88-579 WMITE - GTV GLERK � ' PINK - FINANCE COUflClI CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� � - Counci Resolution Presented By � � . Referred To Committee: Date �' Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #2 309) for a One Day On Sale Wine License applied for by Science eum of MN at 505;:INa�i�;�hat���eeto�n April 29, 1988, between t e hours of 5:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M. be and the same is hereby ap roved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng in Favo Goswitz Rettman � B scne�be� _ Against Y ��* _ �_ APR 2 � 1� , Form A roved by ttorney Adopted by Council: Date ` '`� _//�� ��. Certified Pas ncil r tar By— gS, /�pprov d Mavor• D �__� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � -�1 E By 1'�BUSNED ``"r'��`' s 19 8_ . � � . . . DAT[ Q M7L tkf�L61lD � � . �" . . . �ee�ti �. �eai ' � G�REE�1 S�"EET' No. 00� I I ��� ������ Kri� s�eir�terivan xarn � — �ee � T �.�u�oe�e�r s�g o�aec� 3 cm c�c F�- at ''�t• ' . .�iET DIRECTOR � 2 ��, iVC� . . -298-5056 or�n: 1 cm A,TO�v ` esT: Applicatioci for a �e Day On Sa1e Wine 'a�nse. I�IFT�ATICN LIATE: 4/18/88 1�ATE: 4/28�88 t�!A)«�(R)) C� Nr�om': ; �w+�q oo�oN crvK aEav�c�n�ssroH on�x� a��our Mw.r,gr ar�o�ra. ��� ���«.� f/� ¢/yi ,�' sr� _ a�wRrEa�orr �q ���s,s _�oo�»�ro.,wo�n* a�ro ro corru�r ca�e►t„eKr f�_ _wn r,00ti s�o. _�eoa�c�ooEU* oerwCr oouNCk ,� . aRPOms r�«c++cax�cN.ae�crnrE� - �g���il �������� C����r ��� �� ���� " ..r�n+o�w�+�a..«+s�m►c�+�.w�,�.,�.�,.w�,�.w�,,�►: The Scienoe M�seun of Minr�esot.a requests unci.l appr�val of a One Day an Sale Wi,ne Li�ense. Z"he ]ic�ehse will be in c;o�ijunetioal with Awards B�r�quet and fur�draise�' at 505 Wa,bast�a oti Aprf.l 29, 1988. _ \ : :�fGo�rie«ia�r.Advenud.e.a�r. _ All aypplicatioris and fees hav�e •been suhni.t . Tf CkRxncaL� appro��. is given, the Se.i�e N�aseun'�wi.11 be allo�w�ed to hoid thi.s . : . c�tw�vN�:..�a Ta wn�►: • . . . � : If Co�ncil appraval is not given, the Sci N�,isei�n will not be a11c�t��d to Y��.d this �t. a.�miES:� � _ , �sranir�rrs: �eoN.�s: . . - . , � ��-�� TiIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�RMIT A.DMINI TRATION DATE �Z3 � / '� � �( INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant SC,�p,,r�e��,�,�,t,�,�,h�� . Home Address �(�s �.C��pc�l'�f� 5� � Business I3ame Home Phone p�a �-��C�(�t Business Address . � . � �� �- Type of License(s) � ��,� � h �Q� .d�b toQ- 5(7� �1D" Business Phone � �. �(j �)�,,,,,,J �n . Public Hearing Date Y� License I.D. 4{ p�13C�� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Cham ers, 3rd floor City Aall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4t �S � ���j� llate Notice Sent; � Deaier �� 1��(�, to Applicant � rederal Firearms � I� la Public Ne�.iring DATE INSP 'CTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) COMMENTS A roved N t A roved � Bldg I & D � ��� � Health Divn. ��� ' ! Fire Dept. i � � �r� I ► Yolice Dept. I �`� License Divn. i City Attorney � Date Received: Site Plan ��� � ) To Council Research �( Lease or Letter � Date from Landlord . � � ��r�5�9 CITY OF S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR TII�IPO RY ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR NOTE: This application must be filled o t and signed at the time of your interview with the License Inspector, 30 da s rior to the date of the event. 1. Name of organization Science Museum of Minnesota 2. Address of organization 30 E. 1 th Stl^eet 3. Type of organization - check one whic is applicable. CIVIC (X) CHARITABLE ( RELIGIOUS ( ) VETERANS ( ) 4. List all officers and directors. See dttdChed 115t President NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. Vice President � NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. Secretary NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. Treasurer NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. Others NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. 5. Location of premises for which applic tion is made 505 �Jabasha St. Saint Paul, MN 55101 (Zip Code) , 6. Date(s) and hours during which the int xicating liquor will be sold served A ril 29, 19a8 5 to 10 7. For what will profits be used? h1useum Proarams How will profits be disbursed (or spen )? Museum Accountinq Deot. 8. Upon completion of events you will be equired to submit a financial statement showing expenses for event and use`made of pro its. 9. Attach to this application a letter of consent from the owner and/or a person with lawful responsibility for the premises for which this license is being requested. OVER) � . � @���� ; 10. Every applicant for a temporarq On S le Liquor License shall file with his appli- cation therefore, a bond with a vali Power of Attorney attached, in the sum of Three Thousand Dollars (�3,000.00) . The surety on such bond shall be a surety company licensed to do business in t e State of Minnesota, and the bond shall be approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel. Said bond shall be conditioned as follows: a) That the .licensee will pay to th municipality, when due, all taxes, license � fees, penalties and other charge as provided by law. b) That the licensee will obey the aw relating to such licensed business, and that in the event of any violati n of the provisions of such law, the licensee will pay all fines, penalties an other charges as provided by law. c) That the licensee will pay, to t e extent of the principal amount of such bond, any damages for death or injury aused by or resulting from the violation of any provisions of law relating t the business for which such licensee has been granted a license, and condition d that such recovery may be had from the surety on the bond. The amount recover ble shall be measured by the actual damages, provided, however, that in no ca e shall such surety be liable for any amount in excess of the amount of the b nd. 11. $3,0000 On Sale Liquor Bond and Liqu r Liability Insurance (Accord Certificate) as per attached. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) be g first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the foregoing application and kn s the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, inform tion and belief. � � � ,�/. �.� Subscribed and sworn to before me this o� 1 day of YY��„��p, 19 �. , �._-,i ... .! 1�:'JI � 1r'.l'��. ' �b�r��1/�'�yVV�' 7 �r"-e :�i:����A� �H"�L?TiLtR y �il/1� �.�1:�-t....).�2..�.�.�.Y�i ••�.�'•a .-'rrh �J l:�—P;i�lV�lE.�'.�71.� ,c Z n. cpTA COU(JN 5 5 • ,.,f;r,L`.�•.1. _{p;hrS JA�. 2, �� ti Notary Public, �3� County, Minnesota � ,�M4�,VM��,ti�,,,�,�,_�,,,,,�„�,.;,,,,�r� " My co�ission expires �� . � � � � ���� � � ,z���8� THE SCIE CE MUSEUM OF MINNESOTA B ARD OF TRUSTEES � 1987/1988 Chairman of the Boar - Mr. Ja�QS a. Rtagan Vice Chairman of thQ Bo�rd - Mr. Jas�s M. Rupp Treasurer - Mr. Michael E. Shannon SQCrettry - Mrs. Marna Fullarton President - Dr. Ja�es L. Petarson, ex officio MR. ATHERTON BEAN i1990) DR. TOR DAHL (19891 International Multifaods Corp. 11 Lily Pond Road 1420 Midwest Plaz� W�st North Oaks, MN SS110 801 Nicollet Mall t0) 429-3112 (H) 483-4049 MinnQapolis, MN 55402 i0l 340-3616 (H) 377-1575 MR. MALLACE C. DAYTON (1990) MR. LEE M. BERLIN f1989) SOS P�av�y Building Chairn�an Minneapolis, MN SS402 L�ctec Corporation � (0) 333-1769 (Hf 475-3228 10701 Red Circle �rive Minnetonka, MN 55343 (0) 933-2291 MR. PATRICK J. DONOVAN (1990) Pr�sid�nt MR. C. ROBERT BINGER (1988) No�Mest Banks St. Paul 91 Dellwood gS E. Sth St. White Baar Lak�, MN SS110 St. P�ul , MN SS101 (H) 429-4535 t0l 291-2060 MR. LARRY D. BUEGLER t1998f President & Chief ExecutivQ Officer MR. H. DAVID FRANCIS (1990) F�rm Credit Sarvices Ex�cutiv• Cr�ativ� Diractor i� ExQCUtiv• 375 Jackson 5treet Vic� Pr�sid�nt St. Paul , MN 55101 Ca�pb�ll-Mithun Adv�rtisinq t0) 221-0640 (H) 633-8045 222 So. 9th St. Minn�apoli�, MN 55402 MR. JOHN CARLSON (1989) (0I 347-1685 Exacutiv• Vic• Presidant, Financ� Cray R�s�arch MR. HAROLD FREDRIKSON (1990) 608 2nd Ave. So. Fredrikson t� Byron, P.A. MinnQapolis, MN 55402 I100 Int�rnational Cant�r (0) 333-5889 (H) 484-4037 900 S�cond Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402 MR. PAUL CITRON 119901 t0) 347-7001 Vic� President Ventures TQChnology Medtronic, lnc. MRS. JAMES FULLERTON, III (1998) 7000 CQntral Av�nu• N.E. 3350 Fox St. (Marna) Fridley, MN 55432 Long Laks, MN 55336 t0) 574-6001 tH1 63b-1938 (Hl 473-5702 . : ��:-�� THE SCIENCE MUSEUM OF MINNESOTA 80ARD OF TRUSTEES - 1987/88 PagQ Two DR. ROBERT M. GAVIN, JR. (1988) DR. LESTER C. KROGH (1990) President Vica Pr�sidQnt, Res�arch & Macal�ster Colleg� D�v�lop��nt 1600 O�and AvQnua 3M St. Paul , MN SS103 3M CQntar, Bldg. 220-14W-3 (D) 69b-6207 tH) 699-S29S St. Paul , MN SS144 (0) 733-2424 (H) b4b-574S MR. NORMAN W. HARRIS, III (19901 MR. FRANK T. MADDEN (1990) Dakota County Stat� 8ank Vic� Pr�sid�nt, Hunan R�sourc�s 730 South Plaza Driv� Int�rnational Multifoods Corp. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Box 2942 - Multifoods Tower (0) 452-2Z45 Minn�apolis, MN 55402 (0) 340-3314 (H) 699-0096 MR. JOHN T. HENRY i1989) DR. ViALTER R. MIILER, JR. (1990) Prssidfnt & Publish�r � Presid�nt A Chi�f Opfrating Offic�r St. Paul Pion��r Pr�ss b� Dispatch FFB. Corporation 345 Cedar St. 80 Ela� Stre�t St. Paul , MN 55301 N�w Hav�n, CT 06510 (0) 22Z-S011 (Hf 429-3188 (0) 203/782-4551 MRS. JONATHAN H. MORBAN t19881 MR. LOUIS FORS HILL (1999) 924 600drich tMartha) Suit� 1005 - Galtier Plaza St. P�ul , MN 55105 195 E. Fifth St. (Hl 227-5241 St. Paul , MN 55101 (0) 227-6430 MR. PHILIP H. NASON t1990) E-1220 First National Bank Bldg. 332 Minn�sota Stre�t MR. DONALD HORST (1990) St. Paul , MN SS101 Prasident (0) 291-SSS3 (H) 644-3764 Comput�r Applicitions 3125 Hara�on Plac� PROF. ALFRED 0. C. NIER t1989) Minn�apolis, MN 35430 Physics D�partn�nt (0) 5S7-7SSS Univ�rsity of Minn�sot� 116 Church St. S.E. Minneapolis, MN SS45S MR. STANLEY S. HUBBARD (1988) (0) 624-b804 (H1 645-5906 Presid�nt Hubb�rd Broadcasting, Inc. MR. THOMONO R. 0'BRIEN (1988) 3415 Univ�rsity Av�. W�st Co�n�odor• Squath R�cqu�ts Club St. Paul , MN 55114 79 W�st�rn Avanu• North (H! 642-4200 (H) 642-4206 St. Paul , MN SS102 t0) 224-0043 lH) 227-4351 MS. MARTHA KAEMMER (1988) MRS. LOILIE PIANK (19891 4 Cracus Hill S30 E. Long Lak• Road St. Paul , MN 55102 Wayzata, MN 55391 t0) 228-1333 (H) 222-0013 (H) 473-7904 � : . � ' � o���,-�a� THE SCIENCE MUSEUM OF MINNESOTA BOARD OF TRUSTEES - 1987/88 Pag,� Three MR. JAMES 0. POHLAD (1.989) MR. CURTIS B. THOMPSON (1990) Bank Shares, Inc. Vice President & Group Executivp- . Suite 925 Cospon�nts 90 5outh 6th St. Honeywell , Inc. Minneapolis, MN 55480 Honeyw�ll Plaza (Ol 341-5757 (H) 922-5265 Minneapolis, MN 55408 (0) 870-2749 MR. ZINON C. POSSIS 119891 President & Chief Executiva Officer Possis Corporation MR. DANIEL C. TITCOMB (1988) 8Z5 Rhode Island Ave. So. 9430 Barn�s Av�. E. Golden Valley, MN 55426 Inv�r �rove Hgts. , MN 55075 (0) 545-1471 (H) 920-1707 (0) 457-2193 (H) 457-5557 MR. JAMES W. REAGAN (19881 Ch�ira�an & Chief Exacutive Offic�r MR. WILLIAM A. VAN BRUNT (1988) A��rican National Bank & Trust Co. . Vic• Pr�sid�nt & Associ�te G�noral Fifth & Minn�sota Streets Counsfl-Consu�er Foods St. Paul , MN SS101 G�ntral Mills, Inc. (0) 298-6200 (H) 457-2559 P.O. Box 1113 Minn�apolis, MN 53440 MR. JOHN H. ROE, III (1988) (0) 540-4905 tHl 475-0389 Presid�nt and C.0.0. Be�nis Company, Inc. 800 Northstar Cfnter MR. WINSTON R. WALLIN (1988) Minneapolis, MN 55402 Pr�sidant & Chiff Executiv• Officer (0) 340-6165 (H) 451-1586 M�dtronic, Inc. 7000 C�ntral Av�. N.E. MR. JAMES M. RUPP (19981 Fridl�y, MN SS432 Pr�sid�nt & Chief Executiv• Offic�r (0l 574-3104 (H) 941-46Z8 Midw�st Communications 90 South llth Str��t Minneapolis, MN 55403 (0) 330-2660 (H) 546-2240 NM# MR. MICHAEL E. SHANNON �1990) Ex�cutiv� Vic• PresidQnt, Chi�f Financial & Adsinistrativa Office OR. JAMES L. PETERSON tex officio) Ecolab Inc. Pr�sid�nt Ecolab Center The Science Musau� af Minneaota St. Paul , MN SS102 30 E. lOth Street (0) 293-2391 (H) 374-4180 St. Paul , MN SS101 f0) 221-4713 tHl 2Z7-1734 MR. RICHARD L. SHEPLEY t1990) Executive Vice Presid�nt & D�puty MS. MARY S. LAW Manag�r Assistant S�cretiry to tha Board First National Bank of Minn�apolis The Science Mus�u� of Minnesota First Bank Placa 30 E. lOth Stre�t. Minneapolis, MN SS480 St. Paul , MN 55101 (Ol 370-4973 (H) 636-8047 (0) 221-9415 (H) 778-9663 . ' ' ������7 � THE SCIE CE MUSEUM OF MINNESOTA HONORA Y BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1987/88 MRS. ANOREWS ALLEN (Marjoria Bolz) MR. PIERCE BUTLER 46 �ellwood Av�nue 690 H�rbor St. , N3 White Hfar Laka, MN SS110 V�nic�, CA 90291 (H) 426-5779 DR. FRANK 6. CHESLEY MR. JAMES ANDERSON Triad Propertias Pr�sident Box 122 WR M�dical El�ctronic� Co. R�d Wing, MN 55066 123 North Second Streat (0I 1-388-8701 tHl 1-388-5347 Stillwater, MN 35082 � (0) 430-iZ00 (H) 433-3943 MRS. FRANK 0. CHESLEY (Jean Margaret) 300 Hill Str�et MRS. SHARON ANDERSON R�d Wing, MN 55066 Assoc. Dir. , RQflectiv� (H) 1-388-3347 (a.m. ) Laadership Center, Hu�phr�y Inst. . (0) 1-388-6024 tp.o. ) Univer�ity of Minn�sota 301 19th Avenu• South MRS. HENRY H. COWIE, JR. tElizab�th) Minneapolis, MN 5S4SS 4 HaNk lan• (0) 623-7377 (H) 861-6804 North Oaks, MN SS110 (H) 484-1100 MR. CHARLES E. ARNER 5 W�st 5hore Road MR. EDWARD P. DAVI3 St. Paul , MN SS110 1138 Ivy Hill Dr. fH) 484-4436 St. P�ul , MN SS118 (H) 457-bbbb MR. LINDSAY ARTHUR, JR. Arthur, Chap�an & Micha�lson, P.A. 1219 Marqu�tta Av�nu• DR. GERA�D P. DINNEEN Minn�ipolis, MN SS403 Vic� Pr�sident, Sci�nc• & Technology t0! 339-3500 (H1 345-2400 Honeyw�ll , Inc. Hon�yN�ll Pla:a MR. WIILIAM M. HAKER Minneipolis, MN sS408 Pr�sid�nt (0) 870-SS33 (H) 941-OS83 Bakar Foundation 4900 IDS Cent�r Minn�apolis, MN SS402 MR. 6EORGE H. DIXON (0) 332-7691 tH) 920-3129 Chairman & Chi�f Ex�cutiv• Offic�r First 8ank Syst��, Inc. 1200 First Bank Plac• East MRS. WARREN BJORKLUND tAl�xandra) Minn�apolis, MN 55480 94 DellNOOd Avenu• (Ol 339-2720 (H) 473-2158 White Boir Lak�, MN SS110 (H) 429-7572 MR. MICHAEL DOU6HERTY President MRS. HERBERT W. BUSCHER (Cath�rin�) Dougherty, DaMkins, Strand k Yost 100 Sa. P.O. Box 5636 Sth St. , Suit� 2300 SnoNa�ass Villaga, CO 81615 Minne�polis, MN SS402 (H) 303-923-5726 t0) 341-6000 (H) 825-0231 . ���9 , � THE SCIENCE MUBEUM OF MINNE90TA HONORARY BOARD OF TRU3TEES 1987/98 Pag• Two MRS. WILLIS M. FORMAN (Roxanne) DR. WILLIAM N. HOLLINSHEAD, JR. 197 Woodlawn Av�nue 693 Goodrich St. Paul , MN 55105 St. Paul , MN SS10S (H) 699-6106 (H) 228-0770 MR. RONA�D M. HUBBS MRS. ALFRED E. FRANCE tPhyllis) The St. Paul CoopaniQS, Inc. 1740 Lakaview Drive 385 Washington Stre�t Duluth, MN 55803 St. Paul , MN SS102 (H) 218-728-5211 (0) 221-7213 tH) 455-7147 MR. A. D. HULIN6S MR. CURTIS W. FRITIE Chairman, Exacutiv• Comoitte� President AndQrs�n Corporation CURTIS, Inc. Bayport, MN SS003 10 AnQ�on• Circls (0) 439-5150 (H) 439-3396 St. Paul , MN s5110 . !H) 484-9183 MR. CHARLES L. LEAVITT, JR. Chairman o4 th� Board MR. JAMES P. OARDNER Unit�d El�ctric Coepany Gardn�r Manag���nt S12 Sibl�y St. 1 W�st Wat�r St. St. Paul , MN SS101 St. Paul , MN SS107 i0) 227-9183 IH) 699-1218 (Ol 291-2624 (H) 429-6441 MRS. JAMES T. LILLY (Kath�rin�) MR. RICHARD G. ORAY, SR. 1694 Oodd Road Freshwat�r Foundation St. Piul , MN SS118 P.O. Box 90 tH) 434-2117 2500 Shadywood Navarr�, MN 55392 MR. JOHN V. LUCK (0) 471-8142 (H) 472-1347 3��io� Vic� Pr�sid�nt i� T�chnical Dir, 6�neral Mills, Inc. MR. C. E. BAYLISS 6RI66S 9000 Ply�outh Av�. North N. F. Wintfr & Associat�s Minna�polis, MN SS427 102 N. 8�ach Road t0) 540-4417 HabQ Sound, FL 33455 (0) 305-546-8373 MR. ROBERT E. MATTESON RFD #2 MR. JOHN B. HARRISON Cabl�, WI 34821 34S Sal�� Chu�ch Road (H) 715-794-2163 St. Paul , MN SS118 (H) 451-1003 MR. DONALD MC NEELY Chair�an oF th• Board MR. E. ADAMSON HOEBEL Space Ca�ntar, Inc. 1666 Coffsan, Apt. 32S 444 PinQ St. St. Paul , MN 55108 St. Paul , MN SS101 (H) 645-7295 (0) 228-4445 tH) 429-7682 . ' , � � C,���'� . � THE SCIENCE MUSEUM OF MINNESOTA HONORARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1987/88 Pag• Thre� FATHER 6EORGE R. METCALF MR. S. WALTER RICHEY Warden, Oratory of St. Mary Presid�nt 79S Indi�n Trail South Spac• C�nter, Inc. Afton, MN 55001 444 Pin� St. (Ol 436-7774 St. P�ul , MN 55101 (Ol 228-4446 fH) 374-1506 MR. �OSEPH S. MICALLEF MR. ROBERT B. RIDDER Pr�sid�nt NCCO Radio Fiduciary Counselling, Inc. Suite 417 2100 First National Bank Bldq. 62S Second Av�. So. St. Paul , MN 55101 Minneapolis, MN SS402 (0) 228-0935 (H) 699-3433 t0) 338-1140 (H1 454-1572 MRS. CHARLOTTE MITAU-PRICE DR. DEAN K. RIZER 1077 Sibl�y M�a�orial Highway, �1409 1611 Black Oaks Place St. Paul , MN 55118 � Ply�outh, MN 55447 (0) 636-3558 (H) 452-7098 (H) 473-6672 MR. J. NEIL MORTON Briggs and Morgan MRS. HAMILTON S. ROSS t8ally) W-2200 First National Bank Bldg. 903 Fairnount Av�nu• St. Paul , MN 35101 St. Paul , MN SS103 (0) 291-1215 !Hl 225-4151 (H) 224-6851 MR. STEPHEN S. OBER MR. tHOMAS C. SAVA6E 82 D�llwood AvQnua W-95S Fir�t National 8ank Bldg. DQ11MOOd, MN 55110 St. Paul , MN 55101 tH) 429-0132 t0l 228-1490 (H) 483-9357 MR. JOSEPH T. 0'NEILL MR. MIILLARD C. SHULL, III 0'NQill , 8urk� & 0'Neill S�nior Vic� Pr�sid�nt of Financa 800 NorthN�st�rn Nat '1 Bank Bldg. O�yton Hudson Corporition St. Paul , MN SS101 777 Nicoll�t Mall (0) 227-9503 �H) b44-4470 Minn�apolis, MN SS442 (0) 370-bs79 (H) 473-0381 MRS. WILLARD J. PATTY, JR. (Dian�) 36 E�st Oaks Ro�d OR. ATHELSTAN F. SPILHAUS North Oaks, MN 53110 P.O. Box 1063 tN) 484-2104 Middl�burg, VA 22117 fH) 703/b87-6S79 MR. RICHARO 0. POORE Vic� Pr�sid�nt W. A. Lang Company MR. E. R. TITCOMH 375 Jackson St. 273 Sale� Church Road St. Paul , MN SS101 St. Paul , MN 5�118 (Of 227-8851 lH) 454-6016 (H) 4SS-8221 � . . ` • �1,-���j9� t:i� THE SCIENCE MUSEUM OF MINNESOTA HONORARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1987/88 P�g� Four DR. HARRISON B. TORDOFF MR. PAUL D. WEBSTER Jamas Ford BQ11 Mus�um oi Pr�sidant Natural History M�bst�r Industri�s Univarsity of Minn�sota � P.O. Box 292 10 Church Streot S.E. May=ata, MN SS391 MinnQapolis, MN 55455 t0) 473-1517 (H) 471-9766 (0) 624-4363 (N) 483-2187 MRS. ROBERT N. WOLFE t6retchen) MR. L. EMMERSON WARD 3 Duck Pass Road 30 Rasburn Court St. Paul , MN 55127 Port Ludlow, WA 98365 (H) 494-1710 IH) 206-437-9347 MRS. GEOR6E YOUNB (Billi�) DR. DWAIN W. WARNER 15 Crocus Hill Curator of Ornithology • St. Paul , MN SS102 �am�s Ford 8�11 Mus�um of (0) 293-3907 (H) 224-7778 Natural History University of Minnesota 10 Church Stre�t S.E. Minn�apolis, MN 55433 (0) 624-0346 MMM DR. WENDELL A. MORDY Pr�sid�nt-E��ritus, Sci�nc� Mus�u� 1624 Edgtu�b• Rd. St. Paul , MN SSllb (Hl 699-0274 � � � 9 � _ PS-08079-0118/85) MINNESOTA�DEPA TMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY PHONE6i2-298-6159 LIQUOR ONTROL DIVISION 333 SIBLEY ST. PAUL, MN 55101 APPU TION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 to 3 DAY TEM ORARY ON-SALE LIO,UOR LICENSE TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION NAME OF ORGANIZATION DATE ORGANIZED NO.OF MEMBERS TAX EXEMPT NUMBER S ie STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE r NAME OF PERSON MAKING APPLICATION BUSINESS PHONE' HOME PHONE H rri Ar nd � G12� 221-9'405 � 612� 699-98�1 DATES LIQUOR WILI BE SOID?(1 TO 3 DAYSI OES ORGANIZATION HAVE A CHARTER GENERAL PURPOSE OF ORGANIZATION Seryed APri_1 29, 1988 �Y8$ o No Sclence Museum of F1N ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS Location where ticense witl be used.If an outdoor area,de cribe. ►, wll the applicani contract for intoxicating liquor servicest If so,give the name and address of the Liquor licensee providing the services. Atri um 275 Ma-rket ST M 1 s„ MN �II the applicant carry liquor liability insurance?If so,the arrier's name and amount of coverage. INote:Insurance is not mandatory) APPROVAL CITY OF DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PAID APPROVED LIQUOR CONTROL DIRECTOR SIGNATURE CITY CLERK NOTE: Do not separate these two parts,send both p rts to the address above and the original signed by this division will be returned as the license.Submit to the ity Clerk at least 30 days before the event.