88-584 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUflCII �i PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL P CANARV - DEPARTMENT � ��X BLUE s MAVOR - � File NO. (' V - � Council Resolution � .�- ,. / Presented By �� f�, ''- c erred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A Resoluti n Creating The 1988 C eanup Fund WHEREAS, annual cleanups en ance neighborhoods, �ncourage neighborhood pride and assi t in our promotion of St. Paul as a " livable " city; and WHEREAS, regardless of sn w conditions, there is an accumulation of litter, gar age, dead vegetation and other debris that is difficult to ollect over the winter months; and WHEREAS, St. Paul District Councils have traditionally been involved in cooperat ve efforts to cleanup their neighborhoods each yecr and ave identified their needs for support and assistanc�; and WHEREAS, 1987 neig;nb�rhood cleanups collected over 1000 appliances, nearly 6000 tire , and over 700 tons of general refuse involving cnuntless v lunteer hours; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of t. Paul hereby establishes the 1988 Cleanup Fund to help o fset the cost of neighborhood cleanups by assisting in pay ng dumping fees and mileage to cooperating local garbage ha lers; and be it further RESOLVED, that said fund will be supported by a fund transfer from the 1988 w nter street maintenance budget or appropriate budget in the amount of $125, 000; and be it f.urther COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond I.o� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman � sche;bei _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WMITE - CITV CLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � �LUE ,7 MAVOR Y File NO• Counci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that neighborhood work closely with Ramsey County to assure proper dis osal of all recyclable materials; and be it furthe 1�L�94�ED,----t�rat�--�l�e--prc3g� �����e-ac�i�r�rr��s�er-ec�-�l�r-ot�l�- ,� t�B�-L-e�r-�Ye�g�rl9o�l�oc��-- �og�t-�ko-����-:-��a€�--���es- _ ___ __ �� a�rrc�- tr�a�iarr�-€o�-€��ra�-a g�o�a���-��re-G���-Ge�x�e}�t----- �_r� tk �A{��—��—��I����— , ��Z►��ar-t�t-�-�sslutial� s.hall.�be_d�afted_h�z_the_�udget_ H'rre�t�ar-e€����-�l�re-�tt� -��a�ra€e�--�s�-agg�e�a�-��--�Y�e- C-��p��-at�r���.-- RESOLVED, that the City Cou cil request that the Mayor delegate administration of he 1988 Clean-Up Program and draft rules and regulations for f ' nal approval by the City Council ; and be if finally RESOLVED, that the City Cou cil request the Mayor to have prepared a budget resolutio transferring the necessary funds to pay for the clean-u co5ts. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor coswitz Rettman (' B �he;be� __ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 8 1988 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passe y uncil Sect ry BY B}� =� A►pprov INavor: Date ��� M� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY puBUSt��D r��a� 1 =� �98a , • � v �/�� •�•� •. GITY OF �AINT PAUL :� �: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR . � � ���i � . � ♦� �O �... 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAU . MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (6 :1 298-4323 " LtAYOR T0: Council President Jame Scheibel Councilmember Kiki Son =n Councilmember Janice R _tman , Councilmember Bob Long , Councilmember Tom Dimo � � Councilmember Bill Wil �n Councilmember Roger Go �itz FROM: Jeanne Witzig Better Neighbo hoods � RE: 1988 Neighborhood Clea -Up 8esolution DATE: April 27, 1988 As stated at the April 20, 198 Community and Human Services Committee meeting the Better N :ghborhoods Program is very supportive of the 1988 citywid neighborhood clean-up. The feedback which we received in 1987, fro each of the District Councils was all very positive. The cl �n-ups served not only as a means to improve the physical environme � of Saint Paul, but also provided a tool to build a sense of co a:nity. Upon reviewing the substitute �solution regarding the neighborho�d clean-ups, I would ask that yo :,onsider substituting the last two resolves with the followin amendments: _, Resolved, that the City C �cil request that the Mayor delegate administration of the 198 Clean-Up Program�p• and be i/t finaliy � N` `�h(Q G�Yti t I ftesolved, that the City Co - cil request the Mayor to have prepared a budget resoluti�n transferring the necessary fund� to pay for the clean-up co=ts. Thank you for your consideratio of these amendments. cc: Mayor George Latimer LeeAnn Turchin Jim Bellus �.46