88-590 wHiTE - ciTr CLERK COUflC1I PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL ' � CANARV - OEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. V � Council Resolution -� � Presente By Referred To � ���`� �!� Committee: Date `� '- �� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Sec ion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are vailable for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1988 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, Adopt d October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that he following additions be made to the 1988 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes Budget 166 Cable Communications Special Revenue Fund 31120 Council Monitoring and Evaluati n of Cable TV 9830 Use of Fund Balance 5,985 3,900 9,885 Other Financing 859,972 -0- 859,972 865,957 3,900 869,857 SPENDING PLAN 1�6 Cable Communications Special Revenue Fund 31120 Council Monitoring and Evaluatio of Cable TV 0818 Other Furniture -0- 3,900 3,900 Other Spending 865,957 -0- 865,957 865,°,57 3,900 869,857 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Tha the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1988 Budget. Approved a� to Funding: Approval Recommended: Finance Director Budget 'r tor COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Favor co�c� Q xenman s�ne�net _ Against s� Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 � Form Approved y ity Attorn � Certified Passe y C ncil Secre BY g�, Approved b Mav • _ A�=��% � '^ Approved by or for S mission to Council By '�--- " BY ���.f�Y��� �,-,< <� I� � oRlalutrOR . - .. o��e wn�ne c�a�rws� . ������ Joh'ni 3turne�r . 3 21 88 G���f �i�l��fi'~�.wo.�QflO 3 5 9 coMr�cr PlMON ar�Hr a�EC,an i�v�roA�Br�rir�' Jo S rn '�SSI°M r�e�es�s o�cra+ 5 am c�c ;_ �cr ra. ,1!�lMBER F �� __3_ �T a�� 5 Chair, Finance Comm�. Council Researc 298=4163 ��= 4 cm�rro�r .�. _ 7 Ci.t C�unCil � � _ , C `ie Accountant Budget Increase Fund 166 ActiviEy 31120 Council .Moni.tori & Evaluation of Cable i ' �(MP►�EM a iNJ�ot iR)) COlINCN.R REPOIti: _ v�uMrra co�aeeioN cnni s�v�corr,assror� w��n� o��au► �wni.vsr qio►�ra. �� ����.� �j� 3/zs� 1►�-� . . . �..$FAFF_ . . . CHA97EA OOMIMISSION �COMPIET A9�S -ADDi MFO.ADDED; . � flET'R TO OONfA�T . . CO � � . . . . � � _TOiI�/K1D'L M1F0. _�F���� � �� •EXPI.ANATION: � . . . .. . . . - � : . �BUPFOilIB.MANCN OOUNCL OBJECT111EF � . . . . . . . .. � � . . - � . ..- . .� . � . : Council Research �ert#er _ �a��� ..�,���a..�.n�.�,�.�,.�.,�.��: . �. Wish to refurbish Room 707 so that it ca be used for taping Cable. � : �,:�.� �tu ��..- r� �� � 91��� .� 3, 900� ;�.,: t��6 7 • �,�. .�,r�, � ��.. :c�; � .�.Q,��- ��.�.,�,.�e �e.. ��- ��t. � � -�c,@�, _ :.N�itX22 nn.�Ee- . , : rus�,�oK;tco.ue.�.�s.�d.s.r�: . _. .. r_ , � _ _ .�.lwir,w�n..na rawnom): - �tr�ru►�nes:. _ ,cows - Nsro�r�rra: . ._ _ ���: _. . ���� - � - CITY OF AINT PAUL ��C�'j� ; i i�i� ` OF'FICE OF � CITY COIINCIL �A �� ..._ � �i Rr�r�► . j�'�,��, `48 • •`, �ommi tee Report �'�r _�. .�. �:inance Mana eme�t � Personnel Committee. Apr' 18, 1988 1 . Approval or minutes of Aprii 4 h �nd April llth AppROVED meetings. PERSONNEL 1 :30 2. Resolution approving and ratif ine (987-1989 Jim Lombardi agreement between the City of t. ?aui and the � � Fire Fighters Local 21 . (Refe re� from Council APPROVID April 7) - 1 :40 3. Resolution amending Section 8 f tne Civil Service Sheryi Le Rules concerning reallocation.. (Referred from Council Aprii 7 LAID OVII2 TO 4/28 1 :50 4. Resolution changing the rate o pay for Assistant Sheryl Le General Manager-Water Utility n Grade 31 , Section iD4 to Grade 33 of thE Profess on�l Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resoluti n. LAID OVER TO 4/28 (Referred from Council April 7 2:00 5. Resolution adjusting the rate � f �ay for Ground- Sheryl Le crew Member and deleting Groun skeeper in Section IIB of the Salary Plan and Rat s c� Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Co neil April 7) LAID OVER TO 4/2$ 2: 10 6. Resolution amending the Civil ervice Rules by adding Sheryl Le Section 8.A.2.a and amending S ction 8.0 pertaining to the�.St. Paul �Police Federation. LAID OVER TO S/9 (Referred from Council March 2 , laid over in committee April 11 ) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOO SAINT PAUL,MINNESUZ'A 55102 . . s• • .s�.+�.�r�. . _,.,_.,� - . _ , „ .:�. _ �✓�� „��� � 4-18-88 2:20 7. Resolution establishing the ate of pay for Senior SheryT Le Zoo Keeper in the Salary Pla and Rates of Compen- sation Resolution in Section 1I - Ungraded Classes. tReferred from Council March 22, taid over in �D OVIIt TO 4/28 committee April 4) 2:30 8. Resolution establishing the ate of pay for Field Sheryl Le Division Manager for �ater U ility in Grade 30, Section ID4. of the S,�lary P an and Rates of Com- pensation Resolution. (Refe red from Council LAID OVIIt TO 4/28 Ma�ch 22, laid over i� commi tee April 4) FINANCE 8 BUDGET , 2:40 9. Resolution distributi:�g equaliy to each Councilmember Bill Wilson a portion of City Cou�cil bu get in object codes 0200 and 0300 to be used as the d mands for committees and communities require �nd dire ting the Director of Councit Research t� r�view C uncil budget and make recommendation to refiect this change for final ' approval by City Councii wit in 30 days of passage of this resolution; a��d Prop sed Amendment. ;LA�ID OVER TO 5/5 (Referred from Councii Febru ry 23, laid over in _ committee March 28) , � 2:55 10. Resolution amending the 1988 udget by adding $37,500 to the Financing and Spendin Plans for Board of ��D OVER TO 5/S Appeals fund. (Refer-ed fro Council April 7) _ . . ,,,.�:,, . � ,,: . _ : ' . _: � C. � Commu- _ _., ;, : E �,Cab� �► . , �'�!��� � ��, 3: 10 12. Resolution amending t�e 1988 udget by adding $63,410 Gene Schiller to the Financing and Spending Pians for Finance, Management 8 Services-Busines Licenses. ���� (Referred from Council April ) 3:20 13. Resolution amending tie 1988 udget by addi�g $3,000 Luci Mitchell to the Financing and Spending Pians for Special Projects-Police-Emercency Ass'stance. tReferred from Councii Apri1 ) � '�D �VER T�0 4/28 � (continued) 2