88-615 WHI7E - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CO11/1CII ^� BI.UERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF AINT PAITL File NO. ���`S Council Resolution i--� o , Presented ''�� Referred To y �" � Committee: Date �� ��'b � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the importance of having a safe and secure area for disposal of explosives which a e recovered by the Saint Paul Police Department was recognized when $64 ,780 was appropriated in the 1988 Capital Improvement Budget for fencing at the proposed site; and WHEREAS, the appropriation was placed in specified contingency until a lease with the owner o the property, the University of Minnesota, was completed; and WHEREAS, the Cities of Sai t Paul and Minneapolis have entered into a joint five-year lease w' th an option to renew with the University of Minnesota; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV D, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendatio of the Mayor and advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1988 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretof re adopted and amended by this Council, be further amended to remove t e specified contingency status on C-0101, Ordnance Disposal Site and thereby allow expenditure of the appropriated money. APPROVED AS TO FI CING: -� APPROVED: � / , � ,, � . Eugene A. Schil r Grego ' . Blees Finance and Managem�r�t,:-�S���i:�s� `',.- '°" �* :�u'c1g�t Director i;�ugc: L•.,.�_.,ii�� _.., . . .. _ ,_ . .., {aa���..3_ �" .,.......__....� :.. _ ..... _ _ , - . � __..___,_Y..,_ __ _ �... . � COUNCIL MEMBERS =gn� � Yeas Nays Requested b� rtment of: Dimond �� In Favor coswitz Rettman B scne�nei —�—_ A gai ns t y Sonnen `�'°"' MAY 1 � 1988 Form A rove by City tt ney Adopted by Council: Date c Certified P�s ��C�e ar gy < By �''i Approve Mavor: Date � Appro by Mayor for Su s on to Council By I�I�LISNED M AY 2 19 � � a� � r�� . + � �� O, • �/� V Y 4'�`� - � � � �1�•- �,� ,�8 .6t°_. 0115 81 � �olice DEPARTMENT ? 9`�' •� � Lt. Polski CONTACT IiAM� �9�-1111 YI�ONE I � 3/24/8$ ' � DATE . I ASS?GN DtIIKBEQ FpR SOUTING ORDER: (See r rse side.) i 1 Department Director � 5 Iisyor (or Assistant) 3 inance a�td lianagement Seswices Direc�t r � City Clerk 2 Budget Director � � � City Attorney _ TOTAL N[JMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES; 1 {C p all location� for signature.) W V E D � (PurPosej�at3.cmale) , That the specified contingency status on -0101 , Ordnance Disposal .Site, 1988 Capital Improvement 8udget, be removed to allow penditure of the appropriated mor�ey. Coun�;l �e���Ych Center RECEINEO � N�R 21 i�s8 �cavm 4 � APR � 51988 MAR 2 91988 C S ET N C • , M�►YOaS U��CE BUOGET OFFI�E � I BBnefit: To fence the proposed site for afe and secure disposal of explosives recovered by the St. Paul Police Departm t. - N C GET V C D D: REC�n' � (Mayor's signature not required if under 0,000.) '�c[/ qP 6 �9 w Tota1 Amount of Trans�ction: Appropria d $64,780 Activity Number:p�Q,]'(}Q� 88 � ,p�p'4E OF�yE Funding Source: CI8 �1(�p q��Iyt���'CTpR _____.���.,_ M�,� AT';`ACHMENTS: (List and number all attac nts.� RECEiVED ; - 1':, Counci 1 Resol uti on � APR 4 1988 ; . � CITY ATTORIVEY �1DMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES � � X Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Pro dures, or Budget Amendment required? X Yes No If yes, are they or tim able attached? DEPARTI�IENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RB�IIEW . � X Yes _No Council resolution requi ? Resolution raquired? �Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance requirgd? j Insurance sufficient2 �,Yes `No /j/� _Yes _No Insurance attachedY � �' , � I i � CITY OF �3,A,INT P.A.UL � ���p/�� : ju����� °. ; ` • . OFFICE oF $� � `ti CITY COIINCIL � � � Co 'ttee Report � Fin ce l�an.a eme�t & Personnel Commit tee. . �`�9a 9;r��.1988 PERSONNEL � ' ..' .,::;, � ' .. ; , . . • � . 1 :30' 1. Resolution amending the Civii ervice Rules by adding Section B.A.Z.a and mending Section 8.0 pertaining to the St. Paul Police Federation. (Referred from Co ncii March 29, . '���� iaid over �Aprii 18) 1 :40 2. Resolution approving and ratif ing an agreement � between ISD #625 and AFSCME Lo als 844 and 1842. (Referred from Council April 2 ) _App�oved_�� 1 :45 3. Resolution estabTishing the rat or pay for Public Heaith Division Manager in Grad 32, Section I04 of the Professional Supervisor Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Comoensatio� Resolution. (Referred from Cou cil April 7, � �i� �er�'on�-month laid over Aprii 28) . FINANCE b BUDGET ' i :55 4. Resolution am�nding t�is- i9@8; G�t budget by removir�y the .speci�ied contfrtg cy status for the ' dispasal -s.�e of exRiosive� rec vered bY the , Police Q�pg�tment. ,��� ����"�`i��nc i 1 Apr i 1 28 ( ontinued) - - _ — - - . . C:T1' HALL SEVENTH FLOO SAINT PAUL, bIINNESOTA SSIO' ie �.�,.�..,,,.� . : . _