88-623 . . , . , . . �.� .�� �;�.�;i"�"� �,, • �f'„\� �� �� {( �fi � � V! WMITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE TT CO11I1C11 CANARV -DEPARTMENT G ITY O� A I NT PA V �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� 0rd • � � Ordinance 1�0. Presented By ���35T� '2�"g ' 1L�.�L'�.�, � �, ,� i l-�O` eferred To — � - Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance ame ding Chapter 24 of the Saint Pau Administrative Code pertaining o a code of ethics for city employe s and officials. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIN PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sect 'on 1. That Section 24.02 of the aint Paul Administrative Code e and the sam� hereby is amended o read as follows : "Sec . �24. P12. Credo. We k�elieve that gover ment service is a worthy calling. We are proud of he privilege of serving the public' and our customer ag ncies. We affirm the dignity and value of the serv ; render , and strive for a constructive, creati� practical approach to our ork and responsibiliti rJ� � � We dedicate ourselves to the highest ideals of ' , and integrity and the pri ciples of equality f� .�t� �-� regardless of race, color, sex , age or national o �-�` ��_ ��^ �9 � � , COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� �� In Favor coswitz ,, Rettman �_:�� '�/ '�✓ sche;n�� `^` � ` - Against BY �a�� Sonnen j ,��� �i_.. � � � � Wilson t ; f ,� �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ,��Date /� Certified Passed by Council Secretary By �'�� - [/��1"!�"�' z' '�'' By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci I By By I . � � ` � . . . � . �� --� � 3 SU�s-, %-�,%E- �=7�q We believe it is our duty continually to improve our abilities and skills in orde to sustain productive and quality performance. We emphasize a friendly nd courteous attitude and seek to present a positive i age of public service. We respect and treat as privileged information accepted in trust, and be ieve that all matters of personnel should be han led fairly according to established rules. We led e to make ever effort to avoid even the appearance of impropriety i carrying out our duties in order to best serve the pub ic trust. We believe that personal ain, either imm ediate or in the future, secured by the isuse of one's position, is totally unethical. PUBLIC ERVICE IS A PUBLIC TRUST." Secti n 2 . That Chapter 24 of the Sain Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amended by adding a new Section 24.021 which shall read as follows: "Sec. 24 .�21. Standard of Conduct. (A) A public official or c� em lo ee shall never�iscrimi ate� dispensing special favors or privi eges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not and shall never accept for him or he self or for his or her house�old or fa ily any favors or benefits under cir�umstan es which may be construed � reasonable �e sons as influencing the performance of g vernmental duties. (B) No ublic offici 1 or city employee shall use to his or her b nefit or for the benefit of �iTis or her amil� or household any information ga ' ned confidentially in the performance of overnmental duties as a means of private prof ' t. (C) No ublic offi ial or city employee shall en�age , wheth r paid or unpaid , in an� fiusiness or tra saction or have any financial or personal interest, direct or indirect, wfiich is in conflict with the proper 2 . � � � � � � � � � . � . � . , � ��-� �� ' � . � s ✓�si,;��;t ��-��y discharge of his r her official duties in the public intere t or which would tend to mi pair his or her ' ndependence of judgment or ac—t o in the p rformance of his or her — ------p— p— --- -- — official duties For _ur oses of this section , �erson 1 interest includes an interest arising from blood or marriage relationships or lose business or poli' tical associations. " — Secti n 3 . That Section 24.03 (C) (1) (e) f the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is a ended to read as follows : "Sec. 24. 03. Rules. C. Gifts : (1) Definition. Th word "gift", as used in this subdivision sha 1 mean and include any gift, favor, service or services, m oney, or thing having any value , but shall not include any of the following : (e) the gift o receipt of not more than four tickets ent tling the bearer to admi-'s on to a sporting, theatrical , m usical , testim onial, exhibition r other promotional event; " Sect on 4 . That Section 24.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amend d by adding a new subdivision D which shall read as follows: "Sec . 24. 03. Rules. D . Use of City Propert . (1) Definitions. (a) Propert� as used in Section 24 .03D (2 ) , includes, without limitation � reason of this speci ica—t o, � suppl es, equipment, materials machines, machinery, ve icles, stationer , personal services, office or building s ace or anything w�iatever of va�ue. 3 . ' • ' . � . ' . �� ���-� Sv�a ST l i'�'j'C �-7-,�'� (b) Cit� �rop rt� , as used in Section 24.PJ3 (D) (2) , ncludes, without limitation � reason of th s specifica—�n, any property wh—ich is ow ed by' leased to, rented by, dedicated t , purchased b� or under the jurisdiction or control of the City of Saint Paul or any propert for which the City of Saint Paul s a fee or charge. It does not include pub ic lands or areas which are or can be used b perm t of the approp ir ate city de artment r agency; nor does it include those porti ns of public buildings open to and used by members of the public; nor does it include elephones. It does not include an� �ro�er y under the�ur sdiction and control of t e Civic Center Authority. (c) Use, usage as used in Section 24.03D (2) includes, without limitation � reason of this specif ' cation, to operate, to consume, to expend, t employ, to take to, to make use of i—� wa� or to make available to another for the purpose of use, operation, consumption expend— i—`ture, employment, taking or � util zation. (2) The mayor, city councilmembers, the director of the Council Inve ti ation and Research Center and all departmen and office d ectors shall establish for t eir de artment or office rules which restrict nd regulate the non-work related use of city prop rty � city employees. Viol�on of these rules shall constitute just cause for disciplinary ac ion against the violator pursuant to Rule 16B.6 o the Ci� Service Rules for the City of Saint P ul ." Sec ion 5. That Chapter 24 of the Sa 'nt Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amended by adding a new section which shall read as follows: "Sec. 24 .04 . Dut� to report. Public officials and em�loyees of the citY sha 1 report alleged violations of the Saint Paul City Charter o the Saint Paul Administrative and Le�islative Codes to he cit�' s internal auditor �.Tin�-�°i" � accordance with rocedures and rules esteblished � the ����� Ethical Practices Board. ��Q��^� F.�cx�.r� 4 WHITE - CITV CLERK � t PINK - FINANCE COUIIClI (\� CANARV - DEPARTMENT ' GITY OF S INT PAUL ���V � BLUE -MAVOR File NO. 0/ diZ �nCe OrdinanceNO. Presented By S "��T�� 2"��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee Bq Date I � Sectio 6. � I This ordinance shall be in fo ce and take effect thirty (30)I days from and after its passage, pproval and publication. � � ; , � , I COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond i �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel Against BY ! Sonnen Wilson ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date '� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �'r't.�_ '�` ��i2���- z-��-��,� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councia By gy i . f ��- � J . . � ' �„� � ,�,� @���-G� � , � . G`i�4EE1�i��'1 No. O O a 8 8 0 ' R,ikf< �nn�n i , 4/1 88 ' � ' o��an�nrr w�c�o� 2 wran �a+ri Mol��' O�Rour � --'_ flwwe�a w��or�on 3 . cm � • . . � �. . . . . � � BUDOET DIRCfi,T'OR � � . . � � - City Council` ' 29$-5378 �- 1 cm��,� , -- . �mendffieats to thical �ractices Eode, ' apter 24 of the Ad�inistr�tive Code. � . _#�»w �(A1) c�n. nE�o�r: rK�ywx�c41�Y�o� Erva.sE�v��� u��w oR�arr �rsr �a. aowrq oow�esaw �ezs sa+oo�eo,�ao �: aurneA ca�a+xsaiaa ns�s _�ou�.x�o.�oow• . _wn�rva,�c o�".+� �c�* - wsrnic.TCOU+c� CouEtcilmember „�� : au�voms w�ca�ca,NC�os�cmrez . �ou�cil's Missio_a Statement w�oetar:wi9�t. lw�w.wn�.wne�,,un�re,v�,r�: ' Past problems of �e city staff and offic ais. resulted in creation of an Ethic Pr�etices Task,:Force.. , Theyi. de num.erous recommenda ions- as to ord�nance,changes -.Qmly e �+exe. , ,. adopted. This .o�; i,na;aee #ulf ilis thei� re. ommend�#ions. . � - � . . . . .�k � .. . : . . .�� • . . . ; . . .... . . . . . . . . . , . �I . . . . � . . . � ' . .. . ��.I . � � . . ' . . . . . .. . _' . . � . . � .. � . � . � - .. ... - � � �. :��-.1�T� Y�r.. - �.�: . . .... ..... ... . . . . . . - . . ..�. . . �; -., Increased trust i� city government. , I . . .., �;t+dh.t v�n.�..�o-ro �; . , : - , , , ,` � ity offieals and ' pYoqees become more �es onsive to citizens. ` . . �itizens develop�mio e trust in city governm t.. r� � �tte�w►tnrRS:� . . .. �s ", `; Status quo. Co�tinues g 3.ie's � lack of t s�'' w�TO�r�: � ' E.thical Practices T� k Force � ' u��: ` _ . ° Unknown . _ _ � --�--�--- �l `i��j�,�� l�1 0 � l.-�i:, � GZTY OF AINT PAUL "°1"�i"}� RECEIVF� �'�'F '�'i° OFFICE Oi�` T F. CITY COIINCIL Ni�oi989 xovemb r 1�, 1989 �1TY C!�P.K Rules nd Policy Commi tee Report Members: Staff: Kiki Sonnen, Chair ponna Sanders, Secretary Roger Goswitz Jane McPeak, Attorney Bob Long Janneke van der Ros, Policy Analyst 1. Approval of minutes of the Septem er 15, 1989 and October 6, 1989 meetings. COMMITTEE APPROVED 2. RESOLUTION #89-1187 - establi hing an advisory task force to study public financing of City campaigns (Refer ed to R & P Committee 7/6/89, Heard in Committee 9/1/89, Laid Over unti 11/3/89) (Councilmember Wilson, A1 Olson, Bruce Anderson) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDE SUBSTTTUTE RESOLUTTON . RESOLUTION #89-623 - an ordi ance amending Chapter 24 of the Saint Paul� Administrative Code pertaining to a code of ethics for city employees and officials. (Referred to R & P Committee 3 /89, Heard in Committee 4/7/89, and Laid Over until the Ethical Practices Board as been appointed) (A1 Olson, Bruce Anderson) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDE REFERRAL TO THE ETHICAL PRACTICES �—.�- 4. RESOLUTION #89-795 - a Reso ution creating an advisory committee to study the merits of PART-TIME versus F L-TIME City Council, Councilmembers' salary level, Council size and/or adding t large-members. (Refened to R & P Committee 6/15, Laid Over until 11/17/89) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDE A THREE-MONTH LAYOVER TO FEBRUARY 2, 1990 5. Letter of the St. Paul Charter Co 'ssion transmitting its resolution requesting legislation to allow reimburseme for commissioners' expenses. (Referred to R & P Committee 11/7/89) (Ray Faricy, Richard Willits, OraLee Patterson and Chris Park) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDE A THREE-MONTH LAYOVER TO FEBRUARY 2, 1990 6. Retention Period for Video Tap of Council and Committee Meetings (Gerry Strathman) COMMITTEE REVIEWED CU RENT POLICY AND AGREED TO CONTTNUE WITH THE S -continued- CITY HALL SE ENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s a�.�e c9 ~ � .. �- ��;�,"°�� ��, . � ,... � f ''a .,` \' � CITY f SAINT PAUL S ����� � t_'�" � �1� INTERDEPARTM NTAL MEMORANDUM _._� � � �'-jQ � �, j FE8 0� 19�9 �aX � .� � °, x n �l �t COUNCILMENl�ER `��, �;� - � � �;.� KIKI SON�iEN ��� � , � February 2 , 1989 � �' M E M O R A N D U M TO: Councilmember Kiki Son en 722 City Hall FROM: Jane A. McPeak Deputy City Attorney �- RE : Saint Paul Administrat 've Cod� �Chapters 24 & 111 Enclosed please find new drafts to the above referenced Chapters as requested by you yesterday. JAM: j r Encs. ' _ J � _"_.'(�--".... � C � � '^ .y ' , C��,�-:�..f' 1 _� `-i_ � —/ / � �� . WHIYE - CITV CLERK 1 I PINK - FINANCE CO11I1CI1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F A I N T PA U L BIUE -MAVOR File �O. ��� � �� ,� O�dZ �nCe Ordinance 1�0. - .. � �/ �% Presented By (� l � � Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date � � z �� I An ordina� ce amending Chapter 24 I of the Sa 'i�t Paul dministrative I Code pertai�ing to a code of ethics I for city emp��oyees and officials. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ' Secti 1. �I That Section 24.02 of the S i , t Paul Administrative Code b� and the same hereby is amended to r ad as follows: "Sec. 24. 02. Credo. I •:,� We believe that govern ent s rvice is a worthy I calling. We are proud of t e priv ege of serving the I public and our customer agen ies. ; We affirm the dignity an value o the service we '� rendeer , and strive for a onstructiv , creative and i practical approach to our wo k and respo sibilities. I We dedicate ourselves to he highest id als of honor and integrity and the prin iples of equa ' ty for all regardless of race, color, s x , age or natio al origin. I COUNCIL MEMBERS � ' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ' Dimond �I ��g In Favar �� i coswitz Rettman �' s�beine� Against BY I Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney �' Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ✓a''7�-(�' '" ` ���!-'�L j Z- �'�jj I BY i Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � ��-� � a3 • ��. ��� � . We bel�eve it is our dut continually to improve our abilities � nd skills in or er to sustain productive and quality per�ormance. We emphasi�e a friendl and courteous attitude and seek to presen� a posi tive image of publ ic serv ice. � We respect ar�,d treat as privileged information accepted in trus�$., and b lieve that all matters of personnel should���4be ha dled fairly according to established rules. �,� We pledge to makee, er effort to avoid even the appearance of improprie ' n carrying out our d tiu es order to best serve the lic trust. A We believe that personal ain, either imm ediate or in the future, secured by the ` ' suse of one's position, is totally unethical. PUBLIC S�VICE IS A PUBLIC TRUST." Sectio 2. That Chapter 24 of the Sai t Paul �Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amended by dding a�,�new Section 24.021 which sha1111read as follows : � Sec. 24 .021. Standard of Conduct. �� � � (A) A public official or city "�em .�loyee shall never discriminate by disp nsin special favors or privileges to an on , whether for remuneration or not and shall`n�eTve_r accept for him or he self or for �iis or her Fiousehold or fa ily any favors "�r benefits under circumstan es which ma be c nstrued by reasonable �ersons as influe in� the performance of vernmental duties. ';; — :� `, (B) No public official or city employee s�aall use to hi—' s or her be efit or for the ben fit� his or her f mil� or househol�7 an� information gai ed confidentially i� the performance of vernmental duties as a means of private profi . (C) No ublic offic al or city employee shall en�a�e , whethe �aid or unpaid , in any business or tran action or have �financial or personal int rest, direct or indirect, which is inco patible with the pro�er 2 ��° ��3 �'. �`, ,`�3ischarge of hi or her official duties in e public inte est or which would tend to i air h s or he independence of judgment or ac ion in the erformance of his or her --- -- -- --- -------p— P— --- -- --- off ��cia1 dutie For ur oses of this � sect�on , personal interest includes an inte�t arisi from blood or znarriage relatiot�ships or close business or political associat'�ons. "— — '�ectio 3. �r That Section 24.�13 (C) (T'°� (e) of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby l;;s mended to read as follows : ��n�� ��, "Sec . 24. 03. Rules. �, C. Gifts : .,f k (1) Definition. Th i�,�rd "gift" , as used in this subdivision shall �ean and include any gift, favor, service o ser , ices, m oney, or thing having any value , but shal��. not include any of the following : �'��, �� (e) the gift o receip of not more than four tickets ent tling th�:Y bearer to admis ion to a sporting, theatricaT�, musical , testimonial , exhibition r other pr�otional event; " �t Sect on 4. � That Section 24.03 (C) of t e Saint Paul �.dministrative Code be and the same hereby is am nded by adding'��;�a new subsection numbered (6) which shall read a follows : � "Sec . 24. Ql3. Rules. � C. Gifts : � .� {6) Duty to report: � (a) Any erson, firm, corporation, abor union, partnershi or professional a sociation having an business , admini trative , ------ -- --------- ----- -------- legislative, contractual or n� other relationsh p with the city or a of its department or agencies which giv�rs a gi�t, as defined ' n (C) (1) of this sectio�l�, to the s ouse of a city official or emplo 'ee shall 3 d`'�_ � a,3 r ; �, report the nature and value of said gTft within ten (10) business days of the giving of the ift ��,b) The disclos re required � (C) (6) (a) of this section shall be filed in the Office of the Cit� y eCl rk. ' Sect' on 5. That Section 24.f�3 of the aint Paul Ac3ministrative Code be and the same hereby i� amende by adding a new subdivision D which shall read as foll`nws: "Sec . 24. 03 . Rules. ``;� '� D. Use of City Proper'�t . (1) Definitions. '�'+; ""� (a) Property � used in Section 24 .03D (2) , includes, i hout limitation � reason of this s ecif ca ion, any s— u p es, equipment, materials, ma��ines, machinery, vehicles, stationery, pe��sonal services, office or bulding spa e or�anything whatever of value. ., (b) Cit� gro ert� ,��� as used in Section 24.03 (D) (2) , include without limitation by reason of t is spec -fication, any property which is o ned by, eased to, rented b�, dedicated o , purch sed b� or under the urisdiction or contro of the Cityof Saint Paul or an property fo�. which the City of Saint Paul a s a fee or har e. It does not i� nclude ublic lands or �reas which are or can be used permit of th , appropriate city department or agency; nor<�does it include those portions of public b�ildings open to and used � members of the _: blic; nor does it include elephones. It d s not include any �roper y under the�ur sd ction and control of he Civic Center Aut ority. (c) Use, usage as used in Section 24.03D (2) includes, ithout limitation � reason of this s ecification, to operate, to consume, to expend, t employ, to take to, to make use of in any wa�, or to make avilable to 4 d''�'"�l v�.� another fo the purpose of use, operation, consumption ex�enditure, employment, taking � or any util zation. �4 � � The ma or, city councilmembers, the director of the Council Inve tigation and Research Center and `�,� all d��artmen and off�ce d—irectors shall : establish for t eir department or office rules `'�,which restrict and regulate the non-work related _se of city prop rt � city employees. Violation o�these rules hall constitute �ust cause for d�,cip nil a� act on against the violator pursuant to��ule 16B.6 of the Civil Service Rules for the � City` o�f Saint Pa 1." �� �`� Sect 'on 6. ,� That Chapter 24 of`�;the Sai t Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amen�,ed by dding a new section which shall read as fol lows : '�;� Sec. 24.04. Duty to r ort Public officials and employees of the city shall repo t lleged violations of the Saint Paul City Charter or � e Saint Paul Administrative and Legislative Codes in the llowing manner: — � (1) The Mayor shall repo ,t to the President of the City Council; � ,� (2) The President of the it Council shall report to the Ma or; �� � (3) Councilmembers shall repo�� to the President of the C o u—n c i--- �, — — k �Y. {4) Mayoral aides shall re ort to t e Ma or; �� (5) Councilmembers' a des shal'�� report to their -------- — --- ---- ,t ------ -- ----- councilmember; (6) Department and offic directors �:�all report to the Ma or; (7) All other city emp o�ees shall report to their r_ T___- ---� ___- - - ----- immediate supervisor=' WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 P CANARY -DEPARTMENT CITY OF AINT PAiTL File NO. ��° 6 �� BLUE - MAVOR �'� Or�i n� Ordinance PIO. \ — ' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By ��� Date �'� . ,, ``ti � \ � Sec ti n 7. This ordinance shall b in orce and take effect thirty (3�!,) days from and after its pass ge, approval and publication. � � �, COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor ' Gosw;tz Rettman Scheibe7 A gai ns t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date .�' < ,� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY J�' ' � `Z�'�� �� By Approved by Nlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � � ����3 . � Members: Kiki Sonnen, chair = f ' (�ITY OF �AZ�"i` �AUL Roger Goswitz ' �;_-_�_'_ ,:; OFFICE OF T F CITY COIINCIL Bob Long Agenda Date: Friday January 6, 1989 Staff: KIKI SONNEN Joe }iannasch, Researcti Councilmember ponna Sanders, Secretary MOLLY O'ROURKE JanO McPeak, Attorney Legislati�•e Aide ' . Rules and Policy Co mit�ee Report 1. Approval of minutes of the Decemb r 16, 1988 meeting. COrQiITTEE APPROVED 2. ORDINANCE 4�88-621 - Amending Chapt r 111 of the Administrative Code pertaining to Ethical Practices Bo rd by changing the name from Election Board to Ethical Practice Board. (Referred to the Rules & ' Policy Committee 11/17/88; Heard i R &� P Committee 12/16/88 and laid over until 1/6/89) CO:�iITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF UBSTITUTE ORDINANCE 3. �ii��lU��.3; - : �n£hapt 24 c'��-`the Ad�mii`nf�'i'3'ttro"e Cade pert�inir� to a�carl� et e�hf.cs_ fQr City,af�€�INl�' e�.+3�+��►e�s. (Referred :to the '�t+��es � �'al�cy Ca mittee 11/17/88; Heard in R & P Comm�Ee . .,16j��.,:�nd ��ic)�. over u riT 1/b/89) CO COl�lENDE�-�R@Vl�T� OF� USSTITUTE QRDIN�NCE 4. DISCUSSION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER E-29 - Pertaining to guidelines and procedures for Minnesota Governmen Data Practices Act. (Referred to R & P Committee 8/25/88; Heard in R P Committee 9/2/88, 10/7/88, 11/4/88 . an3 12/16/88 and laid over until 1 6/89) CG:�IITTEE RECOMMENDED LAYOVER TO F BRUARY 3, 1.989 , 5. Discussion of City Council's Data ractices, Guidelines & Procedures CO:iMITTEE RECOMMENDED LAYOVER TO F BRUARY 3, 1989 . 6. Discussion of City Council's Recor s Retention Schedule (with Gerry . Strathman) C01�L'�fITTEE RECOriMENDED LAYOVER TO F BRUARY 3, 1989 7. ORDINANCE �688-2025 - An ordinance reating a Citizen Service Program; creating a Mayor and City Council nformation and Complaint Office, together with the objectives to be established for the Citizen Service Program; creating a position of Citizen Service Program Director and the duties thereof; and abolishing Section 16.04 of the present Administrative Code. CQI�IITTEE RECON�IEVDED APPROVAL 8. RESGLUTION ��89-3 - An Administrativ Resolution establishing the rate o` pay for Citizen Service Program irector in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. . , CO:�L�IITTEE RECO�IENDED APPROVAL CTTY HALL SE�'ENT'Ei FLOOR AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 s ae • . . ✓ _ , . . � , . . . ^ �.,,!..., ;a�,r.��C..7 .r� ,. -- �< ,\ Ol... WHITE — CITV CLERK ' �� PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ����� ,.� - CANARV —OEPARTMENT BLUE —MAVOR File NO. � / Or ndnce Ordinance NO. � , /� Presented y �� I �' �`- � /i� Referred To Committee: Date i7�d� Out of Commit e By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 24 of the Saint Paul Administrative , Code pertain'ng to a code of ethics for city emp oyees and officials. THE COUIVCIL OF THE ITY OF SAI T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Se tion l . That Section 24.03 ) ( 1 ) ( ) of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same here y is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 24.03. Rules. C . Gifts : (1 ) Definition. The rd "gift" , as used in this subdivision shal an and include any gift, favor, service o s vices , money, or thing having any value bu shall not include any of the following (e) the gift or eceipt f not more than four tickets enti ling th bearer to admission to a sportin , theatri al , musical , testimonial , exhibitio or other promo- tional event; " COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Departc�,ent of: ,� Dimond � ' � �� [n Favor ; Goswitz Rettman s�be;ne� Against By -- Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney B ��- � . � lo-�- f38 Certified Passed by Council Secretary Y By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council By BY ' � ' " ' - ' ' ' ° ,� . . � .. a . .�,,t Sec ion 2. That Section 24.03 (C) of he Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the sam e hereby is am nded by adding a new subsection numbered (6) which shall read s follows : � "S c . 24. 03 . Rules. C. �Gifts: (� Duty to report: `� (a) ``rAn� person , f ' rm , corporat�ion , labor union , artnership or rofessional associatiori�iavin � b� siness, administrative, le�islative, contractual or''•,�an� other re ationsh p with the city or � of its`;departments or agen es which gives a gift, as defi ed in (C) ( ) of this section, to the spouse of a �ity official or employee shall report the nature'z�,and val e of said gift within ten (10) bu�ess;��days of the ig ving of the gift- ;� (b) The disc��sure re�uired b� (C) (6 ) (a) of this section sh�,ll b filed in the Office of the City Clerk." � �� Se�t' on 3. That Section 24.03 of the int Paul Administrative Code be and the sam e hereby is amend d�by adding a new subdivision D which shall read as follows: ^��P "Sec . 24. 03 . Rules. �_; D. Use of City Property. X�'�� (1) Definitions, tA�` '�. (a) Propert� s used �'• Section 24 .03D (2) , includes, ithout li�itation � reason of tTi��s speci ca— t o, an�; supplies, equipment, materials, machines, ri�,achinery, vehicles, stationer , personal services, office or building s ce or anythinq whatever of value. 2 ���`��� • ' ' ' � , � ��l ��( � /� ` L (b) Cit� pr pert� , as used in Section 24.g3 (D) (2) , includes, without limitation � reason of this specification, any property wh_ich is owned b�r, leased to, rented b �, dedicate to, purchased b� or under the 'urisdiction or control of the City of Saint �'' Paul or a property for which the City of Saint Paul pa�s a fee or charge. It does not 1 clude p blic lands or areas which are or can be use by permit of the appropriate city �epartmen or agency; nor doe� it include those or ions of public buildings open to an� used members of the public; nor does it includ telephones. It does not ni clude �,` an� propert� under the�urisd ction and ,control of the Civic Center Authority. (c) U� usag , as used in Section 24.03D (2) in�;ludes, without limitation� reason of t ih �:; specificat n,—to operate, to consume, to ex� end, to emplo�r, to take to, to make use of in �,�an� wa�, or to make available to another�,, fo the urpose of use, operation, consumpto , expenditure, employment, taking or � uti� ization. (2) The ma or, city^���^,�puncilmembers, the director of the Council Inv st . ation and Research Center and all departmen a d office directors shall establish for their e artment or office rules which restrict nd re ulate the non-work related use of city ro rt � city employees. Violati n of these rules sha11 c nstitute '�ust cause for disciplinary act 'on a ain ,t the violator pursuant to Rule 16B.6 of the Civi �� Service Rules for the City of Saint Pa 1." �� �}�,. Sect on 4. `� That Chapter 24 of the Sai t Paul Adminis��ative Code be and the same hereby is amended by dding a new sec�,tion which shall read as follows : a "Sec. 24 .04 . Dut� to report. Public ,�iafficials and employees of the city shall re ort alleged vio�ations of the Saint Paul City Charter or the Saint Paul Admii�;istrative and Legislative Codes in the followin manner: i�01��`� , , • �/�,.C_y,.�>l�°,f � �� � ��'��'� WHITE - CITY CIERK '�, PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL Council � � CANARV -OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • Or ndnce Ordinance N 0. Presented By �- Referred To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date ( ) The Mayor shall report to the President of the City Council ; (2) The President of th City Council shall report the Mayor; (3) Cou cilmembers shall report to the President of the uncil ; (4) Mayoral aides shall report to the Mayor; � (5) Councilme ers ' aide shall report to their councilmemb r; (6) Department an offic directors shall report to the Mayor; (7) All other city em o ees shall report to their immediate supervis " Se Q ion 5 . This ordinance shall be i force and take effect thirty (30) days from and after its p ssa�e, approval and publication. �; �. � . ,, i }�. x �> ;, COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor coswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t By Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By �C`'�^�-- �' ��`���- 1 D -- y-�� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY , , - p ;p�„ : 'a?'. _ ,��, _ , . < • .wHite -�c�rs�c��K ;, COUnCiI ;.� PINK �-�FINANCE � �. .�,. . �'.. +z ;,.,�= •� -. :: . . ^r...,,.. . CANARY�-OEPARTMENT GITY�� O� �AINT PAUL � '�� BLUE -MAVOR � �- F316 NO. I f �Ord n�nce �inance NO. � Presented_By `. � - ,`r�' ;- ._ ' � Referred Tcti Committee: Date ', �. Out of Committee By Date ; (� '!'!� �hall to �t Pr�si�t t� `�� . � ,......._.�. t 3�, ti� Praai+d�e�t a►f t�r Gi �o�adeil sdal� . .�....� _ , . „�3,� C�e3.Iw�ra aAall ta tl�e Prrrsidwit of - . , �� . _ .,._.: _ � : � aid�s .�sll ts th� . .' ;� � � ,�5 Coue�ai3a�bKS' ai e�l�all t ts t.�f.r � . ...�...�.........��: ' . t 4., . �, and +�t"�i rue�ators �tl ! � -:� . ; � , 7�, 1111 ot�r oi a1�11 to�`th��i� �� i " � � : � �, it� S. � � � � � ; � � Tl�is ordia� �1 bs i�n iorm�s r�l �iorr �!''f� t�[r�r (�►) da�s fe� a��d a!'!�r .its ; a�pp�rmt+�2 ae�d �ii�t�ior��. ' i � � , �OUNCIL MEMBERS ` "� , Yeas Nays 3 Requested by Department of. Dlmond _ �ns j"'°' In Favor c�� � x�� � ` ��;� _ Against' BY f sonnen Wilson , . Form Approved by City Attorney :` Adopted by Council: Date . , r . F.�,� .. I .�: . . J . ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ` By - Approved by Mayor: . Date. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coancil , By _ BY . I _ � . � . . ' , , - , . � ��� , :. , � � � - '�, WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �j(y � CANARV -DEPARTMENT /� j BLUE - �{1VOR File N0. v y J �� • r nance Ordinance N 0. Presented By � ��. ��- � .� Referred To ��� '°— �a L'' C� Committee: Date �� 3��� Out of Committe y Date An ordi nce amending Chapter 24 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code pertaining to a code f ethics for city official and employees. THE COUNCIL OF 7HE CITY OF S NT P UL DOES ORDAIN: S ction 1 . That Section 24.03, Subdivisi 2, of the Saint Paul Administration Code be and the same is hereby ame to read as follows: "Subdivision Z. 5tatements o eco mic interest. A. Definitions. (1 ) Association. Business, corpora 'on, firm, partnership, limited partnership, committee, 1 or organization, ciub, or any other group of t or more per n, which inciudes more than an immediate fa ily, acting in oncert. (2} Business with which individual is a ociated. (a> Any association, doing business in M nesota, in connection with hich an individual i compensated in excess of $50 e cept for actual and re onable expenses in any month as director, officer, own r, member, partner, employ r or empioyee, or is hol r of securities worth $2,500 or re at fair market value. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t By Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney ,' Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By { — . . . `,. ,..�.�. _....,.. . ,..:�. ..,. ..,...:.... ":. I P NIKE - CITV-C4LERK . s: . . ... .._, � . .._,,,_.. - '�' . ,,._. �, . 9lUERV��MAVOhR MENT �,,.. GITY OF AINT PALT� FO1nci1N�. . ����.� .. . � Ordi GLI�CP. . Ordinance NO. � . Presented By �..J,. t',_._ t '� � � �:��:,. '` ; Referred To '� ��'� �' '� `�� ' Committee: Date --� r '"' � ' '' Ont of Committee By Date - An ocdf e a�e:x3#ng ' txtept�r ��t f '#� �a i r�t P�SS i ` Ad�i n1�tt'�t i e Code p�er'ta i n i ng to � casde �th'i cs for �1�t�r �aff tci�1� ,�n►d enaploy�esz. r: . ._ . { �. . _. . ___ ___. _ ..,. � _ .. _ .._�. _:_ . . _ . _.. . .._ __; . • . , _ _... __. __ ..._. _..� �� . Tf� fl�t�!�. E� 7F� C 1"�l( Q�' 3A I NT f*A� IX�Ea +t�RDA 1 N: �F . . ��.s�. .. . a . .'.��. . � t i t?�i 1. �` � ' f�Tt+�t �ecticm 2�.tf3. �div#si �, a�' the 5�#n� Pas,e� A�tnfstratfon -.. C�cie;be a�id the �ame t s l�t�r tc� reae! a►� fo 3 Z r�: • �'�diyi�fon �. 5t�te�+t� cr e�anqa�#c �n�er�t. , A. i�eftnitt�►t�s. ;. � ;, . _ , (f? As�c i�i on. �ts i n±� s: e�ar�po�r�-�c�n� f i�, p�trrersh�p�. . .� , _ _ , ;:�; - i t�itecf t��`tt�ershi�,, �it��e, l�r +�'}�i�tipn. cit�b, ,or -r . +'�iy C��T'� $�"� �� t U!' I�il"8' pl.°T'$OE1♦ Wt11 C1'1 �E1�t�!lCC�13'S 1RElT`@ _ ; . . 4�iL"�! � ����� � i i�• ��� �� �w��w __ - .. . . {2� ��t nes3 �r i tA �n i c� i�cl�w 1�e r i�_�ac�`a��d. ��f �'iy �ss�ciati ds�it�# .busie�tess �t� �tf�e�a, fn r:c�txu�,�i on-+�f `�J rvh#ch �t i nd t v idua 1 i s r�oe�p�ns�ted 1� e��� t� ;54 ct�pt for� �ctu�1 �.w'+d rea�1�r ex�n8�:s ln �y� monrth � dtrects�r-. offi�r, c�rrier. �', � pet�tr►er, +�nF 1 ce ��° or �r 1 oy�. c� £s �x 1 ciGr c�` ��ur i t i�� w�rth �t2 ti s#ilI � �re a�t fai� d�°k�t �ra i ve. CE�L�lTCIL MEMBERS °` , . 'Yeas , Nays Requested by Department of: , Dimond �� In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman ��;�i Against Bv I Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adupted by Council: Date - Certified Passed by Council Secretary B3' I By ; Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coujncil f By BY � ,, . . _ ` . � . � ; �� ' . . . � ��'��3 (b) Any association, oing business in Minnesota, in connection with w ich an individual owes money except for `.� customary househo d expenses, retail credit accounts, and '�� mortgage contract on the principal place of dwelling. f ) Financial interest. A y interest which shall yield, directly � or indirectly, a monet ry or other material benefit (other han duly authorized s lary or compensation for services to t city) to the publi official , the spouse of the public off iai , and all mino children within the custody and contr� of the public fficial . (4) Public of`�tiicial . For p rposes of this subdivision, public official sFi�ll include: `�, (a) members o�the cit council and their appointed aides; �,, (b) the mayor anc�..the yor's appointed assistants and aides; (c) �he fe��a�tng fin �i- tdee�� for e� �ong e3 thcfir ttt�e� ere exem�+t or dne�e��t ted- Afftrmattve Aetten 8t etor $ddge� Btreetor Ehfief of Po�tee 9epdtq Ehtef of e�tee E�-�y Rt�ernep Beryd�p Eft�+ 11t�o neq Ettq E�erk Efi��/ -FF1fCP►f19�tOA a Eamp�atn� 8 teer Bfiree�e� ef Eam�ndnt q Seratees Btree�ar af Ftnenee end Manegement rvtee� Prepe�°�q Msnege�° 8fireete� ef Hdmen R"ghts Btree�or af P�enntn � Eeonemte Beae�eprn t Bepdtq Btreetor - Eemrtidnt�q Bevc�opment 9epd�q Btreetar - Barvntewn Beae�apment 6epdty Btree�er - Hedstng Bepdty Btreeter - NetgNborhoad Ber►e�opmcnt Bepetq Btree�or - P�enntng Bfireetor af Pdb�te o�k� �fire Ehtef A'st�tant Ftre Eh ef �eber Re�atton� Btr etor Pe�°sanne� Btreetor All Department and ivision Directors and Enforcement� Personnel ." � '�� '�, Z � , ' � � ; � . . � � � ,� . . � . ���...��..� Secti n 2 That Section 24.03 of the St. Pau Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Subdivision 3. Gifts. a. Definition. The word "gift" s used in this subdivision shall mean and include any gift, favor, ervice or services, money, or thing ving any value, but shall n t include any of the following: ( 1 ? a gift whose value does ot exceed $50.00; (2) th gift or receipt of o herwise permissible campaign cont 'butions by or to c ndidates for elective office, which contri tions are disclo ed and reported as required by Chapter S of the Saint aul Legislative Code and any other applicabl rovisions of law; (3) the giving, r eiving, o exchange of gifts between officers and employees o the cit ; (4? the gift or receipt of a ards, and memorial plaques and trophies, having nomi al intrinsic vatue; (5) the gift or receipt of t kets entitling the bearer to admission to a sporting, t atrical , musical , testimonial , exhibition or other pro tio 1 event; (6} the gift or receipt of a breakf t, lunch, or dinner; or (7) the giving, receiving or exchange o gifts between spouses and among relatives up to an including e fourth degree of kindred according to the civil law. b. Prohibition. No public offic al e�� employee the City of St. Paul� spouse of the officer o emploYee or minor hildren within the custodv and control of th officer or emplove shall receive any gift: ( I) from a person, firm or c rporation having any bus'ness, administrative, legislat ve, contractual or any ot r relationship with the ci y or any of its department or agencies; or (2) from any person, firm or corporation where such gift wo d render or tend to render the officer or employee suscepti le to compromise or influen e in any matter relating to his office or employment wit the city; or w. ��< F 3 . • - ` . � . , , ' . . � . �. . . �.��,��.� . � . .� � . (3) from any corporation, la or union, partnership, or professional association " c. Disposition of gifts. Any gi t not authorized by this subdivision may be returned to the donor r transmitted to the city treasurer or turned over to the city to be used by the city or to be sold, with the proceeds of such sal deposited into the general fund of the city. The chief accounta t for the City shall be notified within seven (7) days of the eceipt of any non-monetary property not authorized by this subdiv sion. Secti n 3. That Se ion 24.03 of the St. Pau Administrative Code is hereby amended by add g a new Subdivision 4 o read as foliows: "Subdivision Conflict of inte est. a. A up blic of ial or city em o ee shail never discriminate unfairly � di ensin s ecia favors or privileges to anyone, whether for rem eration or n t and shall never accept for him or herself or for hi or her hou ehold or famiiy favors or benefits under circumstances that may e construed b�! reasonable persons as influencing the erfo nce o governmental duties. b. No up blic official or ci em lo ee shall use to his or her benefit or for the benefit of his er familv or household a� information ained confidentiallv in the erformance of governmental duties as a means of private profit. c. No up biic official or em lo e sh i enqaQe, whether paid or unpaid, in a� business or tr nsact n or shall have a� financial or personal interest, direct r indir t which is incompatible with the rp oper discharqe of is or he official duties in the up blic interest or would tend to 9mpair 's or her independence of .iudgment or action in the er ormance of h or her official duties. For purposes of this subdivision, rsonal interest includes an interest arisinq rom blood or ma ia e relationships or close business or olitical associations. d. Public officials and em lo ee shall make every e rt to avoid even the appearance of im ro iet in carrving out eir duties in order to best serve the ubli trust." �� � Y *�519 4 . . , ' � . . . . ' . ' . . . , . . . ��.,��z� , . � . Secti n 4 That Section 24.03 of the St. Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended by adding a new Subdivision 5 o read as follows: "Su�division 5. Duty to report. a. P�t� ic officials and em lo ee of the City shall expose corruption with the Ci•ty, wherever dis overed. Public officials and em lo s shall report any e ceived corruption within the City in the foll win manner: � � The Ma r shall make sai report to the President of the City Counc i 1 ;�y � � � The Preside�,t of the Cit Council shall make said report to the Mayo�r� ',� . � Councilmembers s 11 mak said report to the President of the City Council ; � Mavoral aides shall e said report to the Mayor; � Councilmembers aides sha make said re ort to their Councilmember; � Department and office di ector shall make said report to the Mayor; � All other employees shal make sai re ort to their immediate supervisor." Secti n 5. That Section 24.03 of the St. Pau Administrative C e is hereby amended by adding a new Subdivision 6 o read as follows: "Subdivision 6. Advisory Opinion . When a up blic official or em lo e has doubt as to the a 1 abilit or interpretation of a provision of his code as it relates to particular situation, he or she apP1Y to the Ethical Pract ces Board for an advisory opinion." '�;, ;3�, 'ti 5 HITE - CITV CIERK ' PINK - FINANCE GITY O� AINT PAUL COLLIlCll CANARV -OEPARTMENT 1 BIUE -MAVOR File NO. _�_`� 1 � Ord nc�nce Ordinance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Od'°�f Committee By Date �� ��`� Section b. The ord i n�nce sha I i take efi fie�.± nd Ge i n foi�ce th i rty (30) �lays f rpm and aft.er its pas�dge, appr��vai dnd p blicatior�. *'`�,. �. "°�� I "�: �� ,A � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � Dimond ' ��B [n Favor Gos�vitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai ns t y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �Y . , ' . ' - • � • _ ``�- , . . • • l . � , �� �'� .� � ��� F�r , o ����e�� 3 ;' CITY F SAINT PAUL � � . � INTERDEPART ENTAL MEMORANDUM CDUNCI 8�Q$8•�� `� 6 LMEMgER �'�'� K�x1 SONNEN , /'� � s � rn April 18 , 1988 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Councilmembe Kiki Sonnen 722 City Ha 1 FROM: Jane A. Mc eak Deputy Ci Attorney � RE : Proposed Amendment to St. Paul Administrative Code Ch ter 24 I am unable to sign the above-referenced ordinance for the following re sons: l . Section 1 , Subd. 2A(4) (c) . This art would include employees currently covered b� , colle tive bargaining agreements and is more appropriate' made a part of those. Additionally, enforcement personr is t o vague and must be defined more specifically. 2. Sec ion 2, Subd. 3b. I have reviewed my research and my correspondence wi� L gislation Committee during April of 1987 . In my � e underlined language is unconstitutional in that it ut a class -- spouses and children of public emplo officials -- without articulation of a sufficient gov interest to do so. If the council could articv an interest in a policy statement , perhaps then constitutional . Additionally, �QU and the council should know t' be impossible to monitor and extremely difficult • . , �� . ' _ . - ,� , .` ; � - - - ' (,�,-�- 8�-� a 3 , Councilmember Sonnen Page Two April 18 , 1988 While Section 3 , Subd. 4 i probably legal , I want to remind you again as I did last April that this section is highly sub- jective and, therefore , very ifficult to monitor and enforce. JAM: Jr � ( �.. � � , �,' , ��,���, � ���-�� '� ' ;`� 6- � � 3� �- 3!- 8� ,_, pted � '7 - �� Yeas Nays DI D « �d" lO�2� G05WI /��� RE SONN . WIL � MR. PRFSID , SCHEIBEL . ' ___�........,.. �,�-.-•.-�.,...�.�...._. ._..__ _....�,_._._ ______..__...__. .__.___..,,._,,,...,__..,.__ .,,�.;.... �____......�.. ' ' �`_ �� �� WHITE - C1TV CLERK ' ' PINK - FINANCE � COIlI1C11 ��� , � CANARV-OEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT� PAU File NO. ��^ BLUE -MAVOR . Ord • �•� Ordinance�1�. Presented By � � S✓/3S�''iTu'� ���-� � �� � ��� j�.�p� eferred To Committee: Date � Out of Cortcmittee By Date An ordinance ame ding Chapter 24 of the Saint Pau Administrative Code pertaining to a code of ethics for city employ es and officials. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec ion 1. That Section 24.P12 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : "Sec . 24. QJ2. Credo. � We believe that gove nment service is a worthy calling. We are proud o the privilege of serving the public and our customer a encies. We affirm the dignity and value of the service we render , and strive for constructive, creative _and practical approach to ou work and responsibilities . We dedicate ourselves o the highest ideals of honor and integrity and _the p inciples of equality for all regardless of race, colo , sex , age or national origin. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: y� Nays D[mond Loag �� In Favo _ ��� � � Rettman B s�be�� �;1 � �i� _ Against y Sonnen � (� R�+� Wilson � . ��;�� J ' '�' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ,���Date , �,�/, ` Certified Passed by Council Secretary gy ✓�� /`� � v���-� Z�z�� By • Approved by Mayor• Date Approved by Mayor foc Submission to Council By BY . . ��' '��� 3 _ s�'�si i �� ���� We believe it is our dut continually to improve our abilities and skills in ord r to sustain productive and quality performance. We emphasize a friendly and courteous attitude and seek to present a positive mage� of public service. We respect anci treat s privileged information accepted in trust, and b 1 ieve that all matters of personnel should be han led fairly according to established rules. We ledge to make ever effort to avoid even the appearance of impropriety in carrying out our dutie n order to best serve the pu lic trust. We believe that personal ain, either imm ediate or in the future, secured by the misuse of one's position, is totally unethical. PUBLIC SERVICE IS A PUBLIC TRUST." Sect'on 2. That Chapter 24 of the Sai t Paul Administrative Code be and • the same hereby is amended by dding a new Section 24.021 which shall read as follows: "Sec. 24 .�621 . Standard of Conduct. (A) A publiT offic al or c�� em lo ee shall never discrimi ate� dispensing special favors or privi eges to anyone, whether for remuneration o not and shall never accept for him or h rself or for his or her household or family any favors or benefits under circumsta ces which may be construed � reasonable �e sons as influencing the performance of overnmental duties. (B) No public offic ' al or city employee shall use to hi s or her b nef i t or for the benef i t of �iis or her amil� or household any information gained confidentially in the performance of overnmental duties as a means of private prof t. (C) No up blic offi ial or city emplo ee shall en�age , whether paid or unpaid , in any �usiness or tra saction or have � financial or ,personal i terest, direct or indirect, which is in conflict with the proper 2 . ...., r>. _ ':" �'.'.�:.F . .��.-�.::,. ., ..:?:!.. . _ �::..ra,�r ., .,- . . . � , rt, w..T.a.. - r,,. s�0..�>..'_r'n"f� ' . n � `h -� � - S ��s r'i%�'i'� ��7�� discharge of his or her official duties in the public interest or which would tend to impair h s or her independence of judgment or action in the performance of his or her ------ -- --� ----------- -- --- -- --- official duties. For �urposes of this section , personal interest includes an interest arising from blood or marriage relationships or close business or political associations. " Section 3. That Section 24.P13 (C) (1) (e) of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : "Sec. 24. 03. Rules. C. Gifts : (1) Definition. The word "gift", as used in this subdivision shall mean and include any gift , favor, service or services, money, or thing having any value , but shall not include any of the following : (e) the gift or receipt of not more than four tickets entitling the bearer to admi sion to a sporting, theatrical , m usical , testim onial, exhibition or other promotional event; " Section 4. That Section 24.(d3 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amended by adding a new subdivision D which shall read as follows: "Sec . 24. 013. Rules. D. Use of City Property. (1) Definitions. (a) Propert� as used in Section 24 .�13D (2 ) , includes, without limitation � reason of this speci�ca—t o � supp es, equipment, materials, machines, machinery, vehicles, stationery, personal services, office or building space or anything whatever of value. 3 - .�.�......-r..s..... ... ......�.w:�: .,e'x:.�.r w i.aia�*.:q..., ..- _'�.:;r' .�7�►F.2 ..-.-..:.,- . ....; .RK�.�T w.'.NY.G:•rt�NR'W. -. .. . �� �-`� �_� , ���s-��-�,c �-'���'9 (b) Cit� �rop rt� , as used in Section 24.g3 (D) (2) , includes, without limitation � reason of t is specificat o, � �roperty whT h is o ned � leased to, rented b�, dedicated o , purchased b� or under the jurisdiction or control of the City of Saint Paul or any property for which the City of Saint Paul s a fee or charge. It does not include pub ic lands or areas which are or can be used permit of the approp ir ate city de artment or agency; nor does it include those ortions of ublic buildings open to and used � members of the public; nor does it include ele hones. It does not include an ro ert under the ur sdiction and -� �--�-- � r--- - �------�----- --- control of he Civic Center Authority. (c) Use, usa e, as used in Section 24.P13D (2) includes, ithout limitation � reason of this speci icat n,_ to operate, to consume, to expend, o employ, to take to, to make use of in an� wa� or to make available to another fo the ur ose of use, operation, consum tio , expenditure, employment, taking or � utilization. (2) The maYor, city councilmembers, the director of the Council Inv sti on and Research Center and all de artment and office directors shall —�------ establish for heir department or office rules which restrict and regulate the non-work related use of ci�r ro ert � city employees. Viol�on of these rules shall constitute '�ust cause for disciplinary ac ion against the violator pursuant to Rule 168.6 of the Civi1 Servic�les for the City of Saint P ul ." � Sec ion 5. That Chapter 24 of the Sa nt Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is a:nended b adding a new section which shall read as follows: "Sec. 24 .Q14 . Dut� to report. Public officials and em�loyees of the city sh 11 report alleged violations of the Saint Paul City Charter r the Saint Paul Administrative and Legislative Codes to the cit�r'_s internal auditor �-��°'" �`�- accordance with roced res and rules established � the ��«� Ethical Practices Board. ��Q� ' �� Px�c�-c� 4 t+ue'.:}'u .:K. ...�.;3. , '�.'n.':', ,.2, . ._ ....... . . l,. � . . .... . ... r� at.3y4.,... s�t5i. .. . _ .-. . .�'� . . ... ..,. WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAITL Council ���(��� CANARV -OEPARTMENT BIUE -MAVOR File HO. O/ W� dnce Ordinance N�. Presented By � `����� 1�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Secti n 6. This ordinance shall be in f rce and take effect thirty (39) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettrnan ` Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council• Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by.Council Secretary By �«" �` �����c.- z�Z'�� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . i � , WHITE - CITV CLERK ' ' PINK FINANCE � COI1RC11 I �� CANARY �DEPARXMENT GITY OF S INT PAU File NO. ��� V, Bl_UE -MwVOR . v Ordi - � `��� Ordinance N 0. Presented By '� � � ��l'STiivi� ���g �' n il'd0� eferred To � `� �m tte� Date ��—� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amen ing Chapter 24 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code pertaining t a code of ethics for city employees and officials . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIN PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sect on l. That Section 24.Pl2 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amended o read as follows : "Sec . 24. 02. Credo. - We believe that government service is a worthy calling. We are proud of the privilege of serving the public and our customer aqencies. We affirm the dignity and value of the service we render , and strive for constructive, creative _and practical approach to our work and responsibilities . We dedicate ourselves o the highest ideals of honor and integrity and _the principles of equality for all regardless of race, color � sex , age or national origin. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Dimond Long �� -Il In Favo Goswitz � Rettman B Scheibel �j1 � `��� _ Against y Sonnen ° ( Pv�✓ witson � ;I 1,: ( ' v � .�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ;�, Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY `��' �� ����� z�z�� By • Approved by Mayor• Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ....... . ......��.-,s,:,.:.�...�,._,,...,� ,z-..,_....,..,.,a _ . . �� �� � 3 , • . Sv�s;, ;-v�- ���� We believe it is our dut continually to improve our abilities and skills in ord r to sustain productive and quality performance. We emphasize a friendly and courteous attitude and seek to present a positive mage of public service. We respect and treat s privileged information accepted in trust, and b 1 ieve that all matters of personnel should be han led fairly according to established rules. We led e to make ever effort to avoid even the appearance of impropriety ' n carrying out our dutie n order to best serve the pu lic trust. We believe that personal gain, either immediate or in the future, secured by the misuse of one's position, is totally unethical. PUBLIC SERVICE IS A PUBLIC TRUST." Sect on 2. That Chapter 24 of the Sai t Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amended by dding a new Section 24.021 which shall read as follows: "Sec. 24 .f621. Standard of Conduct. (A) A up b1iT offic al or cit em lp � oyee shall never discrimi ate��spensing spe�al favors or rivi eges to anyone, whether for. remuneration o not and shall never accept for him or h rself or for his or her Fiouse�old or � mily any favors or benefits under circumsta ces which ma be construed � reasonable �e sons as influencin� the performance of overnmental duties. (B) No ublic offic al or city employee shall use to his or her benefit or for the benefit o� his or her amil� or household any information ined confidentially in the performance of overnmental duties as a means of private prof t. (C) No ublic official or city em lo ee shall en�a�e, whet er �aid or un�aid , in any business or tra saction or have � financial or ersonal i terest, direct or indirect, wFii�is in conflict with the proper 2 ..,.�.rr:i:�..=;�»�„:,+:�rs��,.h..,t.2.>.;::,�+�d.u4sv.n;�a•.si.w1!S+rAF+•"i�. .,..,..._..�.'r:171Fii6l�7iY.-..�,, �-;-�:; .,'... . *,u;,3�af�'.4,.....e:��fxt+��{m. <Yi::,, . .. .. _ .r:�. � . . � . ..."`Y?,.",: t� s , � � ��� �� . • S v�✓S i�i�'i� , ��� �4 � discharge of his or her official duties in the public inter st or which would tend to impai his or her independence of judgment or action in the performance of his or her official dutie For ur oses of this �--�-- section , erso al interest includes an �---- interest arisin from blood or marriage relationships or close business or political associations." — Secti n 3 . That Section 24.�3 (C) (1) (e) of the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is ended to read as follows : "Sec. 24. 03. Rules. C. Gifts : (1) Definition. Th word "gift", as used in this subdivision sha 1 mean and include any gift, favor, service o services, m oney, or thing having any value , but shall not include any of the following : (e) the gift o receipt of not more than four tickets ent tling the bearer to admi sion to a sporting, theatrical , musical , testimonial, exhibition r other promotional event; " Sect on 4 . That Section 24.f�3 of the aint Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amend d by adding a new subdivision D which shall read as f ollows: "Sec . 24. �l3 . Rules. D. Use of City Propert . (1) Definitions. (a) Propert� s used in Section 24 .�13D (2) , includes, without limitation � reason of this speci ication, any supp es, equi ment, materials, machines, machinery, vehicles, stationery, personal services, office or building s ace or anything whatever o�value. 3 _ . �.xi, r<.,.. .�.a�:a.ac��,-:,.>.� . . ,;_? r. ., .. ,. ''-� � _ . . . ,�..�r.=,r"`,. �. . ,�.•- _ ' n � �7C-� �r/�a ST(ivi'C- . � �,���� (b) Cit� �ropert� , as used in Section 24.03 (D) (2) , includes, without limitation by reason of t is specifica� tion, an property which is o ned b� leased to, rented by, dedicated o , purchased b� or under the urisdiction or control of the City of Saint Paul or any property for which the City of Saint Paul a s a fee or charge. It does not incluae public lands or areas which are or can be used erm t of the approp ir ate city department or agency; nor does it include those ortions of ublic buildings open to and used � members of the public; nor does it include ele hones. It does not include an� gropert� under the�uri_sdictio� n and control of he Civic Center Authority. (c) Use, usa e, as used in Section 24.�l3D (2) includes, ithout limitation � reason of this speci ication,_ to operate, to consume, to expend, o employ, to take to, to make use of in an� wa� or to make available to another fo the up �pose of use, operation, consumption, expenditure, employment, taking or � util zation. (2) The ma or, city councilmembers, the director of the Council Inv sti ation and Research Center and a11 departmen and off ce d—iiectors shall establish for heir department or office rules which restrict nd regulate the non-work related use of ci�ro ert � cit employees. Violation of these rules shall constitute '�ust cause for disciplinary ac ion against the violator pursuant to Rule 16B.6 o the Civi1 Servic R les for the City of Saint P ul ." Sec ion 5. That Chapter 24 of the Sa 'nt Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amended by adding a new section which shall read as follows: "Sec. 24 .Q14 . Dut� to report. Public officials and _----- em�loyees of the city sha 1 report alleged violations of the Saint Paul City Charter o the Saint Paul Administrative and Le�islative Codes to he cit� internal auditor �.�in���'" � accordance with rocedu es and rules established � the ���� Ethical Practices Board. ��Q��� f3c�u.,-�1 4 .,,.,� , ,...�.�.,:.,:., �........,�,._,rc.... ..,.,r..K� 3�,�._ . ,.._� --,:.�� . �.',�., _. _ _ —. .�_. . . ;<� .._ . _.- ^ . WH17E - CITY CI.ERK , PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAITL Council � � CANARY -DEVARTMENT ��� ��� BLV E -MAYOR File N O. � ~ � • Ordi �n�ce Ordinance N0. Presented By s ������ ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 6. This ordinance shall be in fo ce and take effect thirty (30) days from and after its passage, a proval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng In Favor coswitz Rettman " Scheibel Against BY Sonnen � �lson Adopted by Council• Date Form Approved by City Attorney � g �JCZ� �. `�/L��i�-lc.- Z-'��13�— Certified Passed by Council Secretary Y By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY y ..�'.}:� -.i��'::�- :::i� . ..w -u_:'.wS ,:.'^�t:.... ::�.. `.._':i . � .w_,.... , . .�J'.......,� .4. �... ..,i:"F�l•...�.............. .� ,.:k . ....... .�.. ..r_._. ... �t �.. .:._ �>,_..:�.£�� . .�.�.w.:.�. . .. .�.._ . . :._. . ` .. "' . . . � .. -.�.