88-620 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK .- FINANCE CITY O SAINT PAiTL Council /j CA'IVARV - DEPARTMEN7 �/J/�( BLUE -MAVOR File NO. � """'� ,Coun Resolution , �6 � ���� Presented By Refe Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE50LVED: That Application (I.D. #78041) for the transfer of an On Sale Liquor, Sunday On Sal Liquor, Class C Entertainment, and Gambling Location Lic nse currently issued to Reus Inc. DBA Butler Station (Georg Reus, President) at 733 Pierce Butler Route be and the same is hereby transferred to L.J. Car Inc. DBA Overtime Lounge ( aura Jane Scheibel, President and Stockholder) at the s e address. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond s-� �� / in Favo Goswitz Rettman � scheibe� A gai n s t BY Sonnen �Ison MAY � � 1988 Form Approved by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date � �Certified • sed by Council Secre ary BY g�, Q.C.s�.t. U/l` �7 A►pprov y iNavor: Date �Y Approve��i Mayor for S�inission to Counc By - BY rUBttSHEO M AY 2 119 8 . , ' • � , ��'�° UIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE Zi� � Z�� `6� / ZI t't-I�� INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant � , ,S, C��. F 1 Q ,,�� • Home Address l�l'J 'Y��-- �o . Business Name � ��-�,-� Home Phone 4s'� — 3a, tL. Business Address r \2.�•Type of License(s)� Business Phone �� - UUc�a ` � , . Public Hearing Date 'Z � License I.D. 4F �1� ��� at 9:00 a.m, in the Cou cil Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� �p ����� llate I�TUtice Sent; � Dealer 4� �A to Applicant (� C� �'`� Federal F3.rearms 4� _�l ,a Public Hearing DATE INSP 'CTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) COMMENTS A roved N t A roved Bldg I & D I �� �� i � Health Divn. � ' � I � a�l ! U� Fire Dept. i �1�1� � � • OF I � ; Se.nt I Police Dept. aI�iI4� � r License Divn. � � � � c� � City Attorney � f Date Received: Site Plan �lli � ���1 � `�� To Council Research � � Lease or Letter Date from Landlord �U I �-� I `�� r � .� . � . ��`��d Y� Application No. Date Re eived By CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPI.ICATION FOR ON SALE I�JTOXICATIN� lIQUOR LICENSE SUNOAY ON SALE INT XICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTO ICATI�V6 LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALF INTOXI ATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE INE LICENSE Directions: ihis form must be filled out ith typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by ea h person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or assocfatio in which the name of the license wi11 be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUB ECT TO REVIEIJ BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name of license) on sale ii uor i� e 2. Located at (address) 733 Pierce Butler oute, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 3. Name under which business will be oper ted L• �� Car, Inc. , d/b/a Overtime Lounge 4. True Plame Laura Jane Scheibel PhOnE 4s�-o��2 F�rst Middie Maiden Last 5. Date of Birth 11-8-49 Pld of Birth Sprincrfield, r� Month, Oay, Year o. Are you a citizen of the United States? ves � Native --- Naturalized ___ 7. Home Address 1413 Clement st. Mendot xei nts MN Home Telephone 4s�-��za 8. Including yaur present business/employm nt, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Empioyment Address United Medical Equipment (4 years) 3329 University Ave. S.E. , Minneapolis,MN Abbey Medical (11 years) 3536 Nicollet Ave. So. , Minneapolis,MN 9. Married? No If answer is "yes" list the name and address of spouse. n/a � ' . • �� ��D 10. � �4ave 'you e�rer be�n convicted of any felony, crime or vioiation of any city ordinance, ' other than traffic? Yes No = . Date of arrest n/a I9 l�(here n/a Charge n/a Conviction n a Sentence n/a Oate of arrest n/a 19 Where nia � Charge Canviction Sentence n�� 11. Retaii Beer Federal iax Stamp n/a R tail Liquor FederaT Tax Stamp n/a wilT be used. Family Inn St. Agnes Church St. Agnes School 12. C10525t 3.2 P1ace 561 Edmund Ave. C Ur'Ch 548 Lafond SCh001 548 Lafond Toner's Bar Sportsman Liquor I3. Closest intoxicatinq iiquor place. On Sale �i9 N. Dale Off SaIe 6�o N. Dale ia. I.ist the names and resiQenc�s of three persons of Ramsey County of qoad maral character, not related to the applicant or financ'a11y interested in tt�e premises or business , �Nna �nay be referred to as to the applicant's character. � Name addre55 Mar Wolkerstorfer 948 Lydia Dr., Roseville, MN 55113 Ronald Verhey 1625 Garden Ave. , Falcon Heights,MN 55113 Georgia Hinna 1318 Alton St. , St. Paul, MN 55116 I5. Address af premises for whict� applicati �n is made 733 Pierce Butler Rte. . st. Pau�,MN 55104 Zone Classification I-1 li ht indust ial Phone 48A-0002 I6. Between what C1"O55 StrBt�tS?Dale St. & rotto Wh1Cf1 side of Strest northeast 17. Are premises nOw OCCUpied? yeS What 8ustness? overtime Lounge How Long? 19 years '_3. �ist licenses which you currently hoid, or fa rneriy heid, or may have an interes� in. None I9. Have any of the 1ic�nses lis�ed by fau n No. 18 ever been revoked? Yes No X If answer is "yes", l�st the dates and easons q�a � � �� � � � � . Gr��l ao � 20. ',If business is incorporated, give dat of incorporation __ o�-±ob *- 1 19�_ ' and�attach copy 'of articles o= Iacorp ratioa and minutes or first me�ting. 21. Lisc all officers`of the corporation, givtng their names, offics held, hom� address and home 3ad busiaess t�lephoas numbars. aura Jane Scheibel, 1413 Clement Street, Mendota Heiqhts, MN 55118 (451-73 4) - Sole Officer, Director and Shareholder 2=. If busiaeas is putaQrshlp, list parta r(s), addresa and tQlephon� numbQrs. NamQ n/a Addr ss Phone 23. Ia thera anyone else vho wi11 have an tsrest ia this busineas or premi9es? Geor e Reus holds a Note secured b assets and ood will of the Overtime Lounge 24• . Ara you goiag to operate this busiaess ersonally? yeS IE aot, vho will operate it? Name n/a Hom� Address n/a Phone 25• ArQ you goiag to have a maaager or assi taat in this business? yeS If answer is "yes", give name, homQ addrQ9s, and ho telephone number. Name Stephen Romanecz $ome A,ddrsss 28 Cimarron,Lake Elmo,phOAe42 436-6723 ., � ANY FALISFICATION .OF ANSWERS GIVEN OB MATEA SITBNIITTED WILL REStJLT I.*i DEYLIL OF THIS •APPLICATION. I hareby stata uader oath that I have aaswere all oP the above qusstions, and that the iaformation contaiasd thereia is true aad cor act to ths best of cry kacwledge aad belieF. I hQreby stata furthsr uad�r oath that I have r ceived no money or other coasidQratioa, directly, or indirectly. in conaQCCion �rith thQ transfe of this licen9e, from any peraon by way of loan, gift, contributian or otharwisa, othQr thaa a eady disclosad ia th� applicacicn which I have hsrsaith submitted. Stace of :4iaa�sota) ' ) t . ' . Couaty of Ramsoy ) , <<:.�c� Si ture of applicant) bed aad swora o bQfore mQ chi9 a day o f , � .� 19� I��..I.i�.�I�r�i1A��AnnAAA/1ANI�ANM/�MAMMM� � ♦. ��"�` c�ig . PATRICIA L. CAM��LLL :lotarq Public. oy CO t�►� M1AII@SOtd ��� NOTARY PUBUC-MINNEWTA :ty Commission @Xp�r68 s RAMSEYCOUNTY My Comm.Expiru May 10,19�2 , . vvwvWVyvvvvvvwv ■ ' �. . � : . , . - ��-�� Y- � � � �.a,v ���.T co�-cL� �tY �lerk all �. � RI�T� NTQ �Z��` RECEIV 3g6 �lty x ED . 1.�L����� ��p�.Z��i�ZaN FEB 291988 � CITY CLERK _ � —'= yO• LOVE RT Dear Property Owner: .. : Transfer of an On Sale Liquor, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Class C Entertainment, and Gambling Location License currently issued PU�R 0 SE to Reus Inc. D A Butler Station (George Reus, President) ������2� L.J. Car .Inc. D A Overtime Lounge (Laura Jane Scheibel, President L`O������ 733 Pierce Butl r Route -� Ap ril 12, 988 9:00 a.a. � ���R.�'�C C-it7 Caunc � C��sbers, 3rd ��oor C�c7 �a.L? - Cou- cousa 3y Licsase aad ?�*�ic Di�is�ou, Dapar�e�c oL :�acs a.ad r T► u.aaagemeat Serricas, 3com 203 C�t� :zl? - C�ur� �ause, �O�-'C�' S�`�- S ai:t P au1. w��eso ca 298-�a5o - 2'�iis dat2 �ap be chan�e3 wit out the conseat asd/or ?�owLedge ot t�e Licensa aad Pe�i� Division. rr is sugaested ��at vou ca?? t�e Cic;r Cierti' s Of=_c� ac ?98-423i i you ��r±sa conf=_:�at=on. � � �'�� «.�'��, c��a�:- �„� � �„�� . CR���1 S��E�` �. OOlO O fi � C�ACS _ oEr�oa�ecroa Ru►roA�on�isr�rr� K�'�� Vc3T1 I�ii. p� R:r�Nt _ �a++�v�ae��s o�c�on 3 cm«�ac ' ' suooEr ox�cron � �t2C�� A@�Cl'#_ Finanoe;� �aat�. � ;; Z98-5Q56 ° j. ��� _ � Pereon t,o pe,�sorz transfer of an Qn e Liqu�ar, Stmds�"On S�l.e L�.quor'. C�s �II �citerta:i;rnt�nt, at�d Ga�nbling Locatioa�; censes. A�T�'ICATIQJ DATE: 2/29/88 LIATE: 4/12/88 : TwMSe lr!PV►a.W or�.l.a(�) p�cN nEVOrrr: . .. � - PLNfMif�COMMIBRIOD� . CML�iVICE COMMISSION . . MTE � DATE � ANALYST .. . . i1101iE NO. �. � . w p� p� �or�o� reu ets seHOO�ea�no � L� � ZS �� � � .. S7AFF . . . . . . GIMIIER COAMi8810N� PLETE AS IS� � ADD'L NIFO.MOED* �p TO CO!(fA�T Cx1A16Ai1J�lt.. .. . - . .�;.'. � _ . - . .�_FDH AOOL NlFG. � . __ �FEEOle AdC�MD[D• . °�� _ �: CaunciT Research Center ���� MAR 8 1988 - _ .�►,�.�.��a..��«„►,,�,�.►.�.�.��: _ Ms. Lau�a J. Sch�ibel, c� behalf o£ L. . Car, Tnc., re�sts Cau�cil app�oval, of ti�e:ir _ _ applica�ti�on �€or ali the 1ive�ses presen y 1�1d b�r:�,, Inc. at.at 733 Pie�o� �.iti� A�ute.- __::-;, be`transterred tx3 them at the sa� s. Ms. Sche5tbel will 6pera�e it perscr�ally, ar�d it`wi13 c�it3nt�e�to be l�n�wn as the " , Lounge: . _ -��nc�t t�rua.n.�.�aw+�a�..,r�.e�: : � : ;.. - �,].1 required ap�licatic�s a�d �ee.s have sukmitted. If Co�l appraval is giv�n, 1�. :��1 wiil be alltxaed to take r ibility, as w�1.I as the vperatio�, of the li�usine�s. . , �1MIIM..yMwn..and Ta YMianl: _ : If Qo�cil apprwal i$ not giv�, Ms. will n�ot be allaaed t�o c�Qerate the bus�s. AL7!lIIY111VE� - ;a MiO� CONS - i 111/{ORY�: . LE6AL�8: - - . . / � �(�-- ����_�`�, ����✓ �$t _ �. �-�' - 2�� �U _� �- �...�.:_ ;.� � ,,-- 3rd _ �dopted -�- - Yeas � � -� � � � / a�,g I�T-A9C3fVD � � �R � � C� ���G�z/ swr�z � _2, _8 � � t,o�v� ? -7_ ��) x�x��r,�nr v--�U���i �-%(� — � � SONNEN ���3 - � l ILSON � A2R. P ��"ti` �7l0��C� RES DENT'� SCHEIBEL �����-� ���/ CH, 1989 Yeas Nays LONG � - TTMAN ���� ��/ IVNEN ILSON IMOI� WI� �• PRESI ENT� SCHEIBEL ���,��� . �t*=o. GITY O SAINT PAUL o�� '; OFFI E OF THE MAYOR ° iu t i�� � � ~� �c 3 7 CITY HALL ,... SAINT P UL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612) 298-4323 MAYOR RECEIVED March 24 , 1989 MAR 2"���9 CITY CLEKK Council President James Sc eibel and Members of the Saint aul City Council ith Floor Citv Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 551 2 Dear Councilmembers : I have si;ned C. F. 88-621 hich creates an Ethical Practices Board. M�- one remainin� c ncern regardin� the ordinance centers around the investi ative work that needs to be done done re�arding potential v olations . I would recommend that the Council budget suffici nt rnoriies so that the �oard can hire independent investiga ors when needed. This appi•oach will insu.r. e that the Citv' Internal Atiditor is not placed in the uneas�- position of hav ' ng to investi�ate his/her supriors . Verv tr•ulv yours, � Geo e Latimer �fa� G]:: li h / 8�.a WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK u FINANCE COIlI1C1I (''� / �] C�NARV -DEPARTMENT F1Ie NO. r�v `_ r ` / B4.VE -+MAVOR GITY O SAINT PAUL • f� O Zn� `, Ordinance 0. �7 �U Presented By . �I ' �''`'•� / �" ` ��� Referred To Committee: Da e Out of Committee By Date An ordinance a ending the St . Paul Administrative Code, Chapter 111, to provide for an Ethical Practices Board. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Se tion 1. That the chapter headin and Section 111.01 of the St. Paul Administrative Code be and th same hereby is amended to read as follows : "CHAPTER 111 . ��E����l�l� ����� ETHICAL PRACTICES BOARD "Sec. 111.01.1. Council findin s. The council of the ci�of Saint Paul�f ds that the ci il service rules for the city of Saint P ul and the city's collect ve bargaining ac�reements w ' th organized and represented cit� em�lo�ees contain ade�uate �rocedures for reviewing and hand'ling omplaints ac�ainst most city employees. However, the council also finds that there are not adequate procedu es for reviewing and handling complaints against electe off ci ials and some ap�ointed em�loyees. Finally, the ouncil finds that elected and appointed officials are held to a higher standard of conduct and responsibil t due to the nature of their duties and res onsibiliti s. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department oE: Dimond �� In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman �be;�e� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �'t''�' �' ����� `3�'� J� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY 1 . . � �= �� ��i . , �. . . ,��3 � lll.fdl.2. Ethical Prac ices Board Created. There is hereby created a St. Pa 1 F�ee����s Ethical Practices Board. The board shall consist of five members, who shall serve without c mpensation, appointed by the mayor with the consent f the city council. Initially, two members shall be ppointed for a term of three years each, two member shall be appointed for a term of two years each and on member shall be appointed for a term of one year . Th reafter , members' terms shall be for three years until their successors are appointed and qualify. No member of the board d ring his or her term shalls ( 1) Hold or campaign for elective office; (2 ) Be an officer of any political party, political committee or persona campaign committee; (3 ) Permit his or her na e to be used to or make �ontributions in sup ort of or opposition to � any city candidate o proposition; (4) Participate in any e ection campaign. Sec. 111 .PI1 .3 . Limit tion on �urisdiction. The board' s �urisdiction over complaints alleg n� violations of Saint�Pa 1 Legislative Code Chapter 29 and/or Saint Paul Admi istrative Code Chapter 24 by ci� officials or em loyees shall be limited to complaints a= gainst publi 'officials as defined � Saint Paul Administrative Cod Section 24.P13 (B) (1) (d) ." Sect 'on 2. That Section 111 .04 of he St. Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amend to read as follows: "111 . 4J4 . Powers and Dut es . (1) The board shall w ' th the approval of the city council adopt, pr mulgate, amend , and rescind suitable administr tive rules and regulations to carry out the po icies and purposes of this chapter. As part f its rulemaking function the board shall have he authority to �romulgate a rule pr ivo ding th t as a condition of filing a com laint with the board, the complainant shall sign a written sta ement agreeing to be assessed reasonable cost and attorney' s fees as �etermined � the oard if it finds the complaint to be frivolous or made in bad faith or brought �or vexatious reasons or substantially for the 2 . � ; r ' � v � ... F ..7 . . C���_��� ����� urpose of harassment. (2) The board may requ ' re that forms be developed and prepared for the com plaints required by this chapter. The city lerk shall assist the board in developing and prep ring said for�ns. (3) In cooperation wit the city clerk' s office, the board shall com pile and maintain a current list of all reports and tatem ents filed pursuant to Chapter 28 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Cha�ter 24 of the S . Paul Administrative Code. (4) The board shall inv stigate whether statem ents and reports have been filed within the times required by Chapter 28 of th St. Paul Legislative Code and Chapter 24 of the S . Paul Administrative Code. (5) The board shall re iew reports for completeness and internal consistency and independently verify entries on cam paig disclosure reports and other , forms on an arit m etically randomly selected basis. (6) The board shall mak ongoing reviews of and, where appropriate , rec mmend to the city council am endm ents to ord nances relating to election regulations and may make recommendations regarding the city' s code of thics. � (7) Pursuant to St. P ul Legislative Code Section 28. 03 , Subd . 4 (7 ) the board shall have the authority to exem t an individual , political parties , politica com mittees , and personal campaign committees from the filing requirements of St. Paul Legisla ive Code Section 28.Q13 , Subd. 4. (8) The board shall p ovide reports to the cit� council and the m or upon completion�of�the o�ard' s findings relating to (3) , (4) , and (5) of this section. ` ` (9) The Board m� obtai subpoenas from the district court to compel th attendance of witnesses and the production of do uments at �hearing. " (10) the Board shall h ve the authority to issue advisory opinions� re arding the provisions'of 3 . � ' � -/� J �' . - C?���.�°�/ � ��3.� Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapters 24 and Saint Paul Le islat ' ve Code Chapters 28 and 29 . Sect' on 3 . That Section 111.QJ5 of t e St. Paul Administrative Code be and the same hereby is amende to read as follows : "Section 111 . 05. Compla ' nt and Hearings. Subdivision l. Filing. Subject to the limitation set forth in Section 11.01.3 of this chapter, P�any resident of the city or the cit 's internal auditor may file with the board a com pl int, under oath, alleging a violation of chapters 8 and/or 29 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and%o chapter 24 of the St. Paul Administrative Code. � � Notwithstanding the pr visions of Section 111.P14 (1) , the ciT ty's internal audit r shall have the authority to receive anonymous comp aints, waive signing of the statement required� ection 111.04 (1) and bing a formal complaint on beha f of the cit , if the auditor determines that a compl int is not frivilous, is not made in bad faith, and is not brought for the purpose of being vexatious or ha ass ni g. Upon receipt of such com laint, the board shall conduct a preliminary investigation. Upon completion of that investigation, if the board determines that there are no reasonable grounds t believe that a violation has occurred or that the com laint is frivolous or made in bad faith or brought for vexatious reasons or substanti'ally for the p rpose of harassment, it shall dismiss the complaint; o herwise, the board shall refer the com plaint for a h aring as set forth in this section. Subdivision 2. Procedu e. The board shall conduct a hearing on each complain not previously dismissed and shall rule thereon; prov 'ded such hearing shall be held and rulings made within ten days following the date a com plaint is referred or within half the tim e from the date the complaint is re erred to it to the date of the election, whichever is 1 ss . The chair of the board ay obtain subpoenas from the district court to compe the attendance of witnesses and the production of do uments at any hearing . 4 . - . � �;�-�� ��/ . , � �. . . /11��� Upon completion of a hea ing the board shall, within 72 --- hours , issue a written etermination stating whether there has been a viol tion of law and a statement setting forth the fact and provisions of law upon which the determinatio is based; provided , however , that where a complaint relates to an election to be held within seven days f the filing of the complaint, the board shall make a written determination within forty=eight hours of t e completion of the hearing. Upon determination of a violation of chapter 28 and/or 29 of the Legislative ode, and/or chapter 24 of the Administrative Code, th board shall is—e a�e�g w}�� ��s ��t����gs a ��sge��� ' �� w�i�e�a �ag ��e�t���T �t�� �e� �e ��x�}�ed �s: _ . �}} A gt����e a��ter����e� e� �eg�}�a�el} , . . _ . =E�} � �eg���aa� a�� ass set�e�� e� ees�sT ��e�t����Q �ease����e a�����e� ! �ees a�d e��eases ��e���e� _ �� esadt�e��r�g ae �t� ee��ga��ea a�d �e���t�g a �iea����} �3} Re€e���� e€ ��ie �e� �a�a� �e� e���� e� e��x���a� p�eseet���s� �e ��e �p�e���a�e at���e����: findings which � inclu e referral of the complaint to the appropriate autho it for civil , criminal or sciplinary action. — � W�e�e }� �al�es sgee� �e w����e� €����xQe ��a� a eex�g�a�a� �as bee�a x�ad� ' � ba�l �a4�1� s� }s ��}�re�e�s e� �s ��e�g�� €e� �e�a��et� �easel�s e� se�e�ax������ €e� ��e gt���ese e� ���ass�e �T �t�e ]�ea�d �na� �e�r���e �l�e �e�a�����a�� �e ga� a�� e��s a�� e�ge�ses �a����e�l b� ��ie �ea�e1 aad ac�g e��i�� pa��� agg��e�r�d �� ��e �}���� e� ��ie ee�������:�� Sect on 4. "111.�16. Policy. It is he intent of the council that this chapter be interpre ed and applied consistent with Minnesota Statutes Cha ter 645." 5 �