88-596 WHI?E - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY O SAINT PALTL Council /�I CANARY - DEPARTMENT /( BLUE -MAYOR File NO• v �� City Attny/PBB Counc 'l Resolution - ;y� Presented By "� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the on-sale intoxicating liquor, sunday on- sale , off-sale malt and res aurant licenses held by Robert 5abes dba Plum' s for the premises at 480 Snelling Avenue Sout� in Saint Paul are hereby suspended f r three consecutive days effective after one week following pu lication of this Resolution ���3-�'e�- e��t�tp�e;-��.�.9-�ese��.��e�.-�ae e-��.��}s�.ed-�,g���-�9;-��8�;-��.e-�a�es e�-stts�e�.s�e�.-�ae���.-�e-«?a� -�=-a�.��-���d�- ( if, for example, this Reso ution were published May 7, 1988, the dates of suspension would e May 16th, May 17th and May 18, 1988. ) COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested;by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo�g in Fav r Goswitz , Rettman � �;�, __ Agains BY Sonnen Wilson APR � 81 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � �t �s Certified Yas ouncil Secr r By — gy; p � A►pproved by 1�1 or. te _ ��n L � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �' BY `_TOT�l13�C� ''^•^`���r . JVO . . . _ _ . _ .at__�._: _ -n.; .. .,3:t.iS K.Y.+' 'is'.�ty�f�Yi1L��w'.�. .. .,. . . . . � ...�w. ... . ...-..� � �. .n �^ � ;-�-..- .�- �., .. . , . � � � � . . . .. j. . . . _ WMIT[ � GTV CIERK .. '. . •. . . . ..._. . . �. , . _�'.�.. � � ��,� -.. PINK � FINANC6 � � � COYI�CII /�' - ' GANARI�—OEPAW�TM�NT � G I TY� O SA I NT3 PA U L �( f�/f BI.UE �MAYOR � � � Flle NO• �`� - ��„`� Citg Attny/PBB - - �� �ou�c l Re�alution � � � �T��� - Presented By � -' � Referred To Committee: Daie - . � ,__,.,...,... Out of Committee By ` �`� . ��Date x. �� s� t• _ ,. ..�> ����n����, �tESQLVED, that tha an-$ e iatoaicatiag Iiquor, sunday oa- . �` � °.� . �'ale, off-sale malt amd reet �.ncaat lic�nses �eld by Rob+ert Sabes - � ba Plrnm`a for the premiseg t �iSi# S�nelliag i�venue South in Sa.int .,_;i.. Paul ase hezeby suspe�adeict f thre� conset�tive days effectiv+e _ `� aft�r osYe week folla�tng cati�n of this Resolutias .�if.�...far_ � �t:_ �$��c;—zas�--��i���dS= — �i�A�i;�a�—���r—•t�lp-� - o e€-�tss�erre�e�r-�d-�e-�sg i-l+t�-��833+ (if, for -azample, thie Reaa.l tian vere publiahed M�y �, 1988. the � c�ate�"of aus�rasioa would May a.fitb, May 1?th and May 18,> i988.) COUNCIL MEMBERS . Yeas Nays f. Requested by Department of: Dimond ��; Long in Favo Goswitz Rettman .� �;�,. Against BY Sonnen Wilson -- Q .� :; � *�! Form Approved by City Attorney �'�dopted by Council: Date , ' - . Certified Pass�d hY �ouncil Secr�tary {� BY 85, �..�.X.,j..; '� l��•.,,�+�..�„r��-�--.- , _ � � ^ �t qno Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council flpprovec! by 1+lavor: Date _ � Ey _ ^ . gY o��s reo a��e�rn� l,i["'_�`7'' r 3osep� t�. Carcl�ti : - - Q���� ����� No. Q��.���J' �' . nEVU�►ox�c�on - �wp iort�§r�wra I{r18 �]h1�27.I11E'1'–VVl �,?i � � — �a�ue�r ar�s oaecra+; 3. aTr c�wc �r ow�crop 2 �c7i.1_�R�ES�h Finanoe & I+�x�mt. 298-5056 z �,�,,,,,�,�,. Affirnn acti:� talcen ori April i2, 1988. - A[Cb�71D�A71ops:(Mprove IA)a Rejed(R)) CCtlpCQ. REVORT: .. n�►�rxa ca�w�sYaH cnr�SEnviCe co�wnssaN D��n+ o��o4n' rrrc�+E No. �ONr10 oOMalf8�oD1 � . 18D 826 8CMO0L BOARn 'L� _ !{,.��!' . 17�`qY�/ . . . . . .� . � . - S?AFF�� . . - qMllRER COMANSSION � , A6 IS� . . . AOD'L INFO.ADD�; . . RET'D TO OOME�T �--�pR. . � � � _ - _fOR ADDt MIFO. � FEF A00�* � - 018IpCi00lMCL . . .i • . � , . . . � �1'POiR8 Y1IFNCFI COUNCtI.OBJECTNE4�.:. � . . . . � � . . . � . . � . . . � . -� . , . . .. � . . . - �����il �����rch C�nter �f�� � � ���6 .n�►,�o�,.�e.owan„�„►n�►�.,nn,�.+�vu�,�.wn,�>: � April 12, 1988, Co�nacil suspended the licenses is�u�ed t� R�bert Sabes U�A Plurta s �d f3e�rge_C. `Hulier D�A Rai�ley Liqwars af c�e week �oi3:vwing p�ab7.ic�ti4ri o� tlus �olutiari'. �e'dat�as taau,l.d be May 8, 9, a�ad 10, 198 . . .�usnl�l�►t10�iGoaie.��Ar.Aav�rwoee�w�n�: _ . _ . Sel�inq Liqua�r to a mi.ripr. _ _ aow�ou�ces twn�wn.n..aa_ro v�r.: _ _ ; N/A ��+� . � fwnoerivn�rs: �.owu.+s�s: . ,��;:� ��ry ,�-�' ��' ``�,*,;, CITY OF SAINT PAUL '~' = DEPA TMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � a, + _�� e DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION '!� � Room 203, City Hall �... Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayw RECEIVED April 1, 1988 APR 4 4 1988 `�e�.A��e�� �!:�,� CITY CLERK , :�#8�>�Soat4t Si�e��2�°ctg Av,�tuue Saint Paul, MN 55105 Dear Mr. Sabes: As License Inspector for the C ty of Saint Paul, I am hereby notifying you that=-�i!lpa��,, .��'� p blic hearing will be held before the Saint Paul City Council regarding the'-t"Mt�r-°�o�,- �esei�"''0�t�t��� ��t� Sals 1Ka3:��,• a�d�-.B,e u�..zt�t .li�q��:youu hold at 480 South Snelling Avenue. This hearin will be held in the Saint Paul City Coun- cil Chambers, third floor of t e City and County Courthouse at 9:00 a.m. At this hearin , the License s ector will recommend that the Cit Council take��a�dr►eL^�- , ich ma be in the form of sus ension, revocation, ffne, and/or lac of conditions on our Iicenses. The License and Permit Divisi bases its recommendation on the following: 1) March 15, 1988 - You and/ r your representative allowed the sale of liquor to a minor. Th s violates State Statute 340.A 509, Subdi- vision 4, Paragraph B; an Saint Pau1 Legislative Code 409.08 (2) , Regulations - No liquor s all be sold or furnished for any purpose to any person under twent -one (21) years of age. You ma.y be represented at thi hearing by an attorney or other represen- tative of your choice. You a d/or your attorney/representative will be allowed to cross-examine witn sses and present evidence through witnesses and documents at this hearing. Enclosed is a memorandum of p ocedures used by the City Council for hear- ings on license revocations, spensions, and denials of new licenses. Very truly yours, oseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/lp cc: Council Members Phil Byrne - City Attorn y's Office Captain Ed Steenberg - V"ce Unit t.Ar�'Olson - City Clerk Council Research