D00736• ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions wlrich proved to be necessary to the Improvement described No. �3(� Date �� ' 1�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONT'RACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP1.7 • . J / - �._I.. 1 �"111 1 _ � _ �•' � }l � I�own as Contcact L- City Project No.�14440 Fdwazd Kraemer & Sons, is wmposed of the foAowing: Remove additionat portion of Exct�ange Street. Reason: Field Condition. 2. _ - City Clerk _ - Finance I?ept. _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) - Contractor - Project Manager (CPMI) Revise Ke(togg Boulevazd traffic plan per Contractor Proposal (CP) No.C1.6 (HGA No.4). Reason: Si[e Observation/Pedestrian Requirments , $7,970.40 $30,258.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specificaflons in the sum of $ 38.228.40 said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. APPR � AS TO ORM � Assistant Ciry Attomey Committee D'uectoi of ; and which amount is to be financed from: �i - 3 i9 ��' ly�/ 19 4�, �� � I� F�iward Kraemer & Son COIItr CtOI By � � � He o epartment of Fin ce �/ �v Administrative Assistant to the Mayor � l;C(}�f3� )EPAqTMENUOFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED �� 3 a 3 4 6 C,� : � �n�,r "/ ��- GREEN S� - - - :ONTACT PERSON & PXONE � DEPARTMEM DIRECTOFlNITI TE O CRY COUNCIL INRIAVDA7E �Sar� �on.¢A a�g S f � ASSIGN �CITYATfOFNEY �CT'CLEfiK NUYeEPFOP yfUST BE ON CAUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE) Rp�� BUDGET OIRECTO � FIN. & MGT, SEFVICES DIfl. f OflDER �YOH(ORASSISTANf) � (�.�.v�-ra-�n r T07A1 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLID ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � ��`'�`_�-� i _ �,,, __ , C�an�e- o: �-E�C' �k —? �o 1' £.c��- �t'aE.rv�ti.t' a Sos�S �ot�c;�:c. CEnF4.! � r`� _ PIANNING CqMMISSION _ GVIL � CIB COMMITTEE � � _ STAFF _ _ _ OISTRICTGOUR� _ _ SUPPOMS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iNE FOI.LOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has Mis persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for fhis departmeM? - YES NO 2. Has this pefso�Nirm ever been a cily empbyee? YES NO 3. Does this person/iittn possess a skili not normalfy possesseC by arry curcBM ciry employae? YES NO Explain all yes anawers on separate Sheat end ettech to green sheet CE��tn co..d:b;o�S cs��:� �a\d ��;enal ula�K �� �corv�.gtcf��. SeE�ha�tq� V bCf�F-� �ot MOrE— SpEC; �' - gCp�EC c..J��ll �� Corn,R���O` �.J��`� t\ECESS<a�y Coc'fEc.��c'�'15 'd J i IF APPROVED: ���- � RECEIVE� s���d���- NOV 161995 �Il'Y CLERl� NOV A 3 1995 �a��w,;��� ;��� =.M �C o�EC �T eW �( � Y�O'I— 1i1. E� GE �n/� �C.'��-e7 �: � wV� (� ESS�c.ry �i'la.✓�q�'e. S I \) �TAL AMOUNT QF THANSACTION $ � 8 a� �. �l D COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOING SOURCE ` � � ��i4-S T �^ C x P � �b � �te �Ec`�5�� ACTIVITV NUMBER.�'�,� ���' �°� �� FINANCIAI INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) dlnd � n � PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Edward Kraemer & Sons 1020 West Cliff Road Bumsville, MN 55337 Original ContractAmouM: $5,317,785.76 CO No. C1.1 C1.2 C1.3 C1.4 C1.5 C'I .6 C1.7 Subtotal Deduct Add 14,844.30 7,104.85 28,810.80 9,928.70 24,241.68 96,260.00 38,228.40 5219.418.73 DATE lSSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTR,4CT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: � 18 October 1995 CP-1 Demolition, Excavation & Bridge Construction 29 March '1995 Net Amount of Contract inciuding this Change Order: $5,718,394.76 ----°— --- , u FRUf9 � EKS{BVILLE> � FHONE hf0. � 61289408flS i � 1 July 'f Q, 1995 Susan Jones CPMI I.A. O`Shaughnessy P(aza 143 W. Fourth $treef St. Paul, NfN 551Q2-1299 ��� Jul. 1e 1995 12:41PM P1 I I � �� EDWARA KRAEMER & SONS, fNC. Re: C.P. 1, 8t. Pau1 Givic Center Demalitian, Excavation and Bridge �onsfruction Dear Susan: Endosed is a copy of a letter from Ames Construction regarding removal of a portion of Exchange Street for construction of the Exchange Street w�El and east tunr�e(. t The material under Exchange Street is mainly rubble and old faundatian which consti4utes a change conditian from the rock shown in #he btirings. The rubble requires most of Exchange Street to be removed ta.provide a safe siope for cansfruction. The anticipated additionaf aosts are as fallows: - Rubb)etfoundafiion remavai - Pavement removal 82Q SY @ $102blSY - S;tum±naus pavement 1Ne wifl be seeking cornpensation for the extra work involved. Please pravide a Raquesf Far Proposal for this work. tf you should have any questions, please contact me at {592) 890-2820. Sincere(y, �' ', �-I ;c. � Jerry A. Voiz Regiona{ Operatians Manager enc, ��f� tr� (;1N.`�'., r �.- �r. � ,.j: � a,� cc: Mike MaeileriAmes Bob SeckelJEKS ��� FRDM : EKSCBVILLE> � Tuly 5, 1945 PHONE N0. : 6128946808 ��� � � � Jul. 1� 1995 12:41PM P2 ��Gn.���L`�'��ivL � �j AMES CONSTRUCTI�N, INC. iQ420 CQI7NTY ROAD S BtIRNSVILLE, MIl\NESOTA 553Q6 {612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 fid�rrard Kraemex c� Sons, Inc. IO20 WestCliffRoafl Burnsville, Ivlinnesota 5533? Attention: lerry Volz, Regior�al Manager Subject: Limits af Remawal - East Cut-and-Caver Tunnel Saint I'aul Civic Center Expansion CP-i I3emo, Excavarion � Bridge Construction Dear Jerry: ��� ' It has become obvious thaf the majority of Exohange Street �v£Il have to be demolishad 'an order to provide the necessary excavation for the east tunnel, T�is is due to rubble beneath Exchange 3Yreet where the borings sha�ved rock, We are, seeking compensation for the additional removals. 'fhe much lacger issue is the replaeement of the straet surfacing. We are alerting you to the problem sSnce this zs not in our scope of work. The south tunnel wall has now bean staked in the field at appruximate elevarion 75.0 at the narth portal sloping down to the south. This clearly shows that most, if not all, of Exchange Staeet wili have to be reznoved between the existing re#ainiug walls. At this point, the north retaining wall has been removed and the mass excavation in this area has been dane. From escaminarion of fhe excavaYian sida slope, lnost of the fill �bove the sandstone in the street is rubble. This will have ta be removed in order to provide access to the work. Tha addatzonal surfacing Yo be removed is 820 square yards of reixz£oroed conerete pavement. T'his exGiudes tile removais in fhe documenfs for fhe ventilation pipes. We have already establislxed that the unit cost of this removal is $9.72 per squ�re yard The add'ztional cost is tharafore 820 sq. yd. at $9.72 or $7,974.40. It is aur request that this cost be covered by a change order to aur contracL Piease remember that thi.s surfacing will have to be replaced. This replacement is not included in the contract scope of wark. If gou have any questions, piease give ma a call. Sincerely, "��----',� 7�--�. IvZichael Moeller Project Manag�r. Ju �N TH S_95 3 THU $:23 CPMS CIVTr CENT6R SSTE • CP�I cta Saint Faat Civic CoMer I.A, Q'Shaugnnessy t�iaza t43 Nfest Fouitl7 5[reei Saint PaUI. MN 55702•7299 6t21299-b44S P. 01/Oi _ 6I22y8341"i' P.81 ?p �. .$w�".^ �o.�-e.S �Q �'�- ����� � 11/IEMQRAlitD1,1M v�a Facs�nnc�e PAGE 1 OF 8 Tt): FRaM: pA7�: RE: Dick Zahring Joe 0'NeflS Chris Hansan Susan C. donos 75 June 7995 Ssint Paul Civic Canter Expansfon CR-7 Demaiitiott, Sxcsvat;on & Bridge Constrvstian $97-7744 297•664t 224-i ! 42 . The Ahase tl traffic contmf hae bsen revisa� dua to siia'ohservations of pedesirEan 6ehavior encountared in Phase 7. !rt ardsr to ensure sefer conditi�ns tluring construsiion, a meaGng was Itatd with PubGc Works, HQA, Poifce Dapaztment, Givi� Cenier Statf, Cantractor and CPM(. A Request ttft Proposa! was issued Lo Edward Kraemer. Kraemer provided tha attached preposat for thc work. After rovEew by the City Bridga lnspaCtOr and CPMI it has hocn dotermined the work is recorrrmcFided ax a sosi n0i ?o exCeed 537,858.87. Pet tha Civic C4nYer Authority ResolutSon #3014 chanAeS betweert S?.5 K and $100 K r�quire authorizd;ipll bY the Expansion Gpordination Committea {ECC) unless doom�d an emergvncy hy Paut McCloskey. f spoke with ?aul yesterday snd it was determinad it is urgent tu approve imm¢diately �o traffic switch an occur next week. Auttzorizatlon by Ctttis Hansen and two ECC members witl be approy�riate. PlessB �aview and indic»tA your appraval with a sign8turo hulow and fax to me as soon as possible. Pieaso cati me at 298-5409 if you have any quastlons, Thank yau, �._ � �'Y �.�td.�t�/ �CG Cc: Pau! McClockey Herb }totschuh PAike Psdersan 3225-11 1 3226•403.8 � I�, ty9� oate � �J CPMI c/o Saint Paul Civic Genter I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza �43 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 61 212 9 8-5 409 MEMORANDUM �r� . VIA FACSIMILE PAGE 1 OF 8 • TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Dick Zehring Joe O'Neill Chris Nansen 897-7744 297-6641 224-1142 Susan C. Jones 75 June 1995 Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demolition, Excavation & Bridge Construction The Phase II traffic control has been revised due to site observations of pedestrian behavior encountered in Phase 1. In order to ensure safer conditions during construction, a meeting was hefd with Public Works, HC�A, Police pepartment,.Civic Center Staff, Contractor and CPMI. A Request for Proposal was issued to Edward Kraemer, Kraemer provided the attached proposal for the work. After review by the City Bridge Inspector and CPMI it has beert determined the work is recommended at a cost �ot to exceed $31,658.87. Per the Civic Center Authority Resolution #3014 changes bstween $25 K and 5100 K require authorization by the Expansion Coordination Committee ;ECC) unless deemed an emergency by Paul McCloskey. I spoke with Paui yesterday and it was determined it is urgent to approve immediately so traffic switch an occur next week. Authorization 6y Chris Hansen and two ECC members wiil be appropriate. Please review and indicate your approval with a signature below and fax to me as soon as possible. Piease call me at 298-5409 if you have any questions. Thank you. \� U� g (�-/�-�JS Date cc: Paul McCloskey Herb Holschuh Mike Pederson 3225-111 3225-403.8 • FR�M 0'NEILL. BUftKE. ETHL E.15.Ii55 18:29 - -___ _.... ......... ...�..ic�c �i�t eizZ90392'r __ __ L..SN l.J� ���� - Wo fielnt Peut Gvlc Center LA.O'S��W�eaay Piue t43 Watc Fourth Stteec Sain� Peu6 �N 55702a1a9 812n8a•b4oa MEMORANDUt111 VfA FAC81MiLE PAG@ 7 qF 8 � TO: FRQM: DAT'�; RES bick Zahflng Joo O`Neil! Ghda Hannen Suea� C. Jones t5 Jnne 1898 � Salnt PeW Civio Cancw Expaneion CR-1 Oemo11t1on, �zcavattan & 8ridgs Constructlnn 899-7744 287-5641 224-! 142 �`J`��5�f/7 P. 1 P.02 The Phase (I tratElc consrol has baan revtsed dua ta 6ite observatlons ot pedcatrtan behavlor encountered in Phase !. !n order to encure aefer'eondltioru duriny constructlan, s mdetinp was hetd with pu411c Worke, HGA pouce aepartmem Civic Centei Staff, Contrpctor and CPMt. A Request tat Proposnl was lasued ta Edward K�aemer, Xraemer provided the attachad propoae! toT the work. Aftet reYlew by the Cfty Sridas Inapectar and CPMi it haa heen datermined the wotk fa rocommendad at a coat nat ta exceed 831,658.87. Per the C{v{c Center Auchortty Reaolutlon 6'3014 ohanpas between 126 K and 1t00 K require euthorizetfan by the Expaneian Coordlna8on Committee {ECCf unlese daamed an emergency by Paul McCtoskay. 1 apoke with Paul yaBtBrday and h Wbm detprmiRed lt ig urgant to approvo fmmediately eo trefftc swttch an occur next waek. Authprkation hy Chde Hanaen and cwo ECC members witl be apprapripte. Plaese review and iadlaate your approval wfth p aignatura balow and fax to ma ao soon ac poasihle. Please caU me at 28&64491i yau have any questians. Thank you. F � By cc: Paui McCtoskey Hnrb HOlachuh Mlke Pederson 32Zb•i 11 3226-403.8 1 �`� � .�...-s �( � cst. � . �0�3(� ' S FR.O R`6 S A L f �!� �- Q t ,`i"' 4` ��.� � 2� Y� v . .. ..� ._ , .. .._....��d:.+:.`.li`Vi:IY,^1...4:.^:+v. oate• r ConuaCtor Proposat Na.: Contraci No.:,_�---- Projeci� A change in ihs ScaRe of the w4tk is requested as fndicated belaw: db 2. c� k is raquested the camp�etian date be {) e#ended, t 1 decreased, (�-}'�change y� calendar days. The adjusted compietion date wi11 be Description of the ahange: f�efet to drawings, spacifications, addenda, if applicablel. ; FO No.: � tReference flFP No.: G�-� '��b Ka•� ,�, �LSYi � Basi _ of payment: (Gheck onel $ '�.,.-�S' rforming this change is ................... ��ncre• se �eductt ( Srm price far pa Adequete supporting details and intormatipn must be. aitached ta allow Owner to evaluate. $ (� 7ime and material per conttaci, but not to exceed s {� Actuat cost at comp�etian of work � 5.,.; . Date: I.o . � tr Submittad. by: �"'` �'�'�� Cantractor Actfon Recommanded: (Check one) t) Chsnge wifi oot be made. �xPfain: CpNH Job No.: 3225 �Proceed an the foNawing basis: ( 1. ps i�dicatad above, changa and has� i no accepiablePtable. �� ���� � ���� � Change fs acceptable. 6sais af PeY ���.,�.� �� �31 !0°58.- � ` (� gas3s of payment shaff ba 5�L�� � � �� ( �� The foifowing modificacion is recommended: ��� EN1 ��Q� �5� /,, ted. �� � _,.{` t} Changa ln compfation date 3s a�P e in pryce. �{�y GtJlLL �G l'� ,,y I ( y Change is acceRtabla wiih no ChanB � �� S /' (} Change is acceptab�e'�'��th no change in completion date. �,�K �MM�W ' � � �� ��j 2. Reason for Changa: ��eld Condition �,. ( t pesign Chan9 Go�tractor��i R��+9n Qm'$g�on oc Other (explain) ( y Suggesteii by 3. Ss this a pact of the o�i9�naa1 caatraot scop e? ( ) YES �'NO �,. ts Goauacior's Estimate attached? � t� Ha 5. A(� consulied. CPMII pcapared bY� ___�NGA) qpproved hy�,. �C,tsy� ���bwnerl Agpsaved bY_,_.-.----== CCI Ctuis Hsnsen eaKe nace Etiks ludins 3225• 3225-_-----gL ......T en��s ��vtc GEN7ESt EXPANSION Date: ��_„ I�'�`i pate:r Date:__�_.--- Date:_,�.--- 2 ** I60'3�dd �d101 �* , JUN—IS—FS 7HU 13; �,,,, � At - P,01 t���V . .. � �,,��� G � i � �tr�� PtcpOE�d N4.: ' Gssai2Gt No.: PtftiO�' _ • A� tha aooDf af it� wort ia re4�� ss �ated bdaw: I t dacruasua. N^�'xied hy , 1. k b teq �-j ���ted oe 9te Qa .tA1CndM � 1fs• .,.. tlflcat�ans, edd«uia, ti appli�zbtiL}. R . �. . pssc�uoa nt zhr ehanae: {Refer to d�aws�� �° ,� xo.:. ,�\ `y5' iFlefum�cs R� i1o.� CCG �lo: — - - ,• Z ���� � A ck on [•` a? rj' ....t J � �{ V� -'" �� � MN�IIN�r������������.r��� �4V�ClI 1�daQvaii �+Pf��� deiaus and infarMatian s�ncro t+atlCbo, sst:ched ts+ sttow Cw�er tc evaWaa. � t3'ifine autd msterid 1',et �ffac4 but nW to aMeaed ! () Aatu�i cast at GamP�n ot vrotk . - • - `c i..; . Oatet . ] ' SllbtrlKtt�d � C�Orit�4+�� � ' � ` �0.��$ 3tU1'Y� FOE t. , . . Aci��R'RGRCfl1sM�lded% LChOC'[ o1ii1 . ,_ Z�) Cha+!Qa v�r� twc bc maQ°' E��n: CPMt Jab Ate.: 3225 , c � On'thR fdtowk�p bstsb� + and baW � DaY�'t la arxeptabis. ti�;(isv"` ;7 � indtrated ahavl. ahso9 Ia Aot arxevteb�a ��p� �t1p6 Ts Gt�DtA616. bis1L uf P �`� ��„�x c� '�'� �(�.�' ��+`« ''�,�'"��� ' '�•�' i} 8� at 9aYmenc tttelt be�1.��� �Vt&V 7�.> SL lY�WE iV �P ��,(�� � � a th� tol�owtnQ modssiaa�►on i� xaca�+une+us R e� R�' !.v v ����.. , t t c►,.nye In acmDl:aon aaa is a�at � Q �1 ° ! u'� � u�K�c- 8E+� {} Chantle 3s �csptal�ts with.rw chsn0s tn comDUition data. ��y,y�1jA{�Zj,j. eAr' •� 1 .: { t t�nr+oa ts naaA'�bis wtth no chr� WA�K r p`� 4, li�ton faL Ctw+�n: C 1 c � � `�d C°"d�s3°r' .... • ,i !��Stp chut� or Other iaxalajnl � 2 � ' . i t�li9+�esi F►Y Catst►ac3+x t 1 tleal0n Omk+ion ' ? tt� � g: �' b tiih � P+�t ot the arL9�� cantnw# 7F�f►s �� E 1?� 4. .St Caaas�'� �a n�c�ed7 x � ��� �; . �A/l" eostsutttd. �� . . - '"''�,�'i'F�`�`.�.�---�-- '"'__�t1 P�+r� �Y / � ApA" wnerS /�RP�� �.. � . .. _ - �E� �7�_�.�� 3225• .BL IC CE�TER SITE 612248543T � sA1N'r aaUt C1VIC C�� E7W/1M5i0bt Date• `� � Dac:;_......�.._--- 0 rlA:__�..------.. � !� . \J �� BREAKDOWN SHE£T C�NTRACT�R'S PROPOSAL SAlNT PAUL C1ViC CENTER EXPANS(ON LA80R, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DfRECT Ezv1Pl{]YEE IAB�R MATERtALS & EQU(PMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERlAL & EQUIPMEfVT S5°lo FEE TO7AL LABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIP., & FEF SUBCONTAACTORS 5% FEE T�TAI SUBCONTRACTORS & PEE OTffER COSTS �a\-cc b S•�•c.._ TRAVEL & Si18SiSTENCE 0 s �� 4 8 " g 3400 s �4,"l48 4� L�1 $ Z Z.l't " � 'lS $ ��e��lnJ� S \�.,-$-8�i 1"3 Z83 S�-�S l.b4Lo �- s �s..�4�1 � 39.48 . � z- 30.� �.ZS - `�So , $ MATERlALS & EQUtPMEN'C NOT tNCORPORATED S RENTALS ' S TAXES S PEftNi1TS & UCEIVSE FEES S UTiL1TiES, FUEL, FACILITtES AT SiTE INCt�EIV7AL EXPENSES BaND & lNSURANCE PROVIStONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS TOTAL OF Cf-lANGE PROPOSAL 5 S S .,o $ `1S0 31 , �s'8•'�l s ;3� k Y�-�.�'rwi. t z : �` Sc.�ow Q.�, a wv� �"`F- t'�' -� v.i .l` �. A.� T t a� ` 1 � - j'S'L-A.��K Wt..�`C'�J� � �A'+-rtart3'L ��. �AS� Oh i CJ+--�4.A«o�-i •�t7�- b'.u..Ve oe.c t�.ov \s�'� \�SS SAINT PAUL CiV1C CENTER IXPANSION /� n.. ,._.- I... . ., � �. . G .�_ a— l.-.sSJ�utY.l�1 08J13/95 14:00 FA% 612 621 0846 �ea���s�.�Y� -..- - WARNING LITES-MN ,� ). • �f MN, tNC. �saFerr trrsueaNCe,�r cowESr cosr� !�-�z- .1��-Y, I �,�� �� � � 1.0� �+-� �- P� i roY�. f�tx�JEC� �l� GDl-TT�.� a� ��� �� e �V►Z K�'l��'� ' t� J.J..• i�G�s L I . V J {'ri�. Y�'� � O Ao�o►Tr � �� s�'``� � LA a � � � �� �p vN 5�,.�s � �.� �u� �� , Z 1 l I�f��A � .TUH 13 ' 95 13: 45 u I� (�s �� I►.re��cK I�Z's i�9� � Pee�a- D� 5 �A'o��.. S�x' �,r— �Srtr.+.►u.�ta¢tiS 1`�j7, � t��k � �� 5�.-�- +F A-�r�s 'L .'IO 1 �tau� ��4�' �� � �ooi nIANE 8 �e .,, � . 4700 LYNDAI£ AVENUE NORSH • b11NNEAPOLl3, MINNESOTA 55430-3H38 Phone {612) 521-4200 • FaX {81 � 521-0646 612 521 0646 PRGE.001 JuK�-i �� t � J ��� ta�e esr�'r�s MOf1 1-5509 A-B-L-£ FENCE ZNC f/v./�. ,,�,��� �`��CE I�TC� ri+s.ac��3 • sr.rR�r.,nsxssuz �� � � py�.sTSz �.,� �S« a est+ wa 1m�i t�.�- -- - .... .Q Fr r� t� ... �� C�1{ _� liowo-r Wdk 1' , J.......... „ 210 ..�....._ �� �,� �I-� D� . �~ �� � � , �''i` � P . 0 1 NUF.�FR �`�L� =�-- �� � r- -ia - �t��` �������, r . �'� �/ �/ 1 ♦ r _ ,�xRsa��•�g ,�ce.. �a rj Gi�i�a4� iv+ y� �CG d.� 4�� fi 1S O � �,f� (.i'�e'Fttavs � � OfAv u r a ����1,,��� _ � •�'�Qa,��.� G, r�' r�.� � A�.s. 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Phone � C� _� J �� �� ��°�. �xx a9`c'i r�xa "SAFE7Y INSURANCE AT LOWEST COS7" t`�� �� > �f �� �9S -��2P-` �fot-�- asL�r� Wi� - C'z� SC�1t� ��u C�un�,.:rrrr�S ��Uoti.ls !N/JZ" U.kx.tt� {� C.�t2�.t.C� tSV�t'C. 1?� ��-S�� O � ��! �+�30 !� �t.e7sw�� d�J � �� . � � � jJ�u V�nS 3 - eT 3 �� —� 1 +_t.�t- T'uZe.} o�.s� } �An l,Jox.c� ,��a+7 � �.{�'i' �S✓� G..vS�D gj �Z, s 0 C.� �� � �2Y� .1 "�r-ics Sic�r.1� Nco Cv�c� -cv 32. ��{�c-,2 �a� Ta� l�u..«..�s�-G �% Yow i�a A� C'+�: �'�� CaL�, �'u� . ��u� ���� ��� � MEMBER a 4700 LYNDAIE AVENUE NORTH • MfNNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 5543D-3638 Phoae (612) 521-4200 • FaX (&12) 521-0646 MIIiNF50' .� ��3- �z,.T'.,,,.w � - .. . _ - City Clerk _ - Finance Dept. _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPMn ll-3 19 �s' CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CPI.S • ADMITIISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Ezpansion. CP-t Demolition. Excavation & Bridge CAnstruction lmown as Contract L=City Project NoA14440 Fdwazd Kraemer & Sons, is composed of the following: 1. Removat of reinforced concrete in East Bou¢d KeLLugg BLvd. Reason: Field Condition. and which amount is to be financed from: ORDERED, That ffie City of Saint Paul, tUrough its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 24.241.68 , said amount to be added to the lump sum considerarion named in the contract, known as contract 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. No. • Date $24,241.68 Edward Kraemer & Sons Contractor By \. _ t�N�`. � `� F3�a Department of Financ �/l���j!'S �19 Q,� �`'�Z'L�-Z//� -� Adminisuative Assistant to the Mayor �19� 1 D'uector of rvic nter � Archizect