88-527 S�t3 S7 t"s�� WHITE - C�TV GLERK PINK �- FINANCE COURCII � r��� •BI.UERV - MAVORTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L File NO. � v Coun ' Resolution ����u- �� Presented By Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 1 OF�-� WHEREAS, the Department of Community Services has identified a need to adequately staff the Wrecking and Bo rding of Buildings activity in the Division of Public Health, to enforc Legislative Code Chapter 43 (Registration of Vacant Buildings) , nd Chapter 45 (Removal of Nuisances) ; and �nTHEREAS, this action adds an additi nal Clerk-typist III, an Environmental Health Aid (Inspector) and a contra t for paralegal services to comply with the requirements of the Ordinances; and , WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development has identified some funding for this program in th HRA General Fund, accumulated savings from reduced employee fringe benefi costs in the year ended December 31, 1987; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Sec ion 10 . 7 . 1 of the charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify there a e available for appropriation total fund balance in excess to those obl gated in the 1988 Budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the f llowing changes to the 1988 budget: COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ' �ng In Favo Goswitz Rettman B sche;n�� __ A ga i n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gS. A►pproved by �Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ BY WHITE '- C�TY GLERK �INK - FINANCE COUnC1I � CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L BI.UE - MAVOR File �0. —� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date C�irrent Amerxled Budget Changes B�lget FII� Pi,AN 306 I�E7ILTH ORDINANCE EI�IH'ORC�P FY7DID 7399 Transfer F'rcen Sp�cial Ft�r�cl;- NR t1 c NeRA� r�µt� 0 200,000 200,000 All Other F�n+d Financing 0 0 0 0 200,000 200,000 SPEDDING PI.�N 306 f3EALTH �2DI1�NC`E ENFORC��TI' FUDID 33261 Nuisance Housing Abate�nent 33261-0111 Fu11 Time Certified 0 45,811 45,811 33261-0219 Fees-Other Professic�al Se i 0 25,000 25,000 33261-022i Postage 0 1,000 1,000 33261-0296 Wreck�ng and Denr�litiari 0 116,252 116,252 33261-0439 �'ringe Benefits 0 10,537 10,537 33251-0851 Radio Equignent 0 1,500 2,500 33261 All Other Spending 0 .0 0 All Other Fur�d Spending 0 0 0 0 200,000 200,000 I�T Q�ANGE + 200,000 NOW, Tf�2EFORE, BE IT RFSOLVID, that the Ci Council adapts the above additions to the 1988 Public Health budget, and Appro�val ReCCantterr3ed: � Page 2 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS B ��r Yeas Nays g���-�Y�epartment of: Dimond i.o� _�_ In Favo i y ervices coswitz . Rettman O scbe;ne� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson �p �R � �+ ��US For Approve b ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s � cil S� ar By � By� ~ Ap rov y Mavor: Da � 5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUB�lSHED P='��-;;; ;? � 1988 ; � �� � ° " i' ' �; - ounci! ch Center_ ���'' . . Resear �:0 011012 � ����n,�tY Se�vices DSPARTMENT Eg 10� . - - - - - $athy Stack CONTACT NAME 298-4431 PHONE � 2/5/88 DATE ASSIGN QUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See rev se side.) � __> _ / ���1��f _ �epartment Director VY Mayor (or Assistant) ti1 • �r►ance and Managemant Services Direct r 5 C Clerk �B dget Director ty Attorney � TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATtJRE PAGES: 1 (C1 p all locations r signature.) � ounc e �. � ; , � el�'�����e�fina:nce ftegistration of Vacant Buildings/R moval of Nuisances Programs for severa�l years. Mayor & PED recommend alte native financing for the programs. This resolution sets financing(Use of f nd balance from HRA Generai fund and use of fund balance from General F nd) and spending(Wreckin� and Board�tng of Buildings Activity) at $200, 000 for the programs for 1988. Spending authority includes 2 FTEs service contract, and $116, 152 for demolition expenses. C UD Y D SO L • omp iance wi egis a ive o e ap er g stration of Vacant Buildings) and Chapter 45(Removal of Nuisance . Adds 2 FTEs to Wrecking & Boarding of Buildin�s Activity(Special Fund #306) : Clerk-Typist III and an Environmen al Health Aid(Inspector) . , RECEIVED G A V (Mayor's sigtiature not required if under 10,000.� FEB 0 B 1988 Total Amount of Transgction: $200,000.00 Activity Number: 33261 � , MAYOR S OFFICE Funding Source: 9890 Use of Fund alance, General Fund 9890 Use of Fund alance, HRA General Fund AT M NT • (List aPndg umj er all attac ents.� RECEIV�D � . eso ution, 4 a es 2.Memo, Stack to Blees 12/17/8? . �'E� 81988 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Pr edures, or Budget Amett+ttment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or ti table attached? , DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY AT'TORNEY REVIEW _Yes No Council resolution requi d? Resolut:ion 'required? _Yes �No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance attached? WNITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANGE COURCIl CANARV - DEPARTMENT�� GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ��� BLUE - MAVOR Counci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 2 OF 3 STEP 1-A (General Fund) : CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Financing Plan 001-00000-9890 Fund Balance Unreserv 0 100, 000 100, 000 Designated Al1 Other Financing 1 8, 68,720 0 118, 468,720 - --- ----- --------- ----------- 1. 8 , 46 720 100, 000 118, 568, 720 Spending Plan Executive Administration General Government Accounts 001-09060-0537 Operating Trnsfr Ou 206, 000 100, 000 306, 000 (To Health Fund #306 Ordinance Enforcemen ) All Other Spending 1 8, 262, 720 0 118, 262,720 - --------- ------- ----------- 1 8, 468, 720 00, 000 118,568, 720 NET CHANGE 10 , 000 Step 1-B (Special Fund) : HRA General Fund Financing Plan 145-00000-9890 Fund Balance 0 100, 000 100, 000 Spending Plan 145-36610-0537-64341 Transfer Out 0 100, 000 100, 000 COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman B sche�be� _ A gai n s t Y Sonnen �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy �#pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY _ _ _ - . _ _ ` WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COIIRCIl ry/�'' CANARV = DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � /(/ �, BI.UE MAVOR File NO. � - Counci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of mmittee By Date PAGE 3 OF 3 Step 2: Division of Publi Health CURRENT AMENDED Health Ordinance forcement Fund BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Nuisance Housing A atement Financing Plan 306-33261-7299 Trans r In From Ge Fund 0 100, 000 100, 000 306-33261-7399 Transfe In From Sp c Fund 0 100, 000 100, 000 TOTAL 0 200, 000 200, 000 Spending Plan 306-33261-0111 SALARIES 0 45, 811 45, 811 306-33261-0219 PROFESSIONAL SE VIC S 0 25, 000 25, 000 306-33261-0221 POSTAGE 0 1 , 000 1 , 000 306-33261-0296 WRECKING & DEMOLI N 0 116, 152 116, 152 306-33261-0439 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 10, 537 10, 537 306-33261-0851 RADIO EQUIPMENT 0 1, 500 1, 500 -------- --------- --------- TOTAL SPENDING 0 200, 000 200, 000 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the C ty Council adopts the above additions to the 1988 Public Health udget. APP VED: BUDGET IRECTOR COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department o • Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor � Goswitz s�ne nei _ Against BY ' Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B}� A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY • /i. . > ...J. � - ;,; , . , ' ' ��r� '�J� �(/`� WHITE = CITV CLERK COUflC1I ��yJ� (/���J PINK - FINANCE �f{� BLUERV MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �"' V�• Counci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee Date WI�'RF',AS, th�e Department of 'ty Services has identif ied a need to adequately staff Wrecking and ing Of Buildings activity in the Divisio� of iic Health, to enforce Legislative Cbde Chapter 43 (Registratiari o Vacant Build gs), and Chapter 45 (Renr�val of Nuisances) ; and 4VHF,REAS, this action adds an additi Qerk typist III, an �viro�mental Health Aid (Ins�ctor) ax�d a c tract for paralegal sezvices to ccc�ly with the requi ts of e Ordinances; and Wf�RF.AS, the City Council had originall iden ified $800,000 in the i�2A Redevelognent Ft�cl, fund bal e, fir�ance this Pro9z'�: � Wf�REAS, the Mayor, with recam�x�c7ations fr the Planning ar�d Econanic Develognent Staff has determined the eed to find alternative financing for the d�lition program, keeping e HRA fur�l balance available for other econanic devel t rojects and incentives in the City; ar�d �, the Department of Planning and Ec 'c D �ent has icl�ritif ied san� altexnative funding for 's pr am in the HRA General Flar�d, accumulated savings froan r ced ayee fringe benefit cost,s in the year er�ded December 31, 1 87; and W�S, The Ma.yor, pursuant to Section 10.07. of the C Charter, does certify that there are available for apprapriati� revenues in ex ess of tho est�ma.ted in the 1988 budget, an Wf�REAS, The Mayor recam�ends the follawi.ng c ges to the 988 budget: Page 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS ` Yeas Nays Requested by Detpartment of: Dimond �ng [n Favor Goswitz Rettman s�6e;ne� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved y ity Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t�pproved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By BY . �s: ��Lr�� •, - � Bob r�ong, G'�ir CITY OF S INT PAUL Janice gett� - •� ' ' � OB'B'iG� OF T Tam I)i�d }3 CITY COIINCIL � �OII1IY11�� � ,� Peport _ � Fin e I�aua ement & Pers nnel Com�t ee. �- _ � MAR�� 14, i 38 � : E st. Present t rtg�.__ a—' � Time Counciimember/Staff . � 1 :30 1 . Approval of minutes oF March th meeting. PERS�NNEL 1 :35 2. Reso 1 ut i on amend i nc� the ;.�1 ary P 1 en and k,3tes of Conr- $ pensatian Resolut:i�n in Secti 1 n�rt.�ining to carry �rk Robertsoc� over of unused vacatican t�� s:,.ib.equ��t year, tReFerred • � trom City Council mc�tina M.-�rc 3) Appraved 1 :45 3. An ordinance amending the Civi 5ervice Ru1PS by estab- Tom Dfimor�d lishin4 the c1�355iFi�;ati�n of egisi�tive SPr_retary in tt�e unciassifipd service. Il.a d over from Comcnittee meeting FebruarY 29? Laid over to Pfarch 2$ 4. An Administrative Resolution a endfng the Salary Plan Tonr Dimond and Rates of Comciensafiion Reso ution reqarding the rate of pay for the classifica fon of Legislative Ser- retary. (Laid over from Commi tee meeting February 29) � Laid ov�r to March 28 . FiNANCE s_ BUDGET .� 2eOS S. R�'I"t'7�`i'�on�ihtiitno'`the �R�1 b ciqet by addfing' �289�Q�0 Kathy Stack " �' the F i nan�c i n�1 ae��� Sp1•nd��ng� i�n� for Pvb i i c Hea i th ��W i s i on - R�tpQV.��I- !''� V�r_anti `�� d` H�zar�us �u i T dings Program, a�d tha�`�"i�; H�t�t ��Dp 000 fund balance is �e l eased a,r�l_.added b.a�k t,�;„NRq;, e�;�;�mPnt Fund. (Laid �ver �-am t�c�ri�`t'���•tnP�t i nn Ma ch 7) Approved as amer�ded 2:20 6. Resoluti�� am�ndina the 19Rj? h .f�aAt bv hransfArring Kath Star_k $�#Z.03$ from Contincarnt F2e;Prve t� the DA �rtment of y �< E:xecutive Adminishrati�in-PE�rcoi� ei Office and General GovernmPnt Accotmts-�Frin�e dene its. (I_aid over from ��anmittee meeting February 29) ; and Proposed Amenc�nent (attached) . , . , : _ : APProue� .as amended � . � �ITY HALL - $EVENTH FLOUR . SAINT PAUI.,MINNESOTA SSitIZ _ .r.�. . _ _ - . . � �, p, ��,$� � � , • �� �/�. � � � . �—.� — o /-�; y.�I,l/�� ���-lj���� WMITE - CITV CIERK CO11flClI U PINK - FINANC�E GIT�Y OF SAINT PAUL 1 CANARVrDEPARTMEN7 �/C^ BI.UE - MAVOR � Fl1e NO• ECEIfGU �, C unci Resolution � �,� � FEB 5 �9ss Presented y ' - Referred To �u5t < � � � Committee: Date �-��'pg Out of Committe By Date WHEREAS , he Department of Community Services has identified a need to adequ tely staff the Wrecking and Boarding of Buildings activity in the 'vision of Pu lic Health, to enforce Legislative Code Chapter 43 ( gistration f Vacant Buildings) , and Chapter 45 (Removal of Nuisanc s) ; and WHEREAS , this ac ion adds an additional Clerk-typist III , an Environmental Health A (Insp ctor) and a contract for paralegal services to comply with he re uirements of the Ordinances ; and [nTNEREAS , the City Co cil had originally identified $800 , 000 in the HR.A Redevelopment Fu d, fund balance , to finance this program; and ----�-� TrJHEREAS , the Mayor, with ecommendations from the Planning and Economic Development Staff has etermined the need to find alterna- �ive financing for the demolit o pro�ram, keeping the HRA fund balance available for other ec no ' c development projects and incentives in the City; and WHEREAS , the Department o Plan 'ng and Economic Development has identified some alternativ fundi for this program in the HRA General Fund, accumulated avings om reduced employee fringe benefit costs in the year ende Decembe 31 , 1987 ; and WHEREAS , the Mayor, pursu nt to Sect on I0 .7 . 1 of the charter of the City of Saint Paul, doe certify th re are available for appropriation total revenues i excess to t ose estimated in the 1988 �udget ; and WHEREAS , the Mayor recomm nds the follow ng additions to the 1988 budget : COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depart t of: Yeas Nays ^ " ���/� Dimond ' �����'�`� ��g In Favor , Goswitz Rettman �, �6Q1�� _ Against ` Sonnen Wilson Form Appro ed by City Att rney Adopted hy Council: Date �j Certified Passed by Council Secretary By z'µ��0 By Approved by IVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV �LERK �/�� � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council /j�/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT � r'�( /� BLUE - MAYOR File NO. V�� C Counci Resolution ,�-� Presented By �� Refer d To Committee: Date Out of Co ittee By Date -2- Step 1-A (General Fun . Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN 001 GENERAL FUND 9890 Use of Fund Balance, Un serv d 0 100 ,000 100 ,000 Designated All Other Financing 118 ,468 , 720 0 118 ,468 , 720 1 , ,7 0 ,00 11 , , 7 �PENDING PLAN 001 GENERAL PLAN Executive Administration General G ver - ment Accounts 09060 Contingent Reserve General 09060-0537 Operating Transfer Out 2 6 ,000 100 ,000 306 ,000 (Health Fund ��306 , Ordinance Enforcement) All Other Fund Spending 118 ,262 , 0 0 118 ,26Z' , 720 118 , 6 , 72 1 0, 00 18 ,56 ,7 0 NET CHANGE 100 , 000 COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department �' Dimond �og [n Favor Goswitz ' Rettman B s�he;t�� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date �� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY--� Z` ��"" By A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY — — BY WHITE — C�TV CLERK COIlIICll PINK — FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL � ���'� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. Council Resolution :�.�- ���' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date �a ,�"� -3- j-� `�'� Step 1-B (Special Fur�) : , �^ �„� Current Amended `<�, Budget Changes Budget �(� 6�nc.� �umd ���� Financin Plan - 0 - 0 Fund Balance 0 100 ,000 100 ,000 � S endin Plan 5-3 10-0537-64341 Transfer Ou �� 0 100 ,000 100 ,000 Step 2 : Division of Public Health Health Ordinance Enforcement Fund Nuisance Housing Abatement Financin�Pla�n �(5b�3�b -1 72�9 Transfer In From Gen und� � � 0 100 ,000 100 ,000 306-33261-7399 Transfer In From Spec FundC � �j 0 1DD ,D00 100 ,000 TOTAL 0 00� 00� , 00� S�endin� Plan ��b-3326�.-��1 SALARIES 0 45 ,811 45 ,811 306-33261-0219 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 25 ,000 25 ,000 306-33261-0221 POSTAGE 0 1 ,000 1 ,000 306-33261-0296 WRECKING & DEMOLITION 0 6 ,152 116 ,152 306-33261-0439 FRIVGE BENEFITS 0 ,537 10 ,537 306-33261-0851 RADIO EQUIPMENT 0 500 1 ,500 TOTAL SPENDING 0 200 , 00 200 ,000 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: �, Yeas Nays Dimond 's �ng In Favor ' Gos�vitz � Rettman . �hQ1�� __ Against BY - Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date j'�n �/// /� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ('r�j Y� By, A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ BY i • �''Ao Y�(/ V Members: - Biil Wilson, chair �iu"sain � (�ITY OF S INT PAITL Tom Dimond uo, i� n OFFICE OF TH CITY COUNCIL Kiki onnen D MARCH 9, 1988 WILL.IAM L. W[L.SON '�.,1 ` MARK VOERDING Coun�llman C o m m i tt e R e p o rt �g�a►at,�e A;ae To: Saint Paul City Council From : Housing and Economi Development Committee Bill Wilson, Chair �� , , ---__ _-- ���� � _______ _ _ _ _�.-�----`""", -- , ,����, ��,�.�.; 1. Resolution amending the 198$ budg t by adding $200,000 to the `�.,r �. t ,� � Financing and Spending Plans for ublic Health Division - � ��-' ; ,��`�F � Removal of Vacant and Hazardous B ildings Program, and that � ;�' � the HRA �800,000 fund balance is eleased and added back to �F�'�' � HRA IIevelopment Fund (C.F. 87-143 ) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED y` APPROVAL WITH AMENDMENTS (See att chment for recommended � _ language; remainder of resolution laid over) ---� 2. Resolution accepting and approvin recommendations for expenditure of the Emergency Shelter Grant fu ds, authorizing City staff to enter into contracts with said or anizations in accordance with state and federal rules and city egulations, and changing the 1988 budget by adding $158,004 to the Financing and Spending Plans for HUD Emergency Shelter G ant. COMNIITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH AMENDMENTS (See at achment for recommended language; remainder of resolution laid over) 3. Resolution recommending activitie and financing for inclusion of the St. Paul Revitalization Ac ion Program, authorizing Mayor Latimer to submit the progr m for review and comment to appropriate State agency, directi g PED representative to submit to State any additional informati n required, and authorizing proper City officials to execute rant agreement and contract between the State and the City fo the program. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH AMENDME TS (See attachment) �ry � r)�� � �/ CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 8 48 , �'�' � � �,. . . , � ���`"��"� ; �-- J � DSPARTMENT OF CO tJNITY SERVICES ; INTERDEPARTME AL MEMORANDIII+I ,--� i ��� � • -� -,.� ,. �: TO: GREG BLEES , .�_l � ,V,,c.; FROM: KATHY STACK l� DATE: DECEMBER 17, 1987 SUBJECT: HRA Redevelopment Fund B lance Reserved The City Council adapted 1988 bud et has reserved $800,000 HRA Redevelopment Fund Balance for us in redevelopment of neighborhoods bx demolition of re idential sites that fall under Chapter 43 (rec�istration of vacan buildings) and Chapter 45 (Removal of Nuisances) in the Leg'slative Code: The Department of Community Servi es, Wrecking and Boarding of Buildings activity has prepared a plan to accomplish the c�oals as indicated by the Council. The st engthening of the Code in order to accomplish the Councils goals as made the process more labor\ 2 intensive. We were therefore plea ed to see the recognition of j staff needs in your budget work-p pers. � Our staff plan attached, addresse several concerns in the first year of the program. First, to c tch up the �aperwork and lists needed to track these problem pro erties. This paralegal real estate work involves investigatio of deed types, legal property descriptions and notification of wners and lean holders. After the �irst year this cost sho reduced to a maintenance level. We accordingl� requested a ntra rather than an FTE to accom�lish this job.�-�c�tsn�lg;ou Jstaffinc� request is for two additional FTEs. An Environmental Health Aid to handle the additional field inspectior� requi ements, and a clerk-typist to handle the in-house work load. Finally, we are asking for $200,0 0 in the first year for the estimated demolition costs on twe ty-five additional residential sites under Chapter 45 of the Leg slative Code. In 1989 we will be asking for additional funding o continue this program. Whereas Ken Johnson of the Depart ent of Planning and economic Development has raised c�uestions bout the use of this money and the City Council's commitment to he program, feel free to call me if you need anx additional inform tion. We in the Department of Community Services feel this fund ng.is essential to the success of the enforcement of the revised nuisance abatement program in Chapters 43 and 45. � , 17�''=iVED C�� � - i987 • . . - � _ � � �UYV�.. •�i fIV� . - t,.... . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . ...