88-572 �MMITE - CITY GLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll CANARV - DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ��` � Counci Resolution {=� t �,� Presented y , `---°' Referred To � � �— �' d Committee: Date �^�`�� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the City of Saint Pa 1 , on June 19 , 1986 , adopted Council Resolution Number 86-819 whi h established the Rates for the Storm Sewer System Charge ; and WHEREAS , in compliance with t e terms set forth in said resolution, the Department of Public Works has reviewed and concurs that the Rates refle t a fair and equitable distribution of costs to the various parce s located within the City of Saint Paul . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED hat the Department of Public Works recommends the rates establis ed in 1986 remain unchanged. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that t e Storm Sewer System Rates as set forth in Council Resolution 8 -819 shall be reviewed by the City Council at a minimum of once very two years . (CRSSSC) COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Public Works ^D.J �ng ' In Favor �6eswitz �/�j� � �. , ��Q � Rettman �2,C,�.��� t'.L Scheibel � _ Against BY Sonnen � Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date C�� � �Z` Certified Pa Cou cil r BY — ` �� g , ^�`�� x.� S Approv Mavor: APR L ` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY Pfl�IiSHEO 1a ry� �_ � 19 8 � ��3�a : ���y , . «� � . � � �� Daneid NpgaBrd .' •._ : a►3 16 88 ������� t�:0����� o�n�nn�rr da�cron, (F Mtrop�en c-�Tedt�ll -� !r�iur�t w�+w�rt a�vkies or�crt�i § crtr ct� � , . - � No. � �, � —. x — ��.�����. � ��� .�r_�.,.�. R� 3 �*� 6 Coui�f� �b ��3c `FT�r�cs b138 anv�• A � _'��' . C[fYA17�0A11EY ..+ '� � Estab�ishing S���em Se�er System Charge (SSSC) ra�es .fv�. ��8$ in accprdance with � Council �esolutioa No. 86-819 which req ir�d the City Gouncil to xe�iet� the ��tes ' �t least e�r+ezq 2 ye�rs: Also the estab ishment of xaCes �t f�is ti�e �.s neeess�sry to g�e�are and send the annual mailing to roperty owners by or befare Je�ae 1�388. " . n01+�(+UV�+.lNar nN.et{PA'i tlotMiCU- n�ronr: - :.. PLAN�N�COM+�elo�r cawt.a61MCE ooM�elor� o�TE Ms w7E our NIKra�r P9+GNENp. ��� �.��,� 3(z� �f� ,�5-- � ' �. $AFF, . - . � � QqR7Elt OOAM�t891GN � �. A816 . -�ADDL IlIFO.AOD�*� _�fOR AODL M'FO� _:���O�ACK�M�R ' o�n�r�ooa«� +o�uuan L'4UCiC1� R@�ie't'��'C�'► : ��,�.:� _ C`enter noes n�t su�p+�rt any MAR 2 41988 -- �pe��f�e Cauncil abjective. . ,1n�►��aN�.�MUe.at!M�eurrr ttiw�a w�.wrw�.wn.�s.wi+y�: `. . : ,: � Council Res�c�lution No. 86-819 which estab ished the origi�ral'Storm 3e�ter Syste�a-�arge �'olicp . ' _ . a�t��Rates� �flr� 1986 and _1987 has s req�t ent tttat these r�et�es ts� .reviewed at legst " . e��g two years. This annuai cha.rge" ge rates �5.3 milli:on rer�reat�e' ant�ual��, d1i�tM9CA'e1RflttGor�Bend�,�.eeaAesl: . ; : The current rate 'atructure generates ade uate revenue far c�ur;^enrF�t�� l�vel o�' stoxm sewsr construction and mafntenance needs. °'. ,`�$Ylh�t.Wh�n.and 7o Who�rnY '. , ' , P'ailure to decide on the rates for 1988 ill �.eopardize this important fut�dirtg soarce. . , �. . . : � ' :; .. c� , Do noth�ng See conseq�xences aboue. � . Raise rates enerate more dollars WiI1 gener���+ op�s��fan - . � given the r�e�eat s�t�il.La�r - _ - sewEer inere�irT� edded to water bills`' � �rranareec�oa�rs: _ M ' 5ee aCtached copq of Cotincil Resolution . 86-819- ��ssu�: . _ . None expected other tE�an the requiremeat . hat. the Cou�Ml;must reestablish rates - at least. every 2 years, _ . . . - � � � � � � ���=���- Report on the 1986 an 1987 Storm Sewer System Charge . In 1986, the City Council adopted th ordinance establishing the Storm Sewer System Charge. Its purpose is to pay for a p rtion of the storm sewer construction cost necessitated by the separation of the combined sewer system and to pay for the maintenance and operation of the st rm sewer system. This charge is based on a parcel's a ticipated contribution of stormwater runoff to the storm sewer system, which is a functi n of the parcel's size and land use. Typically more intensively developed land use have a larger percentage of impervious surface and thus contribute a great volume of stormwater to the system. According to the financing plan for th Combined Street and Sewer Program, $4.8 million is to be derived from the Stor Sewer System Charge. With administrative charges of about $200,000, the goal is to generate about $5 million annually from this charge. The account summary was rovided by the Valuations and Assessments Division for the last two years is as fo ows: 1986 billing $5,684,7 0.28 Adjustments .7 Adjusted billing $5,150,4 4.49 1987 billing $5,331,1 8.00 adjustments - adjusted billing $5,184,5 4.00 Based on the 1988 Budget needs, the current rates will adequately provide the necessary funding level and therefore t is our recommendation that the current rate structure remain the same. Pr�K` � ��N4NC� .. � Council `°.''"Y -'�t`=c•RT""E"' . � .G � TY OF SAINT PAUL ' .tiLJE +•- MAVOR , � . � � - File N 0. � � � � � � � ou�z�c�' �Resol�tion ��� ��- - ` r Presented F3y �� .�-���-��r.'.j .�'" ____ Referred To _ '� - Cnmmittee: Date Out of Comrnittee E3y___.____��- Date 4�H�REAS, the City of Sai t Paul has adopted an ordinance, Council File NO. 86-620, Or inance Number 17359, establishing a Storm Sewer System Charge for the purpose of paying for the co�stru�fiion, reconstru tian, repai�, enlargement �nd irnprovements nec�ssitated by the separation of the combined sew�r sys�cern �_n Saint Paul a d for the maintenance, operation �ncl us� of t�� s�parated st�rm sewer system, and T�7HFREAS, -�ursuant to t is ordinance, the Ci'cy Council mus-c establish a fair and eq itable methodology for the deter- .aznaiion of the Storm Sewer ystem Charge, and adopt policies �s�ablishing procedures and standards for the consideration and determination of request for review of the Storm Se.wer �ys-cem Charge, and WHERE�S, the City Council must also esta�lish by resolution iY�c� Storm Sewer System Rate to b� a�plied to the various �arcels located within the Cit of Saint Paul . :::ObV THERFFORE BE IT RESOL ED that pursuant to the ordinance ado��ted in Co�rncil File Numbe 86-620, Ordinance Number 17359, unc� upon recammendation of he Department of Public WOZ'ks� i.h� Council of the City of aint Paul does hereby establisn -che folloiaing policies rega ding the determination of tne an.nual Storm Sewer System C arge, and adopts the followinq p.rocedu.res and standards to be used as guidelines by the Department of Public Works in its consideration «n� decermina- tion of requests for review of the Storm Sewer System Charges. BE IT FURTF.ER RESOLV�D, that the Sto:crn Sewer System Rates to be applied to pro erties located within the City of S�=.int Pa�_zl shal.t be as s t forth in Appendir> B of the follc�•r:i.ng Ci_ty policy: COU�+CILI�IEN l'eas Drew Nays Requested by Department of: Nicosia Public Works Rett�n,.. - __ In Favor 1 � � � Scheil�ei � ? � ��/ So�ren __ Ag�inst BY `f_—. � �� � C��� � Tede;co !/ n� i'Vilson � �� ' Form Appr,oved by City Attorney :,d.�ptc•d by Counril: Date _ \ � � �+ f,,,s C��rr;ifi��d Vassed by Cou7cil Secretary BY �---� �t �t C: • �. �i•, ----- _.— .--- ,�;,pro�±•d by Illavor. Date _ Approved 6y May �or Sulim'ssion to Council . �` "`'�------ � ;�: �� C '; � lS- ._._.��-�-�, i � ------- ------ ------ y�E3 ��.�...� ��_.-_._. �, � C'' � � . � � � . � � � o�- �.�� CITY OF SAIN PAUL�POLICY FOR THE DET RMINATION , AND R YIE1�' • OF HE � . STORM SE1�'ER S STEM CHARGE � . . � • � ��-5'�� June 10, 1986 CITY OF SA NT PAUL POLICY FOR THE DETERM NATION AND REVIEW OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM CHARGE I. INTRODUCTION AND STATEME T OF PURPOSE The City of Saint Paul ha adopted an ordinance establishinq a Storm Sewer System Charge for the purpose of payinq a portion of the cost of construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement and improvements necessit ted by the separation of the combined sewer system and for the aintenance, operation and use of the separated storm sewer sys em. The storm sewer system includes all facilities pertaining to the management of stormwater discharged from property, including. but not limited to drainage . ways, ponds, lakes, flood preventive measures, catch basins, - storm sewer pipe, curbs a d gutters. The storm sewer system cha ge shall be based on a parcel's anticipated contribution o stormwater runoff to the storm sewer system, which �s a functio of the parcel 's size and its land use. Typically mor.e inten ivel� developed land uses have a larger percentage c�f impe ious surface and contribute a greater volume of stormwater to a torm sewer system. �Similarly, a large parcel would contrib te more runoff than a smaller parcel with the same land�use. Under the charging system stablished in this policy statement, a parcel that c;ontributes greater volume of runoff would pay a higher Storm SE�w�ar System arge. As a result, charges allocated under. 1�his method logy would better reflect a parcel 's fair share of th�a costs of he storm sewer system. It is not possible to inspE�ct every p rcel in the City of Saint Paul to determine its inciividual hy rological response to stonawater. Therefore, to im��le:aent thi charging policy, the numerous land uses found in thE� City of S int Paul are classified by their expected�peak storm�aater ru off. Each land use is grouped wi�h other land uses i:hat share imilar hydrologic responses under _ . �ertain st�andard conditions. Thus, two parcels of the same size with different land uses wo lct pay an equal share of the costs of the storm sewer system i their land uses are determined to have a similar hydrologic response to stormwater. Both parcels would be classified in the s me land use classification for purposes of applying this ch rge. It is recognized that assign ng costs and making charges based on expected hydrologic respo se cannot be done with mathematical precision with the technolo available at the present time, and can only be accomplished wit in reasonable and practical limits. It is intended that this pol cy and procedures will establish a just, equitable and practica methodology for making such charges. . _ �� ��-- . . ' . _✓�- Some parcels due either o their unique topographic, vegetative, geologic and other characteristics, or the existence and maintenance of an on site storm drainage control, �detention or retention facilities ave a hydrologic response substantially different from that of s' ilarly sized parcels of the same land use. Therefore, provisions are adopted in this policy statement to permit adjustments or cre its to the Storm Sewer System Charge for,,those parcels with th se unique and unusual characteristics. II. METHODOLOGY FOR DEVELOPIN STANDARDIZED PEAR RUNOFF R.ATES A. RUNOFF The city�s storm sewe system is developed and designed � using the peak stormw ter runoff rate for a five year storm. The Storm Sew System Charge is in part determined by utilizing this same criteria. To establish the stand rdized peak runoff rate for tt particular land use, S int Paul utilizes the Modified Curve Number Method as outli ed in the U.S. Department af Agriculture, Soil Cons rvation Service Technical �2elease No. 55. This method takes into� consideration the primary factors of land use an area among other factors such as soil types and topogra hy or slope and develops a mathematical model to redict the runoff rates for rain storms of various inte sities and duration. The rain storm applied to this analysis of runoff is a 5 year 24 hour storm with Type II rainfall d'stribution and a total rainfall of 3. 60 inches. B. LAND USE CLASSIFICATION - To organize its analysi of the numerous Iand uses within its boundaries, the cit applied an already existing property identification system known as the Sub-Usage Code List which is prepared nd used by the Ramsey County Department of Taxation. These Sub-Usage Code Listings were reviewed and regrouped ccording to their land use and the - similarities of their off characteristics. The end results for purposes of his charging systFin are designated as ��land use classificat'ons". See attached Appendix A, incorporated herein by t is reference. For each of these land u e classifications a standardized peak runoff rate was det rmined. The analytic method that was applied included exa ination of data provided by the above referenced five ye r storm model, as well as " information derived from a random sampling of numerous parcels within the City f Saint Paul. . -2 . . , r � � � ����� C. Standardized Peak Rat s of Runoff . The standardized peak runoff rate identified for each land use classificati n is as follows: ABLE I STANDARDIZED PEAR RUNOFF RATES Standardized Peak Land Use • Runoff Rate Classification Exam le of Land Use Per Acre A Cemeteries, gol courses, parks, 0.25 cfs unimproved vacan land, and 1 & 2 (cubic feet family residenti 1 properties in per secondj excess of 1/3 ac e. B Railroads . 0.50 cfs � C . 1 & 2 family res dential properties less than 1/3 ac e 1.00 cfs . D Condominiums and Townhouses 2.00 cfs E Public & private schools & community � centers 1.50 cfs F Multiple dwellin s, churches, ' synagogues & go�v rnment buildings 2.00 cfs � G Commercial & In3u trial 2.70 cfs III. DETERMINATION OF TH:E ST�� SEWER SYSTEM RATES A. In General The Council of tt�e (:i y of Saint l�aul shall annually adopt a storm sewer sys;teri udget based on the anticipated expense to constz-uct:, operate and maintain the storm sewer . system. A portic�n of this budget will be apportioned to .. all of the land L.se c assifications, based on their standardized peak run ff rates per acre. The resultant rate per acre is the torm Sewer System Rate. This amount reflects that portion of the annual expenses charged to a one acre parcel of a pecific land use classification for providing some of the e services. The rates from time t time may be revised or amended by resolution. See attac ed Appendix B, which is • incorporated herein by this reference and is a listing of the Storm Sewer System Rates to be applied to properties within the City of Sai t Paul. . . ' , � . . l/l—�-`S�a— B. One and Two Famil Residences All one and two fa ily residential parcels less than 1/3 � of an acre in area re placed into a single land use classification to b charged on an equal per parcel basis. A majority of the p rcels within the city falls within this l�nd use class' fication, which also is the. most diverse in terms of area and intensity of use. For ' purposes of simplif cation and to provide equity in the allocation of costs all one and two famfly residence parcels less than 1 3 of an acre in area are assumed to have the standardiz d peak runoff rate of a one and two family residence pa cel of 7500 square feet. Generally, smaller ized parcels of this specific land use have more imperviou area in relation to their overall ' size, and larger sized parcels have less impervious area in relation to thei overall size. One and two family parcels less than 75 0 square feet when compared to parcels greater than 7500 square feet but less than 1/3 of an acre, are likely a have a similar ratio of impervious areas in relation to their overall parcel size. Therefore, the runof contribution of one �nd two family residence parcels le � than 1/3 of an acre are� considered equivalent for the p z-po:aes of the Storm Sewer System Charge Policy. For parcels larger t a.n .1/3 acre, the excess will be considered equal to ark land and charged on an area basis. C. Condominiums and Tow.n ous.es ' Al1 condominium and �t wnr�ouse parcels have also been placed into a single ancl use classification to be charged on an equal per unit asis. A one acre parcel of ownhouse units or condominium units has a standardized pe k runoff rate et�ual to the standardized peak run ff rate for a one acre parcel of multiple unit dwellin s. Unlike the individual units in � multiple dwellings; a condominium or townhouse unit is �- typically owned by a ingle entity or person. As a result, the Ramsey Co nty Department of Taxation bills condominium and townh use units separately despite the fact they may be part f a single structure. For the purpose of sim lification in the billing process and to provide equity 'n the allocation of costs under this policy, a one acr parcel containing condominium units and/or townhouse units is assumed to have a density of 19 units per acre, hich is the density of a typical multiple unit dwelling parcel. The per unit charge in Appendix B reflects th s. . ..� . . . . ; � . : G���� IV. DETERMZNATION OF THE STO SEWER SYSTEM CHARGE ' With the previously discu sed exceptions of one and two family ' residence parcels and con ominium and townhouse unit parcels, the Storm Sewer System Ch rge for a parcel shall be the sum of the multiplication of its area times the Storm Sewer System Rate specified for that parcel s land use classification. V. ADJUSZ'MENT OF THE STORM S WER SYSTEM CHARGE Where stormwater� management is employed or where other conditions exist such that the peak stormwater runoff rate for a given parcel is substantia ly different as compared to the standardized peak runoff r tes for parcels within its land use _classification, the Direct r of Public Works or his designate may adjust the parcel �s st rm sewer system charge to an, appropriate level in accor ance with the guidelines specified herein: A. Procedure Statement � After filing a request for a review of the charge within the 30 day period it will e the responsibility of the property owner or his agent to resent to the Director of Public Works or his designate within 60 days after receiving the Storm Sewer System Cha qe billing statement sufficient informa�tion concerning that parcel 's hydrologic - characteristics to pe it an accurate assessment of the - conditions that exist. This information may include, but is not lia�ited to: l. A sit�a plan showing locations of all buildings and other develapment contain d within the parcel. 2. The total parcel ar a and area of impervious surfaces.. 3. Site topography and contours of sufficient detail to ascertain flow dire tions, rates and volumes. • 4. Size, details and/o volumetric characteristics of any drainage control fa ilities. 5. Hydraulic calculati ns specifying outflow volumes and rates for various r infall events. �. Land Use Intensit Cred 'ts Where t.he actual peak stormwater runoff rate from a parcel is shown to differ from he standardized peak runoff rate given in Table 1 by more than 10$, the Director of Public Works or tiis designate m y adjust that parcel 's storm sewer system chzirge in accorda ce with the following parameters: • _ _. _ _--____ --_ ___ -- - - _ - . : - . _ _ . . . . ��-� ��-- 1. Calculation of th parcel 's peak stormwater runoff rate shall be determin d by the methods outlined in the USDA Soil• Conservation Service Technical Release No. 55. The design storm hall be the USDA Soil Conservation Service 24 hour, e II rainfall distribution for a � year storm in Sai t Paul, utilizing the parcel's soil � group and a norma antecedent moisture condition. The total rainfall fo this storm is 3.60 inches. The data for this storm is given in �Appendix C. 2. If a parcel's cal ulated peak stormwater runoff rate on a per acre basis iffers from the rate listed in Table 1 by more than 10$, the parcel's storm sewer system charge will be adjusted y the ratio of the actual runoff rate to the parcel's a signed peak runoff rate. - : 3. Because the charc�e for 1 and 2 family residences under 1/3 acre, condomin um and townhouses are not based on actual parcel acre qe, no adjustment for peak rate of runoff differences will be made. 4. For parcels with p lic drainage easements, calculation of the peak stormw ter runoff rate shall be based fln the non-easement area. C. Rate of Dischar e Cred ts � Where the peak stormwa er runoff rate from �a parcel is limited by on-site fac lities sucr: as ponds that are owned and maintained by the roperty owr..er, up to a 25$ reduction in the Storm Sewer Sys em Charge a.ay be granted in accordance with the fo lowing parameters: l. A 10� credit will e gran'�ed to parcels that provide on-site storage fo the fiv�= year design storm that also limit its discharg to a ma:Kimum of 1.64 cfs per acre. , Calculation of the eak sto:rmwater runoff rate shall be determined as outli ed in S�tction V, B,l. 2. An additional 15$ c edit wi:ll be granted to parcels that provide on-site sto age for the 100 year design storm that_also limit its discharqe to a maximum of 1.64..cfs - per acre. Calculat'on of t'�e parcel's p�ak stormwater runoff rate shall b determined by the methods outlined in the USDA Soil Co servation Service Technical Release No. 55. The desi storm shall be the USDA Soil Conservation Servic 24 Hour, Type II rainfall distribution for a 00 year storm in Saint Paul, utilizing the parce 's soil group and a normal antecedent moisture condition. The total rainfall for this storm is 5.90 nches. The data for this storm is given in Appendix D. . 3 . For parcels with p lic drainage easements, calculation of the peak stormwa er runoff rate shall be based on the non-easement area. . _� - ---. _ _ __ __ ,_ ,_, __ _-- __ , � � ' ' � ' • • l%" �'`S�� D. Multiple Credits Land use intensity cr dits and stormwater rate of discharge credits may be cumula ive. If a parcel is entitled to both credits, the land use intensity credit will be applied first then the rate of disc arge credit will be applied. ' E. Retroactivitv Credit adjustments sh 11 not be made retroactively with respect to previou's b' lling years. - F. Increases A parcel 's Storm Sewe System Charge shall be subject to increases as well as d creases by this procedure. . G. Special Cases � � � For special and unusua cases where the above procedures do not result in an appro riate storm sewer system charge, the • Director of Fublic Wor s, upon recommendation of his staff, has the authority to m ke ad�ustments consistent with the intent of the ordinanc establishing the storm sewer system charge and with this p licy. H. Periodic Ins ection an Credit Ad'ustments The Director of Public flrks reserves the right to inspect periodically all storm rainage control facilities to ascertain that they are operatinq properly. If such a system due to iniproper aintenance or other reason, fails to detain stormwater runof in an effective manner, the director shall issue an order to complete the repairs of the facility within 60 ays. If such repairs are not completed in a timely m nner, the director may eliminate or reduce detention credit to an appropriate level. Any s�uch facility shall not be e igible to apply for Storm Sewer System Charge adjustmen s for a period of 12 months � f��llowing any credit ad ustment. I. I�and Use ChanQe The issuance of any bui ding permit or other action which changes or inten,ifies existing Iand use shall be cause for. an adjustment of the Storm Sewer System Charges to an ap;�ropriate level. J. Cc�nnected Rainleaders �1u credits will be given for a property which has ,r.3inleaders (downspouts) catch basins or any other source of clearwater discharge hat is connected to the sanitary or combined sewer system. , � _.�.� ..--- . . _ -- _ _- __ �Jc , ____ _ _ , _ �� A PEND(X A Paye 1 of 3 The following Sub-Usage Codes s al1 be placed in Land Use Classification A 42. Go 1 f Course . 43. Recreation/,4musement Faci ity 45. Culture & Nature Exhibit � � 47. Marina � 70. Cemetery � 81. Vacant Land - Commercial 82. Vacant Land - Industrial 83. Vacant Land - Exempt � 85. Radio & T.V. Tower � 89. HRA Vacant � 95. Vacant Land - Residential 99. Undef inabie The following Sub-Usage Codes shal be placed in land Use Classification 8: . 55. Ra i lroads The following Sub-Usage Codes shall e placed in Land Use Classification C: 90. 5ingie Family _ 91. Duplex 93. Doub�e Dwelling • T�e followi�g Sub-Usage Codes shaii b placed in Land Use Ciassification D: - l. Condominiums (Including Co-op) 94. Townhc>use ..�,___ _�. _._ � _ . _ __�_ _ _ _ ____. __ __ -- _____._ -- _._ . _ . - , _ __..._ �� , , • G ���v,�-� � ,�,ppendix A Page 2 of 3 The foliowing Sub-Usage Codes s all be placed in Land Use Ciassification E:- 71. School tPrimary/Secondary) � 72. Coliege/University The following Sub-Usage Codes sh 11 be placed � in Land Use Ciassification F: . 2. ,4partment - Garden 3. Apartment - Waikup - � 4. Apartment - Elevator 7. Nursing Home � � 8. Mobile Home Park � 9. Other Residences 36. Residential Garage/Shed 49. L ibrary 73. Church/Synagogue � 76. Government Faci I i ty . 77. Dorm i tory 78. Post Uffice 79. Fire Station 92. Triplex The following Sub-Usage Codes shall e placed in Land Use Ciassif ication G: S. Hotel 6. Motel/Tourist Court 10. Generaf Retaii & Service 1 1. 5upermarfcet 12. Department/Discount Store 13. �ommercial/��partment 14. Lumber Yard & Building Material 15. Community/Strip Shopping . . � � � � - � : ��-��� � ' A�pendix A Page 3 of 3 16. Regional Shopping Center 17. Restaurant/Bar � -- 18. Fast Food Restaurant - - - � 19. Funerai Home 20. MedicalOffice/Clinic 21. General 1-Story/WalkupOff ce 22. General Eievator Office ' . 23. Bank/Savings � Loan/�redit nion 24. Vet Clinic, Hospital, Dispens ry 25. Discount Store 26. Tavern/Cafe (Low Cost) 30. Gas Station 31. Auto Service Center/Garage � � � 32. New Car Showroom/5ervice G rage 33. Boat 8� Other Vehicle Sales/S rvice . 34. Car Wash 35. Parking Garage 37. Parking Ramp � 40. Theater 41. Orive-In Theater 44. Sports and I�ublic Assembiy Fa ility 4b. Club/Association Hail 48. Bowling Ailey . 50. Warehouse _ 51. Storage Tank/Tower 52. Grain f levator 53. Transportat i on Faci l i ty � 54. Truck Terminal 56. Airport Facility � 57. Greenhouse/Nursery 58. Mini-Storage Warehouse 60. L ight Manufacturing 61. Heavy Manufacturinc� 62. Constrvction 5ervice_Facility 63. Food/Drink Processing Facility . 64. Research/Development/Testing F cility . 74. Hospital � 75. Welfare & Charitabie Faciliiy � 80: Utility Service Fatility � 84. Misceilaneous A -- __ _ _ � , � ._ _� _-- __ ,.� . . . . • � " ���"��� AP ENDIX B The Council of the City of Saint Pa 1 hereby adopts the following storm sewQr system rates for various Lan Use Classifications within the city f or I 986: LAND USE 1986 STORM SEWER CLASSIFICATION EXAMPLES 0 LAND USE SYSTEM RATE A Cemeteries, Go f Courses, s50.00 per acre Parks, Unimpro ed Vacant Land and i & 2 Famil Residential land in excess f 1/3 acre . B. Rai iroads 590.00 p�r acre C. i & 2 Family Re idential s32.00 per parcei Properties iess han 1/3 acre . D. Condominiums a d Townhouses 520.00 per unit E. Public & Private Schools �275.00 per acrE� and Community enters F. Multi�le Dwe)lin s, Churches, 5370.00 per acrE� Synagogues and Government Buil ings - G. Commercial and Industrial $500.00 per acrEr . .�It - C�rr '�1_�Mn . � Pv�NK " � FIN�.•'4�E \ COUnCII �� ��'.�.F:�. _ °Ee°:"~'EAT � C��I Ty ON SA I NT I�A U L ��.;E ` -- Ma,a�� • • ' File NO. �� _ �� , J " � � � � Counci �Zesolution �-�� � Presented E3y .'Referred To - -: - _ _ �ommittee: �ate _ Out of Committee By�� Date - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, t at the above referenced policy, procedures, standards and Stor Sewer System Rates shall be appla.ed to all properties in the City f Saint Paul under the direction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, t at the Storm Sewer System Rates as set forth in Appendix B of thi policy shall be reviewed by the City Cauncil at a minimum of o ce every two years. /�' �' � _--_--_-- - _- - � I'�����'C.?E?:,�__ (�-- 1 G-� COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: ^ Yea=: Drew NaYs r- i Nicosia � [n Favor � � — Rettman r//� ' /,J, /� ,(�/ ..;SCtteibeL • �� �Z///� /�� i � V .� :=' /., (�y/��/CnC`• bi_.�. I `�' �s��;rrPn _ __ Against BY — f��-� Tede�r.o Wiisun Adopted by Council: Date —�1�9 �g8s Form Ap ove City Attorrtey l`'� ����'�.� �`� i�c•rtific�d }'��«:,eci b C�uncil Sec ry By �--..-- �� � (l C:��. ; �,,� � ���� ������ E;^' __ , - �#� �.ilpro�•ed by 11�avor: ���-� ''_ �`- �� � °����_� ��roved by Mayor for Submission to Council � ���-�—��— _.. Y • i �^..---.- --� s3y _�';���-��..�,__— ----;�%--e.1�_� . By PL1�t1�FlE�1 �!:.�^! `' 8198� . Members: (�—���/�-- CI'1`Y O1 ►��),I lv�l` 1�.�,.UL Roger J. Goswitz, chair { f P� Janice Rettman i ��iu!I�lii� , If�ee�E��.;�;�, ON'I+'ICH: UN '1!ll (i: (:l'C1" UUIJNCLL Tom Dimond � Date: April 13, 198 Com ittee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From :Public Works, Utiliti s, and Transportation � Committee Roger J. Goswitz, C air The Public Works Committee at ts meeting of April 13, 1988 took the following action: Hearing Date 1. 4/19/88 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: For condemning and taking a permanen easement for street purposes for Energy • Park Drive, west f Raymond Avenue. Recommended approv 1 unanimously. 2. 4/26/88 FINAL ORDER: Fo improving COTTAGE AVENUE from Galtier Street to Rice St eet with a bituminous paving, concrete curb & gutters, c ncrete driveways and outwalks, sodded �boulevards �d a treet lighting system. To be known as the COTTAGE/GALTIE STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING SYSTEM. Recommended approv 1 unanimously. --- 3. RESOLI3T�i0N: Estab ishing rates:;,��r the Stcrr� Sew��t System C�arge; � Recommended approv 1 unani�ously. CITY HALL SEVC.NTIJ 1�LOUIt SAINT P!'.UL, 1111NNGSOTA 55102 •� .�� : � ' ���s��— ���'��_ a. .,, i�-.����' � � CIT O�F SAINT PAUL `'"' INTERDEPART ENTAL MEMORANDUM �_�,.�,. �� `���� l�i��f RECEIVED APR 191988 CITY CLERK To : Albert Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall From: Roxanna Flink�� Supervisor of Assessmen s 218 City Hall Date : April 15 , 1988 Re : Attachment to the Resol tion on Thursday ' s Agenda to keep the Storm Sewer System Charge Rates the same. Please include the attached co y of the postcard that is being proposed to replace the four pa e Storm Sewer System Charge bill that was sent out in the past. Thanks. cc : Mayor Latimer Gene Schiller _' '� ��5-7� . , Property ID: •022822240000 � � Property at: 123 Your Street � Lend Aree: Less then 1/3 ecre I Use Class: C I Totat Amount: 532.00 � � � � ---- cuthereandretum ----J This charge will appear on your properly tax state- ment payable in 1989 (without penalty or interest) unlessyouprefertopayitdirectlytousbefore0ctober �..�. H. Citizen 1,1988. If so,retum the above infortnation with your check for the tota�amount to: 123 Your Street CITYOFSAINTPAUL—SSSC Saint Paul, MN 55000 218 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL MN 55102 Fr nt Ba k WHAT/S THIS CHARGE FOR? This is the t�ird year for the new storm sewers Saint Paul Public Works is building as part of i1s Combined Street and Sewer Program. Public Works is building them use 1985 State and Federal Iegisla0on requires an accelerated building program to protect water quality in o r community. HOW MUCH/S EVERYONE CHARGEDI Almost 75%of Sairrt Paul properties are d�arged the basic esidenpal(C)rate,$32.00 a year. Rates vary for other �operties based on the average amount of stormwater noff similar properties produce, and Uie size of tl�e property. Your rate is on die Rates Chart below. Propertie not in the°C"or"D'Use Class may seek review of this charge by filing a written rec�estwith the Public Works Sew r Engineer,700 City Hall Mnex,Saint Paul,MN 55102 within 30 days of this mailing. Call 298-5327 for more inf ation. Use C/ass K/nd of Property Rate A Cemeteries,Golf courses,Parks,Un mproved vacant land,and ResidenGal land in e cess of 1/3 acre..........$50 per aae B Railroad land.........................................................................$90 per acxe C Residential,One-and Two-family Ho es(ro 1/3 acre) .........$32 per property D Condominiums and Townhomes...... ....................................$20 Per proPertY E Schools and Community centers.........................................$275 per acre F Multiple dwellings;Religious building ;Govt.buildings.......$370 peraae G Commercial and Industrial land;Park lots.......................$500 per acre