88-551 WNITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /��7 CANARV - DEPARTMENT � S/]��. +C/ � BLUE -MAYOR File � NO. 00 v - , Counci Resolution ��� Presented By Referred To _Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Department of ublic Works is about to revise the traffic signal systems on Tr nk Highway No. 35E East and West Ramps at Trunk Highway No. 5 (We t Seventh Street) ; RESOLVED, That the proper C' ty officials be authorized and di- rected to execute, on behalf of he City of St. Paul, Agreement Number 64584 , between the City of St. Paul and the Minnesota Department of Transportation; explaining t e responsibilities for cost, maintenance, and operation for he revisions of the traffic signal systems on Trunk Highway No. 35 East and West Ramps at Trunk Highway No. 5 (West Seventh Street) . COUNCILMEN (PTK 3/29/88) Yeas DlmOnd Nays Requested by Department of: Goswitz Public Wo ks-Traffic-Donald E. Sobania Long In Fav r �t�- �- ��r�'�/ Rettman � Agains BY Scheibel Sonnen WilsOri APR 19 } Form Ap y City At rney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Yass by un ' ec a BY � gy ,��}� Approved,b avor Da AFR � a �� Appro by Mayor for S i on to ouncil By � Qtl�IISHED A P R � 019 8 : ��� ��� � - __ o„#� ; Public Works - Traffie Eng. �3/2 /88 ���=� ��� �.������ . oo�rt�cr�mo�+ , , wvoa pa�st�m Paul T. Kurt�; nnn�+eE r•oR ���s�c�s a�croa �«r a�. ��� .� � "10�N0� � �*� 5 City Council ' P.W. Traffic `,' _ 29'2-7451 . � , cR,-�,r� � , � See Reference A Agprove agreement between Mn/DOT a d the 'City of St. Paul covering the cost, mai�tenance and operation of traff c gign�l revisions on Trunk Highway No. 35E East and West ramps at. Trunk H ghway Na. 5 (West Seventh St. ) Council Research t(aPP►oyb(�)or�(R1) Cat!#ICK. pEP011T:_ . ni��rmo ooMwiesai+ ava BeAwce c.on�xsgaH on�,La� a►�our sr m►�o� �sxs scNOO�ew�ao T�� ���� �,� �►�� � ,��� ��%ED.,,�o• —��.�"�` _�• �� *�� : �,���z APR: o� �ss8 RECEtVEp _ . �nYOr�s oFFicE APR 4 1988 CITY ATTC�RIVEY . .M,u�wu�o.ter.�.�tx(wna v�.wi,�,,4w,�re,�nrr : - Mn/DOT has initiated the signal pro ect in conjunction with the re-decking of Bzidge No. 9351. The ,signal work i volves installing temporary pedestrian . � :heads while crasswalks �re relocate , and installinq yell'ow turn arrow i�dicatit>ns: at both �intersections. , �+usTM+�a��orFtcowe.�,.�e:�a+.r.ee..H..�: - _ _ This agreement will secure Federal nd State monies to aid in the fundinq of the proposed signal revisions. - These revisions wzll make the inter ections more flexible in terms of :phasing, and bring them up-to-date �ith curr x�t design standards. • oor�m�s�.wn.n.a�a rto wnom): . _ , _. . , : . _. Minimal de].ay to traffic wh�le znst lling addi.tional heads and modifying controller. �w,se�w►�ee: , r�ae �_ � �" _ � . � - To be determ�.ned: QQ�� �� �` Ci"" - � �,�,►�: � Typical agreement between Mn/DOT a 'd the City of St. Paul. � �iu.�: . � N/A � � ���� MINNESOTA TRANS ORTATIOP] DEPARTt•1GNT TRAFFIC ONTROL SIGNAL AGRGEMG T NO. 645$4 B :TWEF,N TfiE STATE OF MIfJ�7GSOTA , DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AN� THE CIT OF ST. PAUL TO Revise the existing TraEfic Co trol Signals on '^runk Highway No . 35E East and West Ramps at Trunk Highway No . 5 (West 7th Street) in St . Paul , Ramsey Co nty , Minnesota . • S . P . 6280-9531 F.P . IR 035E-4 ( 223) Prepared by TraEfic Engineering � ESTIMATED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE AMOUNT ENCUMBGRED None $4 ,975 . 64 v 0 _ . , ��-�� i THIS AGREEMF.,NT made nd entered into by and between the State of Minnesota , Department oE Transportation , hereinafter referred to as the "State , " an the City of St . Paul , hereinafter reEerred to as the "City , " caIT F.,SSF,TF� : caE�EREAS , it is consi ered mutually d�sirable to make temporary revisions of the existing trafEic control signal on Trunk flighway No , 35E West Ramps at Trunk Highway No. 5 (West 7th Street) , and permanent revision of the existing traffic control signals on Trunk Highway No. 35 East and west Ramps at Trunk Eiighway No . 5 (West 7th Street) within the corporate limits oE the City; and WHEREAS , since the ex sting traffic control signals on Trunk Highway No. S (West 7th S ceet) are operated and maintained I I by City forces, it is considere in the best interest of the public to make the temporary an permanent revisions of the existing traEfic control signal with City forces andlequipment ; and �wHEREAS , the traEfic c ntrol signal work provided for herein shall be performed in con 'unction with the redecking of Bridge No . 9531 provided for und r State Project No . 6280-9531 and Federal-Aid Project No. IR 0 SE-4 ( 223) ; and WHEREAS , Federal Aid 1I ghway Program Manual Volume 6 , �. Chapter 4 , Section l , Subsection 6 dated September 10 , 1976 , duly issued by the U .S. Department of Transportation , Federal E�ighway 64 84 J� . . ����"�� Administration , and made a pa t hereof by reference , provides that Federally-financed highw y work may be done by force account when in public interest ; and W1iI;RGAS , it is anti ipated that the temporary and permanent revisions of the existing traffic control signals are eligible for 90 percent Federal-aid Interstate ( 4R) Funds ; and WHEREAS , the City an State will share in the cost oE construction of the temporary nd permanent revisions of the existing traffic control signa s as hereinafter set forth ; NOW, THEREFORE, IT I AGREED AS FOLLOWS : 1 . The City shall erform the Engineering and Ins�ection required to complet the items of work hereinafter set fortt�, 2 . The cost of all labor , materials , and equipment rental required to complete th work contemplated herein shall constitute the actual "Constru tion Cost" and shall be so reEerred to hereinafter . i . 3 . The City shall p rform the Eollowing work : 1 ) temporary revisions of the e isting traffic control signal on Trunk Highway No . 35E West Ramp at Trunk Highway No. S (West 7th Street) [estimated Construction Cost is $680 . 00] , and 2) permanent revisions of the e isting traffic control signals on Trunk Flighway No. 35E East and est Ramps at Trunk Highway No . S (west 7th Street ) (estimated Co struction Cost is $4 , 014 .00� . 6 584 2- ��� � I � f � Such work as described immediately above shall hereinafter be referred to as "City Force Acc unt Work . " Total estimated Construction Cost is $4 , 694 . 00 for materials , labor , and equipment rental as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made � p��rt hereof . Anticipated Fed ral-aid share is 90 percent . State ' s share is 10 percent . 4 . Force account re ords shall be made for all labor , materials and equipment . Copie of these force account records shall be made in triplicate on orms provided by the State ' s District Engineer at Oakdale or his duly authorized representative for this purpose and shall be signed each day by authorized personnel of both pa ties . Payment for labor , materjals , and equipment hours hall be based on these records . All actual and related indirect costs of the City shall be I accumulated in accordance with ts established accounting � procedures . � � 5 . The City Force A count Work provided for herein � i . shall be under the direction an supervision of the City . It is agr��ed , however , that the State shall have the right to periodically inspect said work . 6 . Payment to the C ty will be made by the State for the City Force Account Work whi h is complete and approved by the State ' s District Engineer at Oa dale or his duly authorized representative and upon submission by the City of an invoice in 64584 3- � �� ! I quintuplicate to the State ' s D ' strict Engine�r at Oakdale itemizing the costs and certif ed by a responsible City official that said work has been comple ed under the terms oE this agreement . The invoice and su porting records are subject to audit by the State ' s and the F deral Highway Administration ' s representative at the directio of either or both . 7 . The City shall aintain all books , documents , papers , accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred in connection with th City Force Account Work �erformed hereunder for a period of not less than 3 years after receipt of payment . The City shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times uring this agreement , Eor inspe�tion by the State (as pro ided by Minnesota Statute , Section 16 . 095) , the Federal Hi hway Administration , or any authorized cepresentatives of t e Federal Government , and copies thereof shall be furnished upon request . 8 • Upon completion f the City Force Account caork i . provided for in Paragraph 3 her of to the satisfaction of the State ' s District Engineer at Oa dale or his authorized representative , the State shall pay to the City the State ' s share and the Federal-aid portion of he actual Construction Cost plus 6 percent of such shares for th State ' s share and Federal-aid i portion of the cost of Engineering and Inspection incurred by th� � City in prosecution of said wor . 64584 -4- ��� 9 . The amount to b encumbered Eor payment to the City from Trunk Highway funds or work performed under this Agreement is $4 ,975 .64 , which 'ncludes $4 , 478 .08 for the Federal-� id portion . In the e ent that at any time it appears thar ;��}� reimbursement will e ceed said sum , the City shall promptly notify the State ' s Di trict F,ngineer at Oakdale or his duly authorized representative in writing of the reason for the increase in cost and the amoun of additional funds necessary to complete the project . If appr ved by the State ' s District Engineer at Oakdale , or his du y authorized representative , additional funds shall be encu bered by the State and notice given to the City by the State s District rngineer at Oakdale or his duly authorized representa ive of such ad� itional encumbrance • will permit the City to comple e this project . 10 . Any and all per ons engaged in the aforesaid work to be performed by the City sh 11 not be considered employees of the State and any and all clai s that may or might arise under the Worker ' s Compensation Act E this State on behalf of said employees while so engaged , an any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence o any act or omission on the part of said employees while so eng ged on any of the work contemplated herein sha11 not e the obligation and responsibility of the State . he City shall not be responsible under the worker ' s Compensatio Act for any employees oE the i State . � 4584 , y�, -5- \f��O - ; ( 0 ���r� 11 . The opecation nd maintenance terms in existing Agreement No . 61663 dated Oct ber S, 1983 , between the parties will remain in full force and effect for the revised traffic control signals provided for erein . 645R4 -6- / . �� CITY O ST. PAUL RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL : BY rlayor _ (City Seal ) Director of Public works APPROVED AS TO EXECUTIOfd : By Director of Finance and i9anagement Service c ° - �'— sr Assistant ' ty Attor y STATE 0 tdINNESOTA I DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL : DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By District Engineer Assistant Commissioner Operatior� •Division Dated APPROVGD AS TO FORM AND EXECUTI N : DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION By Special Assistant Attorney General-State of Minnesota Dated 64584 -7- �� . . . . . ,. . g���-�� EXHI IT "A" T. H . 35E West Ramps at T.FI . S ( est 7th St . ) For the installation of tempora y pedestrian heads and bagging of permanent pedestrian heads , the costs are as Eollows : Labor-16 hours @ $34 . 50/hr . 5552 .00 Truck-boom @ $16 . 00/hr . 128 . 00 Total $680 .00 T.H . 35E �ast and West Ramps at T.H . 5 (West 7th St . ) Modify 2 overhead signals o five section heads Modify two pedestal heads o Eive section heads Modify controller to accom odate new program ♦ The costs are as follows: Labor-80 houcs @ $34 . 50/hr $2 ,760 .00 Truck-platform & pickup 154 . 00 Material 1 , 100 . 00 Total S4 ,014 .00 SfiEET 1 o f 1