88-656 W�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK -� FINANCE COUIICIl /�, B`�R� f MpPAOR�TMENT C I TY O SA I NT PA U L File NO. ����'s`� Counci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date highest scoring twenty (20) eligib es on the list, whichever will produce the greater number of protected-class ligibles. The appointing authority may ap- point any eligible so certified. When a specific job title is under tilized/segregated or when underrepresenta- tion exists in the Saint Paul Boar of Education civil service work force or City of Saint Paul's department/di ision work force, certification will be as follows: The Personnel Office sha 1 certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligible on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Personnel Office shall certify to he appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus ties, of e ch and every protected class who are among the top s���3�-�e�se��-�b8��-forty- ive percent (45%) of the highest scoring eli- gibles on the overall list. The a pointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. No action taken by the Civil Servi e Commission - 5-26-88 .-�---zl�J J n Jeffre S etary Page 2 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of• Dimond �� In Fav r Goswitz - . � -Or�'' Schett ibel —.�_ A ga i n s sY 't'� _ Sonnen �'V'�ies� Adopted by Council: Date MAY � L � Form Appr d b City orn Certified Yas ed by Council Secre�t ry B gy /-�GL�c� �l �/l//�-D�t:•[!LO`��/ _�"`� A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approv Ma or Su 'ssion to Cou il ` By pUBIISHED �'�� 1119 8 `j . �� G� - �I.� 013 312 � � M�ye�'slAffirmeti�e Action DEPARTME . - - - - - G�re�n: clo� An�ri�r.�do CONTACT 298-423T ' YHONE .� ' _ 28 AAri:I 1988 DATE �SSIGN.NUMBER FOR BOUTING ORDER: (See everse side.) � Department Director. 4 Mayor (or Asssistant) _ Finarice and Management Services Dir ctor 5 City Clerk _ Budget Director 2 Counc�l Pre,¢ident Scheibel � City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: Clip all locations for signature.) T iT V T C ? (Purpose/Rationale) An amendment of the council repolution of expanding certification, CF �`88-430. This resolution changes the percentage in where a protected-class person must finish in an examination from 60X to 45% to b eligible for expanded certification. S BUD ET N R I G S N C Not applicable D U ET AC IV T HARG OR CR T D: �Mayor•s signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Traas�ction: Not appl cable Activity Nwnber: Not applic�ble Fvading Source: Not appl cable ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attac ents.) ADMINISTRATIVB PROCEDURES _Yes �No Rules, Regulations, Pro edures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes �No If yes, are they or tim table attached? DEPARTPIENT REVIEW �TY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes _No Council resolution require ? Resolution required? _Yes No ._Yes _No Insurance requirad? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes No Insurance attached? . .. . � , . � �-�� WNITE - CITV CLEFIK P1NK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV -DEPARTMENT 91UE - MAVOR File � C� ���.� Counci Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution a ending Section 8.B. l.a. of the Civil Service Rules by changing the percentage in where a protected-class person must finish in an examination to be eligible for expanded certification. BE IT RESOLVED, that Section .B. l.a. of the Civil Service Rules is, hereby, amended as follows: 8.B. l.a. Vacancy Filled From An Origin 1 Entrance List ' Single vacancy from a requisi ion shall be filled as follows: FOR LISTS HAVING TWENTY (20) LESS ELIGIBLES The Personnel Office shall certify to the appointing suthority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles fro the list, plus ties. In addition, the Personnel _ Office shall certify to the ap ointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus ties, in each rotected-class group. The appointing suthority may appoint any eligible so ce tified. LISTS HAVING MORE THAN TWENTY 20) ELIGIBLES When underutilization/segregat'on or underrepresentation, as defined in Section 8.B. l.b. , does not exist in an protected class, the Personnel Office shall certify to the appointing auth rity the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addit'on, the Personnel Office shall certify the three (3) highest scoring eligibles n the list, plus ties, from each and every pro- tected class who are among eit er the top thirty-three percent (33%) or the Pa e 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond [.o�g In Favor Goswitz � Rettman B s�ne�bei __ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Datc Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� Aooroved b�c Mavoc or Su ission to Council . . : � . � , - � _ �� !v`� _ WNITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COU/ICll GANARY -OEPARTMENT G I T�Y O SA I NT PA U L BLUE -MAVOR F1�C NO. Counc 'l Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date highest scoring twenty (20) eligibl s on the list, whichever will produce the greater number of protected-class e igibles. The appointing authority may ap- point any eligible so certified. When a specific job title is underu ilized/segregated or when underrepresenta- tion exists in the Saint Paul Board of Education civil service work force or City of Saint Paul's department/div sion work force, certification will be as follows: The Personnel Office shal certify to the appointing suthority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Personnel Office shall certify to t e appointing suthority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plua ties, of ea h and every protected class who are among the top s}�c��►-�e�esa�-�bBX�-fort -f ve percent (45�) of the highest scoring eli- gibles on the overall list. The ap ointing suthority may appoint any eligible so certified. Page 2 of 2 COUNCII. MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of• Dimund LO"g [n Favor Coswitz xetcmao �� � da: s�ne�b� Against BY C F Sonaen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By By� . .t . ��-�� - WMITE - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COUflCIl CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L 9LUE -MAVOR File �O. Counci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution a ending Section 8.B. l.a. of the Civil Service Rules by changing the percentage in where a protected-class person must finish in an examination to be eligible for expanded certification. BE IT RESOLVED, that Section .B. l.a. of the Civil Service Rules is, hereby, amended as follows: 8.B. l.a. Vacancy Filled From An Origin 1 Entrance List � Single vacancy from a requisi ion shall be filled as follows: FOR LISTS HAVING TWENTY (20) LESS ELIGIBLES The Personnel Office shall cer ify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles fro the list, plus ties. In addition, the Personnel . Office shall certify to the ap ointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus ties, in each rotected-class group. The appointing suthority may appoint any eligible so ce tified. LISTS HAVING MORE THAN TWENTY 20) ELIGIBLES When underutilization/segregat on or underrepresentation, as defined in Section 8.B. l.b. , does not exist in an protected class, the Personnel Office shall certify to the appointing auth rity the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addit on, the Personnel Office shall certify the three (3) highest scoring eligibles n the list, plus ties, from each and every pro- tected class who are among eit er the top thirty-three percent (33%) or the Pa e 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo�g [n Favor coswitz Rettman ��;� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By. Aooroved b�t Mav� or Su ission to Council . . . � � . � . . . . .. ... . . .. ... . . . .. . _ . . .. _ .. . WMITE - CiTV C�,ERK PINK - FINANCE COUIIC11 C� CI.NARY -OEPARTMEN T G I Ty p SA I NT PA U L ' I BLUE -MAYOR File NO. � Coun 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date highest scoring twenty (20) eligib es on the list, whichever will produce the greater number of protected-class ligibles. The appointing authority may ap- point any eligible so certified. When a specific job title is under tilized/segregated or when underrepresenta- tion exists in the Saint Paul Boar of �ducation civil service work force or City of Saint Paul's department/di ision work force, certification will be as follows: The Personnel Of�ice shall certify to the appointing suthority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Personnel Office shall certify to t e appointing suthority the three (3) highest " scoring eligibles, plus ties, of ea h and every protected class who are among the top s}�c��-{��eea�_�bA�G�-fort -f've percent (45%) of the highest 'scoring eli- gibles on the overall list. The ap ointing suthority may appoint any eligible so certified. Page 2 of 2 \� COUNCIL MEMBERS 7'eas Nays Requested by Department of• Dimund LO"g [n Favor ' Goswitz sche�ibei Against By .�a�c F da Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By . . . __ r� . � , ,� , oC,��=�s�O . LV_ �13312 M�yor's/Affirmative Action DEPAR?MBNT � Germ�n don Alvarado CONTACT 298-4221 � PHONE � � 28 April 1988 DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See r verse side.) � Department Director 4 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Management Services Dire tor S City Clerk _ Budget Director 2 Council President Scheibel � City Attorney TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PA�ES: (C ip all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS7 (Purpose/Rationale) An amendment of the council resolution f expanding certification, CF 4�88-430. This resolution changes the percentage 'n where a protected-class person must finish in an examination from 60°L to 45% to be eligible for expanded certification. COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND ERSONNEL IM ACTS NT C ATED: . Not applicable FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDG T ACTIVITY R C GED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under 10.000.) - - Total Amount of Trans�ction: Not appli able Activity Number: Not applicable Funding Source: Not appli able ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attac nts.) • ' ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes �No Rules, Regulations, Proc dures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes �No If yes, are they or time able attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes _No Council resolution require ? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance suff icient� _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance attached? � � �� ������.�s� x�: � ___.`p�TT^0��4�� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �4) `"' '=''_ ��, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� iuw ,' �u�� I1� %+ �� ��� ��' ' ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK '�-• _ ^� � ,w ; ) °'�„1mR�'��-'� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER A� 612-298-4231 MAYOR �j � 1 N � � i May 12, 1988 ��� � � "� _ �Y �� � � � / Civil Service Commission ,�� Room 265, City Hall '�ji � M' Dear Commission Members: I herewith submit for your consid ration the attached resolution(s) amending the Civil Service Rules dopted at today's City Council meeting: C.F. 88-656 Very truly yours, ��Gt�LG[O �`(,�-!%Q'�-l�r , Albert B. Olson ,�' City Clerk ABO:th