 1 000 1 000 $9, 000 $9, 000 Total Budget S18, 000 Reimbursement Schedule: The Ci y will be reimbursed for the ac- �.,�t nn,niinta ovncanAc� unr�e�r thP fPC3Pra1 (HPF1 DOrtl�fl Of the : . ., :. , . . � . . . �,��Y Gs�' project budqet after the proj ct is completed and a Request for Reimbursement with appropriat supportinq documentation has been submitted to and approved by e Society. This request must be submitted by Auqust 15, 1988. Work must be completed by July 31, 1988. .. . . . �-�-�-�� - �.,..__.� . _.�_�,� .,� .T_�. ._ . . f_ �_.._ _ _ ._�_______ __ littachment !� PROJECT DESCRIPTION �ity of St. Paul Federal Grant #27-86-10008.006 Time Period: October 1, 1987 - cember 31, 1987 Proiect ScoDe: The project i volves reprinting the revised ' e 'nes o si n Rev'ew: t. aul 'st ric e ita e Preservation District. The revi ions to the quidelines take into consideration the recent expansi n of the district and the fact that, as a Certified Local G vernment, the City's design quidelines must conform to the S cretary of the Interior's Stand- ards for Historic Preservation P ojects. ' ss : The City will submit a brief proqress report with a copy f the revised text for the quidelines to the Society on or before December 1, 1987. The Society may request other writt n proqress reports or on-site reviews of project proqress. Final Product: The -final produ t will be the printed revised quidelines. Ten copies of the idelines will be submitted to the Society with the Final Report Final Reoort: The Final Report w'l1 include a brief description of the administration of the proj t. Five copies of this report will be submitted to the Society ith the Request for Reimburse- ment (see part III of the Grant Aq eement) . �roject Budget: Federal (HPF) Applicant Project administration 10 hrs @ $22.41 $ 224 Printinq 900 76 $ 900 $ 900 Total Budqet $1,800 Reimbursement Schedule: The City ill be reimbursed for the ac- tual amounts expended under the ederal (HPF) portion of the project budget after the project 's completed and a Request for Reimbursement with appropriate sup orting documentation has been submitted to and approved by the S ciety. This request must be submitted by January 15, 1988. Wo k must be completed by Decem- ber 31, 1987. • �`�� � Od I i- I � i ; �ttactiment !� ! PROJECT DESCR �r'T�N � - 1 �itv of St. Paul I � Federal Grant �Z7-87-200I9.009 i Time Period: October 1, 1987 - July 3�, 1988 �� Project Sco„pe: The project will consist of a public education I proqram related to the Natio al Register Lowertown Historic Dis- trict in St. Paul. It will c nsist of the following elements: � 1. a written interpret' e plan based on a review of exist- ing research on th district which will recommend an ; interpretive fram work for the two elements that � follow; 2. a published self- ided walkinq tour of the district � interpretinq the h storic themes that mark its siq- ' nificance � 3. production of a des qn for a historic plaque ,.for use on properties in the d strict. � � The City will contract with a historian or architectural his- torian who meets the Secret ry of the Interior�s Professional Qualifications Standards to arry out the work of the project. Appropriate procurement stand rds (see Attachment O of OMB Cir- cular A-102) will be followe in contracting for this service. � Grant administration will be andled by City staff, and Heritage � Preservation Commissioners an members of other City commissions i will also contribute volunteer review time to the project. � Consu tatio s and ess e s: The City will submit written ; , progress reports to the Society on or before January 15, and i April 30, 1988. The Society ay request other written progress � reports and on-site reviews of project progress. � Final Product: The final pro ucts of the project, outlined in ' I the City's grant application o the Society (see A-1 products nortion � appended to this attachmentj , nclude information documentinq the � � procurement of consultants fo the project, five copies of the � written interpretive plan, a c py of the design for the Lowertown District plaque, and ten copi s of the self-quided walking tour � publication. These materials ill be submitted with the Request for Reimbursement. � �inal Reoort: The Final Repor will include a brief description I of the administration of the p oject. Five copies of this report will be submitted to the Socie y with the Request for Reimburse- ment (see part III of the Grant Agreement) . , I HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET � . . J � / ' The GREEN SHLET haa three PURPOSES: . ' 1. to-assist in routixtg document� and� in securing required signatures; 2. to brisf the revie�ers of documents on the impacts of approval; 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared and, if required, attached. . Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers ta make decisions on the docwaents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assvates authorized budget exists) ti 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director. 3. City Attorneq 6. Finance Accounting Note: If a CONTRACT amount is less than S10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (all oth�rs) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating De}�artment 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Budget Amendment/Grant Acceptance) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Department Director 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mgmt. , and Pers. Cte. 5. City Council � 6. City C�.erk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accoun.tant, Finance and Management Services The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget , (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, ! homeowners, or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. The ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES section must be completed to indicate whether additional � administrative procedures, including rules, regulations, or resource proposals are �r necessary for implemen�ation of an ordinance or resolution.. If yes, the procedures or a ;" timetable for the completion of procedures must be attached. SUPPORTING 1�SATERIALS: Iri the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested` actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of ; Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council resolutions include contractual relationships with other governmental units; collective bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds by City; eminent domain; assumption of liability by City, or granting by �City of indemnification; agreements with state or federal government under which they are providing funding; budget amendments. • • / � C�T � � � � Y OF .A,INT PA,UL � . �'3i�g�.�. OB'FICE OF T � CITY COIINCIL ��'C . _ tc/y� . , �qy1�� �ommlt ee �eport c,,y 9� �`inance Mana eme�t Persannel Committee. c�Rk May 16, 988 l. Approvai of minutes fr-om May 5 h and May 9th Approved meetings. PERSONNEL 1:30 2. Resolution amending the Civii S rvice Rules Laid over to June C.th by adding Section 8.A.2.a and ending Seetion 8.0 pertaining to the St. Paui olice Federation. (Referred from Cou cil March 29, � laid over May 9) 1:35 3. Resolution 88-657 - establishin the Mayor's Approved ; Management Compensatio� Committ e to make recom- mendations on Manager.s' pay and enefits. (Referred from Council May 5) I FINANCE E BUOGET I _____.. __._�._ _.__._ _ __,. -- - ---- _.,. _. , _.._ ____ .. 1:45 4. ResoTution 88-658 - amendirtg tF�e 19$8 budget p roy�j � by adding $34,717 to the Financi � Plans for HPC-Prafessianai Consu ting Se rvices 9 (Referred from Councii Ma� 5)_ ._.. .._. __ .a...:,�.w._._.__. t:50 5. Resolution 88-659 - amending the 988 budget by • transferring $50,000 from Conting nt Reserve to Approved as amended. City Council-Research for a consu tant on the Forwarded to Rules & Neighborhood Empoxerment Plan. Policy Comnittee (Referred from Council Hay 5) 2:00 6. Review of financing, spending and service level policies. Additional item � Resolution 88-727 - Appropriating $90, from the City's Approved General Fund as city's contribution to otride one staff ' person to implement an ombudsman progr established by - the Police Department. "RY HALL SEVENZ'Fi FLOOR SAINT PAUi,,MINNESOTA SS10Z ��.ie