88-592 WHITE - C�TV CLERK - PINK - FINANCE COIIAC11 �Q yA CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PAU L ��"7 (p � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � • Counc l Resolution t���, Presented By a Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrativ Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Payro 1 Administrator--Board of Education in the Salary P1 n and Rates of Compensation. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the title of Payroll Administrator--Board of Educati n be set at the rate set forth in Grade 11, Section ID4, of the Professiona Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Co pensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that thi resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period a ter the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departmen of: Yeas Nays Dimond �'�.. [n Favo Goswitz Rettman �� �J Against BY � ���' Soncen Wilson APR 2 8 1958 Form Appr ve by it torney Adopted by Counci!: Date Certified Yassed b cil Secretar BY • gy. ,�-;�i p Approved b 'Vlavor: Date _ `�`f��"� -� '�-� % g Approved May fo ubm ion to Council� �� J I gy �--,.�.,-- ' ��BtISNED M AY 7 1 88 Council Research Center ���y `� , _�I° 013303 , APR 12 �� Perso�nel • � DBPARTMENT . - - - - - Fred S. Haider cot�TACT rt � . x 4221 PxoNE r :. . April 6. 1�88 DATE � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See everse side.) � Department Director 3 Mayor (or Assistaat) � _ Finance and Management Servicea Dir ctor 4 City Clerk Budget Director _ ���� 2 Ci�y Attorney _ �OTAL NiJKBER OF SIGNATORE PAGE�: ' Clip all locations� for signature.) Y D T ? (Purpose�tRationale) � This resolution establ�shes a rate of p for the new title of Payroll Administrator--Board of Education in th Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. S F UDG Y ND P SO C S D: REC��VED The budgetary impact will be limited to the School District. AR R a�l �9as , �pYOR'S�FFICE N C G BUDG T VI R C G OR (Maqor's signature not required if unde $10,000.) Total l�mount of Trans�ction: Activity Wumber: Funding Source: . ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all atta ents.) R EC EIV�'� 1. Resolution � 2. Copy for C1ty Clerk 3. Class Speclfica�tion for Payroll Adm nistrator--Board of Educa�ion AP R G �988 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Pr cedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or ti etable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes _No Council resolntion requi ed? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance attached? . - C� ����� CODE: 36147 . ' BU: O1 EFFECTIVE: TITLE OF CLASS: PAYROLL ADMINIS TOR--BOARD OF EDUCATION DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Pe forms skilled supervisory and highly responsible administrativ work in preparing and disbursing payrolls for teachers and Civil Service e loyees at the St. Paul School District; and performs related duties as r quired. �u,gervision Received: Works und r the general supervision of a division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercise within a unit general supervision over payroll employees directly nd through subordinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a 1 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns, directs� and evaluates he work of employees involved in payroll and records auditing. Plans and carries out administra ive studies such as required to automate payroll records, or improve work procedures. Interviews and hires subordinate clerical employees; prepares probation reports and annual evaluations f r all Payroll Supervisors. Answers complaints or supplies i formation to employees, citizens, public officials or outside agencies an provides information or policy interpretations �here a complete knowledge of departmental methods and procedures are necessary. Prepares analytical reports conc rning the impact of labor contract proposals or other changes in pa schedules. Prepares insurance billings for ayment and reconciles accounts with actual remittance received. � Prepares correspondence to verif employee pay status and provide such other information as required by insurance carriers, financial institutions, retirement associa ions and government agencies. Prepares a variety of tax and ot er statistical reports. KNOWLEDGE� SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of superviso techniques. (continu d on reverse side) PAYROLL ADMINIS TOR--BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 2 , PAYROLL ADMINISTRATOR--BOARD OF EDUCATION . Thorough knowledge of Civil Service rules relating to payroll and time records. Thorough knowledge of bookkeeping and payroll prsctices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of tax and pension laws. Considerable lrnowledge of office practices and procedures. Thorough ability to plan� organize and delegate work. Thorough ability to interact effectively with management, other City employees� and with the general public. Considerable ability to make complex arithmetic computations by hand, adding machine and calculator. Considerable ability to perform work that requires close attention to detail. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years of Payroll experience� at least four years of which must have been as a Payroll System Supervisor, Payroll Supervisor-Schools� Civil Service Transaction Clerk I, or equivalent. - PAYROLL ADMINISTRATOR--BOARD OF EDUCATION