88-574 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUflCIl r////��� ,/�.- PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARY - DEPARTMENT XJ ��7 � 9LUE - MAVOR File NO. < <� �� City Attny/JTH , . Counci Resolution - Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED by the Council f the City of Saint Paul, acting upon the recommendation of the Eme gency Shelter Grant Review Team and having received additional in ormation from the YWCA, that $980 of Emergency Shelter Grant be aw rded to the YWCA and the appropriate City staff are authorized to egotiate and appropriate City officers to execute a contract on beha f of the City for said grant award. FURTHER RESOLVED, that t e City Council adopts the following changes to the 1988 budget: Cu rent Amended Bu et Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN $ $ $ HUD Emer�ency Shelter Grant Direct Entitle- ment, GL-100-39290-3399 $1 2 ,020 $980 $133 ,000 Total change to Spending $980 C rent Amended B d et Chan;es Budget SPENDING PLAN $ $ $ Grant to YWCA P6-100-39290-0547-61291 $ 4,414 $980 $25 , 393 Total change to Spendinb $980 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � P1 anni ng and E �nomi c Q1 o ent Lo� In Favo coswitz Sc eibei � _ Against BY, ` �`��� Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 � ��PU Form Appr Cit�or Certified Pass b ouncil Sec r gY r By • Approve Ylavor: Da e � � ��D Appr d by Mayor for is on ouncil By — — Pl��.l'�NED s:{.^�=; _ � 1 8� �-��-�� . . Counci► Research Cente� _N�.: 013224 � : PED - Pl anni ng DEP�t�t�rP APR 1� �g - - - - atrTC a ames C�NTACT PHONE � DATE , _ S G (See re erse side.) �� 2 Departaaent Diracto 3 Mayor (or Assistant) �� a _ Finance an� Maaagement Services Direc or y y Cle k _ Budget Director eggy Re�icher _ City Attorney � Karen enson - nc esearch TOTAL NUt�IBER OF SIGNATURE PAGE : 1 � ' (C ip all locations for signature.) ; G 0 ? (PurPosefRaticnale) Resolution reallocates $980 to St. Paul CA under the City's Emergency Shelter Grant Program per Housing and Economic Develo nt Committee action on March 23, 1988, C T Y ND L S D: RECEIVED $980 rea�locat�d to YWCA . APR � � 1988 MAYOR'S OFFICE GTAC V G T : (Mayor's sig:iature �ot required if under 10,000.) Total Amoutit of Transgction: Ac•tivity Nwnber: , Funding Source: 1�TTACHMENTS: (List and number all attac nts.) ' , 1. Proposed resolution , , ADMINISTRATIVE PRO�EDURES _Yes ,�No Rules, Regulations, Pro dures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes �No If yes, are they or tim able attached? DEPARTMEi�1T REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY VTEW �Yes _No Coancil resolution rnquir Y Resolution requiredP X,_„Yes No _Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient�? -_Yes �No _Yes �No Insurance attached?