88-611 'NHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANGE COIlI1C11 <CANAR���- DE�ARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L ��'`�o �� BLUE' - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution �����} � . Presented By �-T Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A!`��ivlJti) F'hEl_ I M NAE:Y h'ESC:�L1J'i"IC�IV 1 �:a�st� �a�W�R REVE.��JIiE BON`} I �5,_�r WHE �r A`s, tt�e �::i�y t:�u�nc, ; 1 ar�a i ��� the �<.jz- i«�s_rnears<; c�f _ __ __ _.�_________.. � _._ __ t unc't i n� c1-�� C;?�.vTs�i�r � <�f Tt�t�� t!�rm _W��t,er� �r�c;� ��n_�t�3r_;�`�_ew�i- �,N ;�r a t; i c�r i �='� c� r a rrr; �r.,�� ___ r..__.� _.� ___ _�_._______:__ WN�h't:AS, t.f-i : Lv�a���i__� f���s ,oi�� i ua�cl *.f��t t.r�r,_ u�e v1` ��w��_ ___ _. � __ _ _ _,_ �i Reve�-�ur E�c>r�d�, i.o f i N��nr�._.t_Y�e , -wE�� 5e�ar �,t ir;;-� F'rc�_i�:c:t, i����� �rie�t.� tf,�r' fio ! f c'w'� :��...E?v i_:_���'o���c::t i v�� '�- I�t_ wi i i �l icrw ._irnmk:�liat.e ra.t;e �-�1iNf to„_(� it.y s�wer �ascr-s an�i_�ov i ciF�_s f�i�r -at.e 5tat�i I i� i r� �k.t�� f u t.ur .r ; i t: K;r r�.��Nrlvrs �t.Y�� C i�t ' s at,i i i ��_i.�.�� ��rr�er d i � ��,1 i di. i��n iat•L�1� r��.�r� r�re �d Ca�� i ta I Impi <:;vern�rit. E'� ���.1.t�c�_t��.i_ _—__._____,..� --- — ] t I 5 t�.U 1 2 t�t,? � E_' 1 ("1 �fl t��. 7 l: �.�1'O V 1 C�C.� d Z�E'c��(�i�I d U� "r_' ----- -�._.�._ w.__.._.� � ��i i s t r i t�,i�i_ i o n c:>f c_c>�'t��� t;� C:�e r��f i c i�r' i �s i r i r e 1 at i�7 n �r� t-�'f'__r� 1 i �e"_�'r�.:�_il�'.__-�-a_r r `r�c;t ' ---______ [t ��i'_ov i c.ie� d p�rm�n�n��:, i ani —term t=i r�dn�r i nq �?s ar�i- I r a i i c�ws__�t���. un i���.�e c�� �cl�r t��n +t�v t�n� �-eacicr P=,��t, i�_,r° �ur���i i n�� ����:i � ;uns i n ; i 'r�t ��f= cur--r errt. c:or�u i t:i vr��� ur��re��y �_�_i��w i__r�c�Tfi c7r tf-��; �r-�t�ancemer�� ���f�he � i ty' � c �r��it� � 19n�ar�,vern��nt ��r-a i-drn �rid tt�e O�>���7T"'��.�f"11'�Y tor- i �,n:i ��_w�-i �.'► <:��I_�i.:_�_i��l i �#=: ther�fore b? �: �: COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz � Rettman g � . �be1�� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City At orne Adopted by Council: Date — � Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mavor: Date Appco d by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By WHI7E - G�TV CLERK PINK - FINANGE COIlIICIl CANARV� DEAARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL File NO. �����/ BLUE� - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date H:�,�CIL_'VE:iI , t:r����. fo?- i�he pu �>>os? of rur'�ef i r�c� �r.ri� C: i't.y sn��t-e of t'r�e ��or-m water dr�ci s�n i r�r y �ewar- s�pdr�'r. it�,n prGgr�ani, �th� C��un�N i 1 c>� �rt�t� t;? ty C.,f Sa � nt Pau 1 i r� acc�-�i-C��fl a w'1 t'rl a�:�K�rapr 'i r�t-N Sf'c3't'.utC7Y-V c�-f1�a cf�art er� �:>rov i �, i c.�r7 c:�r�F�:; he��er�y i ve ��rP 1 i mi n�i y a�F�rcava I far tl�ie i ss�.aar�ce ofi �F�wer f1F=u�nue 3�nc��a pd.,�ab 1 e f r om sewer :�Prv i ce �;-�d star m sr�weT. cf�ar�_ae=; �r�c9 ��>f_tfer s�w�r ysi-r�m r�evenuF,s i r� an amouni� nc>t tc� exce�ed �78, 45�� , UUO . F-Uk (HLR �ESUI�VEC� , trtG�t th i-t , 40�, �10t� Portic:>n of t�'rre r� ���r�c. ia1 �i:�n ,.-e I at i nc� tc, t.�,e i �i mka�.�r-�� r�r,�t- f a.:�st ca��i t-� I e� »r-r,�i i t�ai Ps �i�a f I b� �I�cf�d i n ,_� se��ar at���c c::u�.�n _�i n :. c ���i t� I i mF�s ovem��nt f-un��i����c1 f=r�_�zen K�F.r��i r-,c� f ur��Ct��er_ C:i tv (:��;� r�ic:�i 1 d i i ect i«n1 w i th i r�t.er�st cdr i°i i n�.- s 1-.u__he _used t��r prop��-t�!t.�x � e i �i=�__anc.a t�e i t. - �UF��"t-fER FtESULVED, that �tP� Uir•er_�c:�r�, ����ar' rmrnt. uf= F inance dnrJ Mana��erner�t S�rv i ��� . i ;-� �uorc:; i at �on w i�i� «�fi ����.�� C i t=y d��%�rtmer�ts , of f� i ces dr�ti ��i_�ff , i � i��tr ek:�y d t.t��,r ?z�_� t:c? i r� "r t i ate � 1 I r�rcNS1�i-v ac:i: i<7ns t-v��:tr�� �e �f t ec,t i r�� s i � vf �r��� �fc:,d-Ernerit i onNc1 bonc7s and tc, re��ui°t: #::a t.t�r� Cc,�.inc i i thei r �.r ,orr�rn�rr�G�t.ic�,rrs f'or t'r�e offer i ng �r�d sd{ r ��F sK� i�:i t_�<�r7iiy w i tf� i r� tE7 i ��j�.y ( 3� } �f�y� ��-;_�m �.i�e d�iYe of� ��ci�pt. i,_�n �.,r t.t� is ��rel irr�ir��ry �_�soiutic.;r-�. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �imond �ong In Favor �Goswitz � � Rettma�r .,�,�;v� _ Against BY �Sonnen � Wilson�-- �pp ��'Y � 1�OU Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date / Certified Vass ounc.il Se r BY yl� gy, ' � Appro d y Mayor for Sub ' sion to Council Appro by Mavor: B PUgUSN�p �1 AY � �� 1988_ � ` �' . �� �"��� c�' �'�6�t �:. . � . • a`' ' w_.� � ` ` t� �I� Qil��'JZ � Mavor's Office DEPARTI�IIiNT • Susan Kimberlv CONTACT NAME 298-4323 PHOTIE � 3/17/88 DATE � ASSIGN NiJMBER FOR ROIITING ORDER: (See rev rse side.) Department Director 3 Mayor (or Assistant) 2 Finance and Management Services Direct r 4 City Clerk Budget Director �,_. �,S- �(��f� 1 City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: � � y����� (C1 p all locations for signature.) i�1 0 ? (Purpose/Rationale) � Preliminary Resolution for 1988 Sewer R vettue Bond Issue OST N UD ET Y AND P SO EL P D: FI C S C A V B C EDIT D: (Mayor's signature not required if under $1 ,000.) Total Amount of Trans$ction: Activity Number: Funding Source: ATTACHML�NTS: (List and number all attachme ts.) Resolution ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Proce es, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timet le attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE6i _Yes Na Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance attached? �� � � ������: � � -fiFC ..� �r. . CITX OF AINT PAUL I ti i��iui:lt� : � 'Yj� `��� OFFICE OF F3� CITY COIINCIL � ... . �� I�� . ��� �� , � Com,mi tee Repart �'� �: � F:i�. ce Mana e e�t & Persannel Co ' �� mmittee. Apr 1 18, 1988 1 . Approval oF minutes of Apri1 th end April llth AppROVE!} meetings. PERSONNEL 1 :30 2. Resolution approving and rati ying 1987-1989 Jim Lombardi agreement between the City of St. ?aul and the � • Fire Fighters Local 21 . (Ref rrec from Council APPROVED April 7) 1 :40 3. Resolution amending Section 8 f tne Civil Service . Sheryl L� Rules concerning reallocation.. (Referred from Council April ) LAID OVIIt TO 4/28 � 1 :50 4. Resolution changing the rate f p�y for Assistant Sheryl Le General Manager-Water Utility in Grade 31 , Section ID4 to Grade 33 of the Profes ional Employees Supervisory Stanaard Ranges in the 5alary Pian and Rates of Compensation Resoluti n. �D OVIIt T0 4/28 (Referred from Council Aprii 7) 2:00 5. Resolution adjusting the rate f �ay for G�ound- Sheryl Le crew Member and deleting Groun skeeper in Section IIB of the Salary Ptan and Rat s c= Compensation ' Resolution. (Referred from Co ncil Aprii 7) LAID OVER TO 4/2$ 2: 10 6. Resolution amending the Civil ervice Rules by adding Sheryl Le Section 8.A.2.a and amending S ction 8:C pertaining to the.St. Paul �Police Federation. LAID OVER TO 519 (Referred from Council March Z , laid over in committee April 11) � �I':'Y HALL SEVENTH FLO R SAINZ'PAUL, MINNESOZ'A 55102 . , �s � � �a.K.+.r..,. .. . , .c.� 1�' . ��� , - - C� �'��`�� ���.�� - � �� � ..� 4-18-88 � 3:25 14. Administrative Order D-968 - Budget revision for General Government Account -Executive Administration, Ron Kline {Referred from Council Mar h 22) �No:action necessary 3:30 15. Continued discussion on Se er Separation Refinancing Susan Kimaeriv/ Proposal . Greg 81ees/ Bob Piram, et a� 16. An ordinance repealing ordi ance no. 17513 adopted November 25, 198', which es ablished a surcharge on water rates for properties ithin the City of St. Paul . (Referred from Counc' 1 March 3, laid over in committee April il) �D 0� ���T�Y 1�' 9���ng preiimina y approval of the i988 �°° ond Issue an requesting Director of � , ent Servic ' itiate necessary V , . "` , y �i� s and to report to � ' his r mmendat .fpr the ffering a f ;. �.�� 1'.,.. ........, _ ,.. ...�. ...... . � .... µ Pr .:...,, ounc� � A i l 5) ..,:.,:_. :. _ _ Note: Agenda order is tentative and y be changed by the committee if circumstances dictata. Agenda imes are provided as a rough estimate so city staff involved in presentations can plan their aork schedule to minimize t#�e t'me spent waiting for their agenda item. The ccmmittee may telephone any scheduled presentor and ask them to advance their p esentation if the committee is running ahead of sch�dule. 3 _ . . . �- � � � �,� � ��-�1� � � __.� 3- I g -�8 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FIN�.NGE GITY OF � AINT PAUL �O1"cil CANARV - DEPARTMENT u SLUE - M1,VOR File 1�0• � City Attny/ H � Council Resolution � � �� Presented y Referred To � �" Committee: Date �°��� Out of Comrt�ittee By Date PRELIMI ARY RESOLUTI 1988 SEWER REVENUE BON ISSUE RESOLVED, That for the pu pose o funding the City share of the storm water and sanitary sewer separ tion program the Council of the City of Saint Paul. in accordan e w' h appropriate statutory and charter provision does hereby iv preliminary approval for the issuance of Sewer Revenue Bond ayable from sewer service and storm sewer charges and other ewer system revenues in an amount not to exceed $78,450, 000. RESOLVED FURTHER, Tha th Director, Department of Finance and Management Services , in c ordi ation with effected City departments , offices and staff, to i tiate all necessary actions looking to sale of the aforementi ed bon s and to report to the Council their recommendations for t offeri g and sale of said bonds within thirty (30) days fro the date of adoption of this preliminary resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng [n Favor Goswitz � � Rettman B � s�ne�ne� _ Against Y Sonnen �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � Bp A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ Appro y Mayor for S ' sion to Council By