88-587 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY O SAINT PAUL Council Oy/�_' � GANARV - DEGARTMENT oa � � B{.l:c -�MAYOR File NO• � Counc l Resolution � � �-` � .� � � Presented By ' �'��'u�� __ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Northern States Power (N P) is required by Minnesota Statute 216B.241, Subdivision 2, to make ignificant investments in and expenditures for energy conservation improveme , and WHEREAS, NSP is required annually to file a Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) proposal with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) which meets Minn. Stat. 216B.241, Subd. 2 requirements and MPUC Rules 7840.0200 to 7840.1400, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul i in a unique position to assess the energy conservation needs of citizens wi hin the City and direct resources to programs and projects which best ddress those needs, and WHEREAS, this responsibility is c nsistent with the City Council 's role as the Community Energy Council for the ity of Saint Paul , as designated by Resolution 87-508 April 7, 1987, nd WHEREAS, NSP, in recognition of t e unique position of the City, will provide funds to the City to administer M UC-approved CIP programs within the City of Saint Paul to satisfy NSP CIP req irements, and WHEREAS, the City has prepared a omprehensive package of programs to serve the energy conservation needs of SP gas customers within the corporate limits of Saint Paul for the period to b covered by the 1988-1989 CIP order, and WHEREAS, the City recognizes the xperience of non-profit community-based energy service organizations in S int Paul and desires to utilize their expertise in the delivering of CI -funded services, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th t the City shall enter into an agreement with NSP which shall give the Cit responsibility for the development and operation of CIP programs within he City of Saint Paul , which are included in the annual joint City-NSP filing o the MPUC, and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De rtment of: Yeas Nays Dimond L.o� In Fav r Goswitz Rettma° B s�ne�bei _ Agains y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By— By, A►pproved by 1Aavor: Date _ Appro Mayor Eor Submis ' n Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council /�' CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ���`� � � �R.UE �MAVOR - Counc l Resolution. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date that this agreement shall be in ef ect from May 1, 1988 to September 30, 1991, and that the agreement shall require N P to pay a maximum annual amount of $500,000 to the City for operation of CIP programs, subject to MPUC approval , and that the agreement shall allow for flexibility and protection of the City's interest in the event of disputes ith NSP, significant changes in conditions which caused the City to enter int the agreement, need for modifications in programs, or other circumstances a fecting the operation of CIP programs, and that the City supports NSP's filin with the MPUC of a CIP proposal for 1988- 1989 consisting of: 1. Technical and information referral service. ($37 ,940) 2. Single family energy udits. ($132,500) 3. Low income house doct r program. ($62,650) 4. Operation of single f mily loan programs. ($74,000) 5. Furnace repair deferr d loans. ($30,000) 6. Weatherization/rehabi itation. ($32,000) 7. Multifamily conservat on program. ($86,500) 8. Program administratio . ($44,410) , and that, the City intends to contrac with the Energy Resource Center, the Neighborhood Energy Consortium an the Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. for the delivery of these CIP service . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �Q Dimond �� [n Fa or Goswitz �� � A ain t BY Scheibel g Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 R 1 v Form Approved by City Attorney ✓ CertiEied Pass cil Se ta BY By A►pproved b Mavor D e � �% � �_ Approve y Mayor for Submis ' n t �uncil By BY P1�lIS}lEIU ':�;�1`i' E 19$8