88-647 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUQCII GG / CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO• r'v r W �• BLUE - MAVOR • • Counci R eso ution � t ,�-,�:, � � � Presented By �" f Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. # 0727) for the transfer of an Off Sale Liquor License expiring anuary 31, 1989 presently issued to Payne Avenue Liquor Inc. DBA Payne Avenue Liauor (George E. Stahel - President) at 9 0 Payne Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Ma thom Inc. DBA Payne Avenue Liquor (Mary Short - President, Thomas Short - Vice President) at the same address. • COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond Lo� [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai n s BY Sonnen �e� MAY � 7 � Form Approved by Cit orney Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Pas ouncil Se ar By B}, �' " �- Approve b Mavor: Dat � �A 2 ' � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PtlBLiSHED M AY 8 1 g 8 � � � � � �. � � ���-��� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�:RMIT ADMIN STRATION DATE gf( / � $"� INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �rn����,,,,���_, Home Address �C� ��� �c.�- S� - Bus ine s s Name ' Home Phone `''� �(D- �Z��i 3 �(�3� _,�(�o(i� Business Address �(`�U � � Type of License(s��Ay� C. Cv�.��-- Business Phone � "l � - �t o ��. . D�,_.�, Co�,-4 ��� L�-�ie Public Hearing Date ���3 �� a License I.D. 4i � �, oZ � at 9:00 a.m, in the CouncillQhambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �C � � 010 l� � llate Notice Sent • ��c� Dealer �� Ml'� to Applicant � Y� a a I'ederal Firearms �� V�� ,�Y Public Nearing DATE IIv'SP 'CTION REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) CUrIl�IENTS A roved N t A roved Bldg I & D 2 j `� � Jl � d � Health Divn. ' 3�� , , � � Fire Dept. i�� '� � I I �� . Police Dept. I .�I� I `n,o YC.�or� License Divn. 3' t / � ..� � � . City Attorney � (/ � � �-1� i �. Date Received: Site Plan � � $� / � To Council Research � Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlord I, Z l l� �Y CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: � �..��- - �� m q�-��, -.�,.-�-� o�''(b`x-� . . Current DBA: New DBA: � �. yv 1� . � � , .� � V�% �� � �� � ; � Current Officers: Insurance: `� �. .`�c�--�„� `���.a� 4� �� 5� � � � a�bs � - �( Q n Bond:rC>-CG�x-°� � . t-t�w�- ��,;,��— �51�'l ��- _ 'W,�,� . ' Workers Compensation: . , �,,,-�'c� �`�.�. � r y`C�1L�M--J � �� ' w �i�� � �� �a � l ;s l �� -- L���(� New Officers: 1 ' `C .�.�- � � ��� �� t Stockholders: ��,� � a-� Application No. Date Re eived By CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICcNSE � SUNOAY ON SAIE INT XICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTO ICATING LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXI TING LIQUOR LICENSE � ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE INE LICENSE Directions: ihis form must be filled out ith typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by ea person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SU6J CT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name of license) aGC SALE T�-r� �C�4TiNGr �Quo2 �-�CFn�s.E 2. Located at (address) $D �,�c IQu� �T Ra L 11�1��F,5oTC�, i0 3. Name under which business will be opera ea MA?�T'�o�, r�v� _ � 4. True Plame �T�o�.q5 Jo�s }-1.__. . w�NOI'£r Phone 776��t8�'�t3 irst Middle Maiden , , Last ., 5. Date of Birth ti �/ Plac of Birth ,5T �AUL �INNESaT�{ Month, Day, Year o. Are you a citizen of the United States? � F S � Nattve ^'�� Naturalized ^'�� 7. Home Address 1�3� ��12L S' S'�' L 1�'�� Hame Telephone ���-C18�3 ssto 8. Including your present business/employm nt, what business/employment nave you followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address ��iVNCSO�C�e, �G.�,Ai�TC1L � �.6A�.�� �o/SS ��� � � 1"WUl— 7MTl. ����� 0$A �OU�►2 �� A '� -�o �S�N� ST pAvL Y1�� �SS � � � �20�+�1 q� �- W��Dwo,� �'oap C.o ,-o `/ S � � �-t N SN��I.��v9 i2osEv►t,l,� M� - 5S�<< 3 9. Married? � If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. �A�2. iE L L Z� ET LI SNa�T 10 3`I �A✓t.L S� ST PAc1 L V�A� SS 1� 10.' • 4av��y.ou ever been convic�ed of any f lony, _crime or violation af any city ardinance, other tnan traffic? Yes N � � Oate af arrest ��� - 19 «here N�� Charge N�� Convi cti on ��A Sentence ��� Oate of arrest ��� I9 Where /V� � Cnarge � � Conviction � �� Sentence N�� 11. RetaiT 3eer Federal Tax Stamp ��A R tail Liquor Federai Tax Stamp /�� will be used. /jr,ilcf �.v,� �oQta�J C�►T�ei�c cHwe,N C'l�v�[.r�0 �1�t N•Gw ScfboL. 12. Closest 3.2 P1ace 8so,q�cad� C urch �8o GsE A�' School /oodw,�ls�.s� �r�w�r� e�►e �.EO Nay� �$uees I3. Closest intoxicating liquar place. On SaleSs� l�r� A�� Off Sate la3�l P4X� �£ ia. List the names and residences of three persons of Ramsey County of good maral character, not related to the appTicant ar financ alTy interested in the premises or business , �Nho nay be referred to as to the applicant s character. � yame address , rn e � rc ' � ` ' 3006 Tra� ��n. k�i�sev'►��2 !�r, 55113 JAvwES AN� m�12��'q �AQT�� 77J'r � �2Ar1�/fJM ST H'1(1 L W�� S/O(o Ja�s �I A�� Juo�'�W �-q� ErZ ay5a- O2CNA20 �'�► W�•� �3EaQ 1.�°'k� �� S���O I5. Address af premises for whict� applicat on is made �'t�0 RAyn�.� �vE Zone C1 ass i fi catf on .8-�- Phone �� � - 7O� � _ _ 16. Between what cross streets? E�ks �o.s� ��lhich side of Strest Ec�ST 17. Are premises naw accup�ed? E What Business? �« S�� ��90�2 �"02� How Long? Oc,�'�L s0 s/FA�S '_3. List licens�5 which you currently hoid, or forr�erTy heid, or may have an int�rest in. A I9. !�ave any of the Tic�nses lis�ed by yau 'n No. L8 ever been revoked? Yes � �yo � If answer is "yes", l�st the dates and aasons /`�,�A � 20. If business is incorporated, give da e of incorporation /a -.3 19�,_ " and attach copy of Articles of Incor oration and minutes o= first meetiag. 21. List all officers of the corporation, givtng their aames, office held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. /J O 3�/ �.v.aG S'T �42� I� i ZA 5 Tf� S � �/`�l�E� � uL �'1��!/ /O N�•�s 7�G-f.jy,3r �uat�c.Gs4svGo �.�s cJoES �/ �"�l��2T !/c�E /�/ls,s,0�� ,s-� .t�r.v�c.� /0 3 N �'AZ L ST .T Au�- /'''�'v SS/Ole /,lo�.sE 77G-t� cwgK 7�G•9�1�'� 22. If business is partnership, list part er(s) , address and telephone numbers. Name N/4 Add ess IU�''`� Phone N�� 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest ia this business or premises? /V�'9 /4 24. Are you going to operate this business persoaally? �� If not, who will ope ate it? Name/�Q2�/ � SiS�o/l'T Ho Address /Q3� �A4C ST• Phone 771v-���3 25. Are qou goiag to hane a manager or ass stant ia thfs business? y��1 If answer i3 "yes", give name, home address, and ho e telephone number. Name /`� ��Q Hom Address /��.4 Phone � ANY FALISFICATION OF A�vSWERS GIVEN OR MATER SLBMITTID WILL RESULT I*I DEVIaI. OF THIS APPLIC2,TION. I hereby state under oath that I have answe ed alI of the above questions, and that the ' information contained therein is true and c rrect to the best of my kaowledge and belief. I hereby state further uader oath that I have received no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connection with the trans er of this licease, from any person by waq of loan, gfft, contribution or others�ise, other t:zan already disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. State of :�innesota) • � ��.r� Countp of Ramsey ) (S re of applicant) Subscrib d and swcrn to before me th�s a� �/ NOTARY IC N T :Iot w¢ }�x��y �_ esota :�y q • � • . � ���-����pp 1 i cati on No. Oate Re e�ved By _ CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA , APPIICATION FOR ON SALE IP�TOXICATIN6 LIQUOR LICENSE . SUNDAY ON SALE INT XICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTO ICATIVG LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXI TING LIQUOR LICEiVSE ON SALE MALT BEVERA6E LICENSE ON SALE INE LICENSE Directions: ihis form must be filled out ith typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by ea h person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or associatio in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUB ECT TO REYIE1d 6Y THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name of license) �F � xi � 1 r �C 2. Located at (address) q80 �a U e � � r1e �A 55��� 3. Name under whi ch bus i ness wi l l be oper ted MarThorn �n�•� _ _, 4. True Plame � �� i� abe�� Sc �oe fer S t'� �ione -I�(o- 9t3q3 �rs Midd e Maiden Last 5. Oate of Birth 6 aq y Pla � of Birth ci�t.�a�.�_,� Minneso�o�. . Month,..��y, ear ___..__ _..,_ _ b. Are you a citizen of the United States? � � Native N R Naturalized (V A _ 7. Home Address ��3''� �Q�� �fee� '� . � 55tO6Home Telephone —l1b"q $93 8. Including your present business/employm nt, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address P�S Flee-t D�la�a rn�n� Sec-ic �n�• a5�5 N • Fairv i�.w �v�.�k�au� N�n 551�3 o C r� � � �d �hc �u,v 55 £ ll0 �huec' Gco�e. ��ts. �'lh 550�5 , i d C n a1��I N• n �r � t� � � h 55t►3 9. Married?—12 S If answer is "yes" list the name and address of spouse. �hom �ose �n Sho�r�C • (03'-{ Ea�� S�t' �.� ' �, �.� � 5l� 10.� .�Ha,ve ,you ever been convicte� of any f lonyX crime ar vioiatian af any city ardinance, '' othe•r 'th,an traffi c? Yes N Oate of arrest _�/�A 19 Where �/�� Charge Convictior, A Sentence N�f�1 oate oT arrest N�� 19 Where �//I9 � � Cnarqe Canvictian (� sentence (V�� -r 1?. Retail Seer Federal Tax Stamp �N � R tail Liquar FEderal Tax Stamp � wi11 be used. rn��'{�e.`5 Piv�v.p Ko�ee�•. Gc�t�'+ol�c, Ch��a4� Cltvttawd Sr•�'l�q�Schoo� 12. Clasest 3.2 PTace $50 A�c,o,rde. C urch 580 �s� A�G. Schaol lono W�lsln S-t. $�hwitz's 'por Leo Hoyt l.i�uoos I3. Closest intoxicating liquor place. On aie a56 't�a.,nz A�e Off Sa1e 1�3`{ 'Pa�n� A�e. i�. List the names and residenc�s of three ersons of Ramsey County of qood nroral character, not related to the applicant or f�nanci lTy interested in the premises or business , �Nho �ay be referred to as to the applicant' character. ��e addre5s �- G � � Ct �.10 L��ac. �av�e. �hocev►e��, _ r5l��i, . � �S � . '�' �t-e�n � et` 1 9 0 �orn � �IY1 � _ . Ss��a Lo �-��e.r_ 3ly N_• �conc�. �osev i���_ 1�n ��.�,�3 I5. Addres� of premises for which applic3ti n is made ag� t'aY112 A�e�u�e, Zone C1 assi fi catton Q Phone 1�l'`j0�l 16. Between what cross streets? �2h S E ��hich side of Street a "�' 17. Are premises naw occupied? 1e What Business? Of�Sa,_��.► � e. How Long? over 50.��Q�s '_3. List licenses whictt you clrrentIy hoid, r fo rneriy he1d, or may have an int�res� in. I9. Have any of �he 1ic�nses lis�ed by you i No. 18 ever been r�voked? Yes �� �Vo �J� If answer is "yes", 1�s� the dates and r 3sons N fR ,. . . ' , � .� . . �I: business is incorporated, give da e of incorporation De.ce�D � ?J 19� and attach copy of Articies of Incor oration and minutes of first meetiag. . 21. List all officers of the corporation, givfng their names, office held, home address and home and busines� telephone numbers. �o N�ar �li ab r� - � � � �' - 0 E'a�l -t . C�1n. 55106 � °► — k �o - O60 a• a e - Ge�e � � • l d3 �ac �t• �l• au� � w+ ��b- - c � e- q l 22. If business is partnership, list part er(s) , address and telephone numbers. ��e ��� Add ess I V�� Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest in this business or premises? �� 24. Are you going to operate this business personally? YL S If not, who will operate it? Name N�Pt Ho Address N�fl Phone [�1/T(� 25. Are qou going to have a manager or ass stant in this business? If answer is "yes", give name, home address, and ho e telephone number. N� I��� Hom Address IV�� Phone ADiY FALISFICATION OF A,'VSWERS GIVEN OR *�fATER SLBMITTID WILL RESULT I*I DE�1I?,I. OF THIS APPLICaTION. I hereby state under oath that I have answe ed all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true and c rrect to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have received no money or other considerati.on, directly, or iadirectly, in connectioa wfth the trans er of this license, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other t:�an already disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. State of :Sinnesota) , - � Countq of Ramsey ) ' (Sign ure of applicant) Su sc ' e an t�;h�,s t� Y1�8 ON s L HE HESOTA PI :To , nesota Ky Commission e:cpires 3J . ' ' r � �, . _-- �U� �IZY CQtT���I� City Clerk � 4.+ I�-r� �TO �L�� 3g6 City Hall i.1 ly LV RECEIVED . ��� �LV �T� PI�Z�A'�ZaN 1988 MAR 21 � CITY CLERK � ��� '' NO. LMARTF�OM Dear Property Ownex: - , w Transfer of an ff Sale Liquor, Original Container, and Cigarette License PURpOSE �pP��C�2�fi Marthom, Inc. (M ry E. Short President) �OG*�7*'r�� 980 Payne Avenue r�� � May 3, 1988 9:00 a.a. ,.s.r.t�� � Cit� Council. C:zambers, 3rd iloor Cit� �al� - Ccu.� Housa 3y Licanse d Pe�ic Di�isian, Deoar�eac or :'=aace aad �OT*��� 5��*T+ �na.gemeat S r*�ices, �aom 203 Cit7 �aL - Court couse, Saint ?aul, � esata 298-Sa56 � This data may be chan;ed witho t the consent ana/or �oW?edge o.f tfie License aad PerntiC Division. t is sugQested t:�at you cal? t�e Cit;t C1er�:' s Of�ice at 298-423 i if ou *.,ris:� con�'_�at;or_. �� �-.��� ;� g: c.ar�a�. �►,�.m` �,.�� ����` ;���1"� �o. o�1�4� . �� . ����� xris Scla�inler�Ltar�- I� _ �" � - �ce.�+.e�o� �«,�►a� � � . ; Raun �*� Z UoA;u�c3,l I�ear�t� �'lIlc'�I]GE' �e �. ���J6 OADER: — crtx�rraww�v A per�ori to gerson trau�fer of an off r�i.c,�La.cae�se. Councit Research Cen#er �5-n� rr�.;,� s�t: 3�is/ss -- �: s/�/ss �i�R 121988 ' na�s:t�oa�.t����+�u� oomMC� nenonr: _ wu�rax�� c�s�co�ase,au o�,$ a��arr u��,,+�. rna�w�. : mr�o oc�wuesaN .—.��eo eQa saaa eau+o ��� T/�/L J�-�° . . sr� ca+�a� _ �s�s �ooi�,wom+ asrs�p coNr�r r�H,r . . . . . . . - � . � _ . . _FopAG0iRF0. _�Ea�AtAEADOkD�* . � OIBTNCf COUIif'Jl . . �. �*� � . . , . � � � � � . . ' B�POqlE NMlpl COUNCY.06JEC71VE7 . . �/lM1Ni RI�l�.N6UF,Oi�PQi1ZNIRfY iMAw.Whet.Whan.MMws.�hX): `. _ Ms. Ma�y Shr�rt, c�n beha].f of I�,icttYam InG.:, has �de ap�plica�t� £�r the t�at�sf�x' o� dn Of� . 5ale Ziq�or Lic�se p�tiy he1c�-}�y �P ; Av�nu�e I.a�,+quor 7�c. �C-�ec�g� E• ,St�hel, p�'es�t�. DE�`Payne�A�n�ae Li9uprs at 986��a�me ,� , � to Maartk�m;Tnc. .t�axy �o�t, la�aiclent)" �t trye ` 'sa�e ac#d�s3. Tlti�y v�i.11 aoa�tirnrnxe to €� iriess as Pay�e Aven�e I�i.e�are. �� �Nt�lfwGtAO�i cca�ve.nN�.;�ewwp..,a�«raY _. . A1.1 Y�9t�jt]:1�� 21�J1.1Cdt�O�I.S hcKl '�+�t?S �1V�2 S3U�E[lY.'�'�IBL�. T� Q011i1C�1 8tp�0�Vd�. j.LR Ej3.V�['1� Mg. St�t wi,l.l be allc�aad ta se11.. lic�aror a retail frcm the 980 Payt�e 1�� lc�catiori. • . �,.�,+ee+m:�r,a ra va�,e�r: .., _ �. . . . If Co�cil appraval �i.s r�ot g,iv�, Ms.; will not be allc�aed �ho vp�rat,e the Off Sale Liquc�r ba�si.ness. . . _ . ��ru►rn� ... ooNe : :,. . Hrra+vir�rRS: ����: : , �