88-580 WHfTE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C1I BI�UERy-IAAVORTMENT GITY O SAINT PAUL File NO. �_��� • r inance Ordinance N 0._ - �%�� Presented By j 1�..���l��� ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance mending the Saint Paul City Charter, Sect on 4.04, pertaining to business meetings f the City Council . " THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ection l . Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 410. 12 , Subd. 7, and upon recommendation of the Charter Commission of the City of Saint paul , Section 4.04 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul be and the same hereby s amended to read as follows : "Sec. 4.04. Business m etings. The council shall hold at least one meeti gs val�}e�i-s�ia��-�e�er�ee-�� ��ie-r�e����g-e�-a�-�eas� �vae-{-��-sepa�a�e-�a�rs each week. Notice of the da e, time and place of any council meeting shall c mply with the requirements of state law and any ad itional requirements adopted, by the council . The pr sident of the Council may call special meetings o the council , and the secretary of the counci shall do so on written request signed by four ouncilmembers. Special meetings may be held an where in the city. Notice of the date , time and p ace of special meetings shall be served upon th council and the mayor in the manner prescribed b the council . The business conducted at special me tings shall be confined to that stated in the noti e. " COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng In Favo ��t� xetanao Scheibel A gai nst BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ��Q�L�C.Q- �` ~Z2itPl"�'E'c.�c `T ll'�J� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CI.ERK 1 PINK - FINANCE � COURCII BLUERr-I.�AVORTMENT GITY O SAINT PAUL File NO. ������ • r indnce Ordinance N O. ��s� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. This ordinance shall t ke effect and be in force ninety (90) days from and after its pas age, approval and publication. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� � [n Favo coswitz Rettman (� B Sc6eibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - �� � � ' j Certified Pas Council Se ary BY ��- �� ��%�!✓�` Y /(-�� By � Ap r d by Mayor: D � �� � $ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By p���p �u� 1 s �98a . , � �� , , � , . � . �o �1357 , ('ni��i 1 Resfsarr,h DEPARTMENT ' �/� _Incpnh Nann�trh CONTACT �qR-41��, PHQNE � b-11r RR DATE .. ASSIGN NIIMBER F4R BOUTING ORDER: (See everse side.) , _ Department Director 1 i�ayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Management Services Dir ctor 2 City Clerk _ Budget Director _ _ City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMHER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: Clip all locations for signature.) T iT B C C D ? (Purpose/R�tionale) : � This ordinance amends the cit charter by deleting in Sec. 4.04 "Business Meetings" the require ent of two morning meetings of the Council on separate days of the eek, and adding the requirement of at least 9�e meeting each week The working sffect of this ch nge is to give more flexibility to lthe:Saint Paul � City Council in choos ng meetings times, and to allow as few as one COST N UD N ERSO AC C meeting a week if the Council so chooses. Sach flexibility is needed in the current era bec use the Council Chambers is also used by the Ramsey County as well s the 'Council , and confl.i�cts in meet�ng da�es are becoming more corrnn n. No budget effect known. � F S TIV C G 0 D: (l�iayor's signature not required if unde $10.000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: none Activity Number: Funding Source: . ATTACHAiE�iTS: (List and number all atta hments.) � Ordinance signed by Councilman Scheibe , two pages in length. Letter f rom Charter Commission to A1 0 son, dated 4-7-68. Letter from A�:-:6i:sah� to Faricy, dated -12-88 Council Resolution of 2-2-$8 CF #$8-14 . l�M��1ISTRATaY� PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, P ocedures. or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes. are they or t �tetable attached? DEPAATMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVI�W _Yes No CounciT resolution requ red? Resoluti.on required? _,Yes _No � _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient� _Yes _No Yes No InsuraEnce attached? . , , ' . , � o " . ` � , . , . - - � ��s�� SAINT PAUL C R COMMISSION SAINT PAUL, ,.. MINNESOTA 55102 RECEIVED APR 0 71988 April 1, 1988 CITY CLERK Alber� B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul, MN. 55102 Dear Mr. Olson: At its March 24, 1988 meeting, the Saint Paul City Charter Commission ap- proved the attached ordinance ame ing Section 4.04 pertaining to business meetings of the City Council. Please place this Ordinance on the City Council Agenda. Very truly yours, � � ���;�.�..�,�- �-� C: � Ra ond W. Faric , president �► y Saint Paul Charter Commission RWF;na Attachment 22 : � �. _� � � . . . ��..��,,/(y w.a.awp � , . /`��O _;�►*• �:;�,,,, , ,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�• ;.,,, Courc„ t e.,n���f� Cenfier '; ;; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 3„ ium ,; ;; �� ,.Q� FE 1 � �y�� %,.• _ ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK V''0,���1T��'4`O� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORCE LATIMER 612-298-4231 MAYOR February 12, 1988 Mr. Ray Faricy Chairman, Charter Commission c/o Nancy Anderson Room 706, City Hall Dear Mr. Faricy: Enclosed for consideration by th Charter Commission is a copy of C.F. 88-140 requesting the Chart r Commission to consider recommending approval of an ordinance amendin Charter Section 4.04 pertaining to business meetings of the City Council. A copy of the proposed ordinance is also attached for y ur consideration. V rul ours, bert B. Olson City Clerk ABO:th EnC. � �� �Y ���n~ Council /�•� j/` P�~K _.F���N�E . GITY OF SAINT PAITL ��/ Y _CANAAY ��pE��i�'h�ENT , . FIIQ NO.- � /J/) �/` D �e�uE � � MAYOR ' � � � � � � Cou ci Resolution � � ��-�� . ,,�� �Presented By . Referred To Commiitee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Section 4.04 o the Charter of the City of Saint Paul provides, in relevant p rt, that the City Council " . . .shall hold regular meetings, whic shall commence in the morning, on at least two (2) separate day each week" ; and WHEREAS, the Council ha been involved in an intensive and extensive reorganization proc ss for the past year; and WHERERS , the Council be ieves that designation of a speci£ic time to hold Council meeting is more appropriately the subject of an administrative ordin nce wherein the Council, pursuant to City Charter Section 4.02 " . . .determine(s) its own rules and order of business. . . " ; and in1HEREAS, there is an cute shortage of ineeting space in the City Hall and Court Ho se which must accommodate both the Ramsey County Board of Commi sioners and the Council of the City of Saint Paul ; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Coun il of the City of Saint Paul hereby requests the Saint Paul Chart r Commission to review and recommend for unanimous Council adopt on, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7, t e attached City Charter amendment; and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this Re olution, with the attached ordinance, to the Secretary of the Saint Paul Charter Commission. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Ye�s Nays Dimond ��g In Favo GoswttZ � Reitmaa�-� Scheibel �' Against By 1 ti•� Sonne�—' Wilson Adopted by Council: Datc FE� � : 1�8$ Form Approved by City Atto�ney CertiEied Y•s: b ouncil ta By �.6t�_. j��. y����-fi F't�`. /—%� —��J 8� � � Approv by 1�lavor• Da � �EQ — 1 Appcov Mayor for Submi on to Council By PU�t1S1��1� r�3 1 v lg8$, ___._.�_._._�_.__._: ._ . _ _..__.__-_ . ._.. _ ._.___.�._ .._._.__ _.._._.._._._._._ .�_ _ _._....� .• -< <, . . , . . ij_ � y � . � � .� , `- . - . . � . ; . . ����'v � � ,y.��� An ordinance mending the Saint Paul City Charter, Sect 'on 4.04, pertaining to business meetings f the City Council . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ection 1 . Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 410.12, Subd. ?, and upon recommendation of the Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul , Section 4.04 of the Charter of the City of Sairit Paul be and the same hereby s amended to read as follows: "Sec . 4.04. Business m etings. The council shall hold at least one meeti gs wl�}el�-sl�a��-ee�e�ee-}� �l�e-r�e��}r�g-e€-a�-�eas� �we-���-sega�a�e-da�s each week. Notice of the da e, time and place of any council meeting shall c mply with the requirements of state law and any ad itional requirements adopted by the council . The pr sident of the Council may call special meetings o the council , and the secretary of the counci shall do so on written request signed by four ouncilmembers. Special meetings may be held an where in tre city. Notice of the date, time and p ace of special meetings shall be served upon th council and the mayor in the manner prescribed b the council. The business conducted at special me tings shall be confined to that stated in the noti e. " ' ection 2. This ordinance shall ake effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � D102'ICS .PU�IC BEARING ��� _ . � u�o�r , Notice' is het�by given�that the City Co�usc�l of the City of Saint Paul �i.lt �7.S�i� hold a.public h�arir�g o���r �-1r1�.l�a� �.l�. in the Cauic�l. Chambers in the City Ball and Court House to i� the apg�oval of an Ordinance being Council File 88-580� amendinq ion 4.04 of the Saint Paul City Chart�ahr �elating to business meeting� of the 'ty Council. The text of the ordinance is a� foll : -i .''r.., . . _ : • �;:f+ ; -- . �. _ An: �r�ts�anca the Sa#nt Paul � � � Ctty Charter;: ors y.04, pert�in3ng to � butsinesss nr�isiga� �th�e City Co�eil. . _ � . �� . THE COUNG2L OF THE .CI?Y OF ` PAUL �iES ORDAIN: ect#on I. - Pursuant to� • Mlnnesota Statutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7, and upon recorcnner:datian of the ,Charter Commission of the Citg - of Saint paul, Sec�ton 4.0 of the Charter of the City of Sainct _ `Paul be and.. the same hereby s amended to read as followss z "Sec. 4.04: Business tings. The council shall - � hold at least one meeti gs wl��el�-el�a�3-ee�ease-#� � �ke-�ra#Rg-e -a�-�eaa ��l�-ee�a�a�e-days-each � week. Notice of the da e, time and place of any council meeting shall c niply with the requirements of state Iaw and a� ad itional requirements adopted � by the council. The pr sident of the Council may - ; call special meetings o the council, and the - � secretary of the cownci sha12 do so on written x request signed by four �uncilmembera. Special $ meetings may be held�an ere in the city. Notice of the date, tisae: and p ace of special meetings shall be served upan th council and the mayor in the manner prescribed the cowncil. The business conducted at special m tings shall be confined to that stated in the noti e." Section 2. This ordinance shal.l t e effect and be in force ninety (90) days from and after its pa� age, approval and publication. DaLed May 4� 1988 Albert B. Olson City Clerk (May 7� 1988 and May 14, 1988) - � . �r��� - � � ' �7.�G�' �� ��� �b "1' k �' e:,'.�F� .�'„ ". ,..' .. �.�y ^,!�S�ai.a � ..�. '_4 R d�"f �' � ""�W?,� +-��,<� F t�, ���-��'F3G4:M{ 1•s #s�" y r ..r �:�-°� � l a:-4 '�- �?� ''rt���„ � ,�. ..� ,. `� ,.���� ����-,'�,'�`��� �.'�`, +� '-�' a., ��X�': "�. ' .' • . � y #.,��: ��� ...Q� �<��' - ° r-� ,_:; •�i ���i" . ._.. " "✓ �€a t. . _ ,:1�!'. �� � - ��''s� *r� ". ifi r ".: �,.- ' ' _ „ � ;�. � �Z t� ��i�� ii�+�C .�� ��� �:�y� r° :�, g � �'t-�s!'tllte C1t7►+�ruU��: � _ '��!����� ` � ¢�,',r ���!{l}�'��� S: � . �i,�,�`,f� � �.q'. " 7�" S � . � 3a�i��� City Charter,:3ecEiou 4.04.� ` � � � ��. '� dY�e Cit��`oq"" . 4 - ;r �,� �,�_, � � �: � �y y�y���,�q� �t�. �e C�#�,i►�,�t P�; Ordain: �: fx" �Y ^`y��.ulRp[I cR4.<i�1 *a.f �, t .. � � . ; �``K.. ��w� . � � � . �:� � � ... 30' f rF� ,�.�. ' '��'�tatut�s $ection 420.1� � .�.�,� N �� '�``�'�'�'.,� , te�n ot th�,cYty �/ �f � 1i'��s'C��f 1Sl�ind be anc�fhe sa�rie��i���.►' X�i+'°�`" `}� .�,, � �. �,.�. .� � �' r �" �rk '�, p��.���� ,. y�,�' :`� , :�, ot lti�v andt • � '" - '1�� � o�•. s „ ,�� ,� _ 2; .� �.�� ^� ���,�1,• ��'���� �t� p �4 � t � 3 ,��,���� ��` �Q ji �;;����ad � {� � c ��' �4�l@ tllO�OE'� � s�j�: -�- , �N:�gi i��[,f.j,. y. ; t � �. ,i x:+• � F - za+k:`.tT;, .. ��:. , _a'± . .�� ' � r��:„s v t:t.�.i ?.F:�� �"'IEY�°tM�wjM.4�i x ro � . ,�� .�_ �r .:: Y� . Y � � �. �..:"���� �31�"°T'F�'y.. p,.g.c �:."' �`� sq'ffc`�� � +r . � s�4 $ ;�-:x �f .����... �-. ,.. ,rtY�w� } , ��' ; a` #. ��'�A � � �����,fi 1� a;a�r�» � - � � . ���+s�F � i��.��� ': � ��.� � -""�'" ��� �t ��° �» �. ?�, � , �; _ c,r _ ��;��• �� � s�, �'�§�.l� �,,,��r,;� „v�� � _�,si�ks.vkt�iii%,'�-�R-IIfa-�*^ -..arn :'AaJN3+.�.az.a �� '�+�'3��r�^�9�' '�. Av : �#:. . .. - � - . . _ . .. -��r:� a ,�: . . . - - . � �_. ,�-�-- � y ���--��' � � _ ,�,-�, :, �.; ,�Y ;- �,��r� � �- :�; � T M . fy -6xi �'�..�z�, - -. . . ,� .. 83iiiti�-xffi^-t �w t a�`'1',�� �ii . . �` . .e � . . :�:' v-;:�� ;k. `'€ r�;��F „� :. �� � , ... , ���r��= Notice�fie�'r��l�'�en"�► t;itgCoua�tott"t�e�t�� ' `� � _ � ' a pubLic heari�: �}� a#�;00�.I1t:ia th+e-�' ���I Flall�'`t�d� r�!��� .� File 86-68Q,���'`�i ��.04 of the Saiat �, � business�tings ot.the C�ty ouucil. _ .. �� ��,.��-�a��{�� " .�,:�����c.�-� ��,���� The t�iE-01 t1s�,�ce s a�follows: ,�� �.,{ ,�.� - Ra oridinaac�e_�aien� 3aint P�cs,t C�it.�t�'r ' ' "; to bu�ix�ss�s of,t�,e;; y C.�w,cil• �: � : , , ,� "� Z�Gausdl o#:�the�it��oi t Pau�I�oes�'� � , � r�� � a; - �����r �{;,�� '8�G`140N'3� �� ��'�.� ����"��- P�rst�t �c Mi�lnesota.'�ti�t� SecEieYt 'l�i9. .... - • :� :a `x re�andation oi the Cha Co�issloa oi t�t.:.��; � 4.04 of the Charter of the Citg �at Paul b�and read�ii�lle+�vs: . ; t' � ' i_ ,:n�_ � �` ,I, ' `��. 4.04. Busix�t�ee T�e co�� h�(!� � ��� � �;�a�k,:I'�'�ee;`,�"1� tiiz�e a�� �.�o�t`° � �1 �i .I, � �iy witls� ++o�"�p�e 1���..� . � �� b�Y, �he. -_ . �nE at ��he , '. : .�t��;�`�►. , : ��!'od tl�e�s� ��c� �.,. . ,r�u�-sSLb?��by;f�r, �pel��l�. �' . s�vh,ene>in.#�ettY: .ot ffia date.time a�d��+�t�' . s3�11le=�cv4d u � `` poa t�e and the'i�e�F�►or i3� the coU�cfl.4'�e ba�ess itlted tt Spe�lat ; . that atated�tt tbe:tt+cs�i�ce." ` � }T �. �z�'�.�m�_,�� : 4r ' � � ' �� �x��"t'�'� _ ;-: � ��, i- .�...��s..-�� � �� �� h 1'�S�Mt�Ml�l�al�s 1 And be it:'�dqilf,ir�b� � ,� itf p1q�e.a�.8rid�iu tion, r , ,' :�_� �~ � ���t�� 1�. , � ` F �� 4" �.$.���s.��° , � _-� <,. ;,�"�14,I� � �' � �, .� �r . . - =�< _ r , \ - � ._:_ _ : . . .- , .. _ . . _ , _ - ' ..._.,�._�.. . . . � ..: . � , . , _. { ; , ;� \ } b� ,4 ; _ .`...s=s.i.m..,�.�.:.... . � ... � . � . � _ . . . . ... . , . � .,.- ..,...:.....__.. � . . . _ _,�..;,.s...�_._ , 4;: � * � . �...�.a.....__�_ - � ..t.1. . �� . j� • . �� ���.�.......��--v. � lst `� — �� ' ,. ' �-- "�.` .��{.� �'� 2nd S'^ ���'` �' � � 3rd `~`S y �� , -��� ��^��.��r���. :�/O �� �, _ Adopt� v'�Z -�"�" Yeas Nays � DIMOIJD �_��j WITZ ��.��./ LONG ETTi�1Anj . ONNEN 4 LSO1V — M�- PRESI EVT, SCHEIBEG . -' ( , _ _._.._ �� �.,._.-,-o-,-�.-,,....-._ _ . �, ;���i � � ;���1�� i �_` { -��:��� 1 � , ;�;�� ���� f . t��^�}�i i`-`` \� l� v;� � . . . k','�^t�n?Wa.. .. � .. . .�r�:.�..�, \� . . . . :/ . . �� . e / Y � ...\ . . '/� ,__�.a: . . �� .. I lst � o��'�� and• � '.S-'�� 3rd '" � Adopted ���L� 5-��.: g�' 6 - �-8 r Yeas NaYs IMOND � ��� C���� � ITZ lT�O LONG RETTMAN SONNEN WILSOiV MR. PR�� IDENT� SCHEIaEG { __._.�r..,.T�, �-- _. ._.........�...a._._._..._� .._.__�..__._�__�._. ___ _ . ;*�m-