88-558 , � ,
` t �.
� � � ._
Cit of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. 6���s" ���
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming By . : ` `°� '��� ; Y`�%��
Condemnation and Awards of Damages �' �
and Assessment Therefor File No. i8493g
Yotiu; In the matter of �c�nd�tiA$ a�d tak�ng .
A 20-foot penaanent easement or utility purposes und�r and
across that part of Lots 7 and 1 , Block 2 vf Warren and Winslows
Addition in the Northwest Quar er of Section 32, Township 29
North, Range 22 West, and that p rt of Stinson's Addition in the
Southwest Quarter of Section 2 , Township 29 North, Range 22
West, in the City of St. Paul, innesota, the centerline of said
easement described as follows:
Commencing at the South est corner of said Section 29;
thence S 89 � 55 ' 30" E, 298.04 feet along the south line
of said southwest quarter of Section 29 ; thence S 21° 27 '
15" W, 30. 14 feet, thenc S 3° 39 ' 30" W, 303.34 feet;
thence S 5 � 03 ' 32" . , 35.02 feet to a point on the
existing Trout Brook Sewe and said Pvint being the point of
beginning of said easemen centerline; thence N 5° 03 ' 32"
E, 35. 02 feet; thence N ° 39 ' 30" E, 303 .34 feet; thence
N 21° 27 ' 15" E, 166. 9 feet; thence N 37 ° 11' 53" E,
259. 24 feet; thence N 4 26 ' O1" E, 110.00 feet; thence N
53° 56 ' O1" E, 184. 46 fe t; thence N 64 ° 39 ' 53" E, 262.99
feet to a point which lie 10 feet west of the centerline of
Clark Street; thence N 75 ° 10 ' 57" E, 130.0o feet; thence N
89° 52 ' 09" E, 247.90 eet to a point which lies 8. 00 feet
northerly of the center ine of Bush Avenue and which lies
33 . 00 feet east of the c nterline of DeSoto St. as prolonged
northerly, and said eas ment centerline there terminating.
The side lines of said e sement to be prolonged or shortened
to begin on said exist'ng centerline of the Trout Brook
Sewer and end perpend'cular to the last coarse of said
Also, a permanent easement f r utility purposes under and across
that part of Lot 1, and tha part of Lot 4 , Block 13, Stinson's
Addition, all being in th southwest quarter of Section 29,
Township 29 North, Range 2 West, in the City of St. Paul,
. _M_innesata, descr.ibed as fAll. ws:
Beginning at the no ast corner of said Lot 4, Block 13 ,
Stinson' s Addition; th nce South 20 feet along the east line
of said Block 13 to th intersection with a line which lies
20 feet south of and p rallel with the north line of said Lot
4 ; thence West 35 fee along said line to the intersection
with a line which li s 35 feet west of and parallel with
� � � said East line of Bloc 13 ; thence North along said line 60
feet to the north line of said Block 13 ; thence East 10 feet
along said north lin to the intersection of a line which -
lies 25 feet west o and parallel with said east line of
Block 13 ; thence Sout 40 feet along said line to said North
line of Lot 4 ; thence East 25 feet along said north line of
Lot 4 to the point of beginning.
: Also, temporary construc ion easements as shown on the map on
file in the Division of Va uation and Assessments, Department of
Finance & Management S ices. Said temporary easements to
expire upon completion of the project or December 31, 1988
whichever occurs first.
This is in conjunction with the Edgerton/Bush Storm Sewer
Separation project.
% C�'Z7o0
, , - o�a rmn eawstm:
-� - � ���i ���T` �. 0 00�1�
Fiaance t� �I4anagement Services 2/26 8 ,.,. .
tDOwr vERSaN oEa�rrt oa�c�roR ►�wa p►+�rN+n
Pete� W[lite � PNN�d� FoR �a�w�uw+ala�ra�so�cnoa crtv«.�c
. �a. �` ��p� � Council Research
Valt�ations & Assm` s 531Z °RD�° - c��„�. �ku$t b� on Agend�.,on qr . e ore 8 '
1. �Setting hearing dat� for approval of acquiring construction easements
2. Approve acquisition of pern�a.ne�t .and temporary eaeements for the Edgerton{Bush _ .
Sewer Separation Pro�ect.
File No. 1$495E
1�b1111RtlDr►31opBe(�PProw Uq a►N�ct(Rf) CWIppL REPOR7:
. PLAt�lIIMO 00�86�ON� CNIL SERNICE COMA18310N. � � QATE � .. DATE� ANALYST . � � Pl101dE N0. � .. . �
'���� ����� 3 $� 3 $� �'�.
A sr� cwwrea co►wxsspw �s is aooti n�o.�ooeo* �ro m ca+r�r caasmiarr
_ _Pua nooti ww. _�ac noo�*
asrwcT cau+cw ,�
----�oars w�ai�ur�c�ae�crn�z
1 ' .
� �tu►n�a paoN:a�.�annoirroKnr lwno.Mnw►.wn�.vh»�..�): .
The construction and future maintenance f the above mentioned storm sewer pro�ect
' requires the easements as described on ,t e attached.
.�+c�►ro�r cc�suee�,.M.;�,�►: ,.
These permaaent and temporary easements ll facilitate the buildfng of the abowe
mentioned storm sewer project, resulting in more efficient and economic rauting of
the sto.xm water runoff..
COh�iOHiqCes tM�k'Wlwn.and 7e Wha�:. , . ,. � ,
The- permanent , easements will be an encumb ance on the properties affected. -
, The fiemporary construction easements wil expire on Dece�ber'31, 1988 or in the
couEpletion of the construction, whicheve comes f�rst.
. .
K�ter�: _ vno� c�o►� ' _ :. �.
To be determined
. This is the. normal proceeduxe for ease nt acquisitions
. ��i�s:
None at this time
• i
� ��'�' �-�.
�� ��/
City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �� -J
Report of Director of Finance BY
on Condemnation of Lands
File No. i�����
`'Jut3�� In the matter of �e��dt��t�� m?�d ��tk� �
A 20-toot permanent easem nt for utility purposes under and
across that part of Lots 7 a d 10, Block 2 of Warren and Winslows
Addition in the Northwest arter of Section 32, Township 29
North, Range 22 West, and tha part of Stinson's Addition in the
Southwest Quarter of Sectio 29, Township 29 North, Range 22
West, in the City of St. Paul Minnesota, the centerline of said
easement described as follows
with the signature of the undersigned, containing the un ersignea s iinaing ur� sa,u ,ua«�.�.
�Director of Finance
� -
� � �`+
City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE N0. ~
Notice of Hearing in Condemnat on By
File No. 1�14.�'��
' �t��i��;� In the matter of �R�,�,���;���� ��� t�k ,�
� a��t
A 20-foot permanant �asem nt for utility purposes under and
across that part of Lots 7 a d 10, Block 2 0€ Warren and Winslows
Addition in the Northwest uarter of Section 32, Township 29
North, Range 22 West, and th t part of Stinson's Addition in the
Southwest Quarter of Secti n 29, Township 29 North, Range 22
West, in the City of St. Pau , Minnesota, the centerline of said
easement described as follow :
_ _ , _ _ . ,
and filed with the Council at the time�iereiri�ixed r said hearing, or witn tne �ny �.icra pi,v� 111�ittilV.
irector of Finance
.. ���
, , ' Members:
CITY U SAIN'1' PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair
„����,,;,, - Janice Rettman
Date: March 30, 19 s RECEWED
Co mittee Report MAR 3119.:j
To: Saint Paul City Coun il ��"�1r CLERk
From :Pubiic Works, Utilit es, and Transportation
Roger J. Goswitz, hair
The Pub1 ic Works Cornmittee at its me .ting of Mar•ch 30, 1988, took the
foilowing action:
Hearin4 Date
1 . 4/14/88 VACATION: Petition f the Port Authority af the City of
Saint Paul for tr�e vac tion of part of the alley in Block
15, Whitney and Smit s Addition bounded by Fifth Street,
_ Fourth Street, Sibley and Wacouta. Purpose is to expand
their present faciliti s.
Recommended approval u animously.
2. 4/5/88 RA7IFICATION OF AWARD 0 DAMAGES: for utility easements
Recommended appr-ova 1 ur� n i mous 1 y.
3. 4/5/88 RATIFICATION OF AWARD F UAMAGES: for easements taken
Recommended approval un nimously.
4. 4/5/88 RATIFICATION OF AWARD 0 DAMAGES: for utility easements
Recommended approval un nimously.
5. 4/5/88 FINAL ORDER: Improvin ST. CLAIR AVENUE from Cretin
Avenue to Saratoga Av nue with a bituminous paving,
concrete curb 8 gutters, concrete driveways and outwalks,
sod boulevards and a lan ern style street lighting system.
Final Order was voted on in two parts: Recommended
approval unanimously on ituminous pavinq, concrete curb &
gutters, concrete drivew ys and outwalks, and sod boule-
Vote on lantern style st eet li�hting system was passed on
a 2-1 vote, Rettm��n vot i n "P�10".
�Y`a�. 3�� � � ��z�
6. 4/�12/88. RATIFICATION OF AWAR OF DAMAGES: for utility easements �`\
_ Recommended approval u animously. ----�"
_ _ __._
_ _ __ _ ._ _ _ __ _
--.- _____.. _ ...___. .._.
__..._ --�---._.___.
, k,��:""��� �;��:��IRQ ,t� '.pA -^--_.
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i �' ' ��G����=�: �QRM �E1t�6�..�� ���L T. .
,,. ,...:.�... .. . . _ _
P,ecommendeci a��F�r civ<.j l i�r �r�i rrrotis.fiv:_��.,,.______ �__�.,_�----�,.�
8. 4/12/88 RATIFICATlOtJ OF AWARD DAMAGES: for utility easements
Recammended approval un nimously.
`�� RESCILUTION: approving c ange in minimum qualificatlons for
the class of BRIDGE CRE LEADER.
Recommended this Resol tion be withdrawn because it has
already been resolved.
10. RESOlUTION: amending t e 1988 CIB budc�et by transferring
$150,000 from the Ogden Winthrop Storm Sewer project to
Recommended a�?�rova 1 una i mous)y,
� 11 . ORDINANCE: repealing C pter 165 of the Legisiative Code
in its entirety pertainin to parking on SEVENTH PLACE.
Recommended approval unan'mously.
13. RESOLUTION: rat.iFying a sessments for sidewalk con-
struction or reconstructi n on south side of CONCORpIA
AVENUE from Hamline to Pa cal ( laid ovei° for 2 weeks
from 3/24/88) . �
Recommended unanimous ap oval of ratification at the
reduced rate.
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utility,�, � , '� '._ � '. " . '
Wins.lg�vs. ` � ' wes arter of Section , �
S �2Z �art of Stinso 's Addition�t�g �
ec�on 2�; _ ,�th,Range West,in t,he.�ity of _�
the.: ��� : ent deseri ed as follows in�otwg,f, `_
thwest co e�ai s�a;�d `. �`�*'j�'�g
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t��o�dairia�e�a!r� tt�e taticing o�the land or easern�#�c�st
�feid iot the above�r► �ad.t.s� �yabl:�;
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