88-629 WN1� - C�TV GLERK COLLflC1I / PINK - FINANCE G�I TY O SA I NT PA U L CANpRV - DEPARTMEN7 �-/�. �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� P • / Co nc l Reso ution ,�-;�� �;��-... ;� ,h� �'� Presented By �� � _ , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That th Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approv s the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by th Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated M rch 8 , 1988 , and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and mad a part hereof by reference : DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO: PROPERTY APPELLANT 03/08/88 12-88-H 1905 Portland Ave. Charles E . Grayum BOARD ACTION: Granted a v riance to use the enclosed second exit , from the ba ement unit in lieu of an escape window, pending ins ection by Fire Prevention on approval of this exi . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Merri m Park Third Addition to th City of St. Paul Lot 1 Blk 9 ----------- --------------------- 03/08/88 9-88-H 1952-1956 E. Maryland Ave . James Lombardo Patrick Lombardo � BOARD ACTION: Granted a v riance on the escape windows from sleeping ro ms , with the condition that a stair permanently affixed under one window in each sleeping room to bri g the sill height to within 48" of the top of the tair. Stairs must be 8" rise and 9" run according t code. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Fa or Goswitz Rettman s�6e;nei __ Again t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by AAavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By wHi�'e — c�rr GLERK COLLflC1I PINK — FINANCE CANARV — DEPARTMENT GITY OF S�AINT PAUL .BLUE — MAVOR File NO. .��� � Coun il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Kaufhold' s Addition E 150 T of N 62 FT of Lot 8 and all of Lot 1 Blk 1 ------------ ------------------ DATE OF BOARD , MINUTES CASE NO: ROPERTY • APPELLANT 03/08/88 15-88-H 108 Earl St. RHJ Investment Co. Dixon E. Jones BOARD ACTION: Granted a va iance on bathroom facilities being outside of b sement unit, as long as laundry facilities a e not available to the other tenants. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Clover ale St. Paul , Mn Lot 12 & 13 Blk 7 ------------ ----------------- and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, That u on passage of this resolution, the City Clerk, is hereby authorized nd directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to he Ramsey County Office of Register of Deeds. ------------ ----------------- COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond r-� In Favo coswitz Rettman �hQ1�� "�"" Against BY ����d Wilson �AY - � Form A �pf�d by it ttor Adopted by Council: Date I�� c Certified Pa Council Sec a BY By, Approved b avor: te � '�1� ° �J � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy . � �-- _ \'� �.�-- By P�g��gt��D "'�AY 1 �� 1988 ,};�:_ ��1' � ' : � � � � � � � �, � � 3 � .� o D � .a o � � � � � � � a �, � o � .o W ' �„ ,i., o w O N � � � . C � O '� .� � � w .r � L � U � N 0 41 .r-� G . �.l � � , . � N � ' E � ' L r-I � � H d' N � . O � J a = C G¢,. �J N L J � � ]L F-- 2 °� 'n '� � � a � . W N � � � +� Z J LL F-- � U O U = � C � Z ��-~i►�-�QO � U G. � UC� M -. HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET .._ . � •-_V �.o.•.M The GREEN SHEET has three PORPOSES: l. to assist in routing docwnents and in securing required signatures; 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval; � 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared and, if required, � attached. �. Proniding complete information under the listed headings enables revie�ers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may del8y execution. Below is the preferred ROUTING for the,,�ive raost frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (asswnes �uthorized budget exists) ' , , 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting Note: If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services COUNCIL RESOLUTIdN (Budget Amendment/Grant Acceptance) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Department Director 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mgmt. , and Pers. Cte. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services The COSTLBENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to esplain the cost/beaefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader f inancial impacts (cost to users, homeowners, or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. The ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES section must be completed to indicate whether additional administrative procedures, including rules, regulations, or resource proposals are necessary for implementation of an ordinance or resolution.. If yes, the procedures or a timetable for the completion of procedures must be attached. SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS sectton, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council resolutions include contractual relationships with other governmental units; collective bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds by City; eminent domain; assumption of liability by Citq, or granting by �City of indemnification; agreements with state or federal government under which they are providing funding; budget amendments. . � . ��� ' ' ' i��",U�f E r!T F'�. ,�-� �1�1"�6E �"�. ���iJ�R�►�" � RA€�.��r ,.[3' _,TY'�� CEr{�:. r � ' _ �;��1 4�7 �, � . � Qct i 7 3 0� PI� '�� y�� � LG�: �; , : ����� �d , C`� Ct}tlft�( � .. ; ,���� �Y 1-� 0���7Y STATE OF MINNES A ) County of Rams y ) ss. CITY OF SAINT P ) Albert B. Olson I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the City of Saint Pa 1, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the att ched copy of Council File No.88.629. .. ... . . . . . . . as adopted by th City Council. . , , May. 3:. . . . . . . . . . . . `. . . . 19 88 - • ` and approved by he Mayor. . . . . ., , , May. 5:. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . 19 88 . . . with the origina thereof on file in my office. I further c rtify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my and and the seal of the City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota this 14th. . . . . , . . , day of ,�tober. . . .+ . .. _ .�_D. 19 88 . ,,, . . . . .�.��'��. . � . .G�.°.�. .�� . . . . . . .. . !:�'. City Clerk. �• ° + .�, . , ': . ' � � ���"���� ;�'�► ,. �, _ _.,. .. _ . . . s'B�p�yR�^ .. . ,i �� � I / .{ R, ��' ��� _ , ,� / � ��� �� ��� � �Vy�C+g nnnn"7�ii0i'7n/"�i1CU i� � vr�n:.�vr.re n.n� . WMITE - CITY CIEAK CDUnCll / PINK - FINANCE C�I TY., O SA I NT PA U L �, GANARV�- OEPARTMENT +/�. � fJLUE r - MAVOR 2464229 . File Na «, � Co nci Resolution '-� ,� �I� �'��-f.� ``-�� �` Presented By �'`�-�''`"�� ���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approve the action of the City of Saint Faul Board of Appeals and Review ertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated Ma ch 8 , 1988 , and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO: OPERTY APPELLRNT 03/08/88 12-88-H 1905 Portland Ave. Charles E. Grayum BORRD ACTION: Granted a variance to use the enclosed second exit � from the base ent unit in lieu of an escape window, pending inspe tion by Fire Prevention on approval of this exit. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Merriam Park Third Addition :� to the ity of St. Paul Lot 12 Blk 9 ------------- ------------------- 03/08/88 9-88-H 1 52-1956 E. Maryland Ave. ' James Lombardo Patrick Lombardo � BOARD ACTION: Granted a var' ance on the escape windows from sleeping room , with the condition that a stair permanently a fixed under one window in each sleeping room ta bring the sill height to within 48" of the top of the st ir. Stairs must be 8" rise and 9" run according to ode. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of; Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By� Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By By � WMITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1RC11 �r CANARV -�DEPARTMENT G I TY �O SA I NT PA U L e+�uE � -,M�VOR File N�. �_�T - � 24642�9 Counc l Resolution Presented By - — Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Kaufhol ' s Addition E 150 F of N 62 FT of Lot and all of ' Lot 1 Blk 1 ------------- ----------------- DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE N0: P OPERTY • APPELLANT 03/08/88 15-88-H 1 08 Earl St. RHJ Investment Co. Dixon E. Jones BOARD ACTION: Granted a var ance on bathroom facilities being outside of ba ement unit, as long as laundry facilities ar not available to the other tenants. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Cloverd le St. Paul , Mn Lot 12 13 Blk 7 ------------- ---------------- and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, That up n passage of this resolution, the City Clerk, is hereby authorized a d directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to t e Ramsey County Office of Register of Deeds . ------------- ---------------- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz �h�� 'f�?"" Against BY .=°°:.� Wilson ��Y '" 3 ��� Form A �pfo'�d by it ttor Adopted by Council: Date `�� c Certified Pa Council Sec a BY By� - Approved b avor. te �� ' �J � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council r BY � �- BY p���gt��p �fl AY 1 � 1988 � � ������ SA I�IT PAUL BOAR OF APPEA.LS AND P.EV I EW 745 City Hall Sa i nt Pa�.a ) , M i nneso�ta 55 I 02 Minutes, mee ing of March 8, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glas man, Chairman Sean Car y Glenn Ga sman Harold K ut5on Wiliiam ilton MFMk�ERS ASSEPJ�f: Dav i d Sc u 1 t� O-�HERS PR�SE�IT: Pat Fish, St. Pau1 Fire Prevention Hope A�r ms , St. Paul Fire F'reventi�n Carolyn -hepr�ard, Div. ofi Public Health Gary Pechmann, Div. ofi Public Health Maynard Vinge, Div. of Public Health Alice Bijjani , Div, of Public Health Charles Grayum Pearl Grayum Paul Hol berg James Lombardo Sheila A olpho Mrs . John Mr_Ling Carla H lland STAFF : Josephi e P. Pal �rmo The meeting of the Board of Appeals and Review was cal �led tc� order by Chairman Ron Glass an at 1 :30 p.m. an February 9, 1988. Mr. Glassman welcom�d the a pellants and ex�lained the procedures under which the board operates. He related the Board merely m�ke� a recommendation to th� City Council an how to procezd afiter reviewing the individ al cases. Glenn Gausrnan n�t�d for tre record thafi he was absent from the February 9, 198g meeting nd was issued a che��k in error . The checK is Ceing returned, le the records show that Harold Knutson had attende� the February m etin� and will be issued a check. Chairman Glassman referred to a lPtter he receiv�d from Stephen Johnson , Of�ficer from Crime Prevention Bureau, wherein, reference is rna�+e �o the granting o variances on 5/8 inch dead bolts . It is th� position of t e Poiice Departme�t tha�t the coc�e requiremPnt a full one in h ( 1 "} bolt thirow is still valid and should be observed by all buildin� owners , regardless of the inconvenience or cost. he code has been in e�fect since February 19�i1 . The Boar noted that �there was no mention of steel doors. Ron Glassman n�ted that the Board should take this into consideration, if any eadbolt issued are brought before the Board. 1 Minutes ofi the February meeting were approved with the following correction; On page 6, Case No. 3-88-H - 830 Robert St. So. , M 8 M Motors, Richard E. Fritz, appellant. Let the records show that 51�erry Webb, from Fire Prevention granted him an extension of time till May 1 , 1988, at which time thz appellant must remove under�round storage gas tanks, therefore, the Appellant did not need to appear the 8oard. Board then moved to refund the filing fee �t $ lU. QO. ------------------------------------------- 2. CA�E HEARI �GS: CASE h1O: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 13-88-H 1870 Mar�aret St. Sam Bong�ovanni { 1 unit ) Nick Bongiovanni APPEARANCE : NQNE Appellant has resoived the code violations , therefore, the appel1ant is requesting a refund of the filing fee. � �OAF.D A�TIOM: Motion mad� by Bill Tilton to refund the filing fee. Seconded by G1enn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ------------------------------------------ l�-88-H 265 Sherburne Ave. Richard Holland ( 1 unit} Cai- la Hol land APPEARANCE : Carla Holiand SI�B,JE�T Appellant is appealin� the "ORDER TO VACATE" from a letter dated January 28, 1988. PRUCEECJII�IGS: Ap��llant stated that she is willing to do the work but, needs more time. Carolyn Sheppard, from Oiv. ot= Pubiic Heaith statzd that the reason fior the placard was because of Lead Paint both interior and exte?-ior. A report was re�eived from Health Department regardin� blood level in one of the children. Ms. Holland .received a letter dated November 18, 19$7 and was given three weeks to scra�e and repaint. The Health DP�artment upon reinspection six weeks later, and the work had not been campleted, thzrefore, the house was p�lacarded. Gary Pechmann, from Div. ofi Public Health recommends denial . T t was suggested by Ron G 1�s sman to g i vz thz �ppr 1 l,�r�t t?rrr wr�k,, March 14, 1988, to comple�e the interior, at which time the Health Uepartment would inspect the property and if all scraping was completed and approved by the Health Department then the Placard would be removed. 2 � � ����9 t3UARJ A��TION: Motion made b Ron �lassman give the appellant on� week, till March 14, 1988 to complete the interior, (scraping ( lead paint) and repaint) th n contact the Health Department f��r a re-inspection and if approved, the Placard would be lifted, also appel )ant to be given time till April 30, 1988 to cornplete the exterior scraping, ( lea paint) cleaning up all debris , then given an �dditional month, till May 31 , 1988, to comple�e1y paint t.he ext�rior. Seconded b Harold Knutson. MJTION CARRIED UNANIM�USLY . ----------------------- --------------------------- ?-t3�t-H 770 Hague Ave. Stephen Ba} +�j (2 units) ,4�PEAR.4NC= : N�ne SUBJECT A,ppellant is requesting an extension to time,FIR5T FLOOR items 3 , 4, 5, - repair ail ilifitting and broken doors , windows and c��pboards, repair or r place defective flooring in kitchen, cau�lk and weatherstrip all d ors 8 windows , re�air all broken and missing windows, glass 8 st rm windows; SE��OND FL�JOR Items 7 - 15, repair broken fro,nt door, unc)og the bathtub, repair defective kitchen sink fa cet and leaking waste, repair and � refinish the water damage� ceilin� in the bathroom, provide missing r�andrai1 on front tairs , exterminate mice throughout � building, remove junk and ru bish from frant porch and side yard. remove garbage cans from fro t yard, replace broken toiiet seat, replace r?fective smoke dete tors as per letter dated January 7, 1�F_i8. This cas� Hras resoived befor coming to the Board, therefore, tf�e Appellant is requ�sting his iling fee be refunded. BOARD ACT!ON: Motion made by Bili Tilton to refund the filin� fee of $10. 00 . Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED �JNANIMOUS�Y. ------------------ --------------------------- 5�.�-t37-H 189-189 1/2- 91 E . 8th St. Gayle �, Stangeland (21 units) APPEARANC= : None SUBJECT This case was before the board January 12th. 1988. The board at that time denied t e request for a variance pertaining to St. Paul Legislative Co e 34. 14 - Provide escape windows in sleeping rooms #4 and #20 , he appeltan� was called out of town for an em?r�ency and was una le to attend the meetiny, therefore, would like the Board to revi w the case again. 3 BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Bill Tiiton to deny the request for a variance pertaining to escape windows. Seconded by Glenn Gausman. MvTIQN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------------- 9-�8-H 1952-1956 E. Maryland Ave. James Lombardo ( 17 units) Patrick Lombardo APPEARANCE : James Lombarde SUBJECT Appellant is req��esting a variance from St. Paul Le<�islative Code 34. 14, pertaining to Escape Windows in apartments #1 , 2, 3 , 4, ana 15(sleeping rooms ) , as per letter dated January 21 , 1988. PROCEEDING5: Appellant feei the windows are adequate size for escape. Pat Fish, from Fire PrevPntion stated that the issue here is , the height of the windows from the floor, rather than the size. She suggested a permament step be installed under the windows for easy escape, one per room. BUARD ACTION: Motion made �y Glenn Gausman to grant a variance on the escape windows from slesping rooms , with the condition that a stair pErmanently affixed under ane window in each sleeping room to bring the sill height to within 48" of the top of the stair. Stairs must be 8" rise and 9" run according to code. Seconded by Sean Carey. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUS�Y. ------------------------------------------------ 12-88-H 1905 Portland Ave. Charles E. Grayurn (5 units) APPEARANCE : Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grayum SUBJECT Appellan± is requesting a variance from St. Paut �egislative Code 34. 14 pertainina to provide esca�e windows for apartment E (Basement window) . PROCEEDINGS The building has had a Certificate of Occupancy for 14 years. This is a five unit building. The windows in question are 18 x 36. �at Fish, firorn Fire Fre��ention stated the windows are to high they measurP 76 1/Z inches from the floor and windows only rn�,��.ur~� �. i s�. �t. P:�t F ; _I� su���r�-rec! tt7�t t�z r4om arrangement be chanaeci. � 4 . � � ��,f_�� (O • BOARL� Ac,T I c.�N: M�t i��n ma�� y Hr�ro 1� Knutson t� gr�r�t e v�r-�i,�n�_e to use the encloseci second e it from the basement unit in lieu of an escape window, pending inspection from Fire Prevention , on approval of the exit. Secon ed by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------ ----------------------------- 11-F38-H 1110, 1114, 111 , 1120, 1122, 1126, 1130, 113 , 1138 F3arclay Barciay Court Prop. ( 1Q8 unit=_ ? D/t�/A/ Pebblewood Ct. APP�ARANCE : None ' SUBJECT Appellant is requesting a variance from 5t. Paul Legislar_ive �ode 34. 07, pe taining to deadbolt locks, as per letter dated February 11 , 198 . BOARD ACTIUN: Motion made by ean Carey to deny the request for a variance on deadbolts. Secon ed by Glenn Gausman. MOTION CARRIEq UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------- ---------------------------- 8-88-H 45 E. Maryland Av�. Ideal Security Hdwe. (Commercial ) Dan Christiansen APPEARANCE : None SUBJECT Appellant is request ng a variance pertaining to having to provide Autornatic Fire Ex inguishing System in Powder Paint Booths , as per letter dated J nuary 28, 1988. This case was resoived beforz coming to the Board meeting. The Appellant is requesting his f ling fee be refunded. BOARU ACTION: Motic�n made by ean Carey to refund the filing 1=�e of $ 10, 00. Seconded by Harol Knutsor�. MOTIUN CAkRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------- ---------------------------- 15-88-H 1108 Earl St. RHJ Investment �o. (2 units) Dixon E. Jones APPEARANt;F : Paul Ho]mberg SUBJECT: Appellant is request ng a variance pertaining to Lavatory and shower are not c ntained with the walls of basement apartment; also requesting a extension of time t� conform to code pertaining to escape win ow and light/ventilation in basement unit. 5 PRQCEEDINGS: Maynard Vinge, from the Health Department stated that the largest problem is the zoning problem. Zoning in ttie area is single famiiy. The appellant must obtain a legal non-conforming use, this unit has been occupied since 1965. Maynard Vinge talked to Wendy �ane and the area is B-1 Zoning. BOARD ACTIO�I : Motion made by Sean Carey to give the appellant an extension to time till June 20 , 1_988 to correct egress window, pending conformance with zoning; also grant a variance on bathro�m facilities being ou-*_side to basement unit, as long as laundry facilities are not available to the other tenants . Seconded by Harold Knutson . MOTION CA�RIED UNANIMOUSLY. ------------------------------------------- Alice Bijjani , addressed the Board regarding a Pro�osed Amendment to St. Paui Legislative Code pertaining to Energy Conserva-tion. To summarize, the standards are; rim joist installation, attic insulation, (where floor is open and accessible) , weatherstripping and caulking ( interior) , storm doors and storm windows , and hzating standards , that is , efficiency on heating plant and also shut-off dampers in fire places. Board to review material distributed by Alice Bijjani . Ms . Bijjani asked for su�gestions. She can be contacted at 292-77Q0 . There being no further business , the meeting adjourned at 3 :05. �