88-526 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUnCII G CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PAU L /� �� � BIUE - MAYOR � F11C NO. �V ! - ounc "l Resolution � ,� / � Presente y � ���! � `� Referred To �`-'°�1d►Ve�l 'T'�' �' a �� Committee: Date � ���~�� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The 1988 Civic Organization Partn rship Program(COPP) awarded the United Way of Saint Paul $40,000 for the Emergency Care und and WHEREAS, An additional $20,000 for the Eme gency Care Fund is needed to assist in the transition of phasing out the Emergency Care fund at he end of 1988, shifting the responsibility of funding emergency services to the communit , and WHEREAS, The Mayor, Councilmember Scheibel and Human Services Initiative staff Sue Guse participated in deliberations on this matt r through participation in the Human Development Action Coalition, and . The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of he City Charter recommends the following transfers for the 1�88 General Fund Budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget ------------ ------------ ------------ TRANSFER FROM: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve General 09060-0537 Operating Transfer Out 206,000 (20,000) 186,000 _ _ TRANSFER T0: General Government Accounts Executive Administration 09101 Civic Organizations Partnership rogram 09101_-0545 City Contribution To Outsid Agency 745,000 20,000 765,000 09101 A.11 Other Spending 6,720 0 6,720 ------------ ------------ ------------ 751,720 20,000 771,720 NET CHANGE p xESOLVED, That the City Council approves t ese changes to the 1988 budget. Approval Recommended -- - �=��--- Budget ir ctor COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Ei�►newd �� In Fav r Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel � _ A gai n s t Y Sonnen �i'Y�leew APR 1 41 Form Appro d by City Attorn y Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Pas e �o�l Secy y BY g}. 1"" � A►pprov y �Navor: Date ��� � � Appr y Mayor for S is on to Council By _ BY PUSt6SHE0 A�'� 2 " 1988 � . i . • . ' � �. � . `�'`� � . . c�neral•�Governn�ent Accounts RECEIVED .d� 011013 � Exe cut i�te Admin.. DEPARTMENT . � � - - - - - - Ntae Svlvester , CONTACT 298-5679 PHONE , � 2/12/88 DATE ASSIGN N[i�IBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See everse side.) a c� V .� 1 Department Director 4 Mayor (or Assistant) a� �\�` � Finance and M,anagement Services Dir ctor 5 City Clark `� City Attorney � � TOTAL NDMAEit OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 Clip all locations for signature.) W V N I ? (Purpose/Ra�Cionale) Mayor, Sche ib�l & Guse� paticipated 'n Human D+evelopment Action Coalition(HUDAC) which recommended phase out of Emer ency. Care Fund and shift of responsibilitg c5£•:- funding emerqency services to tYie C unty in 19�89. City provides $40 ,OU0 contract to ECF in 1988 through United Way. United inlay suggested: all ECk' contributers increase 1988 giving to leverage Co nty' s larger share in 1989. Additional $20 ,000 is requested to add to ECF ontract to assist in transition of phase-out of ECF at end of 1988. � CO UDG T AN C 50$ increase zn con ri u ion y i $ a11::�bther contributers leverage for the County assuming gr ater contributions in 1989. No further contribution by Saint Paul to ECF a ter 1988. Funding of e rgency services assumed by County. �eC���ED FEe 2 91�88 . N G D G T A V E D '�AYQ� (Mayor's signature not required if unde $10,000.) S' OfFJC� Tota1 Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Nwnber: $20 ,00 .00 � 09101 , Funding Source: 09060—Contingent Reserve General ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all atta ents.) �� �. Re so lut ion FEg 2 31988 2 . Guse to Blees memo/request 1/29f 8 RECEIVED 3. Contingent Reserve General Statu Report 8�����E AD�i I T $ �'ROCEDURES C I TY /�i 1 T V��� A �es _No Rules, Regulations, Pr cedures, or Budget Amendment required? es _No If yes, are they or ti etable attached? DEPAR'l' N VI W CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes �No Council resolution requi ed? Resolution required? Yes �No Yes, i� Insurance required? Insurance sufficient4 lYes _No _Yes � Insurance attached? . �� �� �� � ���:��� J ��y . • :O• CI Y OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPA TMENTAL MEMORANDUM T0: Greg Blees FROM: Sue Guse�-�- DATE: January 29 , 1988 RE: 1988 Budget Amend ent For The Emergency Care Fund We are requesting that th City increase our 1988 Emergency Care Fund contract for se vice from $40 ,000 . 00 to $60 ,000 . 00 . This 50o increase would s ecifically assist in the transition of phasing out the Emerge cy Care Fund at the United Way at the end of this year, shi ting the responsibility of funding emergency services to the community. The Mayor, Jim Scheibel, nd I participated in HUDAC (Human Development Action Coalit on) throughout 1987 . The attached City Council Resolution t at was passed, describes the primary objectives of the HUDAC e forts . One of the many recommenda- tion`that came out of thi process deals specifically with phasing the ECF out and s ifting the responsibility of funding of these emergency servic s to the County in 1989 . 1988 is seen as a transitional ye r, and it was recommended by the United Way that all contr'butors to the ECF increase their contributions by 50o for 988 . The rationale for this is that in order for the County t take a "bigger chunk" next year, the United Way feels that it would be good leverage to in- crease all contributions y 50o for 1988 . Since today is my last da , Mae Sylvester can be your contact if you have any questions or would like additional informa- tion. Jim Scheibel will be able to speak to the resolution at the Council meeting. The reason that this request was not included in the 1988 budget was because we just finished discussion about the Emergency Care Fund late F 11. SG:ky cc : Mae Sylvester RECEIVED Barb Jeanetta FEB �° 1988 9UDGE?OFFfCE wr�1:E .�_ UTV CLEaK _ ._ '. __ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ ._ _ .. _ — _ . _. _ _. — _ _' — "� VINK � FIN�.NCE COUflC1I /'� � CAN4qy _OEPAqTM�NT GITY OF AINT PAUL /(��//j� OIUE �M`AYQR F11C NO. �/ " � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Human Development Ac ion Coalition (HUDAC) was convened by the United Way of Saint Paul for the p rposes of: A) Developing a community c nsensus on the causes and problems of hunger and h melessness; B) Seeking improved respons s along a continuum of strategies and services; i.e., short term, transitional, and long term; C) Ensuring ongoing public ccountability for the effec- tiveness of these strate ies and services; and D) Marshaling support from he public, private, and nonprofit sectors in a variety of ommunity-wide initiatives for and with those in critical n ed of adequate housing, food, and/or better nutrition; and �t WHEREAS, the HUDAC, after six mon hs of joint community effort, has � developed recommendations and prioriti s calling for a coordinated and shared community network of efforts to effect ely address hunger and homelessness, and has forwarded its report to the ci of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, certain recommendations o said report require that the city of Saint Paul accept specific responsibil' ies in implementing the HUDAC program; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the city of Saint P ul does accept for consideration the report and recommendations of the Human Development Action Coalition; and be it further - �', -1- � � � �� \�, � � �� � COUNCILME[Y Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia Rettman �n FaVOf `�t Seheibel RLCE�•`D Sonnen AgeinSt BY T°�°��° - F E B 1 1988 w�i�� Form Approved by City Attorney ��CE P� Fd by Council: Date 8t�(�'� �' Cert�fied Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Wavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By . . �� ��� � HI.TMAN�DEVELOPMENT ACTION COALITION 1 RESOLVID, that the City Council does request an administrative analysis of the HUDAC recommendations pertaining to the city of Saint Paul, said analysis to detail the following: 1) Determination of those recommended measures currently being addressed throug city initiatives; 2) Definition of initiati es required to address recom- mendations not current met; and 3) Budget impacts associat d with said new initiatives. { � -2- � � �' G�,��a�,� ' , �OtRJCIL PTID 1988 BT7DGET • C�I, C�ONrI RFSERVE (09U6U-0537) ' as ot ebruary 12, L988 buncil Changes/Transters apted ------------------------------ 1988 �11 get File Date Amaunt Available ���9 ��e 2U6,UOU Council Research Director Search peixi�ng (3U,U00) Hea1 tti Mexger Pro�ec t Manager J� Transition Bwaget pem�.ng (42,U38) Transit�ionPhase-Out Fulal Year P���9 (2U,UOU) -- -------- ----- ----- �ciang Balance 2U6.UUU _ - ------------ -- -------- (92,U38) 11:3,y62 Pe.�i�nJ - Ferri�ng acti� by the Finance ttee or iaentitiecl but not yet submittect by the department. witt�arawn - Request wittxirawn betore council action 7 OOSG�'�FSR��18t8 2/1'l/88 , , �.J�.. � . � Members: ���,�o �ITY OF AI1�T PAUL �arnce Re#tman,chair ��,:�� 8ilt Wilson � OFFIC� OF FIE CITY COIINCIL Bob Long Oate: April 7, 1988 • \ JANICE RETTMAN � ��� Com ittee Report ,,� � , . ��� To: Saint Paul City Councii C�ry � . . �°��r From : Community and Hu an Services Committee Janice Rettman, Ch ir The meeting of the Community and H an Services Committee was held on Wednesday, April 7, 1988. The following were in attendance: anice Rettnan, Chair ob Long, Councilmember oger Goswitz, Councilmember erry Sullivan, City Attorney's Office oe Collins, Legislative Assistant arbara Benson, Secretary J._.._.._._ .._.._.__...._J---.._..__... - - _..__.�-...,..-..�.. ._.�.�.. �,,,o......_,..-..,.� .. . 1. X.9� il ��. . . 3�0. 20t �sol`tz�e� ame�ad��,.,,�be ` � be ; � .��i"�i'�'�. '0��7G+om�.C`'on"��i�Mr�r�,"r�e to ` � ��V inistrat`ion-Civf� r��nizat3o�tr� Part�f��g� P�am, , ��. 3�*(#>�;�v. � � .... .. e ..._,. � ... - ��_� . ...: _,.-.-_,,...-.,,ra.. . . ... .. _ . . . . ... .. ,.-:wwM,,,,..,..-.w..-,-....M....--*�+_ ..._�. 2. City Council Agenda 3/24/88, It m No. 6: First Reading - An ordinance amending Section 322. 3 of the Legislative Code pertaining to hours of operation and cause for revocation of pool halls and bowling alleys. Laid over to April 20, 1988. 3. Presentation by Irene 0`Ryan, D vision of Public Health: Day care Iicensing procedures. 4. Review of Civic Organizations P rtnership Program (COPP) survey. Laid over to May 4, 1988. CITY HALL ROOM NO. 718 S 1NZ' PAUL, MINNESOTA SS1U2 612/293-5239 . .�iz o 46 � � �