88-635 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /^� / CANARY - DEPARTMENT y�'�/ 2� BI.UE - MAYOR File NO. a (UJ _ nci solution i �Y� _ ��J a �� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #87480) for a Game Room, Pool � Billiard Hall, and 21 Additiona Tables License applied for by Louie's Billiards, Inc. DBA Lo ie's Billiards (Lew Schaar, President) at 1222 University Ave ue, be and the same is hereby approved with the following sti ulation: The proposed establish ent be constructed under permit of the Building Inspection an Design Division COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Fav r coswitz Rettman y�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson �Y " 3 Form Appr ed by Cit tt r y Adopted by Council: Date - //�/r� �f� ��p Certified Passe n il Secret By gy. - /�pprove by Mav • MQ,}� — s '� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ` ",`'�' By r������a r;�,a� i 4 �988 � � �-�-�,�.5 ' a►��nnu► o,►�e car�nea ' �n1�F, c��_. : Gf��� ��#�"' No:�4 0165 4 - _ �� ����� - �'�.S b'�.Il�£�Vdll Hp�l MJ1MN FOR _ FlwwCEaWw�r8�8nwECran �_prve�wc _ v►a�wo. euoaEr aaecmA �vOlulC�.�. ��Ch 1 �']�x�oe. & N+�mt. ` 298�-5tI56 �� � an�rn+�+HeY � �[�ouncil Research Center tsew appli�atian far a Gai�e iir�cm, & Billi.ard �.l 1.ic�. i APR 1 F 1�88 ; rxrrr��c�� n�: 4/5/88 L1P�TE: �/�/sa '(APpov�(�)a�(R)) OaN�CL AEP�OR'F _.� � MNINIi CAMNbBION � CML$ERVICE COMMI9SION � DATE pJ � � o11TE OUT � AWLLYBT .�. . . . . . WK1WE N0.- . - .. . . -' S� / 5///� /��'r- �� ���� � , - sr� a�wrEp c�orr � �s�s �ocn�o.�oow• , aern ro ca+r�r �n�e�r _y._ _ _fap��m�o. _�oe�ac�ooso* oanacr oou►a:� ,�� �s�vrortts vwiw�+oourc�oe�cnvEv _ � I_ i . �� ; AP�p l � „��.�,».�.��.�:,�.�.,�.,..�►: . . ��� � Mr. L�w Schaar, vri behalf of Louie's Bil ' , �c, at 1222 Un�,v+�:s;�� Av�ue, Ia�as � . � �pQlica�ic� fo� a'�ame l�an, P�a1 Ha3_1. & ' •llia�nd .�3�e, 7�e Pr�o� Ha�.tl and Bf.l�ia�:d'kic�nse ` ;�vrtill b� uaed ir� c�onjuriction with th�e Ftarn; 'i'he �.� �nd P�mi� Di`visati hass .�Iuc�ed ` it in tt�e` ' , _ 1 .. re�uired 30-�day Public Hearing tice. M�. S��<will be dni�g l�usir�s as ` � Lauie's Billiards. ���,r��: - . : .:. .� ; All required apglicat�.�s and feess hav+e �u�tnitt�3. �f �i1 � ie g�.v�, j Mr. Schaar will be all.aw�ed to pravic�e fo tl�e public's tase mechanical �t d�rii� �nd � poo-1 ar�d tu:lliard t;ab].e.s. . . _ _ � : rM+.t.vYhMb.aa Tc wnoaa: .<.. . . : . � if co�ncil apprava]. is not gj.v�. r1r. �.u. not �e alla�aea to ope�a�e;a ca�e P�oa�ti► ar�d/Qr � Pool ar�d Billiard Hall within the City 1 ts o� SairYt Paul. � � „ ,:. . . . _ �raMn►n�:. , �aa - eao�+s� i ± � . i _ ` _ — — � . _ _ ; . , �: ; - � ,. ,. ; : , _ , : . _ _ _ �: ; � . _ - _ ; ' _ �dd"���' � s.�yL�i� �.a_v cz�.� co��cz� � �UB�l� �. ArRI�T� N'0`�Z�� _ . L�Z���'�E A.I.'1'I�Z�A�ZaN � �=' �i0. s�aso Dear Propexty Ownex: .. � Application fo a Game Room, Pool �, Billiard Hall, and PTTR p O SE 21 Additional ables ������� Louie's Billia ds Tnc. (Lew Schaar-President) j1Q���`T�� 1222 Universit Avenue � May 3, 198 9:Q0 a.a. � i�' ����!�C C+cy C�un i1. Csa�cers, 3rd ;:I.00r C�c7 �1 - Cou� couse 3y Licsas aad ?e�ic Di�is�on, De�ar�eac ot ?��acs aaa �O�*�C� S��*T+ u.aaagemen Serrices, 3aom 203 C:.t3 �a.L1 - Caur� couse, Saist Pa , �-zaesoca 298-5�756 � • This date may be c�an;ed wi hout the consent aaa/or �ZOWT2d�e os th.e Licensz and Pa:-3ic Div:.sion. rc is sugaested t�a� you c�l? t�e Ci�� Cl.er.�' s �f�=cs at ?98-423 i ' = you �.�±s1 conF�_:�at:on. , . ���_ . � UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINIS RATION DATE �X l � L,c �� INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicaut �,p�g,,���r;���S �c„ Home Address �{ .p.�p� �33�a� �w-Sh�"�-r Rusiness Name ���y,� Home Phone ��a-' ���' `J fiusiness Address �� �����ay , Type of License(s) � ��p�l Business Phone / �''� - l��' ��� ' � �, � 02, � v�C�� -�.�(,_p ' Public Hearing Date - - $� License I.D. 4� �'��g(� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4C �j �p '�'���� llate Notice Se �Dealer �P '�`/.! to Applicant (o (} / � Federal Fj.rearms 4� .� Public Hearing � - �7 � � DATE Iiv'SP CTION � REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved N t A roved ( Bldg I & D a ( � ( � Health Divn. ' ' �� 1 � � �� Fire Dept. i � ` I � f eo,�l. Ch�e se.n-r Yolice Dept. a-�►` 8�S C� �1 � �1 1�� 1 l�l.� C.y . License Divn. � al � � j ��5 City Attorney � I Date Received: Site Plan �I 3 � � To Council Research 1 Lease or Letter l Date from Landlord �� �d , •' ��lO� . . CITY 0 ST. PAUL D�PAIi�IIT OF F AND MARA�GS�l4'P SBRVICF� LICEN5E ARD PERMIT DISR5IO�1P These stateme:rt to�rma are issv�ed in d cste. Please aaswer all qnestioas ilil�y aad completely. This applicstion is thor checked. Any talsilicstioa will be csuse for deaisl. ns ! — � 19 �S i. Application tor c�/`��,�7 ��v �i�r�-�� (i.s�en.e) � t) 2. l�ame or applicsnt GrJ ���d � ���:�s ,�i�y�Z',s�'c. 3. IP applicant is/has been a msrried male, list maiden neme /�/ff b. Date of birth �" �� -�� � Age 7 place of birth �asr;��� y/7J -r 5. Are you a citizea of the United Sta es �£s FatiTe _turalized _ 6. Are you a registered voter /V`� Where N'�/Q ?. Rome address �'��• j/i�i�L�� `' Z s� �' �N/, s''����me telepl�t 8''Z- 8 � �. Preae:rt busiaeas addreas Jz z z v.r��y- ,j- �y�. Bnainess tel�pbo�e ��� 9. Including your present business/emp oyment, vhst bnsiness/e�lvysent ht��e yan folloWed for the paat tive y�ears. Businesa/F�ployaeat Addrets � � ��/�����i�'G'. ,3 Y -� T 7�/l/..y�T� , fT. `�s�'� � �� �/d.t�a[�,ZiY�Cc�tsi'7y�S C�,.�? •� ��_�1,L_''.��/�l�-•r.rtv�`GI�Y�l�i�S. 10. Married /t�4 IP answ�er is ',ves", li t name and address of apause 11. ?iave yvu ever been arrested for an ffense that has resulted in a convietioa!/y`� I! ans�+er is "yes", list dates of sts, �rhere, charges, comric�tio�t and ser�tences. Date of arrest /� 19 i�lhere CHAF?GE � COIQVICZ'ION /(/�/ � Date �: arrest �Y � I9 ere CHARGr /��/� CDNViCTIOir/y � g�� �_ C,��-���' 12. List the names and addresses (if married, name ot spouae slso) ot all persaos, �� corporations, partntrships, ass istions a� organizations wl�ic3i in aay �+e�y have: a. A mortgage interest in the cenaed premise, 1�G�� �k�dr� b. A security interest in the 1 censed premises, license, or irirnishings of the licensed premise, �E� � �-'a�" c. A pramissory note for tunds oaned !or the operation o! the licensed premise or the purchase ot'the lice e, /v°ti� d. Finaricially contributed to t e purchase of the premise or the license it- se1F E'GJ S���i^ e. Ar�y other interest either di ect or indirect, either financisl or otherwise � in the licensed premise or t e licenae itself, Q�//oi�/ Attach a copy hereto of any and all d cumenta relerred to in this atfidsvit. 1?. Give names and sddresses of two raons, residents of St. Psul, Mianeso�s, �rho can give intormation concerning ou. NAt� ADD�E33 /`1���- Errr�,��� ����.����a, rr•Pa� ,/.�,v s����' oa/.1��-���c'sa,� 2z�y �,���;��.����y��sr•�azu/��s'�r/y � 14. Addreas of pranises for t+t�ich L cense or Permit is made Address ZZ, C/.t�id'ti"rrT �G' S� �/ sf/� Zone classificatio�I-� 15. Bet�een rihat croas street G� $sy'�'°��aT� Which side of street ��T 16. Na�ne under �rhich this busineas 11 be condurted h o��F S ���/a��'s r��, 17. Business telephoae manber 8 - g,3� lQ. Attach to this application, a d tailed deacription of the design, location, aad aquare Pootage of the premises o be licensed .(�i p�� Sl`�'l��f4�f£T � Z9. are premises no�+ occupied /(/'G� What business y�i¢ H� lor�� , .. � - �'a° �`�'•> ' � • 20. ��List license which you currently old, or former�y held or mey have an intere in �% �'C/> a � ar'i^ff£'r/ yg,� 1T r� ,flv�����'�is��� 7 � �'_Pi%%� �T,� S% ��v� 21. Have ar�y of the licenses listed you in No. 20 ever been sevoked. Yes Na ��. IP ansrer is "yes", 1 st daLes aad reasona: 22. Do you have an interest of a�r t e in ar�r other busineas or businesa premises. I.° answer is "yes", list business busineas address aad telephone number.__ J/1I�"���r/1I.fJd� �'�'�� � �,3a�t' _�Z S T. �cr •� -�- '' �' 3 , /' r �� � �_ 23. If business is incorporated, give ds�e ot incorporation _�P/`�i%� / 1g �"6 and attach copy of Articles of Zn orporation sAd Lffinutes of first meeting.^/� 2�+. List all oificers of the corporat on giving their names, otfice held, hame address, and home and busineas te ephone rn�nbers: > �EGV S�d.�/� l�ar'%�£� Z � , 'v'�� ,�zs� tl" -�s��f-�s/�''�7 �_ 25. If business is partnership, list er(s) address and telrephone nt�bers: �� � Addreas Tel.Ro. �_ __ 26. Is there a�rone. else who will hav an i�ereat in this busineea or premiaes4 If saswer is yes", give neme, h addresa, telephacie a�bers aad in �at manner is tt�eir intereat: /�'�9'�/� � 27. Are you goinq to operate this bus neas peraos�ally yL'S it not, xho xill operate it: /— Pame N�i� Ho�ne address TeI..Ao. — . � � ��-�3�, Are you going to have a Mana�er or sietaat in this business? It ar�ss�er is "yes", give name and ho:ae address a d hame telephone rnimber: Name �C'T ��✓�/ar- �STi�r Home address Te1.No. 29. Has a�one you have named in questi ns 22 through 2� ever been arrested? IP answer is '�yes", list name of pers , dates oP arrest, where, charges, comric- tions and sentence �� 30. I ��� C� �sd� understand this premise mey be in- spected by the police, fire, healt and other city officials at a�r aad all times when the business is in oper ion. State oP Minnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) ��� JC v�c�c�r bei first duly sworn, degoses a� says upon osth that he has read the foregoing sta ement bearing his sigaature and lmaws the contents thereoP, and tha.t the same is e of his owa lmo�r�►ledge excrpt as to those ma.tters therein stated upon information and beliet to thos tters he be- lieves them to be true. - � Subscribed and sworn to befoxe me Signature of Applica.at thi s �_day oP 1? �`� l <M/1/V�M�!1�1�A A�1(1/�il�'.A I�.�A/N/�n./�.JV�(1/�,S - - � �.o+��'"''`Y r,�� c 7 ft�isdL�� � . .� z. _ �� � ,;� � P -r, :•�,a- ' rT, .> No ary Public,-Ra�eey County, Minnesota _ . ' �,.�.o�-�.._ � �;'v c ''' � - ,. _ ?«�z : > 'tY?1M.` 1,t1�,...,:,.,::�.,-... , ..»�.:.:yav`t !�I CO�1�SS�oA CXpl!'e8 �