88-655 WHITE - C�TV CLERK ���lll PINK - FINANCE COURCII �yr�L� BLUERV - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. O v Counc ' Resolution � c i� Presente By Referred To ��r U�' ��'N: ��, Committee: Date � "� 5��� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby consent to and approve of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Craig Rafferty to serve as a ember of the Heritage Preservation Commission to fill the remain er of John Mannillo' s unexpired term. This term shall expire December 31 , 1988 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long In Favo Goswitz Rettman �6eibe1 � Against BY Sonnen Wilson �Y — � �� Form ove Cit Attor y Adopted by Council: Date c Certified P s Council Se tar By � ss� Approv y Mayor for Su s on tb-Council Approv iVlavor. Date ' � ._.— By �4��g���� ��r,; I ; 988 . ���`�— �a�or��a��.�n�r.-��s�atfice .�° 013586 � DEPARTMENT • Ora Lee Patterson CONTACT N 298-4323 PHONE .� :, " March 22, . 1988 DATE � ASSIGN �1[J�tBER FOR &OUTING ORDER: (See r verse side.) _ Department Director � Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Management Services Dire tor � City Clerk gudget Director � City Councilmemb � City Attorney _�'" • . � 'S TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 ( lip all locations for signature.) W V Y AK AGT 0 TT C ? (Purpose/Rationale) � Craig Rafferty will be appointed o the Heritage Preservation Cammission. He_ will fill the remainder of Joh Mannillo' s unexpired term. This term will expire December 31, 1988. �� G�c,' 'Q � OST B F T U G Y AND P SONNEL I AC C PAT D: N/A �'9�,� s�a,► : d��9 �'4�,� : � ���� NAN C D BUDGET ACTIVITY C G D 0 CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under 10.000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Numb�t: Funding Source: N A ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attac ents.) � ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes X No Rules, Regulations, Pro edures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or tim table attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council resolution requir d? Resolution required? x Yes No _Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance attached? , ���`�a� `p — • , _....,,� ,j S , ��` CIT OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPAR MENTAL MEMORANDUM March 23, 1988 TO: Council President J mes Scheibel Members of the Sain Paul City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterson RE: APPOINTMENT TO HERI AGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION Mayor Latimer requests your consideration and approval of the attached resolution which a points Craig Rafferty to serve as a member of the Heritage Pr servation Commission. Mr. Rafferty will fill the acancy created by the resignation of John Mannillo and fill t e remainder of his three-year term--which will expire on ecember 31, 1988. A copy of Craig's applicati n is also attached, per our usual procedure for new appointme ts. If you have any questions, please contact me at 298-43 3. Thanking you in advance. OLP/drm Attachments cc: Council Research Allan Torstenson, Staf , Heritage Preservation Commission _����, For Council enda � , � ' �f n „I ` �i ���QQ�� ' CIT OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPART ENTAL MEMORANDUM March 23, 1988 TO: Council President J mes Scheibel Members of the Sain Paul City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterson RE: APPOINTMENT TO HERI GE PRESERVATION COMMISSION Mayor Latimer requests your onsideration and approval of the attached resolution which ap oints Craig Rafferty to serve as a member of the Heritage Pre ervation Commission. Mr. Rafferty will fill the v cancy created by the resignation of John Mannillo and fill th remainder of his three-year term--which will expire on D cember 31, 1988. A copy of Craig's applicatio is also attached, per our usual procedure for new appointmen s. If you have any questions, please contact me at 298-432 . Thanking you in advance. OLP/dL'm Attachments cc: '�_=��. , Al1an Torstenson, Staff Heritage Preservation Commission A1 Olson, For Council A enda t.�♦ � � . � . � '�, �/• . �w y.� il�� ///�/�� r _ - 1 f �. � ,- \� ; , `, .. Y OFFI OF. MAYOR t;`�" - � ; . , _ , . .. .. � ..,> .��`•, . " . ...�.::: .: . .34 ;�CIT . ���-,� �;: °� �,Y . .._...._... . ._ :. , .�;;��;. . ' SAINT PAU , MINNESOTA � ssioa �Eg 2: � �+ � 298-4323 - : • "• . .. .�.,.. . ... �:...�. _..�.... � .�.:..�. ;. :•.:.. ..6. �^;"' 1988 Y ,� .. . . �.� . , , ,. .:T - - .�...... . ._ �.._..,._ ..���YOR'S�OF�'1C��. ' � ;,-,�' Name: ����7 .. _ � . . :�, . ..�.. . . .. ,,� , . Address: �� �� �' �� � ��f� /v ��.k= /� � � Street City .+ '<.�.r'�:�.�ZiP��;. . _. .���. y Y '.' Phone: Home �/q� `� , j,,� .. . �'k �,�� �.�-1 . . �' �(A _ . ._ . _._ __ . �� Gity Planning District Ward Senate District Wha� is your Occupation? ��'� �Gr ��v�� � - . � �..;� - :�, ,. � . �s� _ :�, . , --�- . . Ethnic Group (to ensure fair and qual representationj Place of Employment: . � Address. of Employer: �'S3 �' �� ��"� ` ..��t. . �v�� � !' q? ��Ca,���\y �+1. �+ftyy t,.b�i'� ��' ,� t..1•�A.� ,C w�'t ,�1�,3�4,•, � ��t+,-....��•, ,� ..,... " .:..::... Y��KR - �,f.. • ..;�M Y..'..:Z. ... 'ti'. �' . . , 1d/. . Commission or Committee A�p1ied F x �, , : `` . � R.. ' . ..y�'.k`. ' '�y ...MY. .. �� ..• .: . � . . .. � �.. .�,y,�y�. �� 1 �•.�Y !.f��: /G � � ',.; �G�i� , . What skills/traininq or experienc do you possess for the commission/board in which you seek appointment? � � /� f ��• . , � . .�� . . �Y� � . �•�,.��:i�'.4;�. `• . ...'� . �wY,,�. .pc..��*-.,y�,'i:�,�,,�.� t .�,.. •L ��1. �:•we�.ni ' . , � � � Li� f t/��( 1� � � ��� 7 ' - .. .� •,� y. i� _ � � • , - - . " - .. .�. .+��9'` . � :. :. ....:_:_:...- � . :.:.;;� ,�,.,.,__'. _ __ ... : � _ .- . . . ,�..._. . _ _ _ . - - , �; .. _ . — , - _ _ ,� � - =..c .� k . ; w y. � . .��: ~ k�S� `. ' ��� � v. :� ��� . L'1���2'. �`^ . 'A./ {' � y , . 4 !t—7� . � . � ♦ � .. . . t . �.�;'.. . , � . � . A� � . . . over) � Members: ��-��s_ �� r:�� ���, -' . �� � E3ili Wilson, chair � !'� '� �`�'` CITY UF �la.INT �AUi. Tom Dim�nd �� �:�: � � ' + �' " �" Kiki Sonner� �. � OF`P'ICr O�+` HI+7 CI7�`Y COIINCIL s...:^�.9+�5 ,, ,. ".�'riiF�'.'.,r�C" Date: �piil 14, 198 �'V1l.LlAM L.. WILSON (� MARK Vd�_RDING Councilinan V�m itt�e Repor�t L�,;;3,�t,fe A;�A �o: Saint Pau! City Councii From : Housing and Economic Develo�i�nent Committee Bill Wilson, Chair --�;� 1. Ordinance amending Ct��pter 60 ot ttae St. Paul Lcgislative Code pertaining to 'Loning he�;ulatio s. (ad�il.t-ty��e uses) C�rSA9IT'1'EE 1:�CONL�IENDEll �PPROVAL 1S ArII:NDLD � 2. prdinance amending the l,egislative Code by adding Cliapter 30 pertainit�g to the size and tim� of display of Ten�porary Election �Sa.gns. COr1P4ITTEE P.I:��C;RREI) TO � LL:S AI�D POLICS" COi�th1l'i"i'I:E 3. Kesolution appr.oving the appointmeiits by ttie Pl�.iyor. of Ronnie Brooks, Mag�,ie Sch�aictitenberg, Kathleen Wall.ace, and Ur. ,JaEnes Peterson to serve as members of the Downtow hiverfront Commission. COi�'.:�IITTE� ?ZI:CU.I�IENDED AI'PKOV�L 4. Resolution a�;provir�g tYte appoin ment by° the riayor of. �rai,g, '����erty 'Co serve ��' �E' member of the �i��ita e Pres�rvation commi_ssion, term�to expire Decr�it���'..3�, 19$8. .< CO�fMI7`TEE�' R CONI�t�N�B��<r��l'ROVAL 5. Resolution settiTlg a timeli.ite w"Lfii.il tlie year 1988 to cease tr.aining oper.ations of all. heli.copters � Hol.man Fie.ld 1nd to seek a permanent home at a secondary airport. C i1t1I7'TEE RECOriMf:Ni)1:1) f1YPIZOV�'1T A3 AP•iLNDED �:iTX I-IALL SEVENTI��`LOC.�Ifi 5AINT PAUL, MINNESO�TA SSiUZ 61�"./298-4646 S'�a��a 6 N6NITE - C�TV CIERK PINK -. FINANCE COI1flC11 Y/� / I��+ CANARV - DEPAFtTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L /���`QV � BL� - MAVOR File NO. v - • � Counci Resolution �'���� Presented By �r Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution ending Section 8.B. l .a. of the Civil Service Rules by changing the percentage i where a protected-class person must finish in an examination to b eligible for expanded certification. BE IT RESOLVED, that Section 8.B. l .a. of the Civil Service Rules is, hereby, amended as follows: 8.B. l .a. Vacancy Filled From An Origi al Entrance List Single vacancy from a requis'tion shall be filled as follows: FOR LISTS HAVING TWENTY (20) R LESS ELIGIBLES The Personnel Office shall c rtify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles fr the list, plus ties. In addition, the Personnel Office shall certify to the ppointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus ties, in eac protected-class group. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so c rtified. LISTS HAVING MORE THAN TWENT (20) ELiGIBLES When underutilization/segregation or underrepresentation, as defined in Section 8.B. l .b. , does not exist in a y protected class, the Personnel Office shall certify to the appointing aut ority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Personnel Office shall certify the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties, from each and every pro- tected class who are among either the top thirty-three percent (33%) or the Page 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng [n Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel � A gai n s t BY Sonnen �ilee�r- M�Y �� � 198� Form App ed by City t e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa •ed by Councl,i,l Secretary BY sy 001 A►p r 6 1Aavor: Date _ �; Approved May or Su ission to Council � pt�tl�3iED �v�� 1 i 1988