99-175.., • Presented By: Referred To: Council File # Green Sheet # Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into an 2 agreement with Ramsey County for services related to the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. 3 A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the OfFce of Financial Services. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: Police By: ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � • Form �oved by By: by Councii: Date: �� -�� \��� By: -r— i Certified by Council Secretary: � 2 •t�4�j � �� S/.�l'�° Appro ed�by r f ub 'ssion to Council: <� Y' By: ramseyco untyllebg-34144 °lq -1'1S 63214 �� � � � �„^�_ • Y m a � • DEPARTIVIENT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED ��' Po�i�A Department ]/15/99 GREEN SHEET No. 63214 CONTACTPER O 8 HO E INRIAL/DATE INITIAUOATE ChiefPinney 292-3588 7 FnnaTrnExromECrox_ 4 couxcv. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENUA BY (DATE) ff� PleaseprocessASAP ❑2 cmnnom,Er� ❑cmaEwc ❑FlNqNCipLSERVICRUQL ❑FINqNLIqLSFRV/AGCTG � .i pwYOR(OR0.55 ❑HUIMNR1GHi5 i,� / / �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resolurion authoriziug an agreement between Ramsey County and the Ciry of Saint Paul for services related to the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Progcam III. (34144) RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTONS: 1. Has this person/firtn everworked under a contractforthis depattrnentY - PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION YeS NO 3. Doe51hi5 perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee� YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a prgetetl vendor? + YES NO Explain alt yes answers on sepa�ate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WIiY) The Saint Paul Police Departrnent has been awazded the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program III, this gant period is from October 1, 1998 through September 1, 2000. The Saint Paul Police Department will pu with Ramsey County and other agencies to enhance and minimize crvne in the communities. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Department will work in collaboration with Ramsey Gounty in dealing with a host of issues with ffie communiries. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. = M : � ,: . s ?,__ _ . DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED D rG.�'V ' FIS.� � � �_ n � �`; �"F� ... �d.: - The Saint Paui Police Deparpnent wiil be unable � p grant program. L i �� F , l�AYOFi'S VIf�Sf� ` , _ u '' 'v'"� i G:Si"'_. . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COSTIREVETfUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Federa� Government �+ �"-°S' �?c"�if 5���,'5���� FUNUING SOURCE Locai Law Enforcement Block Grant ACTIVITY NUMBER 43634144 FINANCIALINFORMATION(EXPLAM) , �P�i,.i � (j q�� /-' LLEB.III(34144}cr 1 i� G�c� _ I �S rt����.�r � r � / An agreement made and entered into this � day of �t , 1998, by and between the City of Saint Pau1, a municipal cotporation of the Saint of Minnesota, acting throu�h its deparhnent of police, hereinafter refened to as the SPPD, and Ramsey County, hereinafter referred to as Ramsey. WHEREAS, the city of Saint Paul has been awazded grant funding from the federal government in the £orm of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program, and WHEREAS, tae Saint Paul Police Department wishes to contract with Ramsey County for services in connection with the Loca1 Law Enforcement Block Grant Program, NOW TH�REFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the SPPD and Ramsey as follo�vs: That the total amount of the grant for Ramsey County is $203,068. 2. That Ramsey agrees to the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant requirement of a cash match of ;�7.2,563 before funding is available. 3. That the Ramsey County Sherii�s Office, Ramsey County Attorney's Office and Ramsey Count� Community Conections will fulfill the contract terms of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant as stipulated in the attached award. 4. That the grant period is from October 1, 1998 through September 1, 2000. 5. That Ramsey agrees to provide necessary documentation (receipts, copies of salary schedules, etc.) For reimbursement of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant expenditures a determined by SPPD. County of Ramsey, by � City of Saint Paul, by City of Saint Paul of Police �.�� Joseph Reid, Dire�tor of Financial Services as to form: Approved as to form: � r�T �r S� a ha�� , b� ���i.�d c�.�.e� 9'�'nSh �e�l' � �032/� `' LIR ` 1'1S ��`TO� U.S.DEPARTMENTOFJUSTICE AWARD OFFICE OF NSIICE PROGRAi�1S q� �; �.. � ' � 07P OX BJA � OJ�JP ❑X GRANT PAGE I OF 5 � � BJS � NU ❑ OVC � COOPERATNEAGREEMENT O� •�.- :. JU CHECKAPPROPRIATEBOX I.GRANTEENtllNEANDADDRESS(IndudingZipCode) 4.AWARDNUNBER 98LBVXi921 Ciry ofSaint Paul 15 West Kellogo Boulevard S. PROJECT PERIOD: FROhf 1�/Oi/1498 TO 09raf2400 Saint Paul, NN 55102 BUDGEIPERIOD:FROM ]O/D111998 TO 09r0l3000 IA.GRP.DITEEIRSNEVDORNO. 4160055?3 6.AWARDDA7E 9l30A998 7.AC7']ON 2. S7AGRANTEE N.4btE t4�'D ADDRESSQnc7uding Zip Code) 8. SUPPLEMENI'NTTMBER O Initial � Suppitmtntal 2A. SUBGRANTEE IRSf VENDORNO. 9. PREYfOUS AWARD A�tOUN3' S 0.40 3. PR07ECT TITLE l0. t4�fOUM OF THIS AWARD 56T6,89� Local Law Enforeement Biock Grancs Program -FY 1993 11. TO"!AL A WARD 5676,89d ` 12. SPECiAL COND[T10NS (Check, if applicable) a TNE ABOVE GRANI' PROIECT IS APPROVED SLB)EC?TO SUCH COyDIT]ONS OR UMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED 4 PAGES 13. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOA GRAM � TITLE I OF THE OMNIBUS CWhfE CONTROL tL4D SAFE STREETS AC7 OF 1963. d2 U.S.C. 3701, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED � T1TLE 2 OF THE J WEMLE NSTfCE AND DELINQUENCY PREVEh'170N ACT OF 1974 42 U.S.C. 5601, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED � VICCIMS OF CRIME ACT OF 1984 , 42 U.S.C. t0601, ET. SEQ., PUBLIC LAW 98�73, AS AMENDED X❑ OTHER (Specify): Omnibus Appropriations Act of I99S (Public Law ]Oi-119) 14. FUTURE FISCAL YEAR(S) SUPPORT: SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD: N/A AMOUNTOFFUNDS: N/A 7YPEOFFWi D5: THIRD YEAR'S Bt1DGET PERIOD: N/A AMOUNT OF FUNDS: N/A 1YPE OF FUNDS: Li. METHOD OF PAYMENT THE GRANTEE WILL RECEiYE CASIT YIA A LETTER OF CAEDIT �� Q NO ����� AGENCY APPROVAL GRAYTEEE ACCEPTANCE - I 16. TYPED NAME AND IITLE OF APPROVING O1P OFflCIAL 1S.7YPED NAhtE AND Tl'FLE OF kiSTHOWZED GRANTEE OFFICiAL Nancy E. Gist, Director Noem Co(eman Bureau oflustice Assistance tayo I7. SIGYATURE OF APPROVMG O]P OFFICIAL 19.5 VA RE OF AUT GRAVTEE 19A. DATE f�� -� - ��fi AGENCY USE O L �` 20.ACCOUNTINGCLASSIFICATIONCODES 21. LIS703 FISCAL FUND BUD. DN, YEAR CODE ACT. OPC. REG. SUB. POAlS X Y L! SCI �0 OU LE O1P FORhI 40002 (REV. 5-87) PREVI US DITIONS ARE OBSOLGTE � U.S . DEPAR7MENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF IUSTICE PROGRA.MS � OJP a B7A � OJJDP � BJS � NU � OYC CHECE:APPROPR[ATEBOX Q9 - !?S GRAN7 MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. 1: PROJECTSUMMARY � GRANf � COOPERATiVEAGftEEM�NC PRO7ECTNi1MBER 98LBVX3921 ❑ This pro ect is supported under TiUe I of ihe Omni6us Qime Control and Safz Streets AcS 42 �SC 3701, az asnended. � This proyect is supported under the Juvenile Iustice and Delinquency Preven[ion Act of I974 ,az amended � Other: Omnibus Appropriation AM of 1998 1. STAFF CONTACT (Name, address & telephone number) GrtinCS Adminisvation Branch LLEBG Division, BJA 810 7th Stseet, NW, 4th Floor Washington, DC 20531 (202)305•2088 3a. TITLE OF'IHE PROGRAM Locat Law Enforcement Block Grants Program 4. TITLE OF PROJECT Local Law Enforcement Block Grana ProLram - 1995 5. NAME & ADDRESS OF GRANTEE City of Sain[ Paul 15 Wes[ Ketlog� Bouievard Sain[ Pauf, MN 55102 7. PROGRAM PERIOD FROM: S0J01/1998 TO: 9. AMOUNT OF ANARD 5676,894 11. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET N!A 73.'I'H1RD YEAR'S BUDGE'I' PERIOD N/A 74.THIRD YEAR'S BUDGcT AMOUNI' N/A 15. SUMMARY DESCAIPTION OF PROJECT The Local Law Enforcement Block Grana Program was authorized by the Omnibus Fisca] Yea ]998 Appropriations Act, Public Law IOSJ 19 for the purpose oP pmviding nniu of local govemmeni with funds to underwrite projecu to reduce crime and improve public satety. 7'he Bureau of Justice Assistance wi1l make direct awards to unia of locaf govemment when award amount� aze at feut 81Q000 ro be used consistent rvith the stntutory pro�ram puryose areas specified in section 7 01(a) (2). � The City oPSaint Paul has indicated that it intends to distribute its Locat Law Enforcement Block Granrs funds under the Poflowing pu2pose area(s): ( I a) Hirin� $345,129 (16) Overtime S U7,96 L (lc)Equipment$174,204 - " Czrtified compliance, pursuant to section 6t5, Pubfic Safety O�cea Health Benefits provision. 2. PROJECI DIRECTOR (Name,address & telephone number) Amy Brown ReseazchlGr:.r.�s Mana�er Ciry of Saini Paul 100 Eazt llth Sveet Saint Paul, Pv(N 551 D2 (612)29"!3�07 3b. POMS CODE LE 6. NriME & ADDRESS OF SIIBORANTEE 8. BUDGET PERIOD 09/30/2D00 FROM: 10lO1/5998 TO: 09f302000 l0. DATE OF AWARD 9130/1998 I?. SECOND Y£AR'S BUDGET AMOUNT N(A NCJNCF P FORM 4000f I(R£V. 4-88) PREYIOUS EDITfONS ARE OBSOLETE q�- a�s 1998 PROPOSAL FOR COLLABORATIVE USE OF THE LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT A mount awazded: Distribution of Funds Ramsey County Sheriff Ramsey County Attomey 12amsey County Corrections Saint Paul City Attomey Saint Pau1 Police Department Total expenditures with match Summary of proposed spending: Ramsey County Sheriff $6�6,&94' $ 77,166 $ 48,736 $ 77,166 $250,200 $223,626 $752,165 Match Amount $ 8,574 � 5,415 $ 8,574 $23,800 $28,843 Working in collaboration with several other law enforcement, social service and communiry-based agencies, the sheriff s office has launched several initiatives which are aimed at dealing with a host of issues zelated to at risk youth and gangs. The sheriff's office proposes utilizing its LLEBG ailocation to support these efforts by funding overtime, equipment and direct salaries. The overtime dollars would be expended on activities such as curfew and truancy sweeps, trainin„ warrant sweeps tazgeted at apprehending the most violent offenders and targeted enforcement of hot spots for gang activity. Expenditures for equipment wi11 include two enforcement vehicles and communications equipment. The direct salaries expenditure will be used to partaally fiind a new school liaison officer. Estimated expenditures: $21,SOQ overtime $42,000 equipment $22,240 salaries `Requires a 10 percent match totaling $75,211 q�-f�s Ramsey County Correcrions Once an offender is arrested, prosecutzd and sentenced, the corrzctions system esually assumes a lona-term responsibility for supervision. Whether an offznder is sentenced to prison or the worl:house, she,fhe �vill retum to the community under some type o� supervision. A probation oificer and z coznmunity corrections aide have been added to work closely urith the Minnesota Gang Strike Force. The primary responsibility is to intensively supervise selected public risk �ang members. These individuals have a smaller caseload of bot}� adult and juvenile offenders on intensive surveillance. Probation staff have partnered with Saint Paul Police Officers and Ramsey County Sheriffs deputies in tivorking s�izcted e�aening and weekend shifrs and responding to "hot spots" in the community. Strict and immediate enforcement of probation conditions includes random dru� tests, unannounced visits, curfews, electronic monitorin� and the requirement to obtain legitimate employment. A violation of these conditions would result in a return or commitment to prisoa. Probation staff also coordinates interasency and eang information and provides it to the gang unit and courts. Proposed expendihire of funds - Salaries $77.166. Ramsey County Attorncy's Office The Ramsey County Attorney's O�ce in cooperation the Ramsey County Courts, has initiated ongoin; meetin�s with criminal justice representatives to dzal with the issues surroundin� cases involving Quns, gan�s and violent crimes. One of the key issues identified was the need for the court to have more complete information on dzfendants prior to decisions on bail and sentencing. Law enforcement officers, and particularly those who work wich the Minnesota Gan� Strike Force, are in possession of necessary and useful information but are not usually present at court hearinss. An investiQator has been hired and is assiQned to work closely with the county attorney's special �an� prosecutor. Proposed expenditure of funds - Saiaries $77,166. Saint Paul City Attorney The St. Paul Ciry Attorney's Office has begun design and implementation of a inte�rated criminal justice information systzm to effectively support la�v enforcement investi�ations and arrests through aagressive and effective prosecution. The Locat La�v Enforcement Block Grant Funds �vill support this system with funds for equipment purchases. Proposed expenditure of funds - Equipment $136,404. Domestic assault is a serious ptiblic safety issue. In 1997 the City Attorney's Oifice and the Saint Paul Police Department beQan the Domestic Assault Squad pro�ram with Locat Lativ Enforcement Block Grant fiinds. The purpose of this pro�ram is to overcome � �q-1�5 insufficient evidence and increase successful eariy resolutions and tried cases by videofapin� domestic assault crime scenes. Proposed expendituze of funds - Salazies (city attomey's o�ce) $77,796, Overtime (police) $36,000. Saint Paul PolSce The Saint Paul Police Deparfinent has been awarded four technology COPS arants valued at 2�! million dollars. They were awazded to develop a computerized net�vork with lntranet and Intemet access, an automated Records Management System (RMS) �vith extensive search capabilities, 2nd a CDPD Wueless communications platfonn that will place the network and R.iVfS in the squad car for the patroi officer. The nerivork project and RMS proaram development are neady completion and work is beginning on the CDPD project. These_are critical pro�rams that need to be supported around the clock. The Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funds will be used to hire three systems support personnel for these technology grants. Proposed expenditure of funds - Salaries $126,590. The Saint Paut Police Department will use a portion of the Local baw Enforcement Qrant to support the follo�vin� activities as needed on an overtime basis: �ollaboration with Ramsey County Community Conzction and other partners on the Enhanced Probation Pilot Pro}ect. Oufcome: YIinimize criminai activity by youth within the community. �Ve fvill monitor fhe success rate of the persons placed on fhis program. This �vill be measured by their reduced police confacts and completion of this program. Also, we svill monitor fo sl�ow thaf they have complefed fheir education and/or have obtained a job to become productive member of the community. This effort wili be measured by a periodic reports of ihe probation officers on the progress of their probationers. By keepin� adjudicated youth ativay from other at- risk gan� members, there is an expectation that gan� activity will deczzase. Canine Unit. Outcome: Canine Unit detector dogs fvill retrieve sfreet drugs and assist in the confronfation �vith the street level drug dealer. The Canine Unit zvill also assist the FORCE Unit and assist in PORCE UnSt activities. The amount of street drugs that the SPPD Canine Unit detector dogs can retrieve wiil be calculated and reported. This assault on the street level dru� dealer with a concentrated police presence will alleviate the street dru� problem on Saint Paui's streets and in its nei�hborhoods. Interaction and involvement of the Canine Unit with FORCE Unit activities wi11 be quantified and analyzed periodically to see if this partnership has been effzetive in assisting FORCE. Cur£e�v. Outcome: Curfetiy viol�tors tiviil be stopped and tag;ed so that there is a diminution of youfhful perpetrators and victims on Saint Paul's streets. The Ramse_� Counry Tntancy and Curfew Coilaboration has been an on-�oing effort between law 3 q �. ��s enforcement and youth-focused diversion programs for over three yeazs. The collaboration is intent on making the effort a permanenf pro�ram available for a11 �ovemmental units in Ramsey County. $y havin� one location which is staffed and with professional intake workers £or assistance, the curfew violator will be able to access a variety of referral resources. The collabaration meefs monthly and has an on-�oina evaluation component with Wilder Research. The SPPD curfew effort will generate regular reports which vaill be included wiUun the lazger collaboration. Truancy. Outcome: Truancy violators wiIi be stopped and tagged so that there is a diminufion of tzuancy violators. Truancy, the other half of the Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Collaboration has been the main focus of the coliaboration and has been in operation for the last three academic yeazs. As analysis of the project has evolved over those years, the information has been instructive to both the evaluators and to the collaborative members. Due to the presence of the Youth Service Bureau on both program components (truancy and curfew) and its involvement in other youth crisis services, YSB has been able to establish a profile of the acting out youth. What is emerging is a youth who is both a truant and curfew violator, and in some cases, a youth who has been in need of other sociai services. As this coordination of information goes forward, the acting out youth �vi1l be able to be identified at an earlier stage in dysfunction and remedial resources can be utilized in retuming the youth to a healthier funetion leo�el. Gun Suppression. Outcome: To reduce the number of handguns that are in the City of Saint Paul. There has been success in training officers in techniques to rztrieve illegal guns, especially those that are in the possession of youth. The ]eading cause of death in teenagers (ages 1� throu�h 24) has always been the result of violence £rom unintentional accident.' The Center for Disease Control has now classified violent death of youth by means of homicide as the second leading cause and classifies it as wzthin epidemic numbers. The presence and use of the wn escalates a confrontation into a tragedy. The o�cers will be able to document those gm�s which have been confiscated by utilizin� gun suppression techniques. Police Presence in Retail Areas. Outcome: 'I'o allo�v for the flozv of commerce svithout disruption or fhe perspective of lack of safety in the reYail areas. With the Mall of America havin� been named the number one vacation destination in the nation, the metropolitan commercial businesses have benefitted from this amaction. The rivin clties are now an international destination and the spillover for all kinds of businesses has been a positive outcome which �vas not at first espected. One of the hallmarks of the retail attraction in Minnesota is the overatl safery of the area. Saint Paul must maintain this high level of safety, cleanJiness and comfort in its shogpin� areas if its businesses are to thrive. Grand Avenue, the various shoppina centers such as Hillcrest Shoppin� Centzr, Sunray Center, Hi�hland and Payne Avenue have a need for an on-�oing visible police presence. The dotivntor.vn area also has rebounded from an almost non-esistent retaii ener�y. This rebound is due to a major commitment of the SPPD's downto�vn patrol. � .- ' . - � a q .��s The continuance of this zero tolerance effort is necessary £or the unmediate future as Saint Paul reclaims its place as a retail center. Officers engaged in overtime patrol will document their involvement in the cessation of those types of offenses which detract from a positive shoppin� experience such as purse snatciun�,loiter;n�, panhandling, public urination, public drunkenness, and other negative qualify of life incidents. Neighborhood Service Arza. Outcome: To expand the effectiveness of ffie current NSA program. individual officer use of available overtime for each NSA enhancement program would be audited routinely with interim reporting to district staff pzrsonnel. A district lieutenant would be assigned oversight responsibility and report the progress or lack oY progress on a regular basis to the Dishicf Commander. The District commander would evaluate and dizect continuation or termination of each prob am based upon a personal assessment o£the success of the program. Regular reports on this enhancemeni wo�ild be generated. UniversiTy Avenue "Street Rods" Detail. Ontcome: To be able to police the "Street Rods" event without drawing police strenb h from tfie rivo other disfricfs: Regular reports by those workin� this overtime detail will provide the data necessary to adjust staffing levels. The program initially wouid be to assign four o�cers each Friday and Saturday through the conclusion of the state fair which is the annual even which operates as a ma�net for the street rod owners. Throu�h the month of September, the overtime o�cers would be reduced to two each nijht. Adjustments tivould be made if ihe situation called for it. This enforcement effort makes the area a safer place and it increases the departments presence. Increased traffic enforcement. Outcome: To increase the number of tra£fic vSolation tags �vriften. Officers will be assigned to the kugh accident rate areas at peak traffic times to ensure increased safety for both.pedestrians and motorists. Proposed use of funds - Overtime $97,036. 5 .., • Presented By: Referred To: Council File # Green Sheet # Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into an 2 agreement with Ramsey County for services related to the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. 3 A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the OfFce of Financial Services. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: Police By: ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � • Form �oved by By: by Councii: Date: �� -�� \��� By: -r— i Certified by Council Secretary: � 2 •t�4�j � �� S/.�l'�° Appro ed�by r f ub 'ssion to Council: <� Y' By: ramseyco untyllebg-34144 °lq -1'1S 63214 �� � � � �„^�_ • Y m a � • DEPARTIVIENT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED ��' Po�i�A Department ]/15/99 GREEN SHEET No. 63214 CONTACTPER O 8 HO E INRIAL/DATE INITIAUOATE ChiefPinney 292-3588 7 FnnaTrnExromECrox_ 4 couxcv. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENUA BY (DATE) ff� PleaseprocessASAP ❑2 cmnnom,Er� ❑cmaEwc ❑FlNqNCipLSERVICRUQL ❑FINqNLIqLSFRV/AGCTG � .i pwYOR(OR0.55 ❑HUIMNR1GHi5 i,� / / �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resolurion authoriziug an agreement between Ramsey County and the Ciry of Saint Paul for services related to the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Progcam III. (34144) RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTONS: 1. Has this person/firtn everworked under a contractforthis depattrnentY - PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION YeS NO 3. Doe51hi5 perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee� YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a prgetetl vendor? + YES NO Explain alt yes answers on sepa�ate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WIiY) The Saint Paul Police Departrnent has been awazded the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program III, this gant period is from October 1, 1998 through September 1, 2000. The Saint Paul Police Department will pu with Ramsey County and other agencies to enhance and minimize crvne in the communities. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Department will work in collaboration with Ramsey Gounty in dealing with a host of issues with ffie communiries. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. = M : � ,: . s ?,__ _ . DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED D rG.�'V ' FIS.� � � �_ n � �`; �"F� ... �d.: - The Saint Paui Police Deparpnent wiil be unable � p grant program. L i �� F , l�AYOFi'S VIf�Sf� ` , _ u '' 'v'"� i G:Si"'_. . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COSTIREVETfUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Federa� Government �+ �"-°S' �?c"�if 5���,'5���� FUNUING SOURCE Locai Law Enforcement Block Grant ACTIVITY NUMBER 43634144 FINANCIALINFORMATION(EXPLAM) , �P�i,.i � (j q�� /-' LLEB.III(34144}cr 1 i� G�c� _ I �S rt����.�r � r � / An agreement made and entered into this � day of �t , 1998, by and between the City of Saint Pau1, a municipal cotporation of the Saint of Minnesota, acting throu�h its deparhnent of police, hereinafter refened to as the SPPD, and Ramsey County, hereinafter referred to as Ramsey. WHEREAS, the city of Saint Paul has been awazded grant funding from the federal government in the £orm of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program, and WHEREAS, tae Saint Paul Police Department wishes to contract with Ramsey County for services in connection with the Loca1 Law Enforcement Block Grant Program, NOW TH�REFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the SPPD and Ramsey as follo�vs: That the total amount of the grant for Ramsey County is $203,068. 2. That Ramsey agrees to the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant requirement of a cash match of ;�7.2,563 before funding is available. 3. That the Ramsey County Sherii�s Office, Ramsey County Attorney's Office and Ramsey Count� Community Conections will fulfill the contract terms of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant as stipulated in the attached award. 4. That the grant period is from October 1, 1998 through September 1, 2000. 5. That Ramsey agrees to provide necessary documentation (receipts, copies of salary schedules, etc.) For reimbursement of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant expenditures a determined by SPPD. County of Ramsey, by � City of Saint Paul, by City of Saint Paul of Police �.�� Joseph Reid, Dire�tor of Financial Services as to form: Approved as to form: � r�T �r S� a ha�� , b� ���i.�d c�.�.e� 9'�'nSh �e�l' � �032/� `' LIR ` 1'1S ��`TO� U.S.DEPARTMENTOFJUSTICE AWARD OFFICE OF NSIICE PROGRAi�1S q� �; �.. � ' � 07P OX BJA � OJ�JP ❑X GRANT PAGE I OF 5 � � BJS � NU ❑ OVC � COOPERATNEAGREEMENT O� •�.- :. JU CHECKAPPROPRIATEBOX I.GRANTEENtllNEANDADDRESS(IndudingZipCode) 4.AWARDNUNBER 98LBVXi921 Ciry ofSaint Paul 15 West Kellogo Boulevard S. PROJECT PERIOD: FROhf 1�/Oi/1498 TO 09raf2400 Saint Paul, NN 55102 BUDGEIPERIOD:FROM ]O/D111998 TO 09r0l3000 IA.GRP.DITEEIRSNEVDORNO. 4160055?3 6.AWARDDA7E 9l30A998 7.AC7']ON 2. S7AGRANTEE N.4btE t4�'D ADDRESSQnc7uding Zip Code) 8. SUPPLEMENI'NTTMBER O Initial � Suppitmtntal 2A. SUBGRANTEE IRSf VENDORNO. 9. PREYfOUS AWARD A�tOUN3' S 0.40 3. PR07ECT TITLE l0. t4�fOUM OF THIS AWARD 56T6,89� Local Law Enforeement Biock Grancs Program -FY 1993 11. TO"!AL A WARD 5676,89d ` 12. SPECiAL COND[T10NS (Check, if applicable) a TNE ABOVE GRANI' PROIECT IS APPROVED SLB)EC?TO SUCH COyDIT]ONS OR UMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED 4 PAGES 13. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOA GRAM � TITLE I OF THE OMNIBUS CWhfE CONTROL tL4D SAFE STREETS AC7 OF 1963. d2 U.S.C. 3701, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED � T1TLE 2 OF THE J WEMLE NSTfCE AND DELINQUENCY PREVEh'170N ACT OF 1974 42 U.S.C. 5601, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED � VICCIMS OF CRIME ACT OF 1984 , 42 U.S.C. t0601, ET. SEQ., PUBLIC LAW 98�73, AS AMENDED X❑ OTHER (Specify): Omnibus Appropriations Act of I99S (Public Law ]Oi-119) 14. FUTURE FISCAL YEAR(S) SUPPORT: SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD: N/A AMOUNTOFFUNDS: N/A 7YPEOFFWi D5: THIRD YEAR'S Bt1DGET PERIOD: N/A AMOUNT OF FUNDS: N/A 1YPE OF FUNDS: Li. METHOD OF PAYMENT THE GRANTEE WILL RECEiYE CASIT YIA A LETTER OF CAEDIT �� Q NO ����� AGENCY APPROVAL GRAYTEEE ACCEPTANCE - I 16. TYPED NAME AND IITLE OF APPROVING O1P OFflCIAL 1S.7YPED NAhtE AND Tl'FLE OF kiSTHOWZED GRANTEE OFFICiAL Nancy E. Gist, Director Noem Co(eman Bureau oflustice Assistance tayo I7. SIGYATURE OF APPROVMG O]P OFFICIAL 19.5 VA RE OF AUT GRAVTEE 19A. DATE f�� -� - ��fi AGENCY USE O L �` 20.ACCOUNTINGCLASSIFICATIONCODES 21. LIS703 FISCAL FUND BUD. DN, YEAR CODE ACT. OPC. REG. SUB. POAlS X Y L! SCI �0 OU LE O1P FORhI 40002 (REV. 5-87) PREVI US DITIONS ARE OBSOLGTE � U.S . DEPAR7MENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF IUSTICE PROGRA.MS � OJP a B7A � OJJDP � BJS � NU � OYC CHECE:APPROPR[ATEBOX Q9 - !?S GRAN7 MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. 1: PROJECTSUMMARY � GRANf � COOPERATiVEAGftEEM�NC PRO7ECTNi1MBER 98LBVX3921 ❑ This pro ect is supported under TiUe I of ihe Omni6us Qime Control and Safz Streets AcS 42 �SC 3701, az asnended. � This proyect is supported under the Juvenile Iustice and Delinquency Preven[ion Act of I974 ,az amended � Other: Omnibus Appropriation AM of 1998 1. STAFF CONTACT (Name, address & telephone number) GrtinCS Adminisvation Branch LLEBG Division, BJA 810 7th Stseet, NW, 4th Floor Washington, DC 20531 (202)305•2088 3a. TITLE OF'IHE PROGRAM Locat Law Enforcement Block Grants Program 4. TITLE OF PROJECT Local Law Enforcement Block Grana ProLram - 1995 5. NAME & ADDRESS OF GRANTEE City of Sain[ Paul 15 Wes[ Ketlog� Bouievard Sain[ Pauf, MN 55102 7. PROGRAM PERIOD FROM: S0J01/1998 TO: 9. AMOUNT OF ANARD 5676,894 11. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET N!A 73.'I'H1RD YEAR'S BUDGE'I' PERIOD N/A 74.THIRD YEAR'S BUDGcT AMOUNI' N/A 15. SUMMARY DESCAIPTION OF PROJECT The Local Law Enforcement Block Grana Program was authorized by the Omnibus Fisca] Yea ]998 Appropriations Act, Public Law IOSJ 19 for the purpose oP pmviding nniu of local govemmeni with funds to underwrite projecu to reduce crime and improve public satety. 7'he Bureau of Justice Assistance wi1l make direct awards to unia of locaf govemment when award amount� aze at feut 81Q000 ro be used consistent rvith the stntutory pro�ram puryose areas specified in section 7 01(a) (2). � The City oPSaint Paul has indicated that it intends to distribute its Locat Law Enforcement Block Granrs funds under the Poflowing pu2pose area(s): ( I a) Hirin� $345,129 (16) Overtime S U7,96 L (lc)Equipment$174,204 - " Czrtified compliance, pursuant to section 6t5, Pubfic Safety O�cea Health Benefits provision. 2. PROJECI DIRECTOR (Name,address & telephone number) Amy Brown ReseazchlGr:.r.�s Mana�er Ciry of Saini Paul 100 Eazt llth Sveet Saint Paul, Pv(N 551 D2 (612)29"!3�07 3b. POMS CODE LE 6. NriME & ADDRESS OF SIIBORANTEE 8. BUDGET PERIOD 09/30/2D00 FROM: 10lO1/5998 TO: 09f302000 l0. DATE OF AWARD 9130/1998 I?. SECOND Y£AR'S BUDGET AMOUNT N(A NCJNCF P FORM 4000f I(R£V. 4-88) PREYIOUS EDITfONS ARE OBSOLETE q�- a�s 1998 PROPOSAL FOR COLLABORATIVE USE OF THE LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT A mount awazded: Distribution of Funds Ramsey County Sheriff Ramsey County Attomey 12amsey County Corrections Saint Paul City Attomey Saint Pau1 Police Department Total expenditures with match Summary of proposed spending: Ramsey County Sheriff $6�6,&94' $ 77,166 $ 48,736 $ 77,166 $250,200 $223,626 $752,165 Match Amount $ 8,574 � 5,415 $ 8,574 $23,800 $28,843 Working in collaboration with several other law enforcement, social service and communiry-based agencies, the sheriff s office has launched several initiatives which are aimed at dealing with a host of issues zelated to at risk youth and gangs. The sheriff's office proposes utilizing its LLEBG ailocation to support these efforts by funding overtime, equipment and direct salaries. The overtime dollars would be expended on activities such as curfew and truancy sweeps, trainin„ warrant sweeps tazgeted at apprehending the most violent offenders and targeted enforcement of hot spots for gang activity. Expenditures for equipment wi11 include two enforcement vehicles and communications equipment. The direct salaries expenditure will be used to partaally fiind a new school liaison officer. Estimated expenditures: $21,SOQ overtime $42,000 equipment $22,240 salaries `Requires a 10 percent match totaling $75,211 q�-f�s Ramsey County Correcrions Once an offender is arrested, prosecutzd and sentenced, the corrzctions system esually assumes a lona-term responsibility for supervision. Whether an offznder is sentenced to prison or the worl:house, she,fhe �vill retum to the community under some type o� supervision. A probation oificer and z coznmunity corrections aide have been added to work closely urith the Minnesota Gang Strike Force. The primary responsibility is to intensively supervise selected public risk �ang members. These individuals have a smaller caseload of bot}� adult and juvenile offenders on intensive surveillance. Probation staff have partnered with Saint Paul Police Officers and Ramsey County Sheriffs deputies in tivorking s�izcted e�aening and weekend shifrs and responding to "hot spots" in the community. Strict and immediate enforcement of probation conditions includes random dru� tests, unannounced visits, curfews, electronic monitorin� and the requirement to obtain legitimate employment. A violation of these conditions would result in a return or commitment to prisoa. Probation staff also coordinates interasency and eang information and provides it to the gang unit and courts. Proposed expendihire of funds - Salaries $77.166. Ramsey County Attorncy's Office The Ramsey County Attorney's O�ce in cooperation the Ramsey County Courts, has initiated ongoin; meetin�s with criminal justice representatives to dzal with the issues surroundin� cases involving Quns, gan�s and violent crimes. One of the key issues identified was the need for the court to have more complete information on dzfendants prior to decisions on bail and sentencing. Law enforcement officers, and particularly those who work wich the Minnesota Gan� Strike Force, are in possession of necessary and useful information but are not usually present at court hearinss. An investiQator has been hired and is assiQned to work closely with the county attorney's special �an� prosecutor. Proposed expenditure of funds - Saiaries $77,166. Saint Paul City Attorney The St. Paul Ciry Attorney's Office has begun design and implementation of a inte�rated criminal justice information systzm to effectively support la�v enforcement investi�ations and arrests through aagressive and effective prosecution. The Locat La�v Enforcement Block Grant Funds �vill support this system with funds for equipment purchases. Proposed expenditure of funds - Equipment $136,404. Domestic assault is a serious ptiblic safety issue. In 1997 the City Attorney's Oifice and the Saint Paul Police Department beQan the Domestic Assault Squad pro�ram with Locat Lativ Enforcement Block Grant fiinds. The purpose of this pro�ram is to overcome � �q-1�5 insufficient evidence and increase successful eariy resolutions and tried cases by videofapin� domestic assault crime scenes. Proposed expendituze of funds - Salazies (city attomey's o�ce) $77,796, Overtime (police) $36,000. Saint Paul PolSce The Saint Paul Police Deparfinent has been awarded four technology COPS arants valued at 2�! million dollars. They were awazded to develop a computerized net�vork with lntranet and Intemet access, an automated Records Management System (RMS) �vith extensive search capabilities, 2nd a CDPD Wueless communications platfonn that will place the network and R.iVfS in the squad car for the patroi officer. The nerivork project and RMS proaram development are neady completion and work is beginning on the CDPD project. These_are critical pro�rams that need to be supported around the clock. The Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funds will be used to hire three systems support personnel for these technology grants. Proposed expenditure of funds - Salaries $126,590. The Saint Paut Police Department will use a portion of the Local baw Enforcement Qrant to support the follo�vin� activities as needed on an overtime basis: �ollaboration with Ramsey County Community Conzction and other partners on the Enhanced Probation Pilot Pro}ect. Oufcome: YIinimize criminai activity by youth within the community. �Ve fvill monitor fhe success rate of the persons placed on fhis program. This �vill be measured by their reduced police confacts and completion of this program. Also, we svill monitor fo sl�ow thaf they have complefed fheir education and/or have obtained a job to become productive member of the community. This effort wili be measured by a periodic reports of ihe probation officers on the progress of their probationers. By keepin� adjudicated youth ativay from other at- risk gan� members, there is an expectation that gan� activity will deczzase. Canine Unit. Outcome: Canine Unit detector dogs fvill retrieve sfreet drugs and assist in the confronfation �vith the street level drug dealer. The Canine Unit zvill also assist the FORCE Unit and assist in PORCE UnSt activities. The amount of street drugs that the SPPD Canine Unit detector dogs can retrieve wiil be calculated and reported. This assault on the street level dru� dealer with a concentrated police presence will alleviate the street dru� problem on Saint Paui's streets and in its nei�hborhoods. Interaction and involvement of the Canine Unit with FORCE Unit activities wi11 be quantified and analyzed periodically to see if this partnership has been effzetive in assisting FORCE. Cur£e�v. Outcome: Curfetiy viol�tors tiviil be stopped and tag;ed so that there is a diminution of youfhful perpetrators and victims on Saint Paul's streets. The Ramse_� Counry Tntancy and Curfew Coilaboration has been an on-�oing effort between law 3 q �. ��s enforcement and youth-focused diversion programs for over three yeazs. The collaboration is intent on making the effort a permanenf pro�ram available for a11 �ovemmental units in Ramsey County. $y havin� one location which is staffed and with professional intake workers £or assistance, the curfew violator will be able to access a variety of referral resources. The collabaration meefs monthly and has an on-�oina evaluation component with Wilder Research. The SPPD curfew effort will generate regular reports which vaill be included wiUun the lazger collaboration. Truancy. Outcome: Truancy violators wiIi be stopped and tagged so that there is a diminufion of tzuancy violators. Truancy, the other half of the Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Collaboration has been the main focus of the coliaboration and has been in operation for the last three academic yeazs. As analysis of the project has evolved over those years, the information has been instructive to both the evaluators and to the collaborative members. Due to the presence of the Youth Service Bureau on both program components (truancy and curfew) and its involvement in other youth crisis services, YSB has been able to establish a profile of the acting out youth. What is emerging is a youth who is both a truant and curfew violator, and in some cases, a youth who has been in need of other sociai services. As this coordination of information goes forward, the acting out youth �vi1l be able to be identified at an earlier stage in dysfunction and remedial resources can be utilized in retuming the youth to a healthier funetion leo�el. Gun Suppression. Outcome: To reduce the number of handguns that are in the City of Saint Paul. There has been success in training officers in techniques to rztrieve illegal guns, especially those that are in the possession of youth. The ]eading cause of death in teenagers (ages 1� throu�h 24) has always been the result of violence £rom unintentional accident.' The Center for Disease Control has now classified violent death of youth by means of homicide as the second leading cause and classifies it as wzthin epidemic numbers. The presence and use of the wn escalates a confrontation into a tragedy. The o�cers will be able to document those gm�s which have been confiscated by utilizin� gun suppression techniques. Police Presence in Retail Areas. Outcome: 'I'o allo�v for the flozv of commerce svithout disruption or fhe perspective of lack of safety in the reYail areas. With the Mall of America havin� been named the number one vacation destination in the nation, the metropolitan commercial businesses have benefitted from this amaction. The rivin clties are now an international destination and the spillover for all kinds of businesses has been a positive outcome which �vas not at first espected. One of the hallmarks of the retail attraction in Minnesota is the overatl safery of the area. Saint Paul must maintain this high level of safety, cleanJiness and comfort in its shogpin� areas if its businesses are to thrive. Grand Avenue, the various shoppina centers such as Hillcrest Shoppin� Centzr, Sunray Center, Hi�hland and Payne Avenue have a need for an on-�oing visible police presence. The dotivntor.vn area also has rebounded from an almost non-esistent retaii ener�y. This rebound is due to a major commitment of the SPPD's downto�vn patrol. � .- ' . - � a q .��s The continuance of this zero tolerance effort is necessary £or the unmediate future as Saint Paul reclaims its place as a retail center. Officers engaged in overtime patrol will document their involvement in the cessation of those types of offenses which detract from a positive shoppin� experience such as purse snatciun�,loiter;n�, panhandling, public urination, public drunkenness, and other negative qualify of life incidents. Neighborhood Service Arza. Outcome: To expand the effectiveness of ffie current NSA program. individual officer use of available overtime for each NSA enhancement program would be audited routinely with interim reporting to district staff pzrsonnel. A district lieutenant would be assigned oversight responsibility and report the progress or lack oY progress on a regular basis to the Dishicf Commander. The District commander would evaluate and dizect continuation or termination of each prob am based upon a personal assessment o£the success of the program. Regular reports on this enhancemeni wo�ild be generated. UniversiTy Avenue "Street Rods" Detail. Ontcome: To be able to police the "Street Rods" event without drawing police strenb h from tfie rivo other disfricfs: Regular reports by those workin� this overtime detail will provide the data necessary to adjust staffing levels. The program initially wouid be to assign four o�cers each Friday and Saturday through the conclusion of the state fair which is the annual even which operates as a ma�net for the street rod owners. Throu�h the month of September, the overtime o�cers would be reduced to two each nijht. Adjustments tivould be made if ihe situation called for it. This enforcement effort makes the area a safer place and it increases the departments presence. Increased traffic enforcement. Outcome: To increase the number of tra£fic vSolation tags �vriften. Officers will be assigned to the kugh accident rate areas at peak traffic times to ensure increased safety for both.pedestrians and motorists. Proposed use of funds - Overtime $97,036. 5 .., • Presented By: Referred To: Council File # Green Sheet # Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into an 2 agreement with Ramsey County for services related to the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. 3 A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the OfFce of Financial Services. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: Police By: ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � • Form �oved by By: by Councii: Date: �� -�� \��� By: -r— i Certified by Council Secretary: � 2 •t�4�j � �� S/.�l'�° Appro ed�by r f ub 'ssion to Council: <� Y' By: ramseyco untyllebg-34144 °lq -1'1S 63214 �� � � � �„^�_ • Y m a � • DEPARTIVIENT/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED ��' Po�i�A Department ]/15/99 GREEN SHEET No. 63214 CONTACTPER O 8 HO E INRIAL/DATE INITIAUOATE ChiefPinney 292-3588 7 FnnaTrnExromECrox_ 4 couxcv. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENUA BY (DATE) ff� PleaseprocessASAP ❑2 cmnnom,Er� ❑cmaEwc ❑FlNqNCipLSERVICRUQL ❑FINqNLIqLSFRV/AGCTG � .i pwYOR(OR0.55 ❑HUIMNR1GHi5 i,� / / �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resolurion authoriziug an agreement between Ramsey County and the Ciry of Saint Paul for services related to the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Progcam III. (34144) RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTONS: 1. Has this person/firtn everworked under a contractforthis depattrnentY - PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION YeS NO 3. Doe51hi5 perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee� YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a prgetetl vendor? + YES NO Explain alt yes answers on sepa�ate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WIiY) The Saint Paul Police Departrnent has been awazded the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program III, this gant period is from October 1, 1998 through September 1, 2000. The Saint Paul Police Department will pu with Ramsey County and other agencies to enhance and minimize crvne in the communities. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Saint Paul Police Department will work in collaboration with Ramsey Gounty in dealing with a host of issues with ffie communiries. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None. = M : � ,: . s ?,__ _ . DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED D rG.�'V ' FIS.� � � �_ n � �`; �"F� ... �d.: - The Saint Paui Police Deparpnent wiil be unable � p grant program. L i �� F , l�AYOFi'S VIf�Sf� ` , _ u '' 'v'"� i G:Si"'_. . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COSTIREVETfUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Federa� Government �+ �"-°S' �?c"�if 5���,'5���� FUNUING SOURCE Locai Law Enforcement Block Grant ACTIVITY NUMBER 43634144 FINANCIALINFORMATION(EXPLAM) , �P�i,.i � (j q�� /-' LLEB.III(34144}cr 1 i� G�c� _ I �S rt����.�r � r � / An agreement made and entered into this � day of �t , 1998, by and between the City of Saint Pau1, a municipal cotporation of the Saint of Minnesota, acting throu�h its deparhnent of police, hereinafter refened to as the SPPD, and Ramsey County, hereinafter referred to as Ramsey. WHEREAS, the city of Saint Paul has been awazded grant funding from the federal government in the £orm of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program, and WHEREAS, tae Saint Paul Police Department wishes to contract with Ramsey County for services in connection with the Loca1 Law Enforcement Block Grant Program, NOW TH�REFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the SPPD and Ramsey as follo�vs: That the total amount of the grant for Ramsey County is $203,068. 2. That Ramsey agrees to the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant requirement of a cash match of ;�7.2,563 before funding is available. 3. That the Ramsey County Sherii�s Office, Ramsey County Attorney's Office and Ramsey Count� Community Conections will fulfill the contract terms of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant as stipulated in the attached award. 4. That the grant period is from October 1, 1998 through September 1, 2000. 5. That Ramsey agrees to provide necessary documentation (receipts, copies of salary schedules, etc.) For reimbursement of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant expenditures a determined by SPPD. County of Ramsey, by � City of Saint Paul, by City of Saint Paul of Police �.�� Joseph Reid, Dire�tor of Financial Services as to form: Approved as to form: � r�T �r S� a ha�� , b� ���i.�d c�.�.e� 9'�'nSh �e�l' � �032/� `' LIR ` 1'1S ��`TO� U.S.DEPARTMENTOFJUSTICE AWARD OFFICE OF NSIICE PROGRAi�1S q� �; �.. � ' � 07P OX BJA � OJ�JP ❑X GRANT PAGE I OF 5 � � BJS � NU ❑ OVC � COOPERATNEAGREEMENT O� •�.- :. JU CHECKAPPROPRIATEBOX I.GRANTEENtllNEANDADDRESS(IndudingZipCode) 4.AWARDNUNBER 98LBVXi921 Ciry ofSaint Paul 15 West Kellogo Boulevard S. PROJECT PERIOD: FROhf 1�/Oi/1498 TO 09raf2400 Saint Paul, NN 55102 BUDGEIPERIOD:FROM ]O/D111998 TO 09r0l3000 IA.GRP.DITEEIRSNEVDORNO. 4160055?3 6.AWARDDA7E 9l30A998 7.AC7']ON 2. S7AGRANTEE N.4btE t4�'D ADDRESSQnc7uding Zip Code) 8. SUPPLEMENI'NTTMBER O Initial � Suppitmtntal 2A. SUBGRANTEE IRSf VENDORNO. 9. PREYfOUS AWARD A�tOUN3' S 0.40 3. PR07ECT TITLE l0. t4�fOUM OF THIS AWARD 56T6,89� Local Law Enforeement Biock Grancs Program -FY 1993 11. TO"!AL A WARD 5676,89d ` 12. SPECiAL COND[T10NS (Check, if applicable) a TNE ABOVE GRANI' PROIECT IS APPROVED SLB)EC?TO SUCH COyDIT]ONS OR UMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED 4 PAGES 13. STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOA GRAM � TITLE I OF THE OMNIBUS CWhfE CONTROL tL4D SAFE STREETS AC7 OF 1963. d2 U.S.C. 3701, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED � T1TLE 2 OF THE J WEMLE NSTfCE AND DELINQUENCY PREVEh'170N ACT OF 1974 42 U.S.C. 5601, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED � VICCIMS OF CRIME ACT OF 1984 , 42 U.S.C. t0601, ET. SEQ., PUBLIC LAW 98�73, AS AMENDED X❑ OTHER (Specify): Omnibus Appropriations Act of I99S (Public Law ]Oi-119) 14. FUTURE FISCAL YEAR(S) SUPPORT: SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD: N/A AMOUNTOFFUNDS: N/A 7YPEOFFWi D5: THIRD YEAR'S Bt1DGET PERIOD: N/A AMOUNT OF FUNDS: N/A 1YPE OF FUNDS: Li. METHOD OF PAYMENT THE GRANTEE WILL RECEiYE CASIT YIA A LETTER OF CAEDIT �� Q NO ����� AGENCY APPROVAL GRAYTEEE ACCEPTANCE - I 16. TYPED NAME AND IITLE OF APPROVING O1P OFflCIAL 1S.7YPED NAhtE AND Tl'FLE OF kiSTHOWZED GRANTEE OFFICiAL Nancy E. Gist, Director Noem Co(eman Bureau oflustice Assistance tayo I7. SIGYATURE OF APPROVMG O]P OFFICIAL 19.5 VA RE OF AUT GRAVTEE 19A. DATE f�� -� - ��fi AGENCY USE O L �` 20.ACCOUNTINGCLASSIFICATIONCODES 21. LIS703 FISCAL FUND BUD. DN, YEAR CODE ACT. OPC. REG. SUB. POAlS X Y L! SCI �0 OU LE O1P FORhI 40002 (REV. 5-87) PREVI US DITIONS ARE OBSOLGTE � U.S . DEPAR7MENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF IUSTICE PROGRA.MS � OJP a B7A � OJJDP � BJS � NU � OYC CHECE:APPROPR[ATEBOX Q9 - !?S GRAN7 MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. 1: PROJECTSUMMARY � GRANf � COOPERATiVEAGftEEM�NC PRO7ECTNi1MBER 98LBVX3921 ❑ This pro ect is supported under TiUe I of ihe Omni6us Qime Control and Safz Streets AcS 42 �SC 3701, az asnended. � This proyect is supported under the Juvenile Iustice and Delinquency Preven[ion Act of I974 ,az amended � Other: Omnibus Appropriation AM of 1998 1. STAFF CONTACT (Name, address & telephone number) GrtinCS Adminisvation Branch LLEBG Division, BJA 810 7th Stseet, NW, 4th Floor Washington, DC 20531 (202)305•2088 3a. TITLE OF'IHE PROGRAM Locat Law Enforcement Block Grants Program 4. TITLE OF PROJECT Local Law Enforcement Block Grana ProLram - 1995 5. NAME & ADDRESS OF GRANTEE City of Sain[ Paul 15 Wes[ Ketlog� Bouievard Sain[ Pauf, MN 55102 7. PROGRAM PERIOD FROM: S0J01/1998 TO: 9. AMOUNT OF ANARD 5676,894 11. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET N!A 73.'I'H1RD YEAR'S BUDGE'I' PERIOD N/A 74.THIRD YEAR'S BUDGcT AMOUNI' N/A 15. SUMMARY DESCAIPTION OF PROJECT The Local Law Enforcement Block Grana Program was authorized by the Omnibus Fisca] Yea ]998 Appropriations Act, Public Law IOSJ 19 for the purpose oP pmviding nniu of local govemmeni with funds to underwrite projecu to reduce crime and improve public satety. 7'he Bureau of Justice Assistance wi1l make direct awards to unia of locaf govemment when award amount� aze at feut 81Q000 ro be used consistent rvith the stntutory pro�ram puryose areas specified in section 7 01(a) (2). � The City oPSaint Paul has indicated that it intends to distribute its Locat Law Enforcement Block Granrs funds under the Poflowing pu2pose area(s): ( I a) Hirin� $345,129 (16) Overtime S U7,96 L (lc)Equipment$174,204 - " Czrtified compliance, pursuant to section 6t5, Pubfic Safety O�cea Health Benefits provision. 2. PROJECI DIRECTOR (Name,address & telephone number) Amy Brown ReseazchlGr:.r.�s Mana�er Ciry of Saini Paul 100 Eazt llth Sveet Saint Paul, Pv(N 551 D2 (612)29"!3�07 3b. POMS CODE LE 6. NriME & ADDRESS OF SIIBORANTEE 8. BUDGET PERIOD 09/30/2D00 FROM: 10lO1/5998 TO: 09f302000 l0. DATE OF AWARD 9130/1998 I?. SECOND Y£AR'S BUDGET AMOUNT N(A NCJNCF P FORM 4000f I(R£V. 4-88) PREYIOUS EDITfONS ARE OBSOLETE q�- a�s 1998 PROPOSAL FOR COLLABORATIVE USE OF THE LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT A mount awazded: Distribution of Funds Ramsey County Sheriff Ramsey County Attomey 12amsey County Corrections Saint Paul City Attomey Saint Pau1 Police Department Total expenditures with match Summary of proposed spending: Ramsey County Sheriff $6�6,&94' $ 77,166 $ 48,736 $ 77,166 $250,200 $223,626 $752,165 Match Amount $ 8,574 � 5,415 $ 8,574 $23,800 $28,843 Working in collaboration with several other law enforcement, social service and communiry-based agencies, the sheriff s office has launched several initiatives which are aimed at dealing with a host of issues zelated to at risk youth and gangs. The sheriff's office proposes utilizing its LLEBG ailocation to support these efforts by funding overtime, equipment and direct salaries. The overtime dollars would be expended on activities such as curfew and truancy sweeps, trainin„ warrant sweeps tazgeted at apprehending the most violent offenders and targeted enforcement of hot spots for gang activity. Expenditures for equipment wi11 include two enforcement vehicles and communications equipment. The direct salaries expenditure will be used to partaally fiind a new school liaison officer. Estimated expenditures: $21,SOQ overtime $42,000 equipment $22,240 salaries `Requires a 10 percent match totaling $75,211 q�-f�s Ramsey County Correcrions Once an offender is arrested, prosecutzd and sentenced, the corrzctions system esually assumes a lona-term responsibility for supervision. Whether an offznder is sentenced to prison or the worl:house, she,fhe �vill retum to the community under some type o� supervision. A probation oificer and z coznmunity corrections aide have been added to work closely urith the Minnesota Gang Strike Force. The primary responsibility is to intensively supervise selected public risk �ang members. These individuals have a smaller caseload of bot}� adult and juvenile offenders on intensive surveillance. Probation staff have partnered with Saint Paul Police Officers and Ramsey County Sheriffs deputies in tivorking s�izcted e�aening and weekend shifrs and responding to "hot spots" in the community. Strict and immediate enforcement of probation conditions includes random dru� tests, unannounced visits, curfews, electronic monitorin� and the requirement to obtain legitimate employment. A violation of these conditions would result in a return or commitment to prisoa. Probation staff also coordinates interasency and eang information and provides it to the gang unit and courts. Proposed expendihire of funds - Salaries $77.166. Ramsey County Attorncy's Office The Ramsey County Attorney's O�ce in cooperation the Ramsey County Courts, has initiated ongoin; meetin�s with criminal justice representatives to dzal with the issues surroundin� cases involving Quns, gan�s and violent crimes. One of the key issues identified was the need for the court to have more complete information on dzfendants prior to decisions on bail and sentencing. Law enforcement officers, and particularly those who work wich the Minnesota Gan� Strike Force, are in possession of necessary and useful information but are not usually present at court hearinss. An investiQator has been hired and is assiQned to work closely with the county attorney's special �an� prosecutor. Proposed expenditure of funds - Saiaries $77,166. Saint Paul City Attorney The St. Paul Ciry Attorney's Office has begun design and implementation of a inte�rated criminal justice information systzm to effectively support la�v enforcement investi�ations and arrests through aagressive and effective prosecution. The Locat La�v Enforcement Block Grant Funds �vill support this system with funds for equipment purchases. Proposed expenditure of funds - Equipment $136,404. Domestic assault is a serious ptiblic safety issue. In 1997 the City Attorney's Oifice and the Saint Paul Police Department beQan the Domestic Assault Squad pro�ram with Locat Lativ Enforcement Block Grant fiinds. The purpose of this pro�ram is to overcome � �q-1�5 insufficient evidence and increase successful eariy resolutions and tried cases by videofapin� domestic assault crime scenes. Proposed expendituze of funds - Salazies (city attomey's o�ce) $77,796, Overtime (police) $36,000. Saint Paul PolSce The Saint Paul Police Deparfinent has been awarded four technology COPS arants valued at 2�! million dollars. They were awazded to develop a computerized net�vork with lntranet and Intemet access, an automated Records Management System (RMS) �vith extensive search capabilities, 2nd a CDPD Wueless communications platfonn that will place the network and R.iVfS in the squad car for the patroi officer. The nerivork project and RMS proaram development are neady completion and work is beginning on the CDPD project. These_are critical pro�rams that need to be supported around the clock. The Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funds will be used to hire three systems support personnel for these technology grants. Proposed expenditure of funds - Salaries $126,590. The Saint Paut Police Department will use a portion of the Local baw Enforcement Qrant to support the follo�vin� activities as needed on an overtime basis: �ollaboration with Ramsey County Community Conzction and other partners on the Enhanced Probation Pilot Pro}ect. Oufcome: YIinimize criminai activity by youth within the community. �Ve fvill monitor fhe success rate of the persons placed on fhis program. This �vill be measured by their reduced police confacts and completion of this program. Also, we svill monitor fo sl�ow thaf they have complefed fheir education and/or have obtained a job to become productive member of the community. This effort wili be measured by a periodic reports of ihe probation officers on the progress of their probationers. By keepin� adjudicated youth ativay from other at- risk gan� members, there is an expectation that gan� activity will deczzase. Canine Unit. Outcome: Canine Unit detector dogs fvill retrieve sfreet drugs and assist in the confronfation �vith the street level drug dealer. The Canine Unit zvill also assist the FORCE Unit and assist in PORCE UnSt activities. The amount of street drugs that the SPPD Canine Unit detector dogs can retrieve wiil be calculated and reported. This assault on the street level dru� dealer with a concentrated police presence will alleviate the street dru� problem on Saint Paui's streets and in its nei�hborhoods. Interaction and involvement of the Canine Unit with FORCE Unit activities wi11 be quantified and analyzed periodically to see if this partnership has been effzetive in assisting FORCE. Cur£e�v. Outcome: Curfetiy viol�tors tiviil be stopped and tag;ed so that there is a diminution of youfhful perpetrators and victims on Saint Paul's streets. The Ramse_� Counry Tntancy and Curfew Coilaboration has been an on-�oing effort between law 3 q �. ��s enforcement and youth-focused diversion programs for over three yeazs. The collaboration is intent on making the effort a permanenf pro�ram available for a11 �ovemmental units in Ramsey County. $y havin� one location which is staffed and with professional intake workers £or assistance, the curfew violator will be able to access a variety of referral resources. The collabaration meefs monthly and has an on-�oina evaluation component with Wilder Research. The SPPD curfew effort will generate regular reports which vaill be included wiUun the lazger collaboration. Truancy. Outcome: Truancy violators wiIi be stopped and tagged so that there is a diminufion of tzuancy violators. Truancy, the other half of the Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Collaboration has been the main focus of the coliaboration and has been in operation for the last three academic yeazs. As analysis of the project has evolved over those years, the information has been instructive to both the evaluators and to the collaborative members. Due to the presence of the Youth Service Bureau on both program components (truancy and curfew) and its involvement in other youth crisis services, YSB has been able to establish a profile of the acting out youth. What is emerging is a youth who is both a truant and curfew violator, and in some cases, a youth who has been in need of other sociai services. As this coordination of information goes forward, the acting out youth �vi1l be able to be identified at an earlier stage in dysfunction and remedial resources can be utilized in retuming the youth to a healthier funetion leo�el. Gun Suppression. Outcome: To reduce the number of handguns that are in the City of Saint Paul. There has been success in training officers in techniques to rztrieve illegal guns, especially those that are in the possession of youth. The ]eading cause of death in teenagers (ages 1� throu�h 24) has always been the result of violence £rom unintentional accident.' The Center for Disease Control has now classified violent death of youth by means of homicide as the second leading cause and classifies it as wzthin epidemic numbers. The presence and use of the wn escalates a confrontation into a tragedy. The o�cers will be able to document those gm�s which have been confiscated by utilizin� gun suppression techniques. Police Presence in Retail Areas. Outcome: 'I'o allo�v for the flozv of commerce svithout disruption or fhe perspective of lack of safety in the reYail areas. With the Mall of America havin� been named the number one vacation destination in the nation, the metropolitan commercial businesses have benefitted from this amaction. The rivin clties are now an international destination and the spillover for all kinds of businesses has been a positive outcome which �vas not at first espected. One of the hallmarks of the retail attraction in Minnesota is the overatl safery of the area. Saint Paul must maintain this high level of safety, cleanJiness and comfort in its shogpin� areas if its businesses are to thrive. Grand Avenue, the various shoppina centers such as Hillcrest Shoppin� Centzr, Sunray Center, Hi�hland and Payne Avenue have a need for an on-�oing visible police presence. The dotivntor.vn area also has rebounded from an almost non-esistent retaii ener�y. This rebound is due to a major commitment of the SPPD's downto�vn patrol. � .- ' . - � a q .��s The continuance of this zero tolerance effort is necessary £or the unmediate future as Saint Paul reclaims its place as a retail center. Officers engaged in overtime patrol will document their involvement in the cessation of those types of offenses which detract from a positive shoppin� experience such as purse snatciun�,loiter;n�, panhandling, public urination, public drunkenness, and other negative qualify of life incidents. Neighborhood Service Arza. Outcome: To expand the effectiveness of ffie current NSA program. individual officer use of available overtime for each NSA enhancement program would be audited routinely with interim reporting to district staff pzrsonnel. A district lieutenant would be assigned oversight responsibility and report the progress or lack oY progress on a regular basis to the Dishicf Commander. The District commander would evaluate and dizect continuation or termination of each prob am based upon a personal assessment o£the success of the program. Regular reports on this enhancemeni wo�ild be generated. UniversiTy Avenue "Street Rods" Detail. Ontcome: To be able to police the "Street Rods" event without drawing police strenb h from tfie rivo other disfricfs: Regular reports by those workin� this overtime detail will provide the data necessary to adjust staffing levels. The program initially wouid be to assign four o�cers each Friday and Saturday through the conclusion of the state fair which is the annual even which operates as a ma�net for the street rod owners. Throu�h the month of September, the overtime o�cers would be reduced to two each nijht. Adjustments tivould be made if ihe situation called for it. This enforcement effort makes the area a safer place and it increases the departments presence. Increased traffic enforcement. Outcome: To increase the number of tra£fic vSolation tags �vriften. Officers will be assigned to the kugh accident rate areas at peak traffic times to ensure increased safety for both.pedestrians and motorists. Proposed use of funds - Overtime $97,036. 5