88-630 WHITEA - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COU�ICII G CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PA LT L /� � BLUE - MAVOR File NO• v `��O Coun 'l Resolution ;���� C, � , ���, <�� �.� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That t e Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approv s the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by th Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated M rch 8 , 1988 and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a art hereof by reference : DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 02/09/88 3-88-H 830 So. Robert St. M & M Motors Richard E . Fritz BOARD ACTION: Board moved to refund filing fee ($10. 00) PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Audit r' s Subdivision of Lot 6 Bidwell ' s Addition to We t St. Paul EX ST Lot 8 and all of Lot 9 ----------- ------------------- 03/08/88 13-88-H 1870 Margaret St. Sam Bongiovanni BOARD ACTION: Board moved to refund filing fee ($10.00) PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Rober L. Ware ' s Easte n Heights EX. E 47 Ft. Lot 3 Blk 3 ----------- ------------------ COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond `—' �ng [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman Scheibel � _ Agains BY Sonnen �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY— g�, A►pproved by 17avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH11rw - CiTY CLERK CQUACll �/` w PINK� - FINANCE G I TY OF S I NT PAU L /{(j ��/ CANARV - OEPARTMEN T y�/ / �LUE - MAVOR File �O. �^ ` � - Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROP RTY APPELLANT 03/08/88 10-88-H 265 herburne Ave . Richard Holland Carla Holland BOARD ACTION: Granted an exten ion of one ( 1 ) week to complete the interior, (s raping lead-paint and repainting) , then contact Hea th Department for a re-inspection, if approved, the Placard to be lifted; also giving the Appellant ti 1 April 30, 1988 to complete the exterior, scrapi g lead paint, and clean up all debris , and then additional time till May 31 , 1988 , to complete the xterior painting. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Robertson & Van Etten addition o St. Paul Lot 4 B k 21 --------------- -------------------- 03/08/88 15-88-H 110 Earl St. RHJ Investment Co. Dixon E. Jones BOARD ACTION: Granted an exte sion of time till June 20, 1988 , to correct egress indow, in basement unit, pending - conformance wit zoning. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Cloverdal 5t. Paul , Mn. Lot 12 & 3 Blk 7 --------------- --------------------- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Favor Goswitz Rettman ��1e1�� � Against BY Sonnen Wilson M�Y _ 3 � Form A v by ity ttor Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas uncil Secretary BY ' By Approved b avor Oa �a� 'J � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy {���q,���V�-t By 1���SN1L ^Fn`' � ?_ 1988 ' /�,.�(�j J� � [,�`�"d�l �TD � . �11°_. Q13571 � SDARD OF APPEALS & REVIEIADEPARTMENT . . - - - - - - �IA S 2Th i Y]i2 �._��p�n CONTAC.T NA1rIE � 2�8=�1� 6 3 , PHONE � 7lpril 14., 1A88 DATE � ASSIGN NIIIiBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See rev rse side.) _ Department Director _ Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Management Services Direc r ,� City Clerk Budget Director '(� �ounci �(� City Attorney _ _�,� TOTAL NUMB�R OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES: (C ip all loc�tions �or signature.) WI V I G �N 0 THE TE ? (Purpose/Rationale) � Approving the actions of the Boar of Appeals ' & Review meeting of March 8, 1988. , Number af cases - 6 � 4 - refund of filin fee 2 - extension of �i e COS E F UDGETARY AND ERSO L ACTS P N/A INA 0 D T A VI ER C G C E D: (Mayor's signature not required if urider $10,000.) ' Total Amount of TransBction: N/� , Activl,ty Number: N/A Funding Source: N/A , ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attac ents.) ' 1 Resolution with minut s at.tached ADI�IINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, P ocedures, or $udg8t Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or t metable attached?� � , DEPARTMEiVT REVIEW CI � ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes _No Council resolution requ red? Re'solution required? _,Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes ,_No Insurance attached? �_ . �� �f�d SA I MT PAIJL BOARD C? APPEALS AND REU I EW 7Q5A C ty Hall Saint Paul , innesote 55102 Minutes , meetin of March 8, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassma , Chairman Sean Carey Glenn Gausm n Harold Knutson William Tilton MEM�ERS .48SF hJT: Dav i d Schu I t.z O-�HERS PR�S��IT: Pat �ish , t. P�ul Fire Prevention Hor�e A�ram , 5t. Raul Fire Prevention Carolyn 5h ppard, Div. of Public Health Gary Rechm nn, Div. ofi Public Health Maynard Vi ge, Div, of Public Health Alice Bijj ni , Div, of Public Health Charles Gr yum Pearl Grayum Paul HoimC rg James Lombardo Sheila Adolpho Mrs . John McLing Carla Noll nd STAFF : Jasephine P. Palermo The meeting of the Board o Appeals and Review was called tc� order by �hairman Ron Glassma at 1 :30 p.rn. on February 9, 1988. Mr. Glassman welcomed the app 1lants and ex�lained the procedures under which the board opera .es. He related the Board merely m�ke� a recommendation to t e City Council on how to proceed afiter reviewing the individua cases. Glznn Gausman noted for the record thafi he was absent from thc February 9, !98$ meeting an was issued a crieck in error. Yhe check is being returne�, let he records show that Harold Knutson had attende�l the February mee�ing and will be issued a check. Chairman Glassman refPrred o a letter he received from Stephen Johnson , Of�ficer from Crime revention BurPau, wherein, reference is mane to the grantir�g of variances �n 5/8 inch de�d bolts . It is the position ofi th Police Department tha�t the code requirement a full one inr� ( 1 " ) bolt throw is still valid and should be observed by all building owners , regardless of the inconver.ience or co5t . -f e code has been in effect since February 19�1 . The Board note� that there was no mention af steel d�ors . Ron Glassman oted that the Board should take this into consideration, if any d adbolt issued are brought before the Board. 1 Minutes ofi the February meeting were approved 'with the following correction; On page 6, Case ho. 3-88-H - 830 Robert 5t. So. , M & M Motors, Richard E. Frit" appellant. Let the records show that Si�erry Webb, from Fire Prevention granted him an extension of time till May 1 , 1988, at w�ich time the appellant must remove underground storatae gas tanks , therefore, tr�e Appellant did not need to appear the Board. Board then moved to refund the filing fee of $ 1U. �0. ------------------------------------------- �. CASE HE,4RING5: CASF N0: PROPEF�TY APPEALE�� APPELLANT 13-88-H 187Q Margaret St. Sam Bongiovanni { 1 unit) Nick Songiuvanni APPFARANCE : NONE Appellant has resolved the code violations , therefore, the aPpe 1 1 ant i s request i ng a ref��nd of tt�e f i 1 i ng fee. `� BOARD A�TION: Motion made by Bill Tilton to refund the filin� fee. Seconded by G1enn Gausman. Mc�TION CARRIEU UNANIMOU5LY. ------------------------------------------ l��-��-� 265 Sherburne Ave. Richard Holland ( 1 unit) Carla Holland APPE,4RANCE : Carla Holland SIJS�JEC�T Appellant is appealin� the "OROER TO VACATE" firom a letter dated January 28, 1988. PRUCEEDINGS: Appeilant stated that she is willing to do the w�rk but, needs more time. Carolyn Sheppard, from Oiv, of !'ublic Heal�th stated that the reason fior the placard was be-_ausP of Leav Paint both interi�r and exterior. A report was receivEd fram Health Oepartment regarding blood � PV@� in one o� the children. Ms. Holland .rzceived a letter dated November 18, 1987 and was given three weeks to scra�e and repaint. The Health De�artment upon reinspection six weeks later, and the work had not been completed, therefore, the house was placarded. Gary Pechmann, frorn Div. of Pu�iic Health recommends dzniat . I t was sugge5ted by Ron G 1 as sman to g i ve the �pp�1 1�nt s��,� �i�rk:, March 14, 1988, to complete the interior , at which time the Health Uepartment would inspect the property and if all scraping was completed and approved by the Health Department then the Placard would be removed. 2 . - � � - l�'�� � � t30AR�J ACTIc�N: Morion rnade by R n Glassm�n give the appellant one week, till Marcn 14, 1988 to complete the interior, (scraping ( lead paint) �nd repaint? then ontact the Health Department f��r a re-inspection and if approv d, the Piacard would be lifted, also appPtlant to be given tirne till April 30, 1988 to complete the exterior scraoing, ( lead int) cleaning up all debris , then given an additional month, till May 31 , 1988, to complete1y paint the exterior. Seconded by Harold Knu�tson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMDUSLY . ------------------------- ------------------------- 7-f38-H 77C' Haque Ave. Stephen Ba 1 e j ( � units) Ai�pEARANCE ; Nona • SUBJECT Appellant is requestin an extension to time,FIRST FLOOR items 3 , 4, 5, - re�air all i lfitting and broken doors , wind�ws and cupboards , repair or rep ace defective flooring in k,itchen, caulk and weatherstrip all doo s 8 windows , re�air all broken and missing windows, �lass 8 stor windows; SE��Ol�ID FLOOR Items 7 - 15, repair broken front d or, unc�log the bathtub, repair defective kitchen sink faucet and leaking waste, repair and refinish the wa*_er damaged ceiling in the bathroom, provide missing handrail on front s airs , exterminate mice throughout building, remGVe �unk and rub ish from front porch and side yard. remove garbage cans from fron yerd, replace broken toilet seat, replace defective smoke detec ors as per lett�r dated January 7, 1988. This case a�as resolved before coming to the Soard. therefore, the Appellant is requesting his f ling fez be refunded. BvARD ACTION : Motion made by fli Tiltan to refund the filing fee of $10. 00 . Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED lJNAN I MOtJSLY. ------------------- -------------------------- 59-t37-H 189-189 1/2- 1 1 E . t3th St. Gayle E. Stangeland (21 units) APPEARANCE : None SUBJECT This case was before the board January 12th, 1988. The board at that time denied t e request for a variance pertaining to St. Paul Legislative Co e 34. 14 - Provide escape windows in sleeping rooms #�4 and ##20 , he appellant was called out of town for an emergency and was una te to attend the mee�tiny, therefore, would like the Board to revi w the case again. 3 BOARU ACTION: Motion made by Bill Tilton to deny the request for a variance pertaining to escape windows. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UMANIMQUSLY . ------------------------------------------------- 9-88-H 1952-1956 E. Maryland Ave. James Lombardo ( 17 units) Patrick Lombardo APPEARANCE : James �ombardo Sl)BJECT Appe 1 1 ant i s re-auest i nc.� a var i ance from St. Pau I Le�3islative Code 34. 14, pertaining to Esca�e Windows in apertments #1 , 2, 3 , 4, and 15(sleeping rooms ) , as per letter dated January 21 , 19$8. PROCEEDI�IGS: Appel1ant feel the windows are adequate size for escape. Pat Fish, from Fire Prevention stated that the issue here is , the height of the windows firom the floor, rather than the � ize. She suggested a permament step be installed under the windows for easy escape, one per r�om. BUARD ACTIO�i: Motion made by Glenn Gausman to grant a variance on the escape windows from sleeping rooms , with the condition that a stair permanently affir.e� under one window in each sleeping room to bring the sill height to within 48" of the top of the stair. Stairs must be 8" rise and 9" run according to code. Seconded by Sean Carey, MvTION CARRIED UNANIMC7U5�Y. ------------------------------------------------ 12-88-H 1905 Portland Ave. " Charles E. Grayum (5 units) APPEARANCE: Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grayum SUC3JECT Appell�nt is re�uesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code 34. 14 p�rtaining t� prcvide esca�e windows for apartment E (Basement wincow) . PROCEEDINGS The buitding has had a Certificate of Occupancy for 14 years. This is a five unit building. The windows in question are 18 x 36. 1'at Fish, frorn Fire Prevention stated the windows are to high the;� measure 76 1/Z inches from the floor and windows only me��ur-�e �. 1 ��. ft, F�.�t F ; .°_.I-, =�_i���rL t�c! tt�at tl��� ro��m arrangement be chanaed. 4 =t,.,�... , � : � ����� _ . _ ..� . BOAP.L� Ac,T I ON: Mc�t i on m���� by Har-�1 d Knuts��n tc� yrant r� v�r i ar�s_r to use the enclosed second exi from the basemznt unit in lieu of -- an escaf�e window, pending in. pection from Fire Prevpntion , on approvai of the exit . Seconde by Glenn Gausmen. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -------------------- --------------------------- 11-�38-H 111Q , 1114, 1118, 12Q, 1122, 1126, 1130, 1134, 13�i Barclay Barclay Court Prop. ( 1Q8 unit ? L�/8/A! Pebblewood Ct. APP�ARANCF : None SUk3JECT Appellant is reques ing a variance from St. Paul Legislar_ive Cod� 34. 07, pe taining to deadbolt locks, as per letter dated February 11 , 198 . BOARD ACTION: Motion made by ean Carey to deny the request for a variance on deadbolts. Secon ed by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------- ---------------------------- 8-t38-H 45 E. Maryland Ave. Ideal Security Hdwe. (Commercial ) Dan Christiansen APPEARANCE : None SUE3JECT Appellant is reques ing a variance pertaining to having to provide Automatic Fire E tinguishing System in Powder Paint Booths , as per letter dated anuary 28, 198�3. This case was resolved befor coming to the Board meeting. The Appellant is requesting his iling fee be refunded. BOARU AC�IO��: Motion made by Sean Car�y to refund the filing fez of $ 1t�. 00 . SzcondPd by Haro d Knutsor,. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ------------------ =---------------------------- 15-t38-H I1Q8 Earl S-t. RHJ Investment Co. {2 units) Oixon E. Jones APPEARANt�E : �aul Holmberg SUBJECT: Appellant is reque ting a variance pertainin� to Lavatury and shower are not contained with the walls of basement apartrnent ; also requesting an extension of time to conform to code pertaining to escepe w' ndow and light/ventilation in basement unit. 5 PROCEEDINGS: Maynard Vinge, from the Health Department stated that the largest problem is the zonin� problem. Zoning in the area is sing�le family. The appellant must obtain a legai non-conforming use, this unit has been occupied since 1965. Maynard Vinge talked to WPndy Lane and the area is B-1 zoning. BOARD ACTION : Motion made by Sean Carey to give the appellant an extension to time till June 20, 1988 to correct �gress window, pznding conformance with zoning; also yrant a variance on bathroom facilitiPs beina outside to basement unit, as long as _ laundry f�acilities are not availzble to the other tenan±s . 5econded by Harold Knutson. MOTION CA�RIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------- Alice Bijj�ni , addressed the Board regarding a Proposed Amendment to 5t. Paul Legistative Code pertaining to Energy Conservation. To summarize, the standards are; rim joist installation, attic insuldtion, fwhere floor is open and accessible) , weatherstripping and caulkin� ( interior) , storm doors and storm windows , and heating standards , that is, efficiency on heating plant and also shut-off dampers in fire places . Board to review material distributed by Alice Bijjani . Ms. Sijjani asked for suggestions. She can be contacted at 292-770!]. There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 3 :05. 6