88-524 Y�iITE�' r CIfiV CLERK PINK — FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council �jn�/� /�—�//5�� GANARY — DEPARTMENT XX !+7�. BLUE — MAYOR File NO. CJ� v Valuaticons�-oom 218 Council esolution (�) c i—i9s8) �"—' � -�1 Presented By � �. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the p tition of the Port Auth�rity of the City of Saint Paul , per Fin nce Department File No. 1-1988 , that part of the s� uthwest- ortheast alley in Auditor ' s Subdivision No. 32 and Block 15 , Whitney and Smith ' s Addition to Saint Paul , and baunded by F�u th, Fifth, Sibley, and Wacouta Streets , hereinafter described , e and the same is hereby vacated and diseontinued as public prope ty. That the vacated area be de cribed as fallows: All of the alley apened crass the sautheasterly 10 feet of Lots 5 and 6 and the orthwssterly 10 feet of Lc�ts 1 , 2, and 3 , Block 15 , Whit ep and Smith ' s Addition to Saint Paul and that part of th alley in Auditor ' s Subdivision No. 32 lying northeasterly of the southeasterly extension of the southwesterly line of Lot 1 of Auditar ' s Subdivision No. 32. 1 . That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 130 , c�dified March 1 , 1981 , of the Saint Paul Legislative Cade, as amended . 2. That the petitic�ner , it successors, or assigns , shall pay the City of Saint Paul $17 , 110 as campensation for this vacation which is d e and payable within 60 days of the publication date of this resolution . 3 . That a permanent water tilitp easement be retained on behalf of the City o Saint Paul , Board af Water Gommissianers, an , over under , and acrass the vacated area subject to the foll wing restrictians: COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz '� �n1O8° Director ��;�� __ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved C' ttorney Adopted by Council: Date � ��� � CeriiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY By. Approved by Mavor: Date Appro by Mayor for Sub i si ts Council By , " - . , , ��� ��� a . No buildings , stru tures , or trees are permitted within the easem nt area , nc� r any temporary structure , material storage , fixture or other objects that will rohibit normal access to water facilities for main enance purpases. b . Nc� change from th existing grade is permitted with�ut written per ission from the Water Utility. c . No change in surfacing within the easement area is permitted without w itten permission from the Water Utility. d . That the petitione , its successors , and assigns shall fully indemni y, defend and save harmless the Board of Water Comm ssioners , its officers , agents , employees , and serv nts from all suits , actions , or claims which shal arise frc�m any injuries ar damages received or sustained b}r any break in any service pipe , wate main , or connection in said reserved easement , rising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of the petitioner , its employees , agents , or business invitees. 4 . That a permanent sewer easement be retained �n behalf of the Citp of Saint Pau , Department of Public Works within the vacated area of Grave Street subject to the fallowing restrictions: a . No buildings , stru tures , or trees are permitted within the easem nt area nor any temporary structure , materi 1 st� rage , fixture or �ther objects that will rohibit normal access to sewer facilities f�r maint nance purposes. b . No change from th existing grade is permitted without written permission from the Director of the Department of Public W�rks. c . No chan�e in surfac ng within the easement area is permitted without written permission fr�m the Director af the Depa tment af Public Works . d . That the petitione , its successors and assigns shall indemnify, de end and save harmless the City af Saint Paul , its fficers , agents , employees and servants from all uits , actions or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages received or sustained by anv break in any service pipe , or connection in said r served easement , arising out of or resulting fram a y action or negligence af the petitioner , its employees , agents , c�r business invitees. L � � �� -� Mp.iITE - C1�'V CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUfICIl CANARY - DEOARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L � g�60� � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Valuationsy—tRoom 218 Council esolution (RM) (1-1988) �� Presented By � - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 5 . That a permanent easeme t be retained an behalf �f the City af Saint Paul , De artment of Public Warks within the vacated alley for ecess ta the unvacated north- south alley in Auditor ' Subdivision No. 32. 6 . That the petitianer , i s successors , and assigns , bp acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation , agree t� idemnify, defe d and save harmless the City of Saint Paul , its officer and employees fr�m all suits , actians ar claims of an character brought as a result of injuries or damages received �r sustained bp any person , persons , c�r roperty on account af this vacation , or petitia er ' s use af this property , including but not limit d to a claim brought because of any act of omission , eglect or miscanduet of said petitianer or because of any claims or liability arising fram any vialation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law hether by the petitioner ar anp of its agents ar employe s. 7 . That the petitioner , it successors , and assigns, shall within 60 days af t e publication date af this resolutian file with t e City Clerk an acceptance in writing af the conditio s of this resolution and shall within the periad ( s ) specified in the terms and canditians of this res lution comply in all respects with these terms and con itians. 8. That the petitianer , it successors, and assigns shall pay all costs and expe ses f�r the installation of an "Enter Onl�" sign to be placed at the northeasterly end of the vacated area s bject to the approval of the Department of Public War s. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Financ & M na m �ng � In Favor Goswitz � Rettman B scne�ne� _ Against Y A9 Sonnen �c,, �Ison �� Form Appr ed ity Attor�fey Adopted by Council: Date ���� Certified Passed by Council Secretacy BY gy. Approved by 1Aavor: Date _ Approv d y Mayor for Subm' si 'Co ouncil By BY W*i17E •- CI�'Y CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF S I NT PA U L Council /�,n CANARV - DEPARTMENT /{{//y� � /^/J'' BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �+ `� 'v � Valuationsy—tRoom 218 Council esolution (RM) (1-1988) Presented By �- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 9 . That a permanent utilit easement be retained within the vacated area to protec the interests of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. 10 . That a permanent utilit easement be retained within the vacated area to protect the interests of Northern States Power Compan�r Electric ivision . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: '�- F' ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman B ' scbe;be� � — Against Y � Sonnen � ��ileeg � Adopted by Council: Date APR 1 � t988 Form Ap ove City A rn Ceriified Pas ouncil Se ta BY � By � s Q /1p roved Mavor: Date ��v Approved by Mayor for S mi ion to�Council gy B �I�#�cy�� ':; �' ., �98� ti "� ��-s�� OIMOwATQR � aae a�ru� o��car►�reo �+. Fit�ance & Ma�nagemen.t Services. ..3 30� ��� �7��� N0. ��1�'�`� ._. . . , . . ... . ._ - _. . CONtRCT P�OM . . . . DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR - . . �IMMOR(G!1 II�TMR�. ... . . D���..r+��: - . � - . . . � �. ���;- � F9N�iCE 8 MidtlK�@Ff 88iVICf8 DI�CiCiR _���7Q GTM GYEpIC.. ��^ ��� ' . �. � � ' � . . . � p�(�'��Q � - BUBf�Ef DIRECTOR �. . V�y�••a ... - � VS1118t�QI�S.. .. . .. ���.J��� � OROER' . CITY ATTORNEY � � ^--•__.-_•.-•� �.. . ..;-.-- . Adopt resolution which will vacate pgrt of th alley in Audito�'s Subdivis.ion Aio. 32 and . B1ock 15, W�itney and Smith's Additior�, bound by Fourth, `Fffth, .5ibiey a�d Wacouta.. ��(�GDr�(�)a Rspd(Fi)) COl!lICIL R�ORt: .. . � � PMrlwK��COMM186pM . � S�L SEfivICE f�rllSSbN � DATE u� �. � atTE al� - � M1AI.v8T � � . , v►IONE N0. . � � . �OMM�Q CCAMI�ON� .. � IBD EQ6�8q100L BQN1D . � � . . �. . _ . �� �. ,� �A� BTAFF..� . . . ClU1RfER CAM�MBBION� .. _COIdPLETE �� � -AODt INFO..AODED* �-.RETB�CONf.A�T -=.:�t. . . INFO. A �T�T� *EXPLAI�1TpN: . . � 9llPPO[t18 YNIICtI COtINCIL 061ECTIVE4 � � . � � � ' � . . . � - , � . . . � . . �� � . � .. . - . � � Loeated i�t Cou�cil District 2 r�rnufr�o v�oM.rar.�.e�v�ront�rrr Mn+u,�ar.wn�r.wnere,w+n��: The purpose of the vac�tion is to constr.uct an entry way in the alley at the rear of the building." - ;. �be-Depart�ent af Pub1°ic Works; the Depa�tment of-Cam�unity Serviees; . the l�epartment of Pla�s�i�g • and Econo�ic Development; Wa�er Utility; Polfc Department; Fire & Safetq Services; Na�th- western Bell Telephone Company; Northern State Power Companq; District EtYergy St. Paul, Inc. ; . < , . . � .;�ld�l�?�tt 1�dv�ii�s;R�M+IfeK �. - (Incl ed in abave� � �tYllh.4 vNww+:aaa To.lMiom): . - : ' ,, -, � : (Incl de.d in above) � : R���,�+�� -.�:.. ,,, _ , . _ � �PR 519�8 - ��: . � . , � . : _ ���� ���� � _ _.. Deny pe.fi�ion. _ _ K�. p status quo ,_ _ �cmrr�►s: _. The vacation process and procedures follow Gha ter 130 of the Legislative Co�le.. � �u►i.reeuea: NaQe lmowct at this :time. The resolution conta ns an indemnification for the Citq: ` . � � � t�`�° �'-�a� Mem ers: ' CITY OF AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair �� �� Janice Rettman _� =t _ OFFIC� OF T E QITY COIINC�IL TO�TI DIf11011C1 D1te: March 30, 1988 RECEWED Commi tee Report TO: ' MAR 311988 Saint Paul City Counal CITY CLERK. Frorn :Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Ch ir The Public Works Committee at its meeti g of Mar�cti 30, 1988, took the following action: Hear i nct Date � � ,�' " ._ � �. . �, of `�z t�or`� ���1 ' . $ �]pC t � Pn""^A c'�'�vr• ��°aS'��""^,_'�?��. �� Sa i nt au for �h�+ �at# ��,,��,��' the a I 1 e.v ii� 8�o�tt � 1'��� Whitney �}.Smiths dition bounded by Fifth Street, Fourth Stre����fi�y an Wac� �.`,.;p�r�OSe. i.s ,�,:,;�pXpand .�+�1� �t�es��:.a;��c i 1 i t i es. Recorr�iie°►lcled a �? " '''" Z. 4/5/68 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF D MAGES: for utility easements for the ARLINGTON/ARItWRlGFI STORM �EWER PROJECT. , Recommended approval unani ously. 3. 4/5/88 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF AMAGES: for easements taken for the RANDOLPH/SNELLING EWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Recommended approval unani ous)y. 4. 4/5/88 RATIFIC.ATION OF AWARD OF D MAGES: for utility easements for the HAMLINE/HEWITT STO M SFWER PROJECT. Recommended approval unani ously. 5. 4/5/88 FINAL ORUER: Improving ST. CLA1R AVENUE from Cretin Avenue to Saratoga Aven e with a bituminous paving, concrete curb 8 gutters, oncrete driveways and outwalks, sod boulevards and a lantern style street lighting system. F i n�1 Order wa; voted or i n t,wc; ��arts: Recommended ap�+rova 1 unan i m��us 1 y on b i� um i no�is F,av i ng, r.oncrete curb & gutters, concrat:e c{r ivew-jy_ ��r?d c>utti�ralks, and sod boule- vards. Vote on lantern st�yle stre t lighting system was passed on a 2-I vote, Rettrn,�ri vot i ny "NO". C1T'Y HALL SEVENTH FLUUR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 �e 6. 4/12/88 RATIFICATION UF ANlARD OF AMAGES: for utilit easements " ��a� ; y . • for the JpCK50N/;=tYCAMURE S WE� SFPARATION PROJfCT. RerommPnded appi ov�-3 I unan i r iuus 1 y. 7. 4/12/St3 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF AMAGES: for utility easements for the EDGERT�1�!/B(I>H STOR SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Recortmended approval unani ously. 8. 4/12/88 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF D MAGES: for utility easements for the JACKSON/MAGNOLIA 5 WER 5EPARATION PROJECT. Recommended approvai unani usly. `�= RES�?LUTION: approving chan e in minimum qualifications for- the class of BRIDGE CREW LE DER. Recommended this Resoluti n be withrirawn because it has already been resolved. ��• RESOLUTION: amending the 1988 CIB budget by transferring $150,000 frc�m the Ogcien-Wi tF►rop Stnrm Sewer project to tfie WABASHA BRiDGE REPLACEM NT-MISSISSIPPI RIVER PROJECT. Recommended approval unanim usly. - 11 . ORDINANCE: repealing Cha�? er 165 of the Legislative Code in its entirety pertaining o parking on SEVENTH PLACE. Recommended approval unani usly. 13. RESOLUTION: rat.ifying ass ssments for sidewalk con- struction or recanstruction on south side of CONCORDIA AVENUE from Hamline to Pasc 1 ( laid over for 2 weeks from 3/24/88) . Recommended unanimous appr val of ratification at the reduced rate. � ��� � _ �` ` ST. PAUL C TY COUNCIL ���% ���°�� PUBLIC HEA ING NOTiCE _. S T R�E ET�/A L �.Y VACAT I O N, � R��E1VE� City Planning Ward ��2 District Planning Council 4�17 MAR,.� 19aa . File No. 1-1988 K � To decide on whether to p oceed with the vacation of part of the alley PURPOSE � Auditor's Subdivision �32 and Block 15, Whitney and Smith's Addition Port Authority of the° Cit � of Saint Paul PET1T10N�ER Thursday, April 14,. 1988, at 9:00 A.M. HEARING. �ity Counci.l Chambers, Th rd Floor City Hall - Court House Please note that the Publ e Works Co�i:ttee of the Citq Council will discuss this item. and dev lop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please bring any unresolv d concerns that you may have to this meeting on Wednesdaq, March 30, 1 88`, in Room 707 City Hall at 9:00 A.M. Call 298-4513 and refer t the File �� above. City staff will be QU E S T10 N S available to answer any 1 st minute questions on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 8 30 - 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. '.a�� �� �\£ hCr ' r�� ( �� ��a '\^T .CE 5� MAP ' �_ � � � 1 ; ,., � , � , ��' a; 1 = . ';�; • � S�� W i ",1�i Notice sent M�rch 18, 1988, „ " �, m��� � ,.� 3.-'. � � N RA'1(ES ./ S�. • i by the Valuation and � 'a°�W ''� � ' ., � � . �, Assessment Division �`s�; �_ ° A� � 3 N f Dept. of Finance & � �,� ,� Management Services MZ •,y:,�<M ���g �\ � . Room 21s city xall - �,4 �.; � . - � Court House �,►�-° Na , St. Paul, MN 55102 '� ����� '�.�.` � ,�P� �� � �'-�—< P� ,;�,� A �w,. '� � � �ro .,:n.°m'� �.. 3 pn ).� . 'I ,y. : / `-�—���.�. i �'•. ���� \ �.:,-����'� �o� � ���� V N' , - � __ . _ �� �� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAft NG Notice is hereby given that the petition of the P rt Authority of St.Paul,et al,for the vacation of part of the alley in Block 15,W itney and Smiths Addition, bounded by Fifth St.,Fourth St.,Sibley and Wacouta treet,as more particulariy shown on the plat attached to the petition,has been rdered filed in the office of � the City Clerk of the City of St.Paul,Minnesota,by t e Council,and said petition will be heard and considered by the Council at a meet ng thereof to be held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall and Court Hous on the 14th day of April, - 1988, at 9:00 A.M. � Dated March 21, 1988. . ALBERT B.OLSON,City Clerk � . (March 24, 1988) . St.Paul Legal Ledger-13 �:i,i.';ai �� � ' �� �'' - -- ' - s ' �